#aph ket
peonycats · 7 months
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You might have noticed that i havent been posting art that much recently, which has been caused by a variety of reasons, but one of which is that I've been hunkered down and working on this series about my Siberian OCs!!! Really proud of how these turned out, esp the embroidery and patterns, even if i did fry my hand a bit in the process LOL
Click the read more for icons and personality descriptions written by @irithnova, who I share many of these OCs with :3c
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Yukagir: Resident old lady surrounded by (who she sometimes considers annoying) youngins, sweet demeanour and pleasant to talk to, though she isn't immune to giving a good scolding when a younger Siberian is annoying her. Lots of knowledge from her many years when it comes to practical stuff so is good with her hands, though she finds other things difficult to remember… Sakha: Approachable and outgoing, hardheaded and unafraid to speak his mind. Big organiser of events and knows who everyone is - is always trying to extend his reach, even outside of Siberia. Smokes like there's no tomorrow. Was kind of a menace in his youth - his neighbours don't let him forget. Is artistic at heart, has sketchbooks full of illustrations and is pretty crafty. Saul Goodman who? Evenia: Easy going but usually keeps to himself, often mistaken for Evenkia much to his chagrin. Somewhat playful, loves some good banter. Excellent storyteller and has a million random tips and tricks stored in his head. Sporty, loves to challenge people to a race.
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Dolgan: Similar to Sakha, she is also hard headed and unafraid to speak her mind, seeing as he raised her. Very studious and serious about her research, calculative about a lot of her actions. Seems timid on the surface because of her appearance, but she's managed to wield a lot of influence. Usually decked out in pretty clothing and jewellery from Sakha. Evenkia: Likes to take on a mentor role to those younger than him, like he did with Sakha. Very knowledgeable and enjoys problem solving. Has a bit of a reputation for dumping children of his onto others, though you would never guess this through his appearance alone. Enjoys collecting things, nerdy. Ket: Serious faced mostly and protective of himself, quite reserved, so it means a lot when he lets his guard down. Very particular about his routines, though this has made him quite good at planning and organising. Caught up in his own thoughts a lot - makes sense seeing as he's the last survivor of the Yenisein family. 
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Chukotka: Social butterfly and very outgoing. Likes to be sort of a big sister figure to people, including North American groups. May seem scatterbrained and silly on the surface but she is far more clever than she lets on. Very girly and bubbly, wears jewellery that jingles as she walks past. Koryak: "Sibling" of Chukotka but personality wise he's quite different - he takes himself a bit more seriously. Dry sense of humour, and like Ket, he can be pretty sarcastic. Has a reputation of being a troublemaker (blame Russia for that), he's really not though. Being somewhat strung up is unfortunately his default these days. Itelmen: Woman respecter™ (no seriously look up the Itelmens' original polytheistic religion). Invites the other Siberians to his celebrations and is a pretty good host, but is prone to being possessive over them (as in, he wants to remind them that this is HIS tradition so don't try and claim it 🙄). Also prone to unprompted malding. His hair is well styled and maintained, though he pretends like he does nothing to it so as to not give up his secrets.
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irithnova · 2 months
About my Siberia ocs...
So I think it's important to balance their characterisation in a way in which they are distinctive characters with interesting personalities and backstories but also acknowledges the challenges they face without making their entire character essentially "They're sad all the time because of Russia" or "Stop talking about their struggles under Russia I don't like politics."
I think both are problematic however I find the latter to be far more distasteful because well. This is a nation personification OC we're talking about and not only that, they're essentially nations within a nation (Russia) by virtue of colonisation and so are minority groups within the larger nation. Hell - because of displacement and immigration from European Russia , a lot of these groups are minorities within their own lands. It's a special case when dealing with minority groups/occupied people personifications and it's particularly egregious when someone wants to forgo any kind of acknowledgement of these power imbalances yet still insists that their interpretation is sensitive.
I've seen some pretty bad OCs of Siberian groups which are the product of the creator going "I hate politics stop talking about politics!" or, an almost direct quote, "I hate when people shove politics into historical hetalia." Which... Is an interesting take to say the least considering how history feeds into politics and vice versa. Historical hetalia is a beast in an of itself and is one of the only hetalia communities/bubbles in which "no politics" will get you laughed out the door from what I've seen considering *gestures to my previous statement*. If you've ever taken a history course - you'll know how much history and politics are intertwined.
This is how you get interps which consists of the likes of "Russia was wandering around the empty lands of Siberia" which not only blatantly disregards the brutality of the Russian colonisation of Siberia but also promotes the concept of "Terra Nullius" or "Virgin Land". I'm quoting myself from an even bigger post I have in store which focuses on anti Mongolian sentiment however stereotypes about Mongolians and Siberian groups often overlap because of their placement in Northern Asia, hence why it applies to both,
"In addition, to hone in on Mongolia being an "untouched, pristine" land - this is also a common trope that is launched towards traditionally nomadic "unsettled groups” (such as Siberian and Native American groups). The concept of "Terra Nullius", a Latin word meaning "nobody's land". It completely disregards the presence and rights of the people who inhabit the land and has been historically used to justify the colonisation and displacement of such groups - their land belonged to "nobody" so it was essentially up for grabs...It divorces the people from their landscape and paves the way for dangerous misconceptions and justifications to blossom.
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Here is an example of "Terra Nullius" in action in a Russian propaganda poster, encouraging Russians to move to Kazakhstan."
Or interps such as "[Siberian group] has forgiven Russia for everything he did/most things he did and is in love with him" which implies that the mistreatment of the Siberian groups is merely something in the past when it is in fact ongoing. The mistreatment of Siberian groups such as the Sakha, Buryats, Chukchi and Tuvans has been all the more highlighted in their disproportionate mobilisation in the invasion of Ukraine - and the heaps of scapegoating that was subsequently shovelled onto them.
That's not to say ethnic minority soldiers in the Russian army shouldn't be held accountable for their crimes - however that and the fact that they themselves are victims of Russian imperialism can both exist as true statements. The scapegoating is so bad that even Pope Francis joined in, blaming the brunt of the war crimes committed onto "Non Russians" such as Buryats and Chechens, as they do not come from "Russian culture."
Back to my main point... I think the resistance to do research on and publicly acknowledge how these groups live under Russia and what kind of struggles they face in some kind of bid to "not paint them as victims!!11" is sorely misinformed and ignorant. Because well. They are victims.
Not in the sense that you should portray them as sad, pitiful, weak little meow meows but in the sense that yes they are living under Russian occupation and are an occupied people who's been subjected to centuries of Russification, and so compared to making an OC of Mongolia who is an independent nation state at least I think there is far less room to be hauling around "leave politics out of historical hetalia!" "don't talk to me about politics!" "stop victimising them!!" because then it leads to tone deaf interpretations such as "They've forgiven Russia for everything and is in love with him ♥️💖", "Russia is actually [Siberia groups] father", "Here is my singular Siberia OC who represents ALL Siberian groups and by the way Russia is their father" (yes these are all real interpretations I've seen and I've made a separate really strongly worded post ranting about it) and worse. I mean I've literally seen an "aph Siberia oc" who was Russia and France's love child. Terra Nullius executed Hetalia-style.
I don't really think I need to elaborate on why a singular Siberia OC is problematic - Siberia is filled with a myriad of different groups who speak different languages, have different origins and ways of lives and practices, different religions, who've experienced eras of peace and conflict with each other, etc and yeah to shove them all into one personification is an erasure of the sheer diversity that is in Siberia. I definitely don't need to elaborate on why making Russia a father to any of these groups is problematic, to say very the least.
On the point of "don't only portray them in a victimising lense", I think making Siberian groups all depressed all the time is also a Russia-centric perspective. Of course it's ignorant at best to not acknowledge their shared suffering because of Russia however when this point and this point alone is central to their character I believe in a way that it strips them of their autonomy and ability to feel things and do things outside of Russia's gaze. There is absolutely a lot of joy to be had despite their current situation, perhaps even in spite of their current situation. It's ok to give them odd quirks and put them in funny situations as well as acknowledge that they are an occupied people and approach that territory carefully when need be.
For example, I made my Buryatia bubbly and loud but made my Tuva a bit more deadpan because I see them as a pair who often associate with each other and I think the dynamic is funny. I also made Buryatia an overbearing "husband" to Soyot who is perpetually tired™ from all the se- .
I made a crack dynamic between Sakha, Evenkia and Dolgan where Evenkia was Sakha's teacher at first but then became a deadbeat dad leaving Sakha to primarily raise Dolgan, thus Dolgan takes after Sakha and is uh lawyermaxxing👍. Yukaghir is the little old lady of the group who is often forgetful but very nifty and Chukotka acts like a big sister to people which Koryak (who I see as her brother) always finds annoying and they often bicker. Ket is on the slightly edgy side and is extremely particular about his routines and Nganasan terrifies Nenet because he eats reindeer whereas Nenet doesn't.
All of these quirks/ more lighthearted interpretations and "they are an occupied people under Russia" can coexist. One should not be thrown out for the sake of the other.
I think there's also problem - though I've seen this far less, in making Siberia ocs purely as a middle finger at Russia. As in, you made the OC because you wanted to say loud and proud FUCK RUSSIA which well yeah, fuck Russia, but I highly doubt your interest in this group lies outside of wanting to #own the Russians which is dehumanising in and of itself. At least pretend to care about the history and culture instead of using an entire group of people to make a virtue-signally oc purely to try and upset some Russians.
Anyways yeah Siberia 👍
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datutudau · 2 years
Kết quả thay đổi danh mục ETF kỳ quý II/2022: FTSE Vietnam ETF loại APH, V.N.M ETF thêm SHB, VCG và loại ORS
Bài viết mới nhất: Kết quả thay đổi danh mục ETF kỳ quý II/2022: FTSE Vietnam ETF loại APH, V.N.M ETF thêm SHB, VCG và loại ORS
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(thitruongtaichinhtiente.vn) – FTSE Russell và MVIS đã công bố kết quả danh mục những chỉ số mới. Danh mục mới sẽ mang hiệu lực từ ngày 22/6, do đó những quỹ ETF liên quan sẽ cần hoàn thành tái cơ cấu danh mục vào ngày thứ Sáu (17/6) tới đây. Theo đó, FTSE Vietnam Index …
#Blog #ETF, #FTSEVietnamETF, #FubonFTSEVietnamETF, #VNMETF DauTuTuDau: https://daututudau.vn/ket-qua-thay-doi-danh-muc-etf-ky-quy-ii-2022-ftse-vietnam-etf-loai-aph-v-n-m-etf-them-shb-vcg-va-loai-ors/
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eldritchharmony · 3 years
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norge + ket what more can i say
i know it isn’t accurate, norway smiling has happened like, twice at the most but kets can make anyone happy
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Electron Transfer Process between C60 Fullerene and Memberane Cells of Salmonella Typhimurium; a Theoretical Study-JuniperPublishers
Journal of Chemistry-JuniperPublishers
The relationship between the number of carbon atoms and the free energies of electron transfer (AGet) were investigated using the Marcus Theory and Rehm-Weller equation for ET- (electron transfer) and PET-process (Photoelectron Transfer) between fullerenes and the cells wall of Salmonella typhimurium. The calculations are presented for the oxidation potential (Ox.E1) of fullerene (C60). The results were used to calculate the free-energies of electron transfer (ΔGet) of the ET-process for the fullerenes. The first free activation energies of electron transfer and the maximum wave length of the electron transfers, ΔG#et(n) and λet, respectively, were also calculated in this study for the selected conditions in accordance with the Marcus theory.
Keywords: Fullerenes; Salmonella typhimurium; Electrical potential; Electron transfer process; free energies of electron transfer; Rehm-Weller equation; Plank's formula; Marcus Theory
Abbreviations: LPS: Lipo Poly Saccharides; PMF: proton motive force ET: Electron Transfer; LE: Locally Excited; TS: Transition State; QMD: Quantum Molecular Dynamics
Salmonella typhimurium is a pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria predominately found in the intestinal lumen. Its toxicity is due to an outer membrane consisting largely of Lipo Poly Saccharides (LPS) which protect the bacteria from the environment [1]. The LPS is made up of an O-antigen, a polysaccharide core, and lipid A, which connects it to the outer membrane. Lipid A is made up of two phosphorylated glucosamines which are attached to fatty acids. These phosphate groups determine bacterial toxicity. Animals carry an enzyme that specifically removes these phosphate groups in an attempt to protect themselves from these pathogens. [1] The O-antigen, being on the outermost part of the LPS complex is responsible for the host immune response. S. typhimurium has the ability to undergo acetylation of this O-antigen, which changes its conformation, and makes it difficult for antibodies to recognize [1].
The two basically forms of metabolic energy in microorganisms have introduced as: a) the ions (such as proton) gradients provide the electrochemical energy for cell of microorganisms, and b) the energy-rich phosphate bonds such as ATP molecule. A cell of bacteria includes an organized cytoplasm and the organization of the proteins particularly for those intricate and important morphogenetic processes is for the cell operations such as morphogenetic processes [2] The ApH and the A¥ (trans-membrane chemical proton gradient and trans-membrane electric potential, respectively) were constructed by the producing Proton Motive Force (PMF) [3] .
The different empty fullerenes (Cn) with various number of carbon atoms "n" such as C60, C70, C76, C82 and C86, have been obtained [4-6]. Because of the different number of the carbon atoms in their structures these molecules show different chemical, physical and mechanical properties. The compressive mechanical behaviors of the empty fullerenes Cn (n = 20, 60, 80, and 180) were investigated with using QMD (Quantum Molecular Dynamics) technique by Shen [4] the interesting stability of molecular allotropes C60 and C70 After the discovery of C60 peapods [5] the aligned structure of encapsulated molecules has been studied as a new type of hybrid material due to the molecule-molecule interactions. Since the early 1990s, the electrochemical properties of the C60 were studied when these materials first became available in macroscopic quantities.
In 2003, for the first time, the hypothesis of fullerenes acting as electron drainer which can disrupt the respiratory chain with electron leakage by Mashino et al. [6] The report was focused on positively charged derivatives, however the behind mechanism of interactions seems to have common points. [6] This study elaborates on the electron transfer process between C60 fullerene and the membrane cells of Salmonella typhimurium. The relationship of the free energies of electron transfer (AGet) between the cell wall of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria with C60 fullerene and ΔG#et(n) of the ET-process, on the basis of the oxidation potentials (Ox. E1) of the C60 fullerene as assessed by applying the Rehm-Weller equation and Marcus Theory. [6] In this study, were also calculated the activate free energies of electron transfer and the maximum wave length of the electron transfers (ΔG#et(n) and λet), applying Marcus theory on the basis of the oxidation potentials of the fullerenes C60 to predict the data of the ET-process between the membranes of the membrane cells of Salmonella typhimurium and C60 fullerene.
Methods, Results and Discussion
The LUMO orbital of C60 can accept up to six electrons (6e) to form C606-, but the position of the HOMO does not allow for hole- doping under the usual reported electrochemical conditions. Haufler et al. [7] have demonstrated the reduction C60 to C601- and C602- electrochemically in CH2Cl2 media. Echegoyen et al. [8] electrochemically reduced C60 in six reversible steps for -0.97V vs. Fc/Fc+. The irreversible electrochemical and structural reorganization of solid fullerenes in acetonitrile was reported by Bard et al. The experimental conditions by investigating highly organized C60 films on HOPG in an aqueous medium was improved by Dunsch et al. [9] the reduction of the tin films induces a morphological change.
All of the mathematical operations have performed using Microsoft Office Excel-2003 and MATLAB-7.4.0(R2007a) programs. Equation 1 has applied to measure the values of Get for the dipolar complexes that have yet to be reported in the literature. The free energy changes between an electron donor (D) and an acceptor (A) estimates by Rehm-Weller equation estimates, as: [10].
In this equation "e" is the unit electrical charge, EDo and EAo are the reduction potentials of the electron donor and acceptor, respectively, ΔE* is the energy of the singlet or triplet excited state and w1 is the work required to bring the donor and acceptor to within the Electron Transfer (ET) distance. If an electrostatic complex constructs before the ET process, the work term in this expression is equal to zero [11-12].
The Marcus theory of ET-process implies rather weak (<0.05eV) electronic coupling between the initial (Locally Excited, LE) and final (Electron Transfer, CT) states and presumes that the TS (Transition State) is close to the crossing point of the LE and CT terms [13]. The value of the ET-rate constant ket is controlled by ΔG#et, which is a function of the reorganization energy (l/4) and electron transfer driving force ΔGet:
ΔG #et = (l/4)(1 + ΔGet /l) 2     (Eq.-2)
The reorganization energy of organic molecules ranges from 0.1-0.3 eV. In this study, was utilized the minimum amount of the reorganization energy [14].
The maximum wavelength (λet) of the electromagnetic photon for the electron transfer process in the dipolar complex was calculated by Planck's formula:
ΔG # et = AE = h.c / X(n)     (Eq.-3)
In Figure 1 has shown the imaginary ET-process between the cell wall of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria and C60 fullerene to construct the dipolar complexes by electrostatic attraction after ET and/or PET process. In Figure 2 has demonstrated the imaginary surfaces of the free energies of the ET-process
Get and G#et between the cell wall of Salmonella typhimurium and C60 fullerene. See Table 1 for the calculated data. On the basis of the obtained results from literatures the Ox.E1of C60 and Red E of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria is 1.12 and 0.00154 Volt, respectively [15-18].
The results of the calculations of the ET and/or PET-process and applying the equations 1-4 show that the values of the free-energies of electron transfer (AGet), first free activation energies of electron transfer and the maximum wave length of the electron transfers, ΔG#et(n) and Aet, respectively, were: 27.17, 35.94 kcal mol-1 and 795nm, respectively. It was assumed that the discussed ET-process has also stopped some phenomena related to restriction in bacteria growth by perturbation on the membrane charges of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria cell wall. See equations 1-4, Figures 1 & 2 and Table 1. The calculated data for ET- and/or PET-process between the other fullerenes (C70, C76, C82 and C86) and cell wall of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria were demonstrated in Table 1. In agree with the obtained results the ET process has occurred in lower ΔG#et(n) and bigger λet by increasing the electron population in greater fullerenes. The PET process from Salmonella typhimurium to C60 fullerene occurs at about 795nm, but, for greater fullerenes (like C76 to C86) it will occur in near-lR region.
In this study, the values of the maximum wavelengths (AGet) for the ET-process between the selected fullerenes and the bacteria cell wall in the dipolar complexes by Planck's formula were demonstrated. The photonic energy of the ET-process was also determined by the use of this formula. Most of the Values were found in the range of Visible to near-lR (795-1640nm) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Get depends on the G#et value in each state. The values of Get have increased by decreasing of the G#et value in each state. In this study, the photo-electron transfer process was investigated to find medicinal and antibiotic activities for the selected fullerenes by performing the complexes between fullerenes and the bacteria membrane (figures 1 & 2) (Table 1).
The results of this study may be applied in some medical treatment operations, such as irradiation of the appropriate λet to destruct the membrane cells of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria in presence of Cn (n=60, 70, 76, 82 and 86) fullerenes. The results discussed here and the calculated values of Get, G#et and Aet corresponding to the electron transfer process have neither predicted nor reported before. It is supposed that the ET- and/or PET-process between the membrane of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria with Cn (n=60, 70, 76, 82 and 86) fullerenes prepare the conditions to restrict the bacteria (Salmonella typhimurium) growing by perturbation in the cell wall charges of Salmonella typhimurium.
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peonycats · 5 months
Love your siberian OCs! Have you already made/have considered making Finno-Ugric (Sami, Komi, Karelia, Mordovia) or Samoyedic (Nenets, Enets, Selkup) OCs?
I've drawn Sami here before (I like her design but I think I would probably tweak it a bit next time I draw her 🤔) But I do have Nenets and Komi in the works! Slowly working towards a continuation of my Siberian Squad post with even more minority nation-tans, and this is a sketch page of concepts for Nenets and Komi!
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