#aph District of Columbia
careless-writer · 1 year
Moscow: I have a problem.
DC: Kill it.
Moscow: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
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unknown-box-boi · 4 years
How about a dc?
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Tada ~
He’s pretty shy and tends to try and hide behind Alfred instead. He’s prone to head aches and aches in general.
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tyiaunia-harris · 3 years
Aph Washington DC 🕶🇺🇲🇲🇫🇨🇳🐼🦅
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Name: Diana Ofella Clementine Jones Age: 231 (physically 19 years old) Personality: perfectionist, hard worker, responsible and respectful. Diana is pretty much the glue that holds the family together. Is usually left in charge of the house while Alfred is away on business meetings, works alot in the white house and has the presidents number on speed dial in case some serious shit goes down. Diana is often in meetings regarding her statehood with her siblings Maryland and Virginia acting as her bodyguards. She is tough as nails and has been through a of pain over the year's that only help make her grow into a stronger person. Despite headaches she frequently gets working with both parties in the white house she wouldn't trade it for anything else because at the end of the day it's all worth it with she gets to go on father/daughter dates to a local coffee shop with her dad and brother and Sister. Qoutes: "Everyone, settled down please. Let's get to work, 'bama your up first." (Her introduction to staring the state meetings) "Thanks again for your help everyone. We'll getting closer towards the finish line. Don't give up!" (To her people and family for the fight to make her the 51st state) Facts: Has a pet red panda named Péngsōng, a wood thrust bird name Mokuzai. Knows English, Spanish, French, Chinese and many more. Always dressed in professional attire no matter the occasion. Has a scar on her back that reflects the day white house was burn, and although she has forgiven England and Canada. She still hunted by that painful reminder. During the capital riots though she was being comfort by her siblings, she kept screaming in pain and cursing in mixed languages until it was all over. "I will never forget that day, no one should." She vowed as she pointed her gun towards her shooting practice dummy blowing it to smithereens before breaking down. Aph Washington DC 🕶🇺🇲🇲🇫🇨🇳🐼🦅
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tyiaunia-harris · 3 years
Aph Washington DC
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Age: 19. Name: Amelia Olivia Jones Washington DC personified. Personality: perfectionist, hard worker, responsible and respectful. Love's her family dearly, messed with mama, get gun to face. Nicknames: Mini America, Second mother, Momma's pride and joy. Scary girl (nickname by Arthur after first meeting the states)
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