#anyways this a certified Fuck Wess post. all my mutuals hate Wess and love Duster
whistlingstarlight · 8 months
Thinking about that bit from Mother 3 where Kumatora defends Duster from his asshole dad and everything that led up to it:
"You know, you shouldn't keep calling your own kid a moron. Because if he really is a moron, he wouldn't understand anyway."
That line hit me hard when I first played through that scene. Rarely do I get genuinely angry at characters in video games, but Wess absolutely infuriated me throughout the chapter. He sets Duster up for failure by telling him "you'll know it when you see it" in regards to the item he's been sent to retrieve, then gets angry when Duster inevitably brings back the wrong thing (to the point of physically breaking said item, which visibly stresses out Duster).
He continually berates Duster the rest of the journey through the castle, calling him a moron and even a failure. When Kumatora steps in to defend Duster, Wess has no response. It's not until Duster does something right in Wess's eyes that he "takes it all back". Even though Duster's more than proved himself by that point, Wess stays hung up on one mistake and will not let Duster forget it.
Duster is not a moron. He's extremely aware of everything his dad says, and understands what he means by it.
And despite supposedly taking it all back, and after his son being missing for three years, he calls him a moron one last time.
It's quite a light insult for a game with so many dark themes, but it's a frighteningly realistic depiction of what some parents are like. Slowly wearing you down with petty insults and mockery until you don't have the confidence to defend yourself. Then give you the barest of compliments when you do something "right".
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