#anyway pls tell your sona that i love her!!! :’3
Waughhh Ari!!😭😭 thank you so so much for such a sweet response to my silly lil jjk sona thoughts🥺 It was such a fun time sending in her info to chat about, a lot of my friends enjoy but are not super into jjk, especially not to the extent of making a sona/oc so I’ll generally just have ideas marinate in my mind because I don’t want to overwhelm them by trying to talk about it ^^;
And!! Thank you so so much for all of your wonderful support and offer to listen to all of her lore™️, I would just never want to bore you or clog up your inbox/blog!🥺 (But I cannot lie I do have some more😳) But anyways!!! I cannot get over how sweet your response is I’m glad her CT seems to be interesting enough, especially considering it’s more or less support based. I was struggling big time trying to think of something that would seem fitting AND work, so to hear that she has the esteemed Ari stamp of approval,,,,sobbing and screaming,,,the highest honor🥺
Omg omg I had never even considered her technique possibly weakening the side effects of Sugu having to consume the curses that is😳 so so big brain but also so <:( poor guy has to get his CT enrichment time so the curses don’t eat at him from the inside out </3 She’s just here to support her friends and protect them in any way she can, and if that means giving them silly friendship bracelets then so be it😤
And ramble aside!!! Pretty please know that I, as well as everyone else would love to hear about your sona if you ever feel like chatting about them! The more the merrier, jjk sonas are such a fun thing to create and I know yours is absolutely lovely! <:D As always there’s zero rush to respond or anything of the like, and thank you so so much for your time!🥺
🍓 ANON MY LOVE !!!!!
PLS there’s no need to thank me at all!!!! thank you so much for being so sweet and for sharing such an awesome sona w me 🥺🥺 i love her already!!!! she’ll always always have the ari stamp of approval <33 AND PLS DON’T HOLD BACKKK i’d love to hear more abt her!!! genuinely!!!! it could never bore me!!!!! i’m alr so invested in her ct and relationships…. would LOVE to know what her dynamic w sashisu is like :0 if you’re open to sharing, obv!! <33
but wahhhh i just. really think she’s so lovely!!! and yeah my brain has a tendency to jump straight to sugu no matter the topic of discussion 😭😭 but i think he would be soooo fond of a sweet little reader……
She’s just here to support her friends and protect them in any way she can, and if that means giving them silly friendship bracelets then so be it😤
LIKE… she’s just such a lil angel T_T i’m such a sucker for characters who unabashedly adore their friends….. i just KNOW they never take those bracelets off too . hhhh they’re adorable…. i’m clutching my chest n falling to the ground….. pls have mercy 🍓 anon……….
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peachiseas · 2 months
okay i am very new here, so i need a through introduction to your mcs! like eve for example, pls post his whole biography o(╥﹏╥)o
fr tho, tell me anything and everything :D
TOOK SO DAMN LONG SINCE I WANTED TO DRAW A STEP ONE REF OF EVE BUT ITS GONNA TAKE A MINUTE so here are the sketches,,, Anyways- gonna introduce the main two mcs/ocs you'll see here: Eve Cortez Williams and Aaliyah Dubious
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(dont mind my ipad scribbles on the screenshot iofqiowogi) Lemme put this under a readmore actually so yall dont get slammed with a long ass post:
Starting with Eve:
He's my Tamarack MC, but I figured since uh. all my art that was a given
He has a strained relationship with Qiu in step 1 but they become besties by step 2 and by step 3, they are like family to each other. If no one got Eve, Eve knows Qiu got them, amen 🙏
He comes out as transmasc by step 2, and by step 3 he gets top surgery and starts taking testosterone and firmly identifies as a butch lesbian
He's from the southern part of Miami, Florida. He's Golden Grove's residential florida man
He practices martial arts religiously, he's a big fan of Goku and Dragonball in general so he wants to be like his idol
His story deviates a bit from the OL2 generic mc story, he did have a dad! Opal and his dad wanted a kid but they both didn't want to get married and since the two of them were best friends, they decided to have a kid together (or well two but we'll talk about that later)
What's important to note from above is that his dad isn't around anymore because his father passed away a few months ago due to a car accident and Eve was hospitalized as a result
So by the time he's at Golden Grove, he's in anger stages of his grief and he doesn't want to be bothered. Which sucks cause hes neighbors with the two loudest kids on the block
Doesn't help he's a ESL speaker (English as a Second Language) and Golden Grove's population is majorly white so he has even harder of a time adjusting to it
He gets into fights in step 1... a Lot. Someone will look at him funny and they'll get punched in the face
He does adjust but he still doesn't like Golden Grove by step 3 but funnily enough, he moves away at the end of step 3 for treatment but moves back in step 4, crazy how that shit works huh
He has two emotional support bunnies; Bulma and Chi-Chi! He gets them in step 2, Qiu and Eve bond over them LMFAO
As for Aaliyah:
She's my Qiu MC, to the shocker of no one. Tamarack is also her best friend <3
Aaliyah is from New Orleans, Louisiana! She's full blooded Haitian and she has family in Haiti
She's also transfem! She passes for cis in step 1 thanks to hormone blockers and some makeup and then starts taking estrogen in step 2 and onwards
Her being black and transfemme is integral to her character and how she navigates around Golden Grove, she doesn't tell anyone she's trans until near the end of step 1. By step 3, the girl gang and Qiu knows shes trans
^^ That's because she had a very negative experience coming out to her community who previously loved her but flipped on her just as fast
So moving to Golden Grove was supposed to be a fresh start for her as herself but by that point she feels like she has to keep up her "cis-sona" lest she gets bullied again
She still gets bullied for other reasons in step 2 though (being a pretty black girl and the one person who has a crush on her is the most popular kid in school... its rough! 😭)
By step 4 though she is proud to call herself trans and will let people know!
She lovessss animals! And the animals love her back! She feeds them all the time and keeps animal food on her for that purpose when she goes to the park to read by herself, she got a flock of crows and stray cats that like to follow her
She has a cat named Kiki!!! Kiki loves everyone except Qiu though, Aaliyah doesnt know that though-
I hope that was enough of a info-dump! If anyone has anymore questions please ask i have so much lore please-
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