#anyway our synastry is oof
opia-tarot · 7 months
Hi. What do you think about chiron conjunct Moon in synastry? Thank you.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hey! This is a cool question! Also you’re welcome🖤🖤 🖤🖤
Okay so this is an interesting aspect to have. This aspect causes a deep connection. But of course a deep connection also means an upheaval of subconscious stuff too. I mean these 2 in conjunction?? Oof. This is like come on let’s get our baggage🧳 nah i’m kidding. But anyway this aspect does bring up subconcious wounds. I mean chiron always does this. But the emotional connection you have allows you to bond on a deeper level, which helps you to move past those subconscious wounds.
This isn’t for everyone because it can be very emotionally intense and maybe even a bit triggering at first. But once you both realise the similarities of your emotional experiences, you’ll realise the potential of the connection.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Hello! ✨✨ Thank you for your answer! It was so cute! 💕 I was wondering if you could explain how N.N./S.N. could be feel in synastry when aspecting the angles of the other person (asc/I.C./desc/M.C)??
Hey Bere!! 💕💕💕💕 OOF I’m glad we got to talk about it!! 💕💕 🤗 I’ll do my best for this one too! 💕
[Below Cut: Synastry - NN/SN 🌙 aspects to Angles  ]
So there’s a couple of different aspects right? Most commonly people like to look at conjuncts/oppositions, but squares and sextiles can be important too. 
I’m going to explain it all in strides, so bear with me if it’s a bit long ok askdnff
ASC conjunct NN/SN (opposite DSC)  – mostly affects the SN/NN person where they feel comfortable around the ASC person. Since it’s the opposite to their DSC, the Angle person might feel more like they have a lot in common with the NN/SN and thus– their differences can be stark/harder to resolve as well (tries to assimilate NN/SN to themselves)
There’s a natural chemistry, a gravity towards each other. Imagine like, finding someone who just ‘clicks’ with you the right way, it makes one protective of the person but also doesn’t really understand them completely (because y know, NN/SN is the nodal axis, so it’s going to bring movement, while the Angles stay stagnant).  
The closer the orb is, the more ‘personal identification’ they will have with the person.  I’m thinking of SN specifically, which too much of this can be toxic *but not usually if it’s done well.  
For the NN person, the ASC provides a sense of ‘relief’ – like a ‘release’ from their usual routine/person and a ‘flowing’ of energy through being around them, being in their presence. The NN opposite to the DSC sees their inner-self, their inner reflection. One thing that could come from this is that the NN shines a ‘light’ on the DSC so the ASC will have to confront (’I am me and I have to love who I am’) as well. 
The ASC person gains ‘direction’ from the Nodal Axis, remember that Nodal Axis are Lunar Nodes. So it’s like a sandwich, layering the ASC either as a top bun or a bottom bun.
The ASC is the meat, make sure that if it’s the bottom bun it doesn’t get soggy. And if it’s the top bun, that it the meat doesn’t fall out/feel unsupported too much.
ASC square NN/SN (also* square DSC)- love this, kind of challenging. Bantering quality to it. It’s a teasing kind of dynamic, where you play ‘run catch’ with each other. Make sure not to do it too much though, since it can lead to complications later/no where productive if each side doesn’t know how to ‘touch’ each other once in a while (make contact/emphasize/understand each other and support them)
Unlike the earlier Conjunct/Opposition, this square is mutual to both ASC/DSC so there’s no danger of ‘identifying too much with one side over the other’ here– the NN/SN is an autonomous person, independent– which is why they bring motion to them (and a certain respect from the Angles person)
NN/SN is the one that ‘runs’. Its kind of like tag? They tag the ASC and then they flounder away. ‘catch me!’ and the only clue you get is their giggle/laugh coming from a direction. To the NN/SN person, the ASC is the ‘challenge’– watch that they don’t want to ‘change’ or ‘drag’ them too much (NN/SN to ASC) if they learn how to understand/emphasize/touch the ASC person– they can support this relationship better as well.
The Angle person is the one who gains a lot from this relationship, often time because it’s square– they’re usually up for the challenge (if their other placements indicate that as well). They see the opportunity, the goal in mind and they go for it. They don’t mind the hardship as long as they can progress/become better. Because see, the end goal for them is to reach the MC (so self-development/improvement is always appreciated)
ASC opposition NN/SN  (conjunct. DSC) - this is more of a ‘touch but doesn’t know how to let go’ situation. Where they’re on a push/pull tug of war, on one hand that means the NN/SN would be conjunct to the DSC and that would mean the ASC is constantly desiring/looking to the NN/SN to be the ‘ideal’ kind of person for them (whether it’s platonic/romantic/etc.) 
There’s a desire to be there, get there. Climb over the rope and just reach out to touch them from the Angle person. The NN/SN is both there and not there at the same time. They are reflective of the parts the Angle person is missing/wants to have in their person, but at the same time they have to discover that inside of themselves.
The SN/NN person feels the same about the Angle person, this is probably the most?? Equalized relationship where they both reflect ‘desire’ in each other. Because the NN/SN is conjunct to the DSC, there’s a sense of ‘knowing’ someone or the Angle person letting them know ‘they hit the nail on the spot’.
Because the NN/SN is in opposition of the ASC, they may admire the ASC/want to be there. It could also indicate polarizing relationship, where one partner wants the other but the emotion/desire isn’t receptive on the other’s end.
ASC/DSC- sextile- NN/SN - whether it swings by the ASC or the DSC, with sextile and trine in particular the degrees (more exact it is) is important. ASC sextile NN/SN brings an element of support, not necessarily romantic or sexual or desirable but it’s good for building a relationship. DSC sextile NN/SN may tend to be more private, more emotional support than ASC but it’s still a good building block as well. The NN/SN person doesn’t do much but encourage the ASC/DSC person, perhaps if you feel like there’s a strong attraction to them– it might be something else in the chart/asteroids? 
ASC/DSC - trine - NN/SN - pretty good to be honest? Nothing much to say because this is a naturalized reaction. Like there’s not a lot of options to choose from in the 12 zodiacs, so you’ll most likely going to have this with someone you already know already as well. 
Next we get to the IC/MC aspects to NN/SN, again like the ASC/DSC we can group some of them together as well.
IC Conjunct NN/SN (opposition MC) - because the nodes are lunar nodes, the SN/IC conjunct is particularly powerful. It’ll be hard to deny the attraction (not necessarily romantic, sometimes it can be just ‘do I know you’ because of the ‘familial’ bond– especially with the SN), the comfortability and understanding between them. Both the IC person and the SN person will be magnetized towards each other because they’re comfortable with each other. 
On the other hand, if it’s the NN conjunct to IC– it’s a release of past experience, of the roots of experiences. NN brings clarity and regeneration to the IC, like a good spring cleaning. It’s a miracle to have the NN in their life although if badly aspected (with other placements) it might cause problems/uncomfortable being in the ‘bottom of the sky’. 
Meanwhile, NN-opposition MC will question and frustrate the MC. Mostly because the direction they lead are different. The Angle person feels like their insides may be cleaned out but after that, they get an overbearing Mum instead. The NN person may tend to nag, question them or directly oppose/try to present something that the MC may feel ‘hinder’ them instead. The directions are different, but they’ll work through it because of the conjunction anyways.
On the other hand, if the SN is in opposition to the MC– the MC will take on the protective role, kind of like ‘this is my roots/representation of my past and I will guide them’ somewhat. They become Baby. Or someone who they can learn from. The MC person ‘revisits�� themselves and their vulnerabilities every time they meet the SN person, the SN teaches them how things could’ve gone differently, how they could better themselves without being too intrusive. 
For the Nodal Person, the MC represents someone to teach, someone to learn and guidance to them. Nagging, bantering are often, but it’s mostly done in a familial sort of way. 
IC/MC square NN/SN - the Angles being square to the Nodal axis might mean it’s pretty close to the ASC/DSC as well, this is pretty important because there’s a – four way dynamic going on here. 
First of all, If the NN/SN are squares to the IC/MC then the person would represent more of autonomous figure– like someone else’s ASC/DSC added to their own chart. It both ‘completes’ the wheel, so there’s a natural self-identity to the figure. 
At the same time, these Nodal People brings a lot more configuration/self-evaluation to them as well. Because it would be conjunct/opposition to their ASC/DSC so the Nodal Person Knows Who They Are Externally, but Internally/how they work– they’ll point out things that will benefit the Angle person without inserting/intruding them too much into it.
It’s both personal AND impersonal, unlike the ASC/DSC square where things FEELS personal/like an ‘attack’ to their person (on the horizon, that’s where we lie most consciously) the IC and MC are harder to reach because it shows ‘potential/past-future’. So in a way,  the NN/SN person shows us cryptic ways to improve ourselves internally (IC) and exploit it in our future possibilities as well (MC)
The Square aspect of it has more do to with missing emotionality, as in– it can feel a bit impersonal/vague in a way. Because it’s probably aspecting ASC/DSC too– the emotions are wrapped up in those aspects and the IC/MC are more like undercurrents that’s happening/supporting all the thing that goes on there. 
Imagine like, Yoda or a Guide Character who helps you by giving you clues on what to do. That’s what it feels like for the IC/MC person.
As for the NN/SN person– again, they’re probably wrapped up in the drama ASC/DSC has for them. But underneath that, the ‘core’ of the problem stems from the squares to the IC/MC. Once they realize that it’s because they represent ALL FOUR Angles to them, the past, present future. They become sort of transcendental. They exists neither here nor there. They’re representative of what they could be, as well as what they have been. The Angles person is the one who has to make up their mind about what the problem is/where it stems from, so that the NN/SN person can point out the way to resolve it truthfully/honestly. 
IC opposition NN/SN (conjunct MC) -  on the other end of the spectrum, here we have the ASC/DSC square to NN/SN while its in opposition to the IC. So here with the IC opposition to NN/SN – the NN/SN person may shine a light/expose the IC of the person to ‘future possibilities’ or movement. Whether or not they take it is up to them, but unlike IC conjunct NN (opposition MC) the NN/SN person won’t try to reprimand/nag the IC/MC person. 
NN conjunct to MC is actually really good, not only is it directional/movement is supported– it’s also aligned to each other. This way there’s less bickering, more teamwork. A lot of partnership/supportive energy towards an ‘end goal’ together– usually with more objectivity to them.
SN conjunct to MC shines more light on the IC, in this case it’s showing the IC ways to heal, like emotional balance/nurture and guidance, it’s the Moon that shines over the lake at night. 
IC opposition to the NN/SN is mostly comfortable, the only thing about it is that it can be overlooked under everything, the NN/SN person may pull them away from their ‘roots’ whatever that may be, habits are hard to break, and if the IC struggles it can be irreparable.
IC/MC sextile NN/SN - Again, this is pretty good? In a subtle way, this is usually underrated. The NN/SN person doesn’t really serve much of a purpose here for the MC/IC– but they are good supplements for them to feel ‘realigned’ with themselves if they ever need it. It’s like if you feel ‘burnt out’ or ‘stranded’ or ‘frazzled’ – the NN/SN person are good at instinctively knowing what to do to help, or learn quickly how to do so.
IC/MC trine  NN/SN -  again, like the ASC/DSC earlier, it’s pretty good! I mean with this, it’s more about feeling comfortable/supported with each other. Like someone’s finally in your court. Sneaky side-glances, eye contact level communication. Usually non-verbal communication is common between them. Fondness and foundation of trust/support helps build this relationship as well. 
This turned out pretty lengthy, but I hope it makes sense! 💕 To summarize, ASC/DSC is more like the ‘present’ self, most of our emotional response and immediate actions are related towards it. IC/MC are like our objectivity, our ‘past-future’. The effect that the Nodal Axis has on it is usually focused on conjunct to each angles, since that can exemplify ‘what’ type of relationship we have with each other. Each pole of the Nodal Axis is (like the name) an Axis itself. So It’s like overlaying Axis together.
I think some of the spiritual elements to Nodal Axis might be interesting, but for now 💕 This is like the ‘practical’ approach to Nodes in Synastry Aspected to Angles. I hope this helps 💕 
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