#anyway op im always delighted when you ask stuff its so fun :))
midnightdemonhunter · 2 years
two questions for you: 1) what's your name/what should i use as your name? 2) what are your thoughts about remnant akane? i'm just so tired of people saying "yeah this time i can treat her like a beast it's so so so justified" and not seeing how monumentally braindead that is
You can call me Midnight :)
2. AH. REMNANT AKANE. She is 100% the most badly treaten/written by the fandom and it never stops being disappointing tbh. Both her canon and fanon portrayal are sexist and racist respectively, and it's tiring to see so little interesting ideas for her. Even ignoring the shitty implications of making Akane a beast/treated like a beast, it doesn't make sense for her character???
When I'm writing/coming up with remnant ideas, the two big questions for me are: 'How happy are they?' And: 'What is causing them despair here?" Because to me, the point of the remnants is creating despair-- both for themselves and for the world. This means corrupting their own pleasures, hurting themselves in the worst ways imaginable, and usually hurting others too. For example, Ibuki cutting out her vocal cords because she gets so much joy from singing and talking, or Gundham killing animals because he cares so much about them.
But uh. Since when has Akane had any sort of struggle about being called/treated like a beast??? Why would this bring her despair? Akane doesn't really give a fuck about what others think of her, and she'd be far more hurt by being weak than being a beast. If anything, Nekomaru, Sonia or Gundham all make more sense for that sort of role, since Nekomaru would be using his strength to hurt instead of help, Sonia would be devolving from her role as the perfect princess, and Gundham is the one heavily associated with animals.
I do agree with the very popular fanon concept that remnant Akane has severe problems with food-- since that's supported both by canon specifying one of the remnants starved themself, and her primary joy/fear in life being tied to food. Her limiting her own food in one way or another makes sense for her character. I also think her being a fighter does have evidence as well-- (even ignoring the anime which i hate)-- since she is one of the most battle hungry classmates, and challenges her enemy (Monokuma) to a fight in the game.
However, I also think you could make her NOT a fighter for this same reason, since not getting to fight the 'enemy' would cause her despair, and make her feel weak. Honestly I think food, weakness and strength are the concepts people should be exploring for remnant Akane, with maybe a bit of denying herself things for flavor. This opens up a surprising amount of possibilities for remnant Akane ideas! For example:
Akane could simply starve herself, she could have bulimia--(you can taste the food but you can't keep it), weigh herself down a la Rock Lee, chain herself to someone else as dead weight (see my fic lol), hurt people she's meant to be protecting (siblings, nekomaru, etc), prioritize another's survival over her own (maybe someone she dislikes for extra flavor. servant's new bodyguard!), remove at least one arm or leg to fuck up movement, blind herself so she can't as easily defend herself, force herself to take gymnastics more seriously than anything else, give others food but deny it to herself (like working at TT's restaurent wheeee), cut out her tongue so she can't taste anything, let Mikan hook her up to an IV to eat instead of food---
Basically the list of possibilities go on and on lmao. And wow!! Being treated like a beast or becoming a beast isn't even a factor!! Wild how that works!! Anyway this isn't even mentioning the remnant Akane I write on my askblog, who has gone through several writing revisions in my head as time went on. When I answer more asks with her eventually, there's gonna be different vibes lol, cause I've decided she's one of the more unhappy remnants.
To quote my other Akane remnant post, after Junko dies and Akane realises she's distraught because of how attached she got to Junko: "Akane becomes determined to never get attached or become weak again, and stops eating. She avoids Nekomaru out of repressed guilt on how badly she's treating her body. She also kills a lot of people she used to care about as a way of cutting ties Whoops." To elaborate, I think she killed most of her siblings, and then basically decided to isolate herself and slowly wither away from starvation-- (though she would refuse to admit this is a suicidal urge, and would instead say she's just trying to prove her mental and physical strength)
This is when she stumbles upon Teruteru in the alley of his brand new restaurant, and strikes a deal with him. She'll work with him temporarily in order to cause herself more of a struggle-- surrounded by food she refuses to eat, in exchange for helping him run his restaurant. This does end up kick-starting a friendship though, as both of them do some epic projecting. Honestly this is reminding me I need to brainstorm more stuff about their early remnant dynamic lmao. Cue her working at his restaurant, slowly starving to death!
Anyway TL/DR, I think beast Akane is super weird and gross as a concept, and has basically no thought put into it. If I had to rank remnants who make sense for that role she is WAY further down on the list than people seem to think. I also think food, strength/weakness and survival are the concepts people should be focused on playing with, as well as her relationships to those she cares about.
Thanks so much for the ask :)) It's super flattering to think people like my remnant content, because they are my absolute fav dr thing and I've put SO much thought into them. Have a remnant Akane drawing for your troubles!
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