#anyway i hit my screen time limit like 10 minutes before midnight
onyourstageleft · 1 year
im swearing off edibles I was so high last night that I laid in bed scrolling tumblr nonstop for almost Three Full Hours
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worddevdealswithml · 5 years
Failed Step 1 (And 2 (And 3))
Chapter 19: Let’s Dance
As she’d seen them put down their cups, and start back towards the dancefloor, Chloe had practically shuddered, as she started moving almost unthinkingly after them.  Technically, she should have thought her actions through, but the impulse had overwhelmed any sense of restraint.
She caught up to them as they were already back on the dancefloor a few feet, and, as they paused for an instant, readying themselves-
“Well…  She seems to be having a good time,” said Marinette, scrolling up through the messages that had gone out to most of the class.
It was coming up on 8, now, and about 10 minutes ago, there had come a rapid barrage of messages, followed by a slow stream, that had gone out to most of the girls in the class, from Rose, who, apparently, was having a great deal of fun watching the festivities.
Alya laughed.  “Fancy clothes, and dancing to follow?  I’m pretty sure that as far as she’s concerned, it doesn’t get better than that.”
Nino came back from the kitchen with a large plate of microwaved pizza rolls.
“Rose is watching the rich-people ball,” said Alya.
“Oh, no kidding?”
“She seems to be having the time of her life doing it, too,” said Marinette, “although, I guess it’d be a bit more like one of the times of her life, since… She watches this every year.”
“Oh really?” said Alya, still scrolling, “Oh, Marinette, you did read the bit where she said she’d spotted Adrien, right?”
Marinette looked at her questioningly.
“And she was talking about how fancy he was, and how…”  Alya trailed off.
“I mean… Yeah, I did see that bit…”
Alya raised her eyebrows.
“And you’re not bolting off to go see how he looks?”
Marinette was silent.
“Did you already check.”
“…Yes.  And I’m really trying not to panic over the New Year’s Dance thing.”
“You know what, girl?  I’m proud of you for that,” said Alya.  “If you want my opinion, people put way too much stock in that kind of thing.”
“Well, maybe Marinette won’t go get some pictures, but I’m definitely gonna,” said Nino, pulling out his own phone.
The other two gave him confused looks.
He shrugged.
“Listen, dudes, if you don’t get pictures of your best friend when he’s in a suit, and put penguin jokes as the captions, are you really friends?”
Alya and Marinette shared a glance.
Nino shrugged.  “I dunno, man. Adrien likes puns, and I know for a fact he thinks the suit they’ve got him in is uncomfortable.  So…  Penguin jokes.”
“I don’t think it’s actually a tuxedo.”
“Possibly off-brand penguin jokes,” said Nino, brow furrowing.
“Well what if we put you in a suit, and let Alya give you a taste of your own medicine?”
“Nah,” said Nino, laughing.  “Put Alya in the suit, put me in a dress.  I can make penguin jokes about Alya, completely avoid return fire, and I’d probably confuse Rose, too.”
Alya laughed, and Marinette shook her head in amusement.
“I think you’re underestimating Rose.”
“Well, definitely the first two things, then,” he said, shrugging.
“I think I could make you forget to make penguin jokes,” said Alya, winking.
Nino nodded his head from side to side. “I’m not seeing a bad outcome here. You’re on.”
“Well, you’re welcome to commission me,” said Marinette.
“Aw, no discount for your friends?” said Alya.
“Absolutely not.  It’s either a gift, or it’s full price.  But I’d be happy to give you some free designs to consider.”
“Hit me with ‘em,” said Nino.
“Alright,” said Marinette, reaching into her bag for her journal, and making a show of taking out a pen.
Carefully, Marinette turned in the journal until she found a blank page.
A few seconds passed, marked only by the sound of pen on paper.
“Hm…” said Marinette, cocking her head, slightly.
“What is it, dude?” said Nino.
She looked up.
“How do you feel about miniskirts?”
For Adrien, the hours seemed to drag, on and on.
The speeches, of course, had been basically like being back in school, and frankly, some of it made for an interesting look into the thought processes of some of Paris’ wealthiest people, which, despite being similarly rich, he didn’t usually understand.
Then, of course, the food came around, and unfortunately, wasn’t served buffet-style, however much Adrien wished it was.  It was good food, of course, but after how long he’d been waiting for it, what he really wanted was more food.
It was enough to redouble his wish that he was spending the night with his friends.
Nathalie, of course, was sitting next to him, and if he was unsatisfied after the meal, he had to assume that it was worse for her, since she hadn’t even received a plate.
Then, of course, after the eating, there was about a half-hour where people just milled around, supposedly to talk, but in Adrien’s case, much more to take advantage of the snack bar for all it was worth.
He’d half-expected Kagami to come find him, but either she didn’t spot him, or she wasn’t looking, because he was left blissfully free to consume canapés, crackers, cheese, and all the punch he could get his hands on, and a bit extra for Plagg.  Even Nathalie seemed to be busy carrying around the tablet with his father’s face on it, which meant Adrien had no supervision, for a very limited value of ‘no.’
By the time he turned around, finally somewhere approaching full, it was 9:55, and the band was getting into position.  A space was being cleared for dancing, and Adrien had little doubt that that meant-
“Adrien,” said Kagami, laying a hand lightly on his shoulder.
He stifled a miniature heart attack, as he practically jumped to face her.
He hadn’t had a chance to see her until now, and…
Her dress was a deep, blood red, and she had an immaculately simple black jacket overtop of it, with her family crest done in white on one lapel.
Adrien, as a model, would probably have put her in a suit, if he’d been in charge of deciding, but… Well, it was Kagami, and they had at least given her a jacket.
“Hello Kagami,” he said.  “You look great tonight.”
She smiled, gently.  “You do too, Adrien.”
Adrien might have disagreed, but decided not to, since… Well, what good would it do anyone?
There was a long pause.
“So…  I guess we dance?” he said.
“I assume so,” said Kagami.  “I don’t see why else my mother would require I take lessons.”
Adrien laughed.  “Yours too?  Or… Well, not… Not my mother, but my father.”
“I understand,” she said.
They didn’t start immediately, and Adrien was grateful, even if he didn’t fully understand why.  Maybe Kagami was also a bit uncertain?
And then, finally, as they’d stood there, barely conversing, for almost ten minutes, Kagami finally seemed to reach her tipping point, and took his hand, pulling him in as one song faded out, and another began.
There was a moment’s hesitation as they got ready, which was strange, especially for Kagami, but then…
She placed her hand on his shoulder, and he placed one on her waist, and he caught the tell-tale signs of… disappointment?
He didn’t know why, if she wanted to lead, she hadn’t, but… he also didn’t know why he hadn’t placed his hand on her shoulder first.
Either way…
Adrien couldn’t quite feel good about this.
Of course, Kagami was beautiful, and he really did like her, but…  He knew, guaranteed, that she wasn’t Ladybug, which meant that he was stuck with an insoluble discomfort at how their respective parents were pushing them towards each other.
And, of course, as if that hadn’t been enough, there was the whole significance attached to who you were dancing with at midnight. They said that it was a good sign for your romantic relationship with that person, and Adrien wasn’t sure whether he really felt comfortable with that kind of pressure.
Yet another reason why he’d have preferred to be spending tonight with his friends. Well…  His friends who weren’t Kagami.
But…  Well…  Kagami was his friend, wasn’t she?
There was nothing wrong with dancing with your friend.
Internally, Adrien let out a soft breath, and…
Tried to let go.
Tonight, he got to stay out late. Tonight, he got to spend actual, not-sparring time with a friend.  He got to dance.  He hadn’t had the chance to properly dance since Chloe’s party, which had been a long time ago.
That wasn’t so bad, right?
The dancing had started around 10, and Marinette had tried, and failed, to keep herself from getting distracted from her high-stakes game of dominoes.
The problem, unfortunately, was Rose, who had started sending around messages about how great Adrien and Kagami looked as they danced together.
Marinette had looked down one minute, and…  She hadn’t been able to keep herself from checking the live feed.
By the time she’d found the two of them in the crowd, she’d almost missed her turn; Nino had played a jack, which meant that he got to move one of the dominoes to a position of his choosing, regardless of whether it technically should have been useable there.
Marinette was pretty sure these weren’t the standard rules, but took her turn anyway, before almost feverishly checking back in.
They were dancing, but… That didn’t tell her anything she didn’t already know.
She checked back in, of course, every few minutes but as the hour faded past, Marinette only succeeded in losing more games of whatever Lahiffe specialty she’d been roped into.
Alya seemed to know the rules perfectly, but as 11:10 came around, Marinette had won exactly none of the 4 games they’d played.
It was at 11:15 that the messages started bombarding her phone again, faster than before.
RL: oh my goddd
RL: guys you’ve got to see this
RL: its amazing!!!!!
Marinette had blinked, but, assuming that Rose had to still be talking about the dancing, she quickly switched apps, and stared at the screen, searching for… Whatever it was that Rose had seen.
She didn’t need to look.  The cameraman had apparently spotted what was going on, and had made the snap judgement to focus on it.
Her eyes widened.
“Dude?  You gonna…  Play?” Nino seemed to trail off at her expression.
Alya leaned over, craning her neck to see the screen.
“So…  wait,” she said, blinking, uncomprehending, at the screen.
Nino, giving up on getting Marinette to play, joined the group.
It was… a few minutes ago.  11:07.
The first, and greatest problem, was that Chloe had been bored.  She had been bored for hours, now, and even her phone wasn’t assuaging that issue.  She hadn’t gotten to talk to Adrien.  She barely knew anyone here.  And, she was a dancer.
That last point, theoretically, shouldn’t have been an issue in the slightest, except for the fact that she hadn’t gotten to show it off, but…
Well, suffice to say that to her own raw discontent, she was on the list of people that Rose’s frankly infuriating messages went to.
Chloe had little patience for Rose on a good day, but today, of all days, when she was gushing about how Kagami and Adrien were ‘walking on air…’  
For one thing, it was downright inaccurate.  Chloe knew ‘walking on air,’ and that was not it. For another, she had stopped mentioning Chloe after, like, minute five of the dinner, which, like…  she deserved a couple extra mentions.
Hands clenched at her side, Chloe had seen Kagami and Adrien step out of the dance for a moment, presumably to take some drinks.
What she wanted to do was start a fight, but even Chloe, with her raw confidence, knew better; it would be social suicide.
So, what?  What was she supposed to do?
Her neck had to be solid steel, right now, as tense as it was.
And then…
As she’d seen them put down their cups, and start back towards the dancefloor, Chloe had practically shuddered, as she started moving almost unthinkingly after them.  Technically, she should have thought her actions through, but the impulse had overwhelmed any sense of restraint.
She caught up to them as they were already back on the dancefloor a few feet, and, as they paused for an instant, readying themselves-
“Excuse me,” she said, her voice miraculously level, and even.
They turned, in unison, to face her.
It didn’t even sound like her voice.
“Do you mind…?”  She let the question hang in the air, letting the context do her work for her.
The two of them looked at each other.
Chloe’s eyes flicked rapidly between their faces.  Adrien was obviously uncertain, looking to Kagami for advice.
Kagami…  Chloe could practically see the gears spinning behind her eyes, and then…
Almost imperceptibly, she shrugged, in a ‘why not,’ kind of way.
The two of them turned to face her, and Adrien said, a trifle uncertainly, “I… I suppose not?” his hands coming up slightly, ready to dance.
The grin spread across Chloe’s face.
She stepped forward, and placed a hand on Kagami’s waist.
“Let’s dance.”
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daveywankenobie · 4 years
As I write it’s dark and cold outside – but the days seem to be just a teensy bit longer all of a sudden.
It’s no illusion. The shortest one of the year (Sunday the 22nd of December) is now behind us – and from this point on the UK will only get lighter and the days longer.
I can almost feel the warmth of summer on my back.
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That’s partially because (despite a rocky few weeks) I actually had a really active and on plan second half to the month.
It got worse before it started to get better though, because when I stepped on the scales at home on the 15th of this month (after some hefty emotional eating) they greeted me with a somewhat sobering 17st 9.5lbs.
I knew what was going on.
I’ve been quiet for a reason.
As well as encountering some unexpected health worries (which seem for the time being to be OK) the whole issue of not finding work has been eating away at my self confidence, and I’ve found it very hard indeed to not hibernate or eat away the upset it’s been causing.
That’s not to say that I’m not taking positive steps mind you. I’ve been working through a couple of self help books and looking at understanding what I really want rather than what I feel I have no choice about and should apply for.
It’s not easy though when you’v been turned down four times in a row for jobs that you know would be a walk in the park – but I guess if nothing else it’s character forming, and what will be will be.
It’s also Christmas, nobody is hiring and Brexit looms.
Even the job sites that were previously spamming me with unhelpful adverts have dried up over the last three to four weeks, and my inbox is mercifully devoid of mail reminding me that I’m not proving to be particularly successful in this area.
However – back to the scales.
Free from the self imposed guilt of being over target as man of the year I have now instituted a new regime.
I have up until recently focusing on my new project – which is feeling guilty about an out of target ex-man of the year.
The former guilt was because I should be a positive example of a man with a title and the latter because I don’t want to be seen to have ‘let myself go’ after everyone believed in me and looked to me for inspiration.
One day maybe I’ll stop doing this to myself…
However I know I’m not alone in such quagmires of spiralling thoughts – and it seems that as much as I’ve been amazed by the capability of fellow slimmers to change their shapes and life outcomes I’ve also been encouraged that they too struggle like heck at some time or another when it comes to maintenance.
Practically everyone of them I know (or just follow on social media) has posted some epic gains followed by a correspondingly epic loss – and almost everyone that’s achieved a measure of success is now differnent to the weight they were when they held aloft their local or national awards.
I’m not alone – so why feel any shame?
Thankfully at the moment I’m not.
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Over the last two weeks I’ve managed to lose an entire stone (even though it doesn’t look like that in my book) and it’s been through sheer hard work and effort.
Dropping weight over Christmas has been a challenge though – and I’m not going to lie – this could have gone either way. During the last week I ate Stollen, Gingerbread, Cheese, Christmas cake, biscuits, an entire layer of chocolates from a box of Milk tray and a rather hefty roast and three mincemeat wraps on Christmas day.
I’ll be honest – had I been on my own I might not have celebrated this way – but this has been my very first traditional Christmas as ‘family’ (or probably more accurately a ‘couple’) and as such I really wanted to enjoy the experience as everyone else does.
With great food and awful jumpers.
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The fact is though that whilst I enjoyed myself as much as I felt I could I also limited damage elsewhere as much as humanly possible (although it may not sound like it) as well as doing a rather epic amount of exercise.
Although I consumed a lot of naughty food on the 25th I also went for a TEN MILE WALK through the wilds of Warwickshire to make up for it.
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If I add my daily active (anything I burn with exercise) and standard (2500kcal for an adult male) calorie burn together then I’ve been averaging around 4500 per day for the last two weeks, which is the main reason I lost weight after packing away cheese and cake.
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A lot of this was due to swimming – which once again has proven to be my absolute saviour. This has been particularly gratifying when I look back on it because despite my reluctance to don my trunks and look like a human muffin in the mornings ( I hadn’t been for almost two whole weeks) I did it anyway.
It’s not been the only exercise I’ve engaged in though – and I’ve relied on an old friend to fill the gaps for me when the pool has been closed. My walking distance has remained consistently higher and at averaged over 10 miles a day for two weeks as well – despite driving to Sussex and back on Monday.
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So – life is (for the moment at least) on an even dietary keel again.
Both myself and my better half are really in the zone at the moment – and she has been swimming alongside me every day as well.
It’s fair to say that her determination to improve both her swimming technique and stamina have been something of an inspiration to me – and on Sunday I found myself watching her swimming back and forth in the pool well after I’d stopped.
Consequently her loss over the xmas week was greater than mine (2.5lbs!!!) and she really deserved it.
I’ve been positively swelling with pride as I’ve watched her get better and better at swimming through sheer determination and grit – and there’s no small amount of warm fuzzy feelings inside me at the moment.
Christmas this year has been special in a way that no other Christmas has because although I’ve had long term partners before not a single one has ever resulted in a Christmas together prior to this point.
There’s always been a family reason or a break up to get in the way of that before and consequently words absolutely fail me when I try to encapsulate how much December 2019 has meant to me.
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It’s not been about materialism or nerdy presents (of which there have actually been quite a few thanks to a new and very generous extended family) – but togetherness.
This manifested itself recently when we both headed out to see a new film – and both of us chose appropriate attire for the occasion.
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It’s hard to overstate how much love a geeky guy can feel when he’s accompanied on a school night to a one minute past midnight screening of Star Wars by an adult woman not only voluntarily (and dare I say enthusiastically) wearing a Star Wars teeshirt but also a crochet’d Yoda ears beanie.
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I’m sure that everyone out there is already throwing up in their mouth a little bit – but I’m sorry – I have absolutely zero shame on this score because we totally owned it in The Rise of Skywalker.
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My Christmas has been everything that I’ve always wanted it to be but never dared to hope it ever would be.
For the longest time it looked like the picture below, and because of my habitual behaviour on this score I never once managed to get to the end of ET The Extra Terrestrial on TV.
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In contrast this year the strongest drink I’ve indulged in is a caramel flavoured coffee, and I’ve not been alone and sad for a single moment.
I’ve shared the walks, talks and occasion with someone I care deeply about. Together we’ve continuously supported one another whenever we’ve hit bumps in the road and continue to do so.
Sigh. Over the last few days I’ve been reflecting on my happiness – but also on my past.
That bottle of Southern Comfort seems a long long way away now and it’s been a long time since this was my reality.
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Other people may still be in a darker place though and as I type I’m conscious of this.
At this time of year there are many people on the cusp of giving up hope that life will ever hold anything for them but loneliness or despair. They suffer in silence and often succumb to darker voices that hide inside.
As well as hearing of other slimmers that have struggled recently I’ve also read about those that have been moved to other, maybe more destructive forms of self harm in the past and because of this as I write I’m left feeling sober in more ways than one.
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There was a time that I felt similarly and when I sat alone at home (not just around Christmas time) there were many many moments when I no longer wanted to be around.
Had I been ‘braver’ (stupider?) I may have crossed a line that would have seriously curtailed my time on earth.
I contemplated this more than once – and now (on the wrong side of my forties) I have so much to be grateful for.
I’m left at times feeling as if I have no right to be as happy as I am – like I’ve stolen the joy that must belong to someone else, because there are moments that it all still feels very alien.
Life though is all about context – and finding this to gain perspective is something we all struggle to do.
There are many of us who (despite there often being much evidence to the contrary) choose to label ourselves as ‘lonely’, ‘overweight’, ‘failure’, ‘alcoholic’, ‘addict’, ‘loser’, ‘stupid’, ‘weird’, or consider ourselves simply ‘unlovable’.
With the new year looming, and many people who read my blog coming from similar places to the one I did (physically and emotionally) all I can say is that there is hope.
If you’ve followed (or are just beginning to follow) my journey then I want you to see and feel what I feel and see. Hopefully if you’ve travelled with me through both the light and the dark moments in the last four years then I’ll have left you with a sense of positivity and optimism.
Maybe your life isn’t going the way that you wanted it to – but in this blog is all the evidence that you need that it can surprise you.
With effort and determination you can change things – and good vibrations sent out into the world inevitably come back when you least expect them to but most need them.
Life is a collection of moments where you can fail more often than not – where it’s easy to think there’s no point – or convince yourself that people don’t need you around, when in fact they really really do.
They gain as much from having you in their lives as you do from having them in yours.
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Although I’m not into sport particularly I can’t help thinking of a quote from Wayne Gretsky – the Canadian former professional ice hockey player and former head coach of their National team.
He’s probably said a lot of forgettable things – but one that for some reason really struck me was this one.
‘You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.’
It’s true.
If you don’t try to be better then it won’t happen by magic.
So – 2020 is fast approaching.
What do you want it to be?
Personally I’d like it to contain everything you desire and need and wholeheartedly believe that it can do if you want it enough.
So – what are you waiting for?
Get up, put your coat on and make it happen.
100 percent of the shots As I write it's dark and cold outside - but the days seem to be just a…
0 notes
weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
We’re almost midway through April (already?) but that also means that we’re one week closer to Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame, which is probably the only movie everyone is really waiting for anyway, going by advance ticket sales.
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For those who can’t wait for more super-heroics, Mike Mignola’s HELLBOY (Lionsgate) gets another go in theaters, this time played by David Harbour (Stranger Things) and directed by Neil Marshall (Game of Thrones). I wish I could say I was looking forward to seeing this, but frankly, I loved Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy: The Golden Army, and I have secretly wished for the last ten years that he would be able to continue that story with Ron Perlman, Doug Jones and the rest. This one has some interesting casting including Ian McShane, Milla Jovovich as the main baddie, Sasha Lane and Daniel Dae Kim. I guess with that cast, maybe it won’t be so bad? I expect the movie will be more geared towards the fanboys and girls rather than the mainstream audiences that have been flocking to other comic movies. (My review is now over at The Beat… and I hated it!)
Universal and Will Packer Productions are offering some interesting counter-programming to Hellboy in the comedy remake (of sorts) LITTLE, written and directed by Tina Gordon and starring Regina Hall, Issa Rae and Marsai Martin (from ABC’s Black-ish). This is the type of body-swapping comedy that’s delivered some great laughs in movies like both Freaky Friday, Tom Hanks’ Bigand others like Jennifer Garner’s 13 Going on 30. I mean, there’s still so much that can be done with this sort of thing as seen by Shazam!, and this sort of high-concept premise is also fairly easy to sell audiences. I missed the press screening of this, but if I have a few moments in April (it might happen!) I’d go check it out.
The other movie I saw that’s opening this weekend is LAIKA’s new stop-motion animated film MISSING LINK (Annapurna/UA Releasing), featuring the voices of Hugh Jackman, Zoe Saldana and Zach Galifianakis. I’m not going to review the movie even though I generally liked it, mainly since it’s been a minute since I watched it, but if you like some of LAIKA’s other films (particularly director Chris Butler’s earlier film ParaNorman) then you should enjoy this one, and like with all of LAIKA’s movies, I
Lastly, there’s Aviron’s AFTER, another teen romance drama, this one based on Anna Todd’s fan fiction that pairs Hero Fiennes Tiffin (Ralph’s nephew) and Josephine Langford in the type of Y.A. romantic drama that has had mixed results in recent years. Sure, the recent Five Feet Apartdid fine but others, like last year’s Midnight Sun, released by the defunct Global Road, barely made $10 million. Since I haven’t seen the movie – honestly, I haven’t even watched a trailer -- I’m not really sure what the appeal of this is going to be except that some younger women may not have much interest on other options this weekend.
Well, I totally screwed up last week… including one movie that was delayed until this week and neglecting a movie which I thought opened this week. (This is why you need to keep me apprised on date changes, publicists!)
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Actor Max Minghella makes his directorial debut with TEEN SPIRIT (Bleecker Street), starring Elle Fanning as Violet, a young woman from the Isle of Wight who hopes to get out of her smalltown blues by performing on a popular talent television show called “Teen Spirit.” Helping her out is the scraggly Vlad (Croatian actor Zlatko Burik, who starred in Nicolas Refn’s Pusher trilogy) who was an opera singer in Croatia and offers to manage Violet and help her get to the finals of the show.  While Elle is no Aretha Franklin, I was truly impressed with her singing voice as well as Minghella’s screenplay and direction of the film which has a distinctive look and tone but is also a movie with quite a lot of mainstream appeal. If you like television shows like The Voice and American Idol, you might be interested in seeing one contestant’s (fictional) journey to get onto one of those shows.
You can read my interview with writer/director Max Minghella over at the Beat.
The movie I left out of last week’s column is HIGH LIFE (A24), the new movie and first in English from French auteur Claire Denis, which stars Robert Pattinson, André Benjamin, Juliette Binoche and Mia Goth. I saw the movie at the New York Film Festival last year, but I guess I never got around to writing about it, but I wish I did. Not that I particularly liked the movie, but if I wrote about it, at least I could remember what it was about. I know it takes place on a spaceship with a bunch of astronauts including Pattinson and his young daughter, all of them trying to survive.
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But my absolutely favorite new movie of the weekend is Alex Ross Perry’s HER SMELL (Gunpowder and Sky), starring Elisabeth Moss as Becky Something, the lead singer of an all-girl punk band who have hit the big time but are about to implode due to Becky’s addictions and eccentricities. Becky also has a baby daughter who she is constantly neglecting and her bandmates (Agyness Deyn, Gayle Rankin) and everyone is worried about her. I’ve liked some of Perry’s past work, but something about this one really connected, maybe because I spent a couple decades working in the music business, so I can relate to the frustrated engineer in the recording studio section of the film.  Moss, obviously, is amazing as Becky, a role that puts her through all the highs and lows of success and fame, but I also liked the cast around her, actors like Cara Delevigne and Amber Heard who I barely could recognize in their respective wigs. I actually saw this at the New York Film Festival, and I liked it even more when I watched it again recently.  It opens in New York on Friday and in L.A. and other cities next Friday, and I hope to have an interview with Perry, probably over at NextBigPicture by next week some time.
A movie that I hoped would play the Toronto Film Festival in 2017, but instead got up in the Harvey Weinstein scandal was Garth Davis’ MARY MAGDALENE  (IFC Films), the follow-up to his Oscar-nominated film Lion.  It stars Rooney Mara as the title character and her real-life boyfriend Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus… and just hat last part gets me worried just because I remember Rodrigo Garcia’s Last Days in the Desert a few years back, starring Ewan McGregor as Jesus. This is being released this weekend into about 50 theaters in select cities after playing in just about every other country in the world last year as it sought out a new U.S. distributor.
Italian filmmaker Matteo Garrone of Gamorrah fame returns with DOGMAN (Magnolia), a crime thriller set in a small seaside village where a dog groomer named Marcello (Marcello Fonte) is being coerced into committing petty crimes by an ex-boxer bully named Simoncino. Apparently, this is based on true events, and I generally liked it, particularly the performance of Fonte. It opens at the Film Forum and at the Film Society of Lincoln Center Friday, as well as the Landmark Nuart in L.A. It will expand to more California theaters on April 19.
Martial arts fans will want to check out master fight choreographer Yuen Woo-Ping’s latest The Ip Man Legacy: Master Z (Well GO USA), starring Max Zhang as Cheung Tin Chi, who is trying to make a life in Hong Kong with his young son after being defeated by Master Ip.  The movie also stars the legendary Michelle Yeoh (in a great sequence with Zhang), Tony Jaa (ditto) and Dave Bautista… yeah, well I guess two out of three isn’t bad, but Bautista is pretty terrible, and the movie is disjointed in its storytelling. But the action is cool, so there’s that! It opens in select theaters this weekend.
Eva Husson’s Girls of the Sun (Cohen Media Group) stars Golshifteh Farahan (Pasterson) as Bahar, commander of the “Girls of the Sun” battalion, who are set to free their hometown from extremists, while also freeing her son. Emmanuelle Bercot (My King) plays a French journalist who is embedded with the warriors during the mission. Husson’s film opens at the Quad,Landmark 57and the FIAF Florence Gould Hall (now showing first-run films) on Friday, as well as the Laemmle Monica Film Center in L.A.
A movie I sadly had to miss at this year’s Oxford Film Festival is V. Scott Balcerek’s doc Satan & Adam (Cargo), a movie that took twenty years to make, as Balcerek pulls together two decades of documentary footage of the blues duo that were a fixture in Harlem in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. “Satan” is Sterling Magee, who played with so many greats but felt exploited so he walked away from the music scene, before being joined by Adam Gussow, an Ivy league scholar…but then Magee vanished, and the film follows what happened after that.
I had heard great things about Kaili Blues director BiGan’s Long Day’s Journey into Night  (Kino Lorber), when it played a number of film festivals last year. It follows a man, played by Huang Jue, who is haunted by a woman from his post who he goes looking for her. And it includes a substantial single shot in 3D… for no particular reason that I could ascertain. To call the movie a “slog” would be an insult to actual slogs, and I barely could stay awake while watching it. It’s playing at the Metrograph and Film Society of Lincoln Center starting Friday.
Also now playing at Film Forum is Camille Vidal-Naquet’s debut feature drama Sauvage/Wild (Strand Releasing) following a gay sex worker, played by Felix Maritaud from BPM (Beats Per Minute).
Tim Disney’s William, opening at New York’s Cinema Village and L.A.’s Laemmle Monica Film Center, is a love story between two scientists who fall in love while trying to clone a Neanderthal from ancient DNA creating William, the first Neanderthal to walk the earth in 35,000 years. The film stars Will Brittain, Waleed Zuaiter, Maria Dizzia and Beth Grant.
Gilles de Maistre’s Mia and the White Lion (Ledafilms Entertainment Group) is an ambitious film about a ten-year-old named Mia whose family moves to Africa to manage a lion farm, bonding with a white lion she names Charlie. The film was shot over three years, so that the film’s young starsDaniah De Villiers and Ryan Mac Lennan could bond with their lion co-stars. The film also stars Melanie Laurent and Langley Kirkood, and it opens in select cities.
I’m finally shifting my gaze over to Chicago where the 21stAnnual EBERTFEST kicked off yesterday with Alan Elliot’s Aretha Franklin concert film Amazing Grace, as well as a special showing of the Wachowski’s Bound with special guests Jennifer Tilly and Gena Gershon. It continues through the weekend with showings of recent and older movies, including Cameron Crowe’s Almost Famous, Jonathan Demme’s Rachel Getting Married and more.
Late Nites at Metrographwill screen Werner Herzog’s Bad Liuetenant: Port of Call New Orleans, starring the inimitable Nicolas Cage, while the Playtime: Family Matineesthis weekend is Danny Kaye as Hans Christian Anderson. Although I forgot to include it last week, Michael Blackwood’s 1968 docs Monk and Monk in Europe(as in Thelonious Monk) will continue for the next week, as does King Hu’s The Fate of Lee Khan from 1973. This Saturday night, the Metrograph is presenting a cast and crew reunion for Sidney Lumet’s 1988 movie Running on Emptywith Christine Lahti, screenwriter Naomi Foner and producers Amy Robinson and Griffin Dunne
L.A.’s hottest newish rep theater will show Michael Ritchie’s 1975 film Smile as well as his 1992 film Diggstownon Weds and Thursday (and apparently, Bruce Dern appeared in person on Weds!), Friday and Saturday are Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry  (1971) and Escape from Alcatraz  (1978), while Sunday and Monday screens David Lean’s The Bridge on the River Kwai  (1957). This weekend’s KIDDEE MATINEE is Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, while the midnight offerings are The Hateful Eight on Friday and The Blues Brothers (1980) on Saturday. On Monday afternoon, there’s a screening Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.
On Saturday, Film Forum will screen Jaime Chávarri’s 1976 documentary El Desecanto, introduced by author Aaron Shulman, who wrote a book about the Spanish literary family, the Paneros, on which the movie is based. (FYI, Chávarri’s film was never released in the States, and there is only one screening on Saturday.) Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times (1936) will screen Saturday and Sunday as part of Film Forum Jr, and Francesco Rossi’s 1973 film Lucky Lucianowill screen a 4k restoration for a single screening on Sunday afternoon.
The late Luke Perry gets a tribute with Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) shown on Thursday, and then the Aero is doing its own Claire Denis tribute (cause everyone else is doing i!) with Salt, Sweat and Sunshine: The Cinema of Claire Denis with a double feature of her debut Chocolat  (1988) and White Material  (2009) on Friday, a screening of Beau Travail (1999) on Saturday, Nenette and Boni (1996) and 35 Shots of Rum (2008) on Saturday, and then Trouble Every Day  (2001)and Let the Sunshine In (2017) on Sunday. Most of those will be showing on 35mm and Denis will be there, at least for the first two nights.
Modern Matinees: B is for Bacall continues with 1948’s Key Largo on Thursday and Jonathan Glazer’s Birth (2004) on Friday. The What Price Hollywood series will screen George Cukor’s Sylvia Scarlett (1935) and John Waters’ Female Trouble (1974) on Thursday, Nicholas Ray’s In a Lonely Place  (1950) and Bill Gunn’s Ganja & Hess  (1973) on Friday, Mitchell Leisen’s Midnight  (1939), Clarence Brown’s 1931 film A Free Soul and George Cukor’s What Price Hollywood  (1932) on Saturday and Fritz Lang’s Clash By Night  (1952) and Joseph Lewis’ Gun Crazy  (1950) on Sunday.
The Quad begins its new series Wild Things: The Ferocious Films of Nelly Kaplan, a tribute retrospective to a pivotal filmmaker in the French New Wave, which I know next to nothing about, so I won’t even try. Just click on the title to see the movies playing.
This week’s series is The Anarchic Cinema of Věra Chytilová, a celebration of the filmmaker who emerged during the Czech New Wave, which I know even less about than the French New Wave. Just click on the link if you know who she is.
This Friday’s midnight screening is the ‘70s classic Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974), starring Peter Fonda and Susan George. I’m not sure when was the last time I had a chance to see this movie but if I were in L.A., this is where I would be on Friday night.
Streaming on Netflix starting Wednesday is THE SILENCE, the new apocalyptic thriller from director John R. Leonetti  (Annabelle), starring Stanley Tucci, Kiernan Shipka and Miranda Otto. In this twist on Netflix’s hit Bird Box (and rip-off of A Quiet Place?), this one involves a world being terrorized by primeval beings with acute hearing and a family trying to survive. Also streaming Friday is the high concept teen rom-com The Perfect Date, starring Noah Centineo as a guy who is payed to take a friend’s cousin to the prom.
Next week, another horror movie in New Line’s The Curse of La Llorona, plus the faith-based drama Breakthrough from Fox and DisneyNature’s Penguins.
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greatplanettahoe · 7 years
Japan Log Day 1
I kind of want to create a log of my time in Japan. I think it’d be fun, and from what I’ve heard, I’d be able to remember my trip better! There may be a day delay for me, at least for day one because that was all flying and lemme tell you, after a 13 hour flight, a 3 hour flight felt like NOTHING, haha. I felt like I played on my DS for a half hour and it was over. So, I don’t know when entirely I’ll post these, or if anyone cares, but I don’t. Because it’ll be fun for me to look back on and remember ;)
Day one - The day of insane travel
Our journey began as most other journeys do, of sitting at home, counting away the hours and having panicked thoughts of what you still need to do and what’s been done. My way of coping was to blast music - sorry Tegan - and stare blankly at a wall. Not productive when packing was half done. Luckily, I got everything ready about an hour before my friend came to pick me up. About ten minutes before, I began to stress clean. I guess that’s exciting? Lilia’s parents graciously took us to Vancouver In'tl Airport (YVR)- Canada. The car ride felt short. Shorter than I thought it was to get to the border. Right before we hit, we got to see the tiny little peace arch. Cool! Going in, the border guard is looking over our passports, doing the routine questions. 
Then, he leans in and goes “Alauna?” and I sheepishly correct him as he clearly wasn’t quite sure how to pronounce my name. He informs me that I need to sign my passport and I need to do that before I check in at the airport otherwise they may not let me fly. OOPS! Luckily Lil’s dad had a pen that I could use otherwise I’d have to hunt for somewhere to sell a pen at the airport at MIDNIGHT! Getting into the country, I receive a text from my mobile provider. CONGRATS! T-Mobile works in Canada text/data free, call 20c/min. Neat! 
After a pretty good wait in line - China Eastern is apparently a very popular company - and chatting with the nice lady in front of us we reach the airline official. Neither of our passports scanned into the computer. Probably because Lilia’s is 9 years old, mine’s 1 month. He was very kind, making sure that we knew our layover was between two different airports in Shanghai (more on that later, ugh) and asked us if we had any illegal items to which we both said no. He smiled and said “I trust you two, you both look very trustworthy”. He then noticed that we were seated at least 10 rows away from each other. With our permission he changed our seats to be together. Once he got our tickets, he pointed out what information we needed to know. Lilia got seat C, he was going to be in seat B, I in A …. wait. There is no seat B! :P With a very heartfelt thank you, we asked where the gates were and said our farewell.
Getting up to security, was a very small line with a long wait. It looked like the officer’s battery had died on his scanner and had to get a new one. Oh well. After that, it took about 2 seconds to make sure our tickets were valid - phew! and go onto phase two with the bag screening. They instructed us to put laptops in a separate tray. Confusedly, I ask the man why. He mentioned because laptops could be bombs. Which, I never thought about and by the look on my face, he must have understood and had a small smile as we thanked him. Lilia got through security fine. The metal detector beeped for me. Contrats, I’m wearing a bra, because that was literally why the detector beeped for me. Past that, we walked through a small mall with a bunch of stores, and very glittery flooring. Our gate was easy to find, and had a subway near us. We just got chips and ginger ale as we both weren’t feeling fantastic.
There’s not much meant to be said for the flight. Although, as it took off, Lilia looked at me and said; “I regret every jet I crashed in GTA 5” 
It was nearly 13 hours and insane. Neither of us slept much, which sucked. But, at least it was quiet as pretty much everyone else did sleep. Except for one guy in the row beside us whose entertainment screen wouldn’t turn off and he was trying to sleep so he had his jacket backwards to cover his face LOL. I did kind of feel bad for him since it was legitimately malfunctioning. Their movie selection was pretty bomb. Lilia and I synced up our screens so we watched Furious 7 together. The airline provided us dinner. I accidentally got shrimp noodles, which thank you that my medicine works, and Lilia got some sort of beef patty and rice. There was also some sort of custard that was similar to cheesecake, but not entirely. It was delicious. We both tried to sleep for a while. Gave up. We got breakfast which was two adorable hash-brown patties, an omelette, and a very undercooked, disease sausage link which neither of us touched. At that point, Lilia started up Day After Tomorrow, and I started Secret Life of Pets … which got interrupted a total of a billion times. I managed to finish SLoP right before they cut off entertainment for landing purposes.
The drive after landing and getting to our gate was probably half the time of our flight. We get another text from T-Mobile. Welcome to China! Your phone has free texting, call 20c/min, and 2g unlimited data! AWESOME!
Immigration was easy, whom also informed us that our connecting flight was in a separate airport, security was easy (they have thermal screening, so that was definitely interesting!), and getting our luggage was SUPER easy. Customs, we had nothing to declare so went through that line no prob, and exited the airport into a throng of people all shouting ‘taxi!’. One guy dogged us for a long time and we eventually rolled with him as the bus to take us to Honquaio was in another hour and we only had four before our other flight. Driving in Shanghai is terrifying. Our driver nearly creamed 2 people on mopeds, and almost hit countless other cars. I never want to drive in Shanghai. As nice as the city was, there was no telltale building style, and all the buildings were insane colors. I saw an apartment complex that was hot pink. OK. We arrive at the airport, to where the cabby swindled us out of a little more money than what we agreed on, but both of us were tired and didn’t care at that point. The line in this airport was about two times longer than YVR, but went quickly enough. Again, getting to our gate was super easy, and we had about an hour of downtime before boarding.
Second flight felt way too short, and they provided us with spaghetti and another of those delicious cluster squares! Hell yeah. I think I played my DS for the entire time, but it was hard to tell since the flight felt super short.
Getting into Japan, immigration was NUTS. The line was insanely long, although it went quickly. Got fingerprinted so if I crime in Japan, they’ll know it was me. Shucks. Too bad I wasn’t planning on anything anyways. We both had our first experience with a Japanese western toilet which I’m now convinced they all have bidets since our hotel toilet has one too. FYI, the seats are very warm when you sit on them, and the one in the airport played gentle music to mask the fact that I had the best racehorse pee in the universe. Sorry, TMI? We get ANOTHER text from T-mobile. HOORAY! Your phone works! Free text, 20c/min call, 2g unlimited data! WHAT?! I wasted $40 on SIM cards before we left, and now we don’t need them! Oh well, lol.
Hitting up the international ATM, my card was declined. WHAT!? I had called my bank, so they should know I’m here! I managed to get the attention of an airport lady who graciously tried helping, but it declined for her too. Lilia was able to get out some cash. What the heck?! We asked the airport lady where the Keikyu line was and if Pasmo was over there, and she instructed us what to do. We thanked her for her time and assistance. Meanwhile, there was another American having the same problem as I. I noticed his card had a chip. Lilia’s didn’t. Ding ding, it’s the chip. We got sodas and some Japanese candy and a fruit cup, got Pasmo’s and went to the station towards Kawasaki - after a little help as we didn’t see our stop. 
The train wasn’t too terribly crowded. But, went approximately the speed of a fighter jet. My shoulder and back is still sore for hanging on for dear life while making sure my luggage didn’t go anywhere. There was a lady I kept bumping into and I kept apologizing whenever I did though she just smiled and told me it was OK. There was also a nice man there who watched us to make sure we were OK and whenever another train passed us, make a slight thunking noise, probably had a great internal laugh at my face whenever I had a slight panic about it.
Getting off the station and heading down some steps, there are apparently designated sides which you move. We went down halfway the wrong way, realized, and moved over with our luggage. Sorry! Walking here is definitely interesting. There’s people crossing the streets, not even really looking. I think we saw 1 personal car on our walk to the hotel.
Getting into Noanoa was easy. Manager was SUPER nice, got our luggage taken to the room, and let us stay in the spa room while we waited the last hour before the official check-in time. While there, Lilia opened up her fruit cup, which has jello instead of juice, and I had my candies which were DELICIOUS, and apparently limited time, so guess what I’m buying more of once I get cash? Because Japan is a very cash-heavy type of country.
Our hotel room is a little small, but nothing we can’t handle. I’m sure Lilia feels weird actually being on par or taller than most the people we’ve passed walking to the hotel. We spent half the day exploring the tiny room, seeing what was on TV and being very confused over a child’s show before turning it off. We figured out google translate, and have translated pretty much everything in our room. We still need to figure out the unit on the wall, but we at least know lighting, what the controls are on the bidet, and how to work the mechanical nightmare that is the shower. We put on a Youtube show that we both like, and I crashed just before 7PM after roughly 24 hours of travel and not sleeping. Lilia poked me awake and we officially went to bed around 7PM. 
We have not eaten since at least noon on the flight, and it’s going on 14 hours. Yeesh.
Our plans today, as I’m finishing this up around 2PM, is to visit an actual bank so I can hopefully withdraw cash, find somewhere to eat, and hit up a couple parks and museums. There’s also the Keihin Fushimi Inari shine that we’ll probably explore. Today is slotted to be a low-key day as we’re both pretty tired even after sleeping for a solid 12+ hours.
Note: Edited for easier reading
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