#anyway cheers to Kodai!!
nightrae13 · 1 year
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Gotta love how Natsuki got that “proud big sister” vibe.
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imagines-mha · 5 years
Resending now that asks are open again, can you do the cooking ask with the rest of the 1-B girls?
🔍 Yeah the gals not the most talented chef in the world.
🔍 If she knows you’ve had a super hard day though, she’ll do her absoloute best to cook you something simple but homely, something that’ll cheer you up
🔍 Once she starts it, she’ll find that cooking might just be her forté!
🔍 As long as she’s following the recipes step by step, all of it quickly comes together for her and looks so much more edible than she ever thought it would! She’s so damn proud
🔍 When you come home, she acts like it was all natural and she’d been cooking her entire life instead of just making it all up on the spot- but the meal is so good you just have to believe her!
🔍 She’s super sweet about it all and takes your compliments with a small blush shes so damn happy ur proud of her dude
🍄 Do you like mushrooms anon? You BETTER like mushrooms anon- cus they’re all this girl can make for you.
🍄 When i say she can’t make anything else i mean it- but she WILL make you one beautiful meal just composed of different mushrooms and oh damn how the HELL did she do that?!
🍄 Her quirk helps her a lot- so she just waits until your on your way home and starts cooking!
🍄 She has a lot of confidence despite not being the most skilled girl in the game- but it’s good for the both of you because it makes her meals a lot more glamorous
🍄 She’ll watch you while you taste it, a wide grin on her face as she rocks back and forth on her heels.
🍄 She’s not anxious, she KNOWS that it’s gonna taste good cus it’s her quirk- but she just wants to know HOW good it’ll taste , plus your opinions are everything to her anon pls compliment it in great detail she’ll feel like a chef
🦎 This girl has SKILL when it comes to cooking.
🦎 When she wants to surprise you with dinner, you can BET you’ll get a full, three course meal plus a fancy drink she buys just for you.
🦎 She just thinks treating your s/o to dinner, especially if it’s home cooked, is the most romantic thing ever
🦎 She’ll go all out and set the table for you with a fancy tablecloth and maybe even some candles how adorable.
🦎 You’ll see her super romantic side tonight, so don’t be surprised whenever you come in and she’s holding your hand and gently leading you into the dining room
🦎 If it’s an excuse to talk to you and eat- she’s all in!
🦎 She’d probably do this a lot for you, just because she thinks it benefits the both of you in the relationship! There’s nothing better than catching up on everything and disconnecting from the world and all it’s stress with the person you love
🐴 She’d love to cook for you!...if she COULD cook all that well.
🐴 She’s tried so many times dude you have no idea, but all she ever ends up making is a mess.
🐴 She can bake, and she’s AMAZING when it comes to fruit salad and stuff- but actual meals? Nope.
🐴 When you say you’ve had a hard day, she shines in different aspects.
🐴 She’ll order your favourite takeout, build a huge fort and put on your favourite movie for you to come home to. She’s much better with cute, soft things anyways
🐴 She’ll greet you with a grin, and outstretch her arms for you while peppering you with kisses and rushing you up to get your pyjamas on.
🐴 She’ll cuddle you all night and you guys can just eat until you’re contented. Not the best chef, but a hella good girlfriend
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