#anyway Woe. Angela Be Upon Ye
swingstep · 6 months
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The paradise that welcomes everyone.
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adelaidedrubman · 6 months
tagged today by the loves of my life @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @corvosattano @nightbloodbix to share some tunes for my current wip. i promise to atone for my sin of christmas music before december, but unfortunately i am already on full hallmark au fic lockdown because i gotta hustle if i want to get both of them done in time for christmas, so. a track for have faith in christmas:
(a beautiful take on a classic, narratively fitting since we will be playing up the awful current partner from The Big City angle, and a genre fit for jenna’s tastes)
and a little snippet of the hallmark goodness in question ft. the girlfriend from The Big City
She gave Angela a noncommittal hum in reply as she wiped a hand along the window to slick away the fog and gain a clearer view of the blonde woman dancing in the snow.
“But I guess there’s not much of anything to do around there for the holidays, anyways,” her girlfriend continued, undeterred by Jenna’s lack of reply. “I mean, there’s nothing to really do around there any time of the year. I wish you could be in New York with me already, you’re going to love it. I’m going to this incredible holiday party in Manhattan later, and…”
Faith. Of course she would be doing something like that, bare feet leaving a halo of prints in the snow and all. It was so impractical, so ridiculous, so —
She refocused her attention on Angela’s words. Odd, Jenna wasn’t usually prone to zoning out. The human mind, fickle indeed.
“If I were you I would just hurry up and get that thesis over and done with so I could get out of there! Who cares if it’s good? Not like anyone ever asks about grad school grades,” Angela joked between whispering instructions to an uber driver. “Just get the degree! It can’t be like there’s really anything worth studying there!”
Faith held out her arms, spinning swiftly as she moved closer, as if she were winding inward towards the lab. Snowflakes settled on the delicate lattice of the lace covering her thighs, making Jenna wish she was close enough to really admire the way the patterns overlaid. It was a marvel, the way she moved. The simplicity with which it came across, despite the obvious complex underworkings that built the spectacle.
Jenna smiled, giving her girlfriend an understated laugh in reply. “I think there are plenty of things worth studying here, actually.”
sending tags out to my dears @henbased @simplegenius042 @miyabilicious @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @blissfulalchemist @deputyash @confidentandgood @captastra @voidika @poetikat @afarcryfrommymain @josephslittledeputy @florbelles @unholymilf @g0dspeeed @belorage @cassietrn @roofgeese @shallow-gravy @strangefable @8bitpizzacoupons @stacispratt @orionlancasterr @v0idbuggy @jackiesarch @quickhacked @strafethesesinners @firstaidspray @clicheantagonist
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superleeleehipster · 5 years
I haven’t said much in regards to recent spoilers and what will happen tonight during the finale b/c, if I’m honest, everybody has basically said exactly what I think about this new development and what it could possibly mean about our favorite couple.
But before the episode airs (I know it was leaked but I’m just going to wait until it airs tonight to watch it b/c my wifi sucks), I just figured I’d throw in my two cents into this already blazing inferno that is now the Caryl fandom once again.
Spoilers and thoughts on thangs below the cut...
From what I’ve heard both from TSDF as well as the folks who’ve already watched it, I’m actually very excited about this episode and what it’ll mean for Caryl. I know I wouldn’t be the only one to admit that, when the Carzekiel spoilers first came out, I was pissed off and much of my hope for Angela K to bring my favorite show back was shot down (not all of it, but quite a bit of it). Now with what is going to happen in the finale, I see now that it was supposed to be written this way because it was supposed to come full circle.
And I will humbly admit, that it seems to be one of the best written arcs/circles between two characters I’ve ever seen in this show...
Now in regards to the Carzekiel relationship, after recent spoilers, it pretty much confirmed to me all of the arguments that we have been saying all this time. That relationship was safe, it was convenient, it was normal, things that Carol had wanted for a while. But the catalyst of that relationship has always been Henry. Henry helped Carol through her self torture from the last few seasons by showing her that she can keep him safe and that he is worth trying to save. That she shouldn’t turn a blind eye and push him away. She couldn’t help but fall in love with that kid, so she moved to the Kingdom after Henry had asked if she could move there. And with the motherly bond she had made with Henry, it was a no brainer to allow a relationship to form between her and Ezekiel b/c he’s Henry’s adopted father.
In the early part of this season, we saw how Carol wasn’t really into the idea of marrying Zeke. But it is only when, after she glances at Henry, that she decides to put the ring on her finger. She doesn’t do it for herself and Ezekiel, she does it for Henry more than anything. She wanted to give Henry what she couldn’t give Sophia, and that was a loving family with a good life. She did what she sought to do with Tobin, which was create as normal of a life as you could in the zombie apocalypse by playing house and raising a child with a loving husband and father. That was the dream she had that I’m sure she had wanted for Sophia but her biological father was nothing more than a sperm donor who abused her mother. With Henry, she was able to live that dream for the both of them. 
Was she ever in love with Ezekiel? I’m sure she was in some way, but I don’t think it was a soulmate kind of love, especially with what will happen in 9x16. I think she wanted to fulfill that dream within herself of wanting the normal life she never had, and give it to Henry b/c Sophia never got it. I also think she in some ways became secondary to Ezekiel b/c she just wanted to make him happy. The Carol we knew wouldn’t waste time, energy, or ppl over a lightbulb for a movie, but she did it b/c she knew it was Ezekiel’s positivity and dream that was at stake. She changed some of herself to accommodate his dreams, and she settled as well. So that’s why it’s not so much of a shocker that the moment Henry was killed, it popped their blissfully ignorant bubble that Carzekiel had created for themselves. It was an extremely heavy dose of reality, and because of the loss of that catalyst, their marriage crumbled very quickly. 
Now keep in mind I’m not saying that the death of the child equals the death of the marriage, far from it. I personally know real life couples who’ve lost kids via miscarriages, stillbirths, or accidents past the womb, and every single one of them had held each other up and became stronger with each other. In Carzekiel’s case, however, we can see partially why their relationship in particular had disintegrated. 
Carol wasn’t confiding in Ezekiel, and instead, confiding in the man whom she would deem as her best friend. Some could argue it was b/c she didn’t want to put even more pain on Ezekiel b/c he was the coparent in all this, and some could say it’s because she didn’t feel comfortable enough talking to him about it. We may never know for certain. But considering how jealous Ezekiel seems to be about Carol confiding in Daryl instead of him makes me question why she wouldn’t go to Ezekiel in the first place. Obviously the man wants her to talk to him but she’s not, so it does make you wonder if she trusts him or feels comfortable enough to do so. Which brings a whole new list of questions as to how strong their relationship was IN GENERAL b/c you would think she would feel confident enough to talk to him after being together with the man for 7 years, but hey, I’m no relationship expert...
Anyways, I find it interesting that Carol would rather speak to Daryl about her woes, and I find it very interesting the differences in how both men interact/react in regards to Carol. Ezekiel has always been a bit forceful when it comes to Carol. Not in a horrible abusive/Ed kind of way, just more of a manipulative way. He never let her be in S7 even when she asked him not to come, and kept hounding her to marry him even when she said no initially. In 9x16, he apparently speaks for her as he’s telling Daryl that he shouldn’t stay in Hilltop, that he’d rather spend some alone time with Carol. That manipulative tendency comes out full force when he tries to use Daryl’s own emotions against him to try and convince him to not stay at Hilltop.
Daryl on the other hand, questioned him immediately and asked “is that what Carol wants?”. Same situation when Daryl and Carol spoke at the Sanctuary, where Daryl (that amazingly selfless and precious man) wants whatever Carol wants to happen, happen. Her happiness is above his, first and foremost. If she tells him she wants to stay in Hilltop and he needs to leave ASZ so she could work on her marriage, you bet your ass Daryl would swallow his pride and do it because that’s what kind of man he is. He loves her unconditionally, which means he will do anything for her in spite of his own personal pain. That’s the amazing difference between the two men that Carol could see right away. Daryl will do anything for her happiness, and Ezekiel will do anything for his own happiness. 
So Carol decides to end things with Ezekiel because 1) he was being an ass to her best friend, and 2) she knew that she needed to do some healing and she couldn’t do it with Ezekiel. That latter reason is very significant to me b/c of that conversation she had with Zeke in S8. How she credited the ppl she was with for saving her after Sophia died and that she could come back again and again if she had to. But her decision to end things with Ezekiel tells me she knows she might not come back if she stays with him. All the same that she knows that she could heal and recuperate from this recent trauma by staying with Daryl and TF. She chose Daryl over Ezekiel b/c she knows that it will help her in the end. They may not be canon yet but holy jesus that speaks for itself how strong the Carzekiel ship itself actually was. 
I know someone else had mentioned this before (I think it was you @silversundown2) that it is more powerful that Carol had ended the relationship instead of finding Ezekiel’s head on the pike b/c she ended that relationship willingly instead of a death, and I have to agree. What happens in 9x16 feels like both Daryl and Carol come to a full circle. The beginning of the season you find Carol living in her fairytale with Ezekiel, describing it as “really nice” comparatively to her relationship with Ed. Yet she was still hesitant to marry him. It wasn’t until she decided for Henry’s sake to say yes. On the other hand, Daryl was still reeling over the effects of what happened with the Saviors. He didn’t trust them at all, and just wanted to get away and go back to how it was before. Daryl and Carol even had a conversation at the Sanctuary about their woes. 
Fast track to 9x16, and Caryl has another conversation at the Sanctuary, where Carol realizes that what’s best for her is to stay with Daryl and TF at Alexandria, not Ezekiel. And Daryl is going to stay with Lydia b/c he’s taken it upon himself to make sure that she’s okay and to take care of her by going to ASZ w/ TF. Both Daryl and Carol are wanting to take care of Lydia b/c they recognize themselves in her from their own past, and of course she reminds at least Carol of Sophia. Instead of running away from their demons (Carol) or taking out their anger on everything else in a vengeful irrationality (Daryl), we see them decide to go back to where they believe is the best place for both of them to heal, and to help Lydia heal from her traumas as well... 
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I can go on and on about how this development has basically destroyed all other paths like Miley Cyrus’s wrecking ball and left only one way to go from here, but I think I’ll save that for another post b/c this one is already long enough. 
Caryl on my loves, and enjoy tonight’s episode!!
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Gif credit to @lapicesypantones. If you don’t follow her PLEASE DO BECAUSE HER ARTWORK IS BALLS TO THE WALLS AMAZING!!
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