#anyway!!!!where my megaman followers at!!!!!
dilutedbeanibeans · 6 months
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redrew my first piece I posted onto tumblr! He holds a very special place in my heart<3333333333
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willows-arts · 1 year
who are you people
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painting-warhammer · 1 month
Magus in the style of Queen (Deltarune)
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Definitely a messier one, and a drop in quality. Really just the result of me wanting to have a fun figure I did on the side for a series I'm obsessed with. Commentary under cut.
For practice figures, literally what I will do is just go through the Games Workshop store, see a figure and then realize "holy crap... I could paint this like [_____] from a series I like!", or in other words, how every Warhammer fan over 40 paints their Tyranids as the xenomorphs. It ends up being the equivalent of a mini-painting "doodle" or "warmup" in between working on the "real" army. I don't really think about or worry over making a larger "thematically connected" army.
What's kinda sad is that, with Queen in particular, I actually did buy another Genestealer Cultist figure with the intent to paint them as a Deltarune character. I have a primed Abominant that I was planning to paint as Lancer and the King.
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Even separately from that, I considered having Lancer on his bike as an Atalan Jackal. But you'd have to get a full set of five, and honestly I just want the one popping a wheelie.
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Not to mention, goddammit, that now I actually have Green Stuff. I shouldn't have primed them! I could have connected the hammer to his stomach and made the spade... at the very least, I should have given them their coneheads. Damn.
Anyways, Queen. Not a lot to say, you can see paint going over the lines and somehow only the wineglass-turned-staff is the only good looking part. I didn't busy myself too much with details and I think this was unfinished; I don't remember what state I considered this to be in when I last touched it a year ago. I might give some shade to the gown and the head, and boots and cowl deserve an edge highlight or two. Apologies to trypophobes when it comes to whatever the fuck my primer did to the inside of her thigh...
It's also to kinda say fixing her up is not my top priority. I finally have enough figures in my actual army to play the game (this took LITERALLY three years) so that's where my focus is going to be. That's not to say no forever, but it is to say TTFN.
What I was really hyped about was the base. I took a copy of Fairly Oddparents: Breakin' Da Rules for Game Boy Advance, an absolutely awful Megaman clone that will not be missed. and then sanded it down until it was just small enough to be based. I drew with a marker the relative circumference I had to get it to. I suppose I could have freehanded the wires but I'm sick of my bases being dirt and debris, I wanted something nice. Only problem was the glue gun definitely made a big ol' gap between the base and the basing.
I think most of the fun of this one was daydreaming about how this fits in the 40K universe. Her standing on a microchip is probably impossible, that's only a factor of her being the size of one in real life, but who knows. I imagine that she's from a Genestealer Cult that had infected a Forgeworld, specifically. I think there are gameplay mechanics to venerate a bug version of the Omnissiah? Don't know for sure.
That's all for now! If you have started following me or read my other posts, thank you for all the notes across all of them. It's very humbling; I really don't think these are very good and I think any goodwill is based on who they are rather than any ability/talent rendering those people. The next few posts are going to be my actual army and the lore I wrote up for them, but that doesn't mean that's the end of the "[Warhammer Character] in the style of [Thing From Franchise]" posts. I have three that are started and unfinished, and I might do touchups or even outright re-dos of the previous ones I've posted. Thank you for your support. I don't do this for cash [what Warhammer fan can?] or clout so getting even a like has been very encouraging and flattering.
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catonator · 8 months
You hear about video game development?
Well. I wouldn't say I expected such a catastrophic implosion from Unity.
Now, I can't say that I didn't laugh at the situation. It's a hilariously terrible case of bad management coming up with bad ideas in desperation. But it's also a somewhat scary indication of the sorry state of the industry.
Unity controls about 40% of the engine marketshare (according to a linkedin post I found anyway). Unity dominates the engine scene by a large margin, followed by Unreal at around 30% and Cryengine by around 5%. Unity forms such a large part of the entire game development industry, that it's difficult to really even understand just how much they control the concept of games as a whole!
Most people are jumping to some paid alternatives, like the aforementioned Unreal and, to a lesser extent, Game Maker, but my suggestion is this: don't!
Within the last decade, all-encompassing closed super game engines have become less of a side venture and more of an expectation. Back in the 2000s, there were a few engines like this, mostly amateur ones. Game engines were less creation stations and more of a loose collection of middleware and tools. Purchasing the rights to the engine meant that you also got the responsibility of also tying the engine into something resembling a game yourself. I feel like this art has been lost.
Game engines nowadays are more of a purchase of a passing right to use and incredibly specific, closed set of tools. You don't get to define the tools, and you don't get to really own the tools. It's yet another example of the tradition of the games industry fucking over the customers, and the customers just going with it. Because of this, while Unreal got some free dunks on Twitter for this, I can assure you Epic is planning something equally terrible as Unity's PR faux pas, and it'll come into to play in about 3 years when everyone's just accepted that Unity sometimes financially screws you over.
But, game developers are indeed developers. They know software, and they can learn to make new software.
If you're a game dev and still reading this, I'd recommend taking a peek beyond the curtains of corporate cockfighting, into the realm of DIY game engines. It's a… somewhat janky world full of strange characters with unusual ideas on how much time it's acceptable to spend not working on a game, but it's also a place where you're not being sat on by fatcats.
Just as game engines have progressed in the past 20 years, so have libraries, middleware and resources for independents. Making your own engine isn't just picking up ANSI C and toiling for a year in software rendering hell. Open tools like Pygame, Monogame, LÖVE and Cocos2D (among many, many others) are far beyond just simple rendering libraries and border on being game engines sometimes. The difference is, these tools are open source, and they do not restrict you with what you can do with them.
There are several games you may have played made using these frameworks. Streets of Rage 4 (MonoGame), Celeste (MonoGame), Fez (XNA, aka. MonoGame), Miitomo (Cocos2D), Geometry Dash (Cocos2D)… I got tired of looking up more. There are a lot of games.
The future which I hope to see for game developers is one where you have a large assortment of simple tools you can pick. Level editors, asset converters, entity systems, all small chunks of a game engine you could drop into your own project to slowly build up your own collection of workflows to make games your own way, completely independent of any larger forces on the market.
The support for these frameworks is still somewhat barren compared to Unity, but I believe, that if more people jump to alternatives like this, more tools, tutorials and middleware built for them would start showing up. This is how Unity also got its start, about 15 years ago. You also really don't need all the power in the world to make your simple 2D Megaman clones. The fog created by the monolithic engines we have now have obscured just how simple the building blocks for your favourite games can really be.
It just takes some bravery and willingness to learn a new way to approach making games, but I think the outcome is worth it, even just for you.
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sapphire-weapon · 2 months
I don’t know if you have answered this question before, but what is Capcom’s/CAP! Fan-books for? Are they really canon? Asked because a lot of people seemed to take Leon’s information from there and go around just shove it to people’s faces like it’s some canoncanon stuff!!
no, they're not canon.
nothing outside of the games or movies is canon.
the fan books were part of a bygone era where the majority of video game advertisement happened in magazines. some game magazines successfully made the transition to the internet era, like game informer, famitsu, and electronic gaming monthly, but. most of them died off.
and the big publishers had their own magazines, too. playstation magazine. nintendo power. xbox world. even sega had their own, but no one remembers what it's called anymore because who the fuck cares about sega
the point is
capcom had their own, too. and they were the CAP! fan books.
but, like all other gaming magazines of the 90s, they were ads. like, sure, they had maps and game tips and hints and they published fanworks, but primarily, the purpose of their existence was to advertise/sell merchandise and advertise promotions and upcoming games.
i have never in my life seen a fandom take anything said in any of these magazines from the 90s as need-to-know canon law prior to modern-day RE fandom. it is BAFFLING to me the current generation of RE fans has decided to do this.
you will never see an FF7 fan pull something from a 1997 edition of playstation magazine and be like "well actually" with it. or see a halo fan pull something said in xbox world and hold it up as canon.
other capcom fandoms don't even do this. devil may cry fandom doesn't do this. street fighter fandom doesn't do this. megaman fandom doesn't do this.
this is literally just gatekeeping and elitism on the part of RE fans who want to gain clout by being the only source to translate these ancient, arcane writings. so they tell people, oh yeah, all of this is canon and important to know for the background of the characters, and you can really only get this information from me.
like it's disgusting. it's so fucking gross to me.
and these people will insist that this shit is canon and say anyone who disagrees just "doesn't understand how RE canon works" because they know that if they admit that it's not canon (because it's not), then the series lore becomes accessible to EVERYONE without the need for an intermediary because all of it is, in fact, in the games and movies. and then those people will become irrelevant and lose their following.
and they can't have that. because they're attention whores.
so, no, don't listen to those people. everything that exists canonically within RE is fully accessible to you. you do not need to go outside the series itself at all. don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.
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What are some of your favorite games of all time?
This is a great question, more questions about video games, less questions where people make up things I never said and demand I defend those positions, XD
Anyway, here's a short list:
Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The best isometric RPG ever made, in my opinion.
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. The best version of one of the best games ever made.
Mass Effect Trilogy. Yeah the third one shit the bed in a lot of ways, but I still enjoy the series as a whole. Playing a game series where your choices carried over from one game to the next was groundbreaking in the 2000s, and I always enjoyed my time with these games. Especially rereleased in the legendary edition.
Resident Evil 2, Original and Remake. My favorite Resident Evil game of all time. Great game, great story, great characters.
Resident Evil 4, original and remake. Second favorite Resident Evil game. Also, my husband's favorite game ever. I love seeing him get excited over it, XD
Suikoden 2. Great gameplay, great story, best game in the series.
Tales of Zesteria. Mikleo my beloved!
Jaws (NES). Yes, it's bad. Yes, it's short. No, I don't care. This was one of the first games I ever owned, and me and my dad used to play it together when I was very little. I have a lot of fond memories of trying to figure out how to beat the game with him. I still remember how excited we were when we started to figure out the gameplay loop for the very first time.
Mortal Kombat 2. The game that introduced me to the series, and still one of my old favorites. I still play and love MK to this day because of it.
Kingdom Hearts, whole series. I can't really pick one game, because they're all both really, really good and really, really bad, XD. But I love the story and the characters, and I've enjoyed each of them in different ways. But if I had to pick just one, I'd probably pick 2.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Still the best Star Wars game ever made. Still one of the best western RPGs ever made. The plot twist is still one of my favorite moments in video game history.
Max Payne 2. Ugh, so good. Great storytelling, fun gameplay. Took everything great about Max Payne 1 and did it better. RIP James McCaffrey.
MegaMan Battle Network, whole series. Probably the best reimagining of a classic IP I've ever seen, from the old days when "reimagined" didn't mean "vandalized". I was several years older than him when the first game came out, but in a lot of ways I grew up with Lan and his friends, and these games will always have a special place in my heart.
Jade Empire. Another great BioWare western RPG. Great setting, good story, unique characters, and really good and unique-for-the-time combat.
Soul Nomad and the World Eaters. I don't even know why I like this game so much, but I do, lol. They should have given the male PC a romance ending with Gig, though >_<
Pokemon Red and Blue. Pure nostalgia entry, but even though there are a lot of boring Gen 1 haters, to be a 10 year old kid when the original US Pokemon craze was at its peak was something special, and the games and the Pokemon will always be cherished in this house. Gen 1 supremacy, noobs!
Batman Arkham Asylum. You have no idea what it was like growing up a Batman fan and a video game fan in the years before Arkham Asylum. Every Batman game was terrible. It was a running joke how no one could do a good Batman game. Hell, half the word of mouth for AA was "did you hear someone's trying to make a good Batman game?" That they got many of the incredible voices from Batman the Animated Series back was even better. RIP Kevin Conroy and Arleen Sorkin. (And fuck Mark Hamill)
Legacy of Kain, whole series. Aside from Metal Gear Solid, this series is the definitive master class on video game storytelling and voice acting. I love the plot, I love the characters, I love everything. I hate how the ball was dropped so hard after Defiance, because that game set up an amazing follow up that just...never happened. It was such a sad fall from grace, because in the early 2000s this was the AAA game series. Everyone loved it. Everyone was desperate for the next game. And then it just kind of fizzled out after a few missteps and developer woes. And it died a quiet death in a proto-live service multiplayer game that no one wanted and even fewer people played. And while the tragedy is appropriate to the Gothic setting, I'm still hoping against hope for a faithful remake of the first games that spurs the original developers to finally finish the series the way it always deserved.
Honorable Mention: Final Fantasy 8. Gonna be honest here, 70% of my love for this game comes from fanfiction, lol. I played the game when I was a kid, and didn't really like it. It was weird and looked bad (I played it long after I'd gotten used to the "modern" graphics of the PS2 generation) and even with a Codebreaker and cheats the final boss was super frustrating. But there's some really great FF8 fanfic out there. Stuff I reread every few years. And it's given me a phantom nostalgia for the game.
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ninjapotatohead · 3 months
What do you think about each Megaman X’s main games?
These may not be my in-depth thoughts on the X series, but if you want the gist anyways...
• X1 was (and still is) a fantastic first impression from both a gameplay and story standpoint. Makes me all the more salty that Capcom thought that making Maverick Hunter X a PSP exclusive was a good idea. In all seriousness, it accomplished what it set out to do (being the start of a MegaMan series for the next generation). Oh, and the OST slaps.
• X2 was a pretty damn good follow-up to the first game. Opens up strong (RIP Green Biker Dude), and the X Hunters provided that extra layer of tension in rebuilding Zero before they do. Oh, and the OST slaps.
• X3 was an okay game. Not spectacular, as it did fall short of the first two, but you also never forget that moment where Zero bursts in from the ceiling and - OH SHIT, I'M PLAYING AS ZERO?! Shame Zero was implemented so haphazardly after all that hype from X1 and 2, tho. Anyhow, I've played X3 the most out of the early X series to the point where I can name off every single X3 Maverick by heart. Always thought that Dr. Doppler was neat, too. Oh, and the OST slaps.
• If playing as Zero in X3 was only an appetizer, then him being fully playable in X4 is the creme of the crop! I always admired that Capcom stuck to their guns and kept X4 a 2D game instead of just diving headfirst into 3D (we would eventually have Legends for our 3D MegaMan fix). Gameplay was fantastic (if a little on the easy side) and I never brought this up before, but I love X4's selection of weapons the most. The story of X4... not gonna lie is kinda dumb in retrospect. Okay, I'm gonna TRY and talk about X4 without bringing up its... "infamous" English dub, but I just can't empathize with Repliforce (except maybe General's sacrifice at the end) because their situation could've easily been avoided. Not that X and Zero were much better, given that Zero shouldn't have attacked Colonel if the latter just wanted to talk, and X... let's be real here, X got completely shafted from a story standpoint because the interesting story beats (and I use that term loosely) happens in Zero's campaign. Well, at least this game gave us Magma "HE BETRAYED THE IRREGULAR HUNTERS AND HID HIMSELF IN A VOLCANO" Dragoon, and the armors you can get for X are fun to mess around with. Oh, and the OST slaps.
• X5... Hoo boy, X5. You know the saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? Well, X5 feels like the result of someone who didn't quite get that memo. It's not a bad game by any means, but it does a myriad of questionable things (oh hey, Alia). I always wondered what it was about Capcom making the 5th entries in their franchises the most handhold-y yet also most frustrating games ever (oh hey, Dual Destinies). Not to mention the Enigma cannon having a chance of failing even at 100% completion. As a (at the time) finale to the X series, it stumbles in places, but it's an okay send-off, in my opinion. Even has a celebratory vibe to it from the moment you boot the game up. Oh, and the OST slaps.
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• X6 was a headache and a half; doomed to fail from the start since it was greenlit (and against Inafune's wishes, no less). Also, Zero's back now! Never you mind that he was just an arm and a talking torso the last time we saw him; he hid himself while he tried to repair himself, clearly! In all seriousness, this game was very slapped together to make a quick buck off of brand recognition, and it shows. Even the plot feels like little more than a first draft (how much of that is due to the game's REALLY poor English localization if it had any, who knows?) The Nightmare was poorly thought out too, and the bosses? What can I say? They suck too. At least the OST slaps.
• What can I say that hasn't been said already about X7? It controls like molasses, the 3D sections were forcibly tacked on, the voice acting (while not nearly as bad as X4's imho) was stiff and atrocious, X's portrayal in this game (though I didn't mind it as much as most people did) is infamous for a number of reasons, and the less said about one particular fire-based Maverick, the better. If anything good came from X7's existence, if you asked me... it's Axl. No seriously, I remember being one of the few people on the planet who actually liked Axl as a character (not sure if that's changed any in recent times, though). At least the OST still slaps.
• X8 was a decent (if a little mis-timed) pallette cleanser after X7 came and went. Although, weirdly enough, it's the only game in the X series I played from beginning to end once, and then never touched again. I can never remember why, though. Oh, and the OST slaps.
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dwn024 · 9 months
one of the most socially painful formative moments of my life was around 2013 or so i was in a livestream.com chat hosted by someone i followed on tumblr who i do not think we were mutuals i can’t remember cuz i was like twelve but anyway a livestream chat like that was where i first watched tokyo godfathers and it changed the trajectory of my life so that’s why i suddenly recalled this But Any Way i don’t remember whether it was a holiday stream where we watched a bunch of christmas movies or like a different one where a different person i followed was hosting watching ruby spears megaman either way at the end of the stream everyone was all like oh yeah that was nice and so much fun hanging out with you guys!! and i chimed in like that too like “this was fun it was nice hanging out with you guys^_^” and someone else in the chat went something like “haha but i don’t think any of us actually know who you are?” and i panicked and left the stream and blocked everyone who was in that stream chat. this says a lot about my psychology [<-he was twelve years old and joined the stream cuz it was Open and he wanted to interact with people and make friends cuz this was the year he was homeschooled and had zero social interaction whatsoever. social event failed]
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Okay. Angst alert
I HC that Yuichiro was just starting out in Sci-labs after graduating when Dr. Tadashi Hikari died. Like Lan’s relationship with him, his father was the world to him and he would take his death hard.
He shut down. He still managed to accomplish his tasks but Everything he did lacked his usual passion. His usual drive and out of the box way of approaching a problem. He was completely on auto pilot. His new co-workers would offer condolences and try their own way of cheering him up, but no matter what they did he was still this… empty shell.
(Whether the following was before they started dating or after i don’t know)
Haruka made sure he was never alone. Took it upon herself to watch over him. Comfort him. Never tried to take him out to cheer him up, or did anything special beyond making sure he was properly fed. She was just… there. When he talked she listened. When he cried, her heart broke seeing him in pain and she would gently remind him that he was not alone and that he was not without people who loved him.
(I have no idea where this came from, I was just trying to figure out how Haruka got with Yuichiro despite his obliviousness.)
aww that's sweet, though some timeline stuff is inaccurate
Tadashi definitely died after Yuichiro and Haruka married. Actually, considering he knew Lan and Hub, it's possible he died shortly after they were born. Whether he helped Hub turn into Megaman is up to interpretation because it's not really clear, but regardless his death definitely happened after Yuichiro established himself at SciLab
I do agree about him potentially shutting down though, but not really in a "shut down" way...
See, if Tadashi's death (along with the weight of him digitizing part of his being to hold off Alpha) and Hub's diagnosis with HBD happened in rapid succession, it's possible that Yuichiro was just SUCKER PUNCHED with tragedy after tragedy
He did mourn his father, and felt like he lost his best friend (because my personal hc is he got really close to his dad after his mother died when he was a child) but then one his babies starts getting sick...and sicker...until the doctors say his heart can't function anymore
But instead of shutting down from all the grief, Yuichiro acted
He couldn't do anything for his father, but he could somehow save his son
And that's the shut down I'm talking about--not a shut down as in he stopped functioning, but a shut down where he didn't think of anything else and just kept working because he had to make sure Hub's soul was saved. That must have taken so much time and dedication
I think Hub's death did put a strain on his and Haruka's marriage. Haruka had an idea of what Yuichiro was doing, but from an outside perspective he pretty much buried himself in his work and neglected her and their other son.
I think she did confront him and begged him to stop and come home. I think he lashed out and said he couldn't because he had to save him! He had to save his baby! And that's when she finds out the extent of his plan with his Navi project...
Eventually, with a lot of time and patience and Haruka coming to lab to bring his clothes and food (because gosh dang it Yuichiro you can't save Hub if you're half fucking dead!), the two have a more emotional heart to heart and they patch back together their relationship.
By then Megaman would be on his way to being functional so Yuichiro could make more time to spend with Lan. This is also when he brings Lan to the lab to look at his "future Navi"
Anyways, I made this more about Yuichiro's relationship with Hub than his dad, so I'll just say that Yuichiro never really properly mourned Tadashi because of everything going on afterwards. This leads to more of his regret and guilt that he felt during BN3 because he felt like he failed as his father's son when it came to the Alpha project. He still misses him terribly, but he knows his father is still looking out for him in some way (after all, he did save Megaman in BN3)
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I posted 1,457 times in 2022
That's 1,457 more posts than 2021!
38 posts created (3%)
1,419 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,199 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#someone's art - 106 posts
#memes - 96 posts
#naruto - 88 posts
#twitter - 73 posts
#for some reason - 69 posts
#rottmnt - 68 posts
#humor - 53 posts
#pokemon - 50 posts
#rise of the tmnt - 41 posts
#kakashi hatake - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#i̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶b̶l̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶e̶y̶e̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶a̶l̶e̶
My Top Posts in 2022:
How I finesse Naruto lore
I imagine it like: Sand = Defense (still good defense wise) Gold = Offense/Defense and Iron Sand = Offense
The Third Kazekage and Shinki both have Iron Sand and because Third's dead and Shinki's young both in and out universe nobody knows what Iron Sand is best with. I say offense because it counters(?) parallels Gaara who is known for his Ultimate Defense
Rasa (The Fourth Kazekage) seems to be specifically known for his Gold/Magnet Release and he stated he used to use it so Gaara/Shukaku couldn't use their sand because it was too heavy (which is kinda weird because Gaara apparently also has magnet release I'll get back to that later)
Okay so Rasa counters the Defense, that doesn't give me squarely offensive and in itself seems defensive, so half in half.
So you remember when Gaara's sand did this? Replicate his Mother.
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I feel like this can be interpreted in multiple ways.
Kurura's love literally is so strong it can influence the sand to protect her son (rip to Temari and Kankuro I guess). So the sand in a way has a mind on it's own. (Canon, I think)
It's not Kurura at all, it's Gaara (subconsciously of course) he's always associated his Mother with protection even when it was Shukaku lying to him , he still called him "Mother". So basically the sand follows emotion.
(That's all I got)
Back tracking to Gaara's Magnet Release. It's described as Sparkling Metallic Sand I've always visualized it as silver but recently changed it to rose gold (because Rasa uses gold that's all) although realistically it's probably just sand colored. Anyway the Sand being rose gold explains why Gaara wouldn't be able to counter his Dad's gold dust by lifting it, if their Magnet Release is for different metals neither can truly get the upper hand.
Jumping back on subject.
Going with 2. Let's apply that (logic?) to all sand users specifically Shinki. The iron sand reacts to his emotions, it spikes when he's nervous or feels threatened, shifts a little or makes shapes when he's happy and Shields, Domes, Hands and Gaara when he's scared.
Yep that's what I said Gaara, just like Gaara with his sand mother Shinki can create Gaara out of his iron sand subconsciously simply because he equates Gaara with being protected.
After all He taught him how to use his sand, protected him even from little things (bugs, bad dreams the like ), raised him, and he is known for having the ultimate defense so his logic's pretty sound.
I feel think it would only present that way when Gaara isn't around meaning Gaara only knows about the shields and domes he taught him and the hands he makes sometimes.
(Random note Kankuro has seen it and he thinks it's adorable he's told nobody under the threat he'll no longer be the boy's favorite Uncle)
Unlike Sand Kurura, Iron Sand Gaara looks mildly annoyed depending on the situation as he's face changes ever so slightly i.e usually calm but irritated in high stress scenarios.
TLDR: I explain my personal thoughts on the Sand Kekkei Genkai of the Kazekages and Shinki to then elaborate that Shinki associates Gaara with defense and safety.
29 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Basic Megaman X fan with ZX: Oh no Zero doesn't remember X 😢
People of culture with ZX: Where is our boy, Axl? WHERE IS OUR SON?!
31 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
So I looked up why "Your mother wears combat boots" was an insult...
Anyway 2012 Donatello called that Krang's Mom a prostitute
Specifically in a way it'd understand "The one who is called your mother wears the boots that are made for combat"
43 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Whether you look at them through a romantic or platonic lense Jessie and James from Team Rocket are PEAK relationship.
(They relationship is canonically of platonic)
That is all.
You know I'm right
96 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dragon Speech
Dragons are much more affectionate in their language. When talking about the ones they love, dragons often add a chosen nickname to their name.
Note: These are (in universe) loose translations. And also how I'd write it.
Toothless has less a term and more so a tone as an he says Hiccup with a fond treble. He sometimes parrots back Hiccup's "Bud" with the same previously stated tone though it's more so translates to "Buddy"
Hookfang calls Snotlout something that either means "Fireball" or "Dud" depending on context.
Stormfly term for Astrid translates to "Astrid Dear" the term being at the end of Astrid's name.
Meatlug calls Fishlegs "Honey" similar to how an older woman may call someone such.
Barf and Belch have differing terms for Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Barf says "Ruff darling" and "Tuff dearest" and Belch calls them "Treasure Nut" for Ruffnut and "Cherish nut" for Tuffnut
"Soul Mate" is a term used by dragons to describe an exceptionally close Flock-mate. (I was going to say or mate but it seems dragon's don't commonly mate for life.
Meatlug says it the most with Fishlegs, Toothless uses it consistently for Hiccup, Barf and Belch use it for the twins often and Stormfly calls Astrid her soul mate as often as Barf and Belch do. Hookfang uses the term a little less.
Friendly reminder that Soul mate is NOT inherently romantic.
114 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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protokirby · 25 days
Oh by the way, forgot to mention last night.
Congratulations to Drayton to having the 4th set of complete sprites.
I can't remember when I started his but they were definitely before starting Crispin's. Drayton's took longer because of motivation issues as usual but they're done now.
I think--- my next closest to finishing are either Ryuki's or Hop's but will I start on Piers's or someone else's? That's the question of the whims of the goblins. Been wanting to begin work on Piers's sprites. He won't be a starter choice like I originally wanted because he's big and asymmetrical with no work-arounds for the asymmetry and starters have extra animations which would be kind of bad for the file size of the rom if I made Piers a starter choice.
Assuming I can finish this project at all, I plan to have an entire series with more different stories and a heavily decreased need for so many starter animations depending on what those stories call for so if things go well, Piers will be a starter someday.
Although I have an exact idea of which one in my plans will have Drayton and Crispin as starter choices--- the uhhhhhh--- the 7th. That feels like a bazillion years away but that's where they fit as starter choices in the plot in my head
(Not that they can't still be played as anyway- in like- a randomizer or somethin >:D) (And I can have them in the starter list while testing. They just won't have the proper animations for certain scenes and they won't stay in the list by the time it's done)
Yall I currently have 13 entire story ideas for this weird pokemon mystery dungeon mess and I have reason to suspect that more will inevitably come rjxtrfghm One of them is a prequel that involves some ridiculous thing with Victor and Gloria (swsh protags) and even the first one that's keeping mostly the base pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky story has some changes ranging from small to "what the flip". The vast amount of imagination sure is a trip, huh?
There's only 552 spaces to put stuff in and that means there isn't enough room to keep everything between these. A bunch of mons were removed in favor of other things but each one will have different ones. I'm likely to keep favorites in between games. We're probably almost always going to have Leon, for example and rarely will he be absent. A fun thing is deciding which digimon to stick in there they've got a bunch of evolutions :D Probably won't keep the same digimon between games unless the planned story directly calls for it.
The rom hack project is part of the paracosm. Imaginary multiverse stuff. I have starter choices I consider to be canon to the universe of the rom hack. (For the purpose of the following, I will bring up the reminder that if I mention a name, I'm talking about a pokemon/pokemon character unless directly specified, which I will specify in parenthesis) For the first, the team I see as canon is Ciel(megaman zero) and Allister. No clue how it got that way but I thought of it one day and went "oh yeah that is beautifully random and works in multiple ways storywise". In the second it's duskull and veemon(digimon). Because of reasons I shall keep secret for now like-- the first ain't even done why am I talking about a second?
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beevean · 2 years
Now let's talk about that time Megaman decided to have a Power Rangers/Sailor Moon phase :P
Not even Megaman can escape from The Superpower of Teamwork™ :P
Megaman ZX is fun! And honestly after some of the last games I had to go through, I'm glad I can just say “yeah it’s fun”.
The tonal whiplash from its prequel series Zero also helps. I admit, I barely tried to follow the plot, because in my mind it all merged together in “YEAHHHH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIPPPPPP MAGICAL GIRLS TRANSFORMATIONSSSSSSS YOU’RE THE CHOSEN ONE MY DUDE/GAL SURE YOU HAVE POTENTIAL FOR EVIL BUT YOU’RE THE PURE HEARTED HERO/INE WITH A TRAGIC PAST WE NEED TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM THE BAD GUY”. Which, well, that’s fine by me! Although that heavily clashes with the realization that Reploids, a minority that was sent to concentration camps a couple of centuries ago, now are forced to follow a “death date”, and even get triangles on them to distinguish them from normal humans... and nobody says a thing about this in game. Oops...
Well, anyway. The game is basically Z1 but much, much more fleshed out, and much more fair. They brought back the interconnected world, they brough back the mission system, and there’s even a bit of Metroidvania here - you can’t reach some Data Disks until you find the right Model, for example Model H that makes you dash upwards. Thankfully it also has a much more reasonable life system, if you lose all your lives you get to retry from the start (and keep everything you collected so far, yay!), from the last checkpoint, or abort the mission (which thankfully doesn't make the mission unplayable later :^) )
But speaking of Models! The Biometals are the main gimmick of the ZX series. And, lore wise... they feel a little cheap? Like, I cried when Zero died, I felt so bad when X didn’t reappear in Z4... and now they’re basically Macguffins? Along with the previously-mysteriously-disappeared Guardians? Did they just rip the souls of all these dead Reploids from the Cyberspace to stuff them in an object and forcing them to become costumes for the Chosen Ones? Please let them rest.
But who cares, I get to play as not-Leviathan best girl, I’m happy :D
I like the balancing of the Models. Model ZX is just Zero from the Zero series but with a chargeable boost, and it’s just as great as the guy’s always been, the Kuuenzan is just as OP as I like it <3 Model H is super fun, it’s mainly a close range Model but the Air Dash and the gliding give it great mobility, love to traverse areas with it. Model L is of course mainly useful in water, but boy is it useful, you can swim everywhere (with a goofy animation though) and the swirling halbert move is OP - Area J was a blast to go through only for this model. Model F, I didn’t get to use it much, but I like how not only it shoots upwards, but you can also edit the trajectory of the bullets yourself, it made the miniboss of Area K much easier lol. Model P... is alright, I like the super fast kunai, but the ability to see in the dark feels gimmicky and I didn’t find a use for the ability to hang from the ceiling.
However. The biggest criticism I have is that, while I still think the life system is fair, the backtracking you have to do if you get a game over (especially if you died at the boss) is rather annoying. The only zone that gives you a save point more or less before a boss is Area O, the second-to-last one (and even then you’re forced to fight the most boring miniboss ever before getting to the boss)! And you might say, well yeah it's been the case in every Megaman game, but this one wants to be a Metroidvania, and save points are much more plentiful in that genre for a reason. Your character is not as agile as Samus or Alucard, the areas are long stretches filled with enemies and Megaman obstacles, savepoints/teleporters feel rare, minibosses don’t stay dead for some reason, and sometimes it's even hard to remember which door leads where - there is a “map”, but it’s more of a suggestion.
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This ain’t a real “map” chief.
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At least with something like this I could tell which door leads where.
So it's not really fun to dash through the entirety of the very long and nearly barren Area A or Area C, the main “hubs”, to get again to one of the many doors that lead to your objective. It doesn’t help that some transervers don’t even act as teleporters, for some unexplainable reason. Area H and Area J force you to take the long way back rather than just... teleport back to where you want. Why.
(I admit I'm saying all of this because one time I got through an entire area, down to the boss room, and it wouldn't open. Turns out that I had selected the wrong mission. I won't blame the game for this dumb mistake, but it’s both annoying and hilarious that this can happen lmao)
The level design is alright, the levels do feel a little long but they were clearly determined to create a large world full of secrets, and the various zones are fairly memorable: some are submerged in water, some are on fire and you have to rescue people, some have a tense lava chase sequence, some have missiles raining on you, fun stuff. The bosses are just as complex as the ones in the Zero series, and not as horribly broken because elemental attacks cost you energy! Man did the boss rush kick my ass :^) Even some the minibosses are a fair challenge.
I like the inclusion of humans you can interact with. Not only it gives a purpose to the Human form (which otherwise is only used to crawl through tight spaces), it makes the world you live in feel more alive, instead of just a nebulous entity in the background like Neo Arcadia in the Zero series. There are even some sidequest, which mainly give you small bonuses and flesh out even more the cute world, which I appreciate. The idea of doing errands in a Megaman game is just funny to me. I appreciate a little less the fact that one of the Sub Tanks is locked behind a fairly long and boring quest, though :\
The graphics are gorgeous. Instead of going for a pseudo-3D look they stuck to the original Zero style but beefed it up, and the game looks colorful and detailed and a pleasure to the eyes - Area J is just <3 And the anime cutscenes are well done and I’m genuinely surprised that the DS could handle them! Maybe some of the backgrounds lack some parallaxes? I’m thinking mainly of the city area. But it’s a nitpick.
The music is... not very Megaman, but it fits the more happy-go-lucky tone of this game! Just beautiful, catchy compositions all around, perfect for areas you’re going to be stuck in for a while :D definitely high up in my top list. My favorites are:
Green Grass Gradation and its strong “a new adventure awaits!” vibes - and when it plays before the final boss? What a great moment <3;
the absolute futuristic earworm that is Brilliant Show Window;
the mysterious Wonder Panorama, oddly reminescent of Water City from Z3;
the rocking Ogre Claw, very in tune with all the guitar-heavy tracks of the Zero series;
the soothing Misty Rain, which gives big Rusty Ruin Saturn vibes - and the rearranged version with the woman wailing? *chef’s kiss*;
the serene Ultramarine Meditation;
Doomsday Device which seems to be a more serious remix of Final Count Down from Z3;
the somber but determined Black Burn, the beginning of which seems to recall Straight Ahead from Z4;
the dance-y Snake Eyes, continuing the Megaman tradition of having catchy bangers for the last level (and being a remix of the “sad/game over” theme lol);
the appropriately named boss theme, that I imagine being the Megaman answer to Metal Scratchin’;
the oddly named miniboss theme;
the super boppy Sky High - I love how the “resistance base” theme went from scrappy, to militaristic, to determined, to peaceful, to finally cheerful and feels-good, saying a lot about ZX as a whole;
the badass and jazzy Trap Factory;
the epic and threatening Pallida Mors.
(also love how Weil's creepy leitmotif lives on in Deep-Seated Grudge, really drives the point home that the old nightmare isn't over yet)
However, I have another nitpick: the soundfont sounds straight from the GBA, just less crunchy. It has its charm, but if the graphics have been updated so much, I kinda expected to music to follow suit.
So yeah, ZX was fun. Not mindblowingly awesome, probably a step back from the peak reached by the Zero series, and it certainly tried to do a lot which ultimately clogged the experience. But it was an enjoyable experience, very cheesy, very earnest, and with a lot of heart put into it :) I heard that Advent fixed some of the problems I had here, so we shall see.
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ick25 · 3 years
Rockman.EXE, fanservice? Part 2.
What are pectorals?
“Pectoral muscles (colloquially referred to as "pecs") are the muscles that connect the front of the human chest with the bones of the upper arm and shoulder. “ - Wikipedia.
Everyone has them, they are located under the breasts, only that female breasts are more developed than the male’s, therefore, they can be seen in the male body. Of course, they are not always visible, it depends on how often you exercise that area. 
Why the sudden anatomy lesson? Because, before I watched the Megaman NT Warrior anime, I always though men where flat as boards and that I only had to draw straight lines. I then realized that was not the case when I saw some close ups of Rockman’s chest.
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I  thought: “Okay, I guess there are some curves, it’s not completely flat.”
But then I saw episode 15.
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O 0 O
My 13 year old mind was blown, I had no idea that was even possible!
Sure, I’ve seen pecs in movies, but I always though only super buff guys like body builders had them and I never found those attractive, but ever since I saw this scene, I found myself unable to look away. I always payed close attention whenever the Program Advance was about to happen, because of this sequence!
It was just so fascinating! Or maybe it was something else, IDK.
Anyway, it might also be because of the new art style introduced in episode 15, which I like to call “Buff Rockman”.
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Rockman is drawn noticeably buff in this episode, meaning that he has more muscles than usual. His hair also looks longer for some reason.
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 The chest area is wider and the muscles are more defined, which is a little distracting in some shots.
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But I’m not complaining, this actually helps me draw bodies.
Lets not forget the artistic side of this style, since the shadows and close ups improve the dynamic scenes. In the Program Advance sequence, each frame is pretty detailed, which made it impossible for me to take screencaps without pausing the video.
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The Program Advanced wasn’t the only scene where Rockman showed his muscular body in this episode, we also got some shots from his battle with Magicman.
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I still can’t get over that flying Typhoon virus, Magicman definitely threw it!
Next we got episode 18, yes, the one with evil Empress Roll, but in this episode there was two close ups of Rockman’s body when he got hit.
The first one was when Fireman and Coloredman used a combined attack.
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And the second one was when the evil Roll started to whip him, which was cut from the American version for obvious reasons.
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The next episode literally begins with a shot of the evil Roll’s bum that was cut out too, but this post is about Rockman’s butt shots so here is a brief one I found!
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Now its time for episode 21! Not only is this episode one of my favorites in terms of animation and story, but it is also heavy on the Rockman butt shots. Don’t believe me?
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The Buff Rockman makes a comeback in this episode, and it shows us close ups and/or detailed butt shots. There were a few shots for Blues and Bombman, but for some reason Rockman’s rear had more screen time, like in the last image where Blues lifts an unconscious Rockman which is followed by another detailed shot.
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We get to see his pecs too but not has much, and one of them is the reused animation for the Beta Sword attack.
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I never get tired of watching this animation. n . n
The one butt shot I remember the most is when Rockman makes his comeback after everyone though he was deleted, because he jumps in front of Stoneman with a detailed butt facing the camera for like 3 seconds.
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Told you it was appreciated better in HD, that’s why I didn’t notice this last shot near the end.
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So episode 21 currently holds the record for most Rockman butt shots, 7, and they are not done yet.
To be continued...
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hipparelinda · 3 years
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Updated the SP iceberg! I’ll add explanations to this one under the cut!
Random Sisters - the sisters models are random each time you save them. There are three body shapes, three hairstyles for each and three colours for each of them making 27 different alterations altogether. They aren’t even set for your game either, if you leave a boss room and come back, it will be a different sister
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Flying Tatas - If Linda pushes a Bonita Zako enemy off a ledge or they want to travel closer to her they will fly by spinning their breasts like helicopter blades
Hanged Bodies - During the fight against Demonica - if she’s waiting by a stained glass window - when lightning flashes, a silhouette of a hanged body will spin in the other window
Samantha Vomits - When Linda deals weak point damage to Samantha, her fish toy will fly about violently and cause her to vomit also uttering ‘Meanie’
Sisters Bleed - If Linda removes all of Siren’s followers from her dress, the large mouth that usually consumes the followers will instead backfire on Siren. Her arms wave wildly and what looks like blood spurts out. (As far as I know, Miss Mecca is the only other one to bleed - when electrocuted)
Demonica’s Model - Demonica is a unique boss since she’s never truly seen however if you see her when lightning flashes you can see the silhouette of her 3D model. It can also be very slightly seen when she runs by the tiny windows
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Time to die! - If Linda lets Demonica in during her fight, you get a special game over where Demonica approaches Linda to kill her and says ‘Time to die’
Dead Mother - Linda and the sisters’ parents are completely absent in-game though descriptions of some of the sisters seem to allude to the fact that their mother is dead
Early Stage Designs - In demo versions of the game and early screenshots, there are a lot of differences in stages and boss rooms compared to the final version. Some examples are Miss Mecca and Siren being in Cinder’s room.
Demons Motive - The reason why the Demons really transformed Linda’s sisters is unknown. The girls were most likely chosen because of their vanity and obsession with beauty but the reason for the demons possessing them is never explained.
Demonica Painting - The painting of Demonica over the entrance to her boss room is quite un-noticeable in-game however it may have Demonica’s real form in it. A pair of eyes and a hand can be seen behind the blue mask. 
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Censored Crotches - In the demo version and early screenshots of the game, the animals on the walls of Fay Soff’s boss arena have black dots censoring their crotches. This is absent in the final game and there was no need for them anyway since there’s nothing explicit in the uncensored images anyway.
Megaman Miss Mecca - Miss Mecca’s painting above the entrance to her boss room may be a reference to Megaman because her pose in the painting is very similar to Megaman’s jump sprite pose from the classic games.
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Manual Sister Descriptions - The manuals for the game have descriptions for Linda’s sisters. These descriptions expand on the characters however don’t always seem to fit in with the game. For example, the manual describes Cyan being the shortest sister but the random sister models won’t always be true to this. It could be thought that the descriptions were written after the games programming.
Demonica Spirit Same Building - The boss rooms for Demonica and Spirit both resemble a detailed but dark church or cathedral. They appear quite similar and could be the same building.
Dead father - Just like the sisters Mother, their Father is only briefly mentioned. He is mentioned in Linda’s description as he gave her her signature green scarf. Although there aren’t hints that he could be dead, he is never seen so could have died with his wife.
EX Stages and Boss arenas are linked - Similar to Demonica and Spirit sharing a building, there are links to the EX stages and boss rooms.
JP Manual Q&A Image - In the Japanese manual, there’s a unique image of Linda in the Q&A section of the manual. However, a part of it is obscured by images and text. This image (as much as my knowledge goes) is not seen anywhere else.
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Darker Skinned Fay Soff - The Japanese manual features art of Fay Soff with darker skin than what appears in game. The colour could be a mistake since a Zako unique to Hippa Linda has this dark skin so the artist could have just mixed up the characters.
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GameGo Cover Art - The Magazine called GameGo featured Stretch Panic on its first issue. It had information on it as well as a unique cover by an artist from the magazine. They replicated the style from the games own art however there are some unique characters in it that are not seen elsewhere. It is unknown whether these were scrapped characters or simply characters made uniquely by the artist.
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Blank Eyed Linda - (Not as scary as it sounds) In early versions of the game Linda’s texture for her eyes are simple blue dots instead of the more detailed ones from the full release.
Japanese sister introductions - Hippa Linda has unique introductions for the sisters that are usually a little description or tip of them.
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Japanese exclusive Zako - Another Hippa Linda exclusive, the Japanese version of the game has new Zako enemies that are absent from the original game. They simply act as more easy ways to get points.
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shachihata · 3 years
i summarize video game series that i genuinely do not know anything about besides what i've picked up on through cultural osmosis
resident evil: there's a corporation that made evil bioweapon zombies except somewhere along the way genuine black magic and cults got involved for no reason and now ethan winters can glue his hand back on including the jacket sleeve it was formerly attached to. where's the twink leon he was cute
fallout: nuclear apocalypse julius caesar is in this one. ummmmm there's a robot detective with yellow eyes right. are you delivering mail or some shit like your player character is called the courier????? There's a fight between the caesar legion and another group somewhere in there???????
castlevania: alucard and other vampires in a castle that looks different in every game umm a family of vampire hunters are involved too. I think alucard is gay but he's in a comphet relationship with the blond girl in green armor. Yeah i don't know the overarching plot of this one besides the fact that dracula keeps getting beaten up every single game
half life: ok i don't actually know anything about actual half life besides my brief stint with hlvrai i think this one's post apocalyptic im gonna guess there's something with a nuclear explosion because like. radioactive half life or whatever. uhh there's a secret dimension of aliens that the gman is associated with. Oh gordon freeman in the newer games is a dilf he's like fighting the aliens or something man idk
megaman: I Think this one is also post apocalyptic except there's robots instead of humans? ummm there's a bunch of "-man" characters besides megaman that megaman has to fight. i think megaman is the protag trying to save the "good" robots from getting destroyed except sometimes the games mix it up so there's a megaman with a different name i think it's like "X" or something that has to do it for megaman
red dead redemption: COWBOYS i heard of em. yeah idk the plot its called "redemption" so its probably. like you did something wrong and have to go travel with cowboys to redeem yourself. Wait isn't it choice-based open world though. ok maybe you can choose whether you're a redeemed cowboy or not. there are a LOT of dilfs in this one i think
dishonored: there's the guy with the black eyes who gives you a whale stamp on the back of your hand that lets you do magic i know this one b/c i think the way people draw that guy is either cute or super homoerotic. Uhhh you're like accused of killing the queen or something right like you're. literally "dishonored" and have to redeem yourself. Idk why there's like 3 games about that though
final fantasy: sephiroth drip meme all i need to know next question
kingdom hearts: actually i get kingdom hearts and final fantasy mixed up is. is kh the one with sephiroth in it im gonna look so bad if it is. Anyway mickey mouse is in this one. You're like defending earth from these inky shadow dudes OH there's an enemy that's like two corpses with a bar driven thru their heads i think because my cousin played this when i was younger and i was so scared by that guy. Wait maybe it was final fantasy that had that enemy. WAIT maybe it was persona FUCK
persona: im doubting myself now i'm pretty sure sephiroth isn't from persona though. this is like a semi slice of life dating sim mixed with a battle rpg i think. You can like. summon your "persona" to fight and the battle layout looks cool??? idk what you're fighting against though is it like a madoka magica situation where that superhero cat turns against you. Sorry joker for disrespecting you i think he looks neat
metal gear: snake. solid snake. gay little otacon. Someone tells snake to get the fries at mcdonald's because he needs the energy but he can't because his ass claps too loud. Fuck i don't actually know the plot of this outside of memes and smash bros SHIT does snake go on like secret spy missions to take down some mysterious enemy organization or something. Fuck
yakuza: i've seen a gif from yakuza used to reply to fucking everything i'm not sure there's something that this game ISN'T about. Well it's like the japanese mafia right. i'm guessing there's like a good mix of fighting and also family drama with all these weird yakuza dilfs. Like is there a custody battle somewhere in there
fire emblem: there's like 40 games in this elaborate dating sim and for what. all i hear about this one is people talking about romance strategies to maximize battle compatability with their datemate of choice. Doesn't it follow that marth dude as he tries to take back his kingdom or something I don't know i don't think that's the primary focus of the game anyway. Go grind for relationship points or something
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killscreencinema · 3 years
Kingdom Hearts:  Birth by Sleep (PSP)
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I must admit, as annoying as it is that so many Kingdom Hearts games exist that seem to do nothing but muddle an already needlessly convoluted mythology, most of the little spin offs I’ve played, I actually quite enjoyed.  I loved Chain of Memories card-based battle system, even while I somewhat loathed the incredibly redundant story.  With Birth by Sleep, it also adds an interesting twist to the combat, while introducing a new feature to the KH series:  the option to play as three separate characters, whose respective stories cross-over and intertwine with each other.  
Kingdom Hearts:  Birth by Sleep, released for the PSP in 2010, before being remade for the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix for the Playstations 3 & 4.  The game is set 10 years before the first Kingdom Hearts game and centers around three hopeful Keyblade wielder candidates named Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.  Incidentally their names correspond to the elements they specialize in, such as earth for Terra, water for Aqua, and large overpriced coffee for Ventus!  Rimshot!
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Anyway, the game begins during their final trials, which Terra fails spectacularly when he is unable to control the powers of darkness in his heart.  This sets off a chain of events that send the three traveling separately to different worlds, while the evil Xehanort (in his original form before he becomes a Heartless and voiced by the late, great Leonard Nimoy) manipulates events from behind the scenes.  As Terra continues to spiral into the dark side, his pal Ventus goes rogue and follows his friend around the universe to help pull him back into the light, while Aqua (who passed the trial with flying colors) discreetly keeps tabs on them both on behalf of their master Eraqus (voiced by Mark Hamill!).  
Well, it wouldn’t be a Kingdom Hearts game without a ridiculously complicated plot!  I won’t even go into Ventus being the “key” (rimshot again) to forging something called a “Xi-Blade” or the mysterious masked boy named Vanitas who stalks all three characters during their respective campaigns like Protoman in Megaman 3.  All complaints about the story aside, I did enjoy certain aspects, such as how certain incidents from the perspective of the other characters make it seem like Terra is giving in to the darkness, but when you play as Terra you realize it’s all a misunderstanding and that Terra is being used.  So the mild “Rashomon” like elements of the story are interesting, albeit not quite developed enough.  Also, that these characters are basically carbon copies of Sora, Rikku, and Kairi is kind of lame and unoriginal.
Whatever flaws the story may have, at least the gameplay is solid, and that’s all that matters to me.  Birth by Sleep plays like every other KH game, with the exception that you don’t have party members for support.  I’m going to be honest - the metric fuck ton of options and nuances to the combat mechanice was overwhelming at first.  First you have the “Command Deck”, which works similarly to the card system from Chain of Memories, where you can rotate through a collection of Keyblade techniques, spells, and items that you load up via the menu before entering combat.  Also these spells and techniques can be “melded” in the main menu to create new, more powerful spells and techs, which if melded with a particular type of gem, can also grant you a permanent “ability”, such as “treasure magnet”, “air combo plus”, “Once Again”, etc.  
Confused?  I’m not done yet!
You can also shift to other “Command Decks” during battles depending on what types of spells or techniques that you use.  For example, if you use a fire spell, you’ll shift to a fire-based attack style that will eventually end with a fire finisher attack.  That not enough for you?  Well, you also have available something called D-Links (not THAT “D”, ya filthy animals), which are command decks based on characters you meet along the way.  Say you run into Micky Mouse during the story campaign - you’ll forge a D-Link with him and, provided the D-Link meter is full, you can shift into “Micky Mouse” mode, which contains a different move set and finisher.  
Personally, I never found these D-links to be particularly useful except as a way to quickly refill my HP.  Otherwise, they are actually quite bothersome, because many of them don’t have cure spells, so if you get low on HP while in D-link mode, ya better revert back to your command deck or you’re screwed, and many of the more difficult battles later in the game are way, WAY too fast paced for that kind of shit.  
Got a bunch of spells and techniques that you need to upgrade to their maximum level pronto without level grinding?  You have the option of playing something called the “Command Board”, which is Kingdom Hearts version of Mario Party but without those pesky minigames that make Mario Party fun.  I rolled my eyes at using the Command Board at first, but I won’t lie - i actually grew to rather enjoy it and it is a nice way to upgrade a ton of abilities without the monotony of grinding.
Speaking of monotony, though, I would say Birth by Sleep’s biggest flaw is how repetitive it feels essentially playing through the game three times as each character.  They all visit the same worlds, albeit with access to different points of each world’s map.  Each character plays very differently, with Terra being the slow-moving, lumbering oaf but with great strength and stamina; Ventus being the best of both worlds, as he his fairly quick and moderately strong; and Aqua being the  weaker of the two, but fast as hell and with incredibly strong magic.  As a matter of fact, once you get Aqua all buffed up with her abilities, and a decent keyblade, she becomes quite the ass kicker over the two boys in my humble opinion.  Thankfully, each character’s story campaign is fairly short, which takes the edge off the repetitiveness a bit.  After playing through each character, there is a “Final Episode” that unlocks, provided you preserved each character’s post-game file, that wraps up the story... or wraps it up as best as one can expect any Kingdom Hearts game to wrap up.  
As a console game, Birth by Sleep is decent, but lets remember this was meant to be on a portable system!  So in that context, especially on a console like the PSP, Birth by Sleep goes from “decent” to “excellent”, as it provides just enough RPG action to occupy one’s time while on the go, but without being so much of a time sink that you’re rooted in one spot forever and miss your flight or doctor’s appointment or whatever it is you’ve brought the PSP to kill time at back in 2010.  I will forewarn completionists out there though:  this game is a goddamn nightmare to 100%.  Because of the way it is set up, you have to basically one hundred percent the game THREE TIMES, and beat the game at least once on “Critical Mode” if you didn’t already do so in one of those three slots.  That means playing through every mini-game, every arena battle, and beating every optional boss (who are insanely difficult, true to KH tradition) THREE TIMES.  It’s very tedious and it sucks.  As of this writing, I have 100-percented Aqua, and am currently working on finishing up with Ven and Terra.  May God have mercy on my soul. 
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