thepunkmuppet · 9 months
have you thought about anyiles because I have Thought About Anyiles. strap the fuck in guys
first question. why does anya like xander?? like obviously anybody can be attracted to anybody, that makes perfect sense and is fine, but WHY does she love him and pursue a relationship with him?? she’s not actually a teenager, they have literally nothing in common! he makes it very very clear that he doesn’t understand her at all, not to mention constantly belittling and undermining her. when he tries to be “helpful” and teach her social skills and cues, he only does it because it embarrasses him, not to actually help her understand, and is just so fucking condescending and rude!!!! (can you tell that autistic/neurodivergent-coded anya in relation to the way xander treats her makes me mad??)
basically, regardless of how much I just don’t really like it, I genuinely never understood why that relationship ever even happened.
anya and giles however. it’s not necessarily my favourite ship in the fandom as it is, but the idea of what the show would have been had it been canon instead of xanya makes me love it more and more by the second.
let’s talk about canon moments. they have a connection! when they bicker, buffy compares them to her divorced parents, he calls her “dear” at one point for literally no reason, and the biggest one is of course tabula rasa. sure they pieced together the context that they ran the shop together and then just ran with it, assuming they were a couple, but tara and willow were fully attracted to each other and seemed to somehow know that they had a connection, as did xander and willow. xander and anya barely even speak to each other, while anya and giles fall into the role of a couple so easily, kissing passionately without even breaking a sweat
so just think about an alternate version of the show, where instead of liking xander for absolutely no reason, anya pursues giles.
they are both incredibly knowledgeable on demons and history, they both have crazy evil pasts, they both have dry senses of humour, they’re both way more powerful than they come across. and just the poetry of it - giles was the one to destroy her necklace and essentially curse her with humanity. him being the one to make her fall in love with humanity and want to be human again is so FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! and just the idea of exploring his trauma around jenny, unwillingness to love again, etc.
also ik it makes perfect sense for xander’s character so I don’t have beef with it from a writers perspective, but it needs to be said. GILES WOULD NEVER LEAVE HER AT THE ALTAR
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sunnydaleherald · 9 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Monday, September 18
XANDER: (slightly nervous) So, a burrito. OZ: This is a burrito. XANDER: Damn straight.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Zeppo with the most Challenge (Beetlejuice crossover, not rated) by Dragonninja20
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everything in the world changes, and nothing changes at all (Spike/Buffy, R) by disco-tea
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Because I could not stop death Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Desicat
I remember who you are Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Desicat
Bound Chapter 50 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
California Sun Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by To Be Hers
A Place in the Sun Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
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The Art of Dying Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, R) by disco-tea
What the Drabble? Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
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Buffy 2.0 Chapter 15 (Gen, FR18) by BlueZeroZeroOne
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Chasing Midnight Chapter 1 (Gen, T) by Harley_Writes
When the Past Meets the Present Chapter 1 (Spike/Giles, E) by Bitter_Rabbit
Third Time's the Charm Chapter 3 (Buffy/Giles, T) by Bitter_Rabbit
better than revenge Chapter 1 (Angel/Jenny, T) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
[Image, Audio & Video]
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PODCAST: Hell’s Bells S6 E16 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by lisalilly
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The Buffy Re-watch: S2E17 (part 1) by jvstheworld
[Fandom Discussions]
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Willow was wrong for doing the forgetting spell on Tara, but... by aphony-cree
Notes from my rewatch so far by mothmans-wedding-photographer
Spike has me in an absolute chokehold by spicy-talaxian
The most Spike-coded thing about me by kingbuffy
James Marsters appreciation by fastasyoucan1999
I’ve been watching Season 5 of Angel by captain-ghost
Robin had the right to kill Spike by cannibalsaint
Xander should have realized he was a furry after the hyena episode by betwixtify
Have you thought about anyiles because I have Thought About Anyiles by thepunkmuppet
They put that damn praying mantis episode so early by the-chosen-half-of-one
so sad we don’t have happy interactions between tara and oz by missjessefantastico
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Why Giles wants Spike dead continued by multiple posters
Is Spike the most "human" vampire? continued by multiple posters
What's wrong with Robin Wood? continued by multiple posters
Your Favourite continued by multiple posters
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Discussion of 5.18 "Intervention" - Aired 4/24/01 (WB-US) by Buffy Summers
Buffy going to Spike’s crypt after AR by ICE
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What, in your opinion, is the most ‘child-friendly’ episode by Arge101
What major moment from the show did you know was coming long before it happened? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Underrated quotes….go! by Ok-Cheesecake-8626
Vampires smoking? by Boring_Fortune9322
Spike by Boring_Fortune9322
Buffy politics by Boring_Fortune9322
Got a dirty question... by Boring_Fortune9322
Vampire power by Boring_Fortune9322
Is there an in-universe reason for vamp Willow and vamp Xander to look the same age by Waarm
I Would have liked to see Vampire Willow interact with former friends by The810kid
The First as Glory by DifficultRice7075
Nevermind Spuffy, Spike’s healthiest relationship with a woman was... by plastic_venus
The way Darla gagged Lindsey by mere_downside
tell me you're a BTVS fan without telling me you're a BTVS fan by moonwalker4lyfe
When he was younger, what kind of music did Giles listen to, or play? by ErrForceOnes
Why didn't these two date? by ShadowdogProd
What are the biggest differences between BTVS and ATS to you? by Guilty-Indication-67
What does a soul do exactly? by RafRide
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toshapeshift · 2 years
Both of them approached the shelter for abandoned mutant children, hand in hand. Except for Mystique’s hand was larger, cupping completely around Anyil’s hand as she wore the appearance of a masculine, fatherly figure. While this was a shelter for abandoned mutant children, Mystique was not taking the risk that they were possibly against same sex couples. They looked a bit odd, she was sure Anyil had some reservations about her appearance, but at the end of the day, even as a man, Mystique looked at her with the same loving eyes. She gave her hand a squeeze before stepping up to the doors and giving it a knock.  ❝ it’s not too late if you want to make a run for it.  we can make up a lie and say our car broke down. ❞  a little humor to ease her lovers nervousness. even if anyil tried to hide it, she knew it was still there. this was a whole new chapter in their lives, she had every right to be nervous.
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444names · 1 year
ayleid names from tes
Anne Anned Annes Annessa Annihi Annihil Antion Antis Anumaran Anumaron Anur Anuraame Anure Anuren Anurgor Anurgorn Anurre Anyil Anyilmord Ayle Aylen Aylention Ayles Bladel Blan Bland Blantis Blanwer Blaterger Blatheles Briar Briaransi Brielessa Bril Brilenen Brind Bring Calanya Calater Caleid Calinge Calolene Calowe Calyon Cele Celeid Celenene Celenessa Celenyil Celes Celessa Celeth Celia Celing Celinge Celivion Celle Cene Cenessa Cenlor Centis Cenya Ceyrand Ceyrrer Cland Clannent Clansi Clant Clanwer Clanya Clashaper Clath Coppere Coppern Curanaron Cure Curil Curilessa Daraames Daransi Darant Darilye Duulowkey Duuls Duural Duuril Duurrefix Dynalord Dynater Dynathe Dynd Dyndes Eath Eation Eatis Eladower Elan Elane Elano Elath Elathe Elatis Endelles Enden Endessa Endia Endil Endrant Erraames Erre Erredes Errene Errer Eter Eteranwe Etere Etergorn Etern Eterned Faranned Farantis Faril Farilmor Farodil Faromire Femar Femaran Femarano Femaril Femarodia Femarrand Fene Fenes Fenestar Fent Filmorcer Firefix Firenlord Firer Firul Flole Flon Flor Flordha Florefix Floril Flowe Flowkey Fyrano Fyranya Glia Gliarane Glinfea Gling Glingern Glivion Gliviond Gorcer Gord Gordhaper Goria Goril Gorn Hadel Haden Hadowe Haduur Hael Haelen Haelestis Haelethe Haelin Haranes Haranya Haria Harilmore Harilye Harodiil Harrer Herefix Herer Hern Hernes Houls Houter Houtere Houteren Houterger Kindral Kinger Kingerned Lalandes Laldil Lalemar Lales Lalkynd Lalorilye Lanale Lanalor Lanater Land Landhal Landiarre Landiile Landrale Lane Laned Lanent Lansi Lant Lantion Lanwe Lanyil Lanyilmor Lire Lorcer Lorcere Lorcered Lordha Lordhuure Loren Lorenya Loril Lorin Loring Lorn Maladowe Maldiil Maldiling Malemaril Malemarre Malen Males Malinger Malivion Malkynal Malon Menessa Menloles Mentis Menya Morcered Mord More Moria Moril Morilyon Mynalenes Mynalenya Mynales Mynath Mynd Myndaran Myndil Name Namessa Naral Naran Naranalye Narandil Naranwere Nariel Narielen Naril Naron Narranwe Narreden Narrer Nere Nerefix Nernal Nilon Oblichi Oblichil Oblin Oblinge Oblinger Odia Odiaril Odiil Odiiles Odiilia Odil Odilind Odilinger Orcer Orcere Oril Ostarilon Ostarodil Ostarre Ostarren Ostion Ostis Palan Palanya Palasha Paldil Pale Palene Pales Palkyndes Palowe Palye Palyon Pren Ravage Ravageran Ravagere Ravagern Ruladhan Rulan Rulansi Rulolelin Ruls Sanal Sandil Sano Sansi Sant Sanwe Sanya Sarales Saran Sarandil Saranes Saranne Sarannihi Saransi Sarielen Saril Saromirul Scoul Scoulan Scouls Scour Scourger Scourilon Scoutere Scoutern Shadeleid Shaduuls Shalanath Shalinfea Shan Shano Shapere Shapered Shaur Shaure Sinfergor Sing Sord Sordhades Sordhant Sorenlord Soring Soringere Sorne Soul Soulan Souranya Soure Souter Soutere Tale Tales Taliaril Talind Talkyndha Talord Talyon Teater Teaterger Teath Teathe Teation Thel Ther Thernaron Titlel Titlelia Titlelles Titlen Tjur Tjuran Tjurgor Tjurgord Tjurhalel Tjuriel Uluscan Uluscand Uluscano Uluscanya Umaleles Umalole Umaraame Umaradha Umaran Umariarre Umarodil Umaromir Unfeath Unfeation Unfer Unferaame Unfere Unfern Unfernes Uren Uuraame Uure Uurger Uurgore Uurha Uurhand Uurhanwe Uurrer Valanwere Valath Valatis Valdia Valdiil Vale Vales Valkynal Valkynd Valon Valor Valorcer Valore Valorne Valye Varaames Varansi Varodia Varon Varran Wynale Wynarond Wynd Wynden Wyndraame
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therapardalis · 2 years
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[Pick Up Line Meme from @anyilherron​ of the a terrible puns :D]
"Could you get the takeout? I'm too tired to drive." ------------
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“Oh, what? Are you saying you don’t want to ride shotgun with me? I’m wounded, Anyil, I really truly am.”
Not tbhat that was stopping her from putting on her jacket and grabbing her keys. “Is the order in one of your actual names, or is it that place we think is run by the Mafia again?”
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kissandships · 3 years
My Ships: Updated
So apparently tumblr won’t let you go over ten pics in one post... and since my ship list is ever growing, I’ve decided to have the main ships listed. Anyways, let’s get to it:
Lindanny: Danny and Linda Reagan, Blue Bloods
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Scarlet Vision: Wanda Maximoff and Vision, Wandavision/MCU Universe
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Robson: Robbie Lewis and Laura Hobson, Inspector Lewis
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Remaura: Remington Steele and Laura Holt, Remington Steele
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Marona: Adrian Monk & Sharona Fleming
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Jescky: Jesse and Becky Katsopolis, Full/er House
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Anyiles: Rupert Giles and Anya Jenkins, Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Kristanna: Kristoff Björgman and Anna of Arendelle, Frozen
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Féliepa: Félix and Pepa Madrigal
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anyilherron · 3 years
((So, I’ve been feeling Anyil stirring lately, wanting to come back. I’[d have to explain what she’s been doing all these years, and since I have *no* idea what the MCU is doing these days I’d have her split from canon or not in SHIELD. I had a lot of you folks as good rp partners, back in the day; would anyone be interested in playing with me, if I brought Anyil back?))
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 6 years
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Five Times Saved (either saving the other is fine)
The first time, Maria saved Anyil. Government-sponsored experimentation was distasteful a reality, and she could and did recruit the woman as an alternative. Some did not make the choice, which Maria was not technically authorized to make on the fly like she did, but any time she was there, it was at least given. If she could clear the scene before the local government even showed up, more’s the better. It hadn’t perhaps been a welcome version of saving, but it was a manner of it nonetheless.
The second time, Anyil saved Maria. Another mission, another day, another asshole with entirely too much firepower to be completely human. Chitauri tech. Anyil got off a pinpoint accurate shot while Hill was engaged, taking down a big bad who was drawing a bead on the Deputy Director. It was appreciated; Chitauri tech made large, easily visible holes in targets. They shared a glass of Patxaran when they got back; the first of many.
Third was the day Anyil pulled Maria out of a burning building, when Maria was too fucking stupid to leave, still firing at targets who may or may not have been moving any longer. It had been a bad day; Maria couldn’t remember any longer what exactly had flipped her switch, but she was incapable of stopping herself. Anyil stopped her and dragged her out by the scruff of her neck. That was not a metaphor. Anyil literally emerged from the billowing smoke dragging Maria unceremoniously by the collar of her uniform. They never did have much patience for one another’s bullshit.
Fourth, Maria stood over a healing Anyil, who was out of ammo, had multiply broken bones, and a pisser of a headache, and stood her ground against ten armed insurgents. When it was done, Maria had been shot in the arm, but they were both alive and the supervillian’s plans were foiled. It was a good day.
But the fifth time... Oh, yes, the fifth time. 
Maria sat in Anyil’s quarters, a glass of Patxaran in hand. Anyil sat opposite, and they were bullshitting back and forth. Telling tales of war, discussing fears, and trading tragic backstories. Maria sat back, and took another sip, and suddenly realized that she felt... relaxed. At ease.
It was the first time in a very long time. 
She froze, expecting the mental hammer to drop, and looked over at Anyil reaching the same conclusions. Their eyes locked, both shocked and not displeased. They started laughing.
They’d become friends, against all probability and against all odds. In the end, they saved each other.
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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Com que és el mes d’orgull LGBTI+ i hi ha alguns posts celebrant-lo des de la comunitat langblr, he volgut afegir els meus cinc cèntims. Primer de tot, dec la inspiració d’aquest post al repte del mes d’orgull de @portugue, moltes gràcies per fer-lo! Va suggerir fer un post amb els colors de la bandera d’orgull original (la de Gilbert Baker) i els seus significats. He fet una mica més, també afegint les banderes lesbiana, bisexual, transgènere, i asexual (només he fet els que cabien en dues pàgines però sé que en fa falta moltíssimes - si voleu que en faci més sisplau digueu-m’ho). Aquí en teniu la transcripció:
Bandera d’orgull LGBT / Bandera de l’arc de Sant Martí
Aquesta versió és l’original, feta per Gilbert Baker el 1978. L’havia dissenyat per substituir el triangle rosa, que fins llavors havia sigut el símbol de la comunitat gai però que tenia origens en l’Holocaust i per tant, una connotació bastant negativa. La versió de Baker probablement està inspirada en les banderes de pau/harmonia universal del moviment hippie a la dècada dels 60. Té vuit franges, que amb el pas del temps han anat reduint-se fins arribar a la versió més típica d’avui, que en té sis. He optat per la versió amb més franges simplement perquè crec que en un post sobre els colors i signficats de les banderes LGBTI+, com més colors i significats millor! Aquests són els colors i significats corresponents:
rosa - sexualitat
vermell - vida
taronja - salut
groc - llum del sol
verd - natura
turquesa - art
blau (anyil) - serenitat
violeta - esperit
Bandera d’orgull lesbiana
Aquesta bandera té moltes versions també, però és un disseny relativament recent. També n’hi ha d’altres, però aquesta sembla la més normalitzada i utilitzada en aquest moment. He fet servir la versió de cinc franges, però també n’hi ha una de set, que podeu veure aquí. Aquests són els colors i significats corresponents:
taronja fosc - disconformitat de gènere
taronja clar - comunitat
blanc - relació única amb ser dona
rosa - serenitat i pau
rosa fosc - feminitat
Bandera d’orgull bisexual
Aquesta bandera fou creada el 1998 per Michael Page. Està inspirat en els biangles (triangles de bisexualitat) de Liz Nania, que també té el triangle rosa com a base. Els significats que he posat aquí són els originals, que he tret del següent explicació del mateix Page:
«El color rosa representa l'atracció sexual entre persones del mateix sexe (gais i lesbianes). El blau representa l'atracció sexual únicament cap al sexe oposat (heterosexuals) i el solapament resultant d'ambdós colors representa l'atracció sexual cap ambdós sexes (bisexuals).»
Dit això, molta gent bisexual (com jo) defineix la bisexualitat com a atracció a tots els gèneres (o bé sense tenir en compte el gènere de la persona); també està acceptada definir-la com a atracció a dos o més gèneres, i per exemple, alguna gent bi es declara atreta per dones i gent no-binària, o per homes i gent no-binària, o qualsevol altre combinació. L’únic que sí que és important és que la gran majoria de les defincions de la bisexualitat avui en dia reconeixen l’existència de més de dos gèneres, i no es basen en la binaritat. Amb aquest disclaimer, els colors i significats originals són aquests:
magenta/rosa - atracció a persones del mateix sexe
lavanda - atracció a persones d'ambdos sexes
blau reial - atracció a persones del sexe oposat
Bandera d’orgull transgènere
La bandera d’orgull transgènere és un disseny de Monica Helms, creada el 1999. És simètrica i, per tant, no pot ser hissada de manera incorrecte. Aquests són els colors i significats corresponents, tenint en compte que les franges de blau cel i rosa es repeteixen sense un segon significat:
blau cel - color tradicional dels nadons masculins/nois
rosa - color tradicional dels nadons femenins/noies
blanc - transició o gènere neutre/indefinit
Bandera d’orgull asexual
La bandera d’orgull asexual va sorgir el 2010 després d’un debat i contacte amb diverses comunitats asexuals, creada per un equip de persones i guanyadora d’una enquesta general al fòrum de l’Asexual Visibility & Education Network (AVEN; “Xarxa de visibilització i educació asexual”). Aquests són els colors i significats corresponents:
negre - asexualitat
gris - asexualitat grisa i demisexualitat
blanc - aliats i parelles no-asexuals
violeta - comunitat
Fins aquí el meu recull! Com sempre, afegeixo que no soc parlant nadiu del català, i probablement hi ha deu mil errors aquí, però he mirat de treure tant de vocabulari com podia d’articles de Viquipèdia i altres coses escrites per catalanoparlants, per tant la majoria de terminologia clau hauria de ser correcte. Les correccions sempre estan benvingudes, tant del llenguatge com de la informació. He fet servir la Viquipèdia com a font principal, feu d’això el que vulgueu. I si voleu que faci més banderes, o voleu fer una versió en una altra llengua, envieu-me un missatge, jo encantat de la vida d’ajudar-vos!
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cxra-melty · 2 years
Can you draw andy getting absolutely anyilated by Peter in a game of tag please?
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
a comprehensive list of all the Implications (TM) of the WishVerse that were never explored. enjoy.
so in case you forgot: buffy never came to sunnydale in season 1. the master took over sunnydale and made xander and willow his deranged vampire sidekicks. buffy fights the master and her, cordelia, angel, willow and xander all die. almost all these points are going off the branching timeline where giles didn’t destroy anya’s pendant and the wishverse kept going.
larry is a “white hat” working with giles, oz and nancy. he has dyed black hair. I think it’s safe to assume that larry is out in this universe, and apocalypse or no apocalypse I love the idea of these three being a found family friend group just like buffy and the scoobies. also love the idea that oz and larry were in love but that’s just because I am insane lmao. anyway larry is out as gay and friends with oz with surrogate father figure giles… yeah that just makes me happy. I would love to see his season 1-3 growth in coming out and becoming a better person / not a bully similar to cordy. and shittily dying his hair black.
were spike and dru there during the season 2 period? did the master kill them? did the white hats kill them? did they leave? WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM????
the mayor, adam, glory and the first would likely still happen on top of all the vampire apocalypse stuff. the trio could be dead or vampires and dark willow obviously would not be able to happen. does giles fight these threats, collecting various child fighters over the years?? no idea. do they succeed?? no idea.
dawn doesn’t exist because buffy is dead. I wonder who the key would have taken the form of, perhaps she would be faith’s sister…???
what’s the status of jenny calendar?? joyce?? tara?? amy?? no one knows!! I just hope they didn’t meet too grisly of ends. the idea of leather-clad apocalypse vampire versions of all these badass women intrigues me though…
did anya remain a demon?? destroying her necklace would reset the timeline back to normal, so I guess she must have done. my anyiles heart says giles thought “I could fix her” and fell in love with a vengeance demon who doomed reality but that might just be wishful thinking (no pun intended).
angel investigations simply doesn’t exist. angel and cordy are both dead.
connor would not exist because darla would not be brought back (I wonder if jasmine would find some other way to bring about her birth??)
lindsey would have both hands intact and he and lilah would likely stay at wolfram and hart, and neither would die unless they were caught in the crossfire of vampire apocalypse stuff.
gunn would stick with his crew in LA and would likely fight the master at one point, not to mention even more vampires than usual, and without superpowers would likely die eventually.
angel investigations would never run wolfram and hart, meaning illyria would have to find a different host body. if it was lindsey or lilah that would be awesome.
pylea would stay the same and suck forever because cordy would never go there.
lorne is flourishing and loving life running caritos. he’s probably better off for it tbh. the wishverse says gay rights!!!!
in terms of wesley, faith and doyle, I recommend this amazing fic. it really speaks for itself, it’s awesome!!
its unclear as to who would be called after buffy. is it a person to person thing or simply a timing thing?? would it be kendra, faith, or someone else entirely? as I said this is explored in the fic I linked, but still interesting to discuss.
season 7 would be very different. we don’t know what slayer is currently around and we don’t know if that would change the first’s plan or the ending with all the potentials becoming slayers. no idea. kennedy would not be important thank god.
fred is still in pylea.
if you can think of anything else, please do share in notes!!
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stonenbanks · 3 years
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I only trust in God and Christ Jesús ❤️ Amén 🙏🏻. https://www.instagram.com/p/CR-AnyIl-3cUlAVuT8T5VJ3YTkzPa-3kKVpqzo0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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toshapeshift · 2 years
anyilherron : "Don't make me say it. It's embarrassing."
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     ❝ fine, i’ll say it -- the shower head pressure was strong enough to knock me into the tile, ❞ mystique exaggerated, tucking her feet under her as she took a seat next to her love. the hot tea in her hand placed on the end table next to the couch. there was a genuine smile on her face as she spoke about the subject, knowing anyil was embarrassed over it, but deeming that it was what it was and it was as natural as anything else.  ❝ next time, after you blast your bits off, make sure to change the pressure back to normal. ❞  she laughed before nudging into her slightly.  ❝ actually -- next time you get to that point, yell for me. I will be there. ❞
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
HGS 2: Day / Night 3
@stevenjackmcgarrett @navybratcath @anyilherron @iknxwtherisks
(put behind a cut for violence)
Day 3
Lucius Hawkshire runs away from Anyil Herron.
Deecee Oceanburg is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Cian Lucanus hunts for other tributes.
Leon Kazmarek discovers a river.
Ilsa Faust thinks about home.
Percy Clayville scares Mallory Price-Bentham off.
Catherine Rollins kills Lucy Valberg as she tries to run.
Sidonia Dayville receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Benji Dunn avoids Andy Yablonski.
Dom Hughes sets Steve McGarrett on fire with a molotov.
Loveday Greenfield searches for firewood.
Fallen Tributes 3 3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Alexander Desmond Lucy Valberg Steve McGarrett
Night 3
Anyil Herron ambushes Dom Hughes and kills him.
Catherine Rollins tries to sing herself to sleep.
Ilsa Faust, Mallory Price-Bentham, Leon Kazmarek, and Lucius Hawkshire trade supplies.
Sidonia Dayville strangles Andy Yablonski after engaging in a fist fight.
Cian Lucanus defeats Deecee Oceanburg in a fight, but she escapes.
Loveday Greenfield receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Percy Clayville sets Benji Dunn on fire with a molotov.
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therapardalis · 6 years
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“Call me paranoid, but in my experience the more initials an agency has in it’s name, the more arse-holish they tend to be.”
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