#anti aging skincare breastfeeding
gowomenbeauty · 1 month
Why Do You Think Skin Care Is So Important? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. ✨ Why is skincare such a hot topic? 🌟 Beyond the surface, it's about nurturing the canvas we present to the world. 🎨 Dive into the science and ritual behind skincare with me as we explore its transformative power. 💆‍♀️✨ For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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myriadbeauty · 7 days
Retinol Cream in Qatar: Your Path to Radiant Skin
What is Retinol Cream?
Retinol cream, a derivative of vitamin A, is a popular skincare product renowned for its remarkable anti-aging properties and ability to address various skin concerns.
Importance of Retinol Cream
Retinol cream is hailed as a skincare essential due to its multifaceted benefits, including combating signs of aging, improving skin texture, and promoting overall skin health.
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Benefits of Retinol Cream
Anti-Aging Properties: Retinol cream effectively diminishes fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, promoting a more youthful complexion. By stimulating collagen production, it enhances skin elasticity and firmness, visibly reducing the signs of aging.
Acne Treatment: For those battling acne, retinol cream offers a potent solution. Its exfoliating properties unclog pores, prevent the formation of acne lesions, and reduce inflammation, resulting in clearer and smoother skin.
Skin Texture Improvement: Regular use of retinol cream promotes cell turnover, leading to smoother, softer skin with a more even texture. It helps minimize the appearance of pores and rough patches, leaving the skin looking refreshed and rejuvenated.
Even Skin Tone: Uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation are common concerns, but retinol cream can help. By inhibiting melanin production and promoting cell renewal, it fades dark spots and evens out skin tone, revealing a radiant complexion.
How to Choose the Right Retinol Cream
Understanding Ingredients: When selecting a retinol cream, scrutinize the ingredients list. Look for stable forms of retinol, such as retinyl palmitate or retinaldehyde, combined with nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and antioxidants for optimal results.
Skin Type Consideration: Consider your skin type before purchasing a retinol cream. While it's suitable for most skin types, those with sensitive or dry skin may benefit from starting with a lower concentration and gradually increasing the frequency.
SPF Factor: Since retinol makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight, it's crucial to pair it with adequate sun protection. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to shield your skin from harmful UV rays.
Side Effects and Precautions
Common Side Effects: Some users may experience mild irritation, redness, or peeling when first using retinol cream. These side effects usually subside as the skin adjusts to the product. However, if discomfort continues, cease usage and visit a dermatologist.
Precautions to Take: To minimize the risk of adverse reactions, apply retinol cream sparingly at night, starting with a pea-sized amount for the entire face. Avoid combining it with other potent skincare ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or alpha hydroxy acids unless directed by a skincare professional.
Patch Testing: Before incorporating retinol cream into your skincare routine, perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any allergic reactions or sensitivity. Wait 24 hours and observe for signs of irritation before applying it to larger areas.
In conclusion, retinol cream is a powerhouse among skincare products that can transform your complexion, delivering visible results with consistent use. By understanding its benefits, choosing the right formulation, and taking the necessary precautions, you can harness the full potential of retinol cream for radiant and youthful-looking skin.
FAQs about Retinol Cream in Qatar
Can retinol cream be used during pregnancy?
Yes, retinol cream is generally not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to its potential to cause birth defects. Consult with your healthcare provider for safer alternatives.
How long does it take for retinol cream to work?
Results may vary, but noticeable improvements in skin texture and tone can usually be seen within 4 to 6 weeks of consistent use. Continued use over several months yields the best long-term results.
Can retinol cream cause sensitivity to sunlight?
Yes, retinol cream can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, making it essential to apply sunscreen daily and avoid prolonged sun exposure, especially during peak hours.
Is retinol cream suitable for sensitive skin?
While retinol can be beneficial for sensitive skin when used cautiously, individuals with extremely sensitive skin may experience irritation or inflammation. Start with a lower concentration and gradually introduce it into your skincare regimen.
Can I use retinol cream with other skincare products?
Yes, retinol cream can be safely used alongside other skincare products like moisturizers and serums. However, avoid combining it with products containing harsh ingredients like exfoliants or acids, as this may exacerbate sensitivity.
What is the recommended age to start using retinol cream?
While there's no set age to start using retinol cream, it's typically recommended for individuals in their late 20s to early 30s as a preventive measure against premature aging. Consult with a dermatologist to determine the best age to incorporate retinol into your skincare routine.
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skincareblogs · 6 months
Farmherbs : Bakuchiol: The Gentle Giant of Skincare - A Natural Alternative to Retinol.
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In the ever-evolving world of skincare, the quest for effective yet gentle anti-aging ingredients is constant. One promising contender that has captured the attention of beauty enthusiasts and skincare experts alike is bakuchiol. Often hailed as a natural alternative to retinol, bakuchiol offers a host of benefits without the potential drawbacks associated with its chemical counterpart.
Natural Origins: Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A, often sourced from animal products. In contrast, bakuchiol is a natural compound extracted from the seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia plant. This botanical origin makes bakuchiol an attractive choice for those seeking plant-based skincare solutions.
Gentle on the Skin: One of the most significant advantages of bakuchiol over retinol is its gentle nature. Retinol is notorious for causing irritation, redness, and peeling during the initial stages of use. Bakuchiol, on the other hand, is considered a milder option, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin who may struggle with the side effects associated with retinol.
Antioxidant Power: Both bakuchiol and retinol boast antioxidant properties, but bakuchiol's unique antioxidant profile sets it apart. This natural compound helps neutralize free radicals, offering protection against environmental stressors and contributing to a more resilient and youthful complexion.
Pregnancy-Safe Skincare: For individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the safety of skincare ingredients is a paramount concern. While retinol is generally advised against during pregnancy, bakuchiol has been deemed a safer alternative. This makes it an appealing choice for those navigating the delicate balance of skincare during this special time.
Collagen Boosting Without the Side Effects: Collagen production is a key factor in maintaining skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Both bakuchiol and retinol stimulate collagen production, but bakuchiol achieves this without the potential side effects that can accompany retinol use, such as dryness and flakiness.
Suitable for All Skin Types: Whether you have oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin, bakuchiol is versatile enough to accommodate various skin types. Its gentle nature makes it an inclusive option for those who may not tolerate retinol well. In the pursuit of healthy and radiant skin, bakuchiol emerges as a compelling alternative to retinol. Its natural origins, gentle attributes, and efficacy in addressing common skincare concerns position it as a skincare ingredient worth exploring. As with any skincare product, individual responses may vary, and it's advisable to conduct patch tests and consult with skincare professionals for personalized advice. Embrace the power of bakuchiol and experience the beauty of a natural, gentle approach to skincare.
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sarinskinsolutions12 · 9 months
Get Clear and Glowing Skin with Acne Retinoids: The Holy Grail of Skincare
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Are you tired of dealing with acne and longing for clear, glowing skin? Look no further than acne retinoids, the holy grail of skincare. Acne retinoids are powerful topical treatments that not only help combat acne but also provide numerous benefits for your skin. In this article, we will explore the wonders of acne retinoids, their benefits, and how to incorporate them into your skincare routine. Say goodbye to acne and hello to radiant skin!
Acne retinoids, derived from Vitamin A, are widely recognized as one of the most effective treatments for acne and overall skin improvement. They are available in various forms, including creams, gels, and serums, making it easier for everyone to find a suitable option for their skin type.
How Do Acne Retinoids Work?
Acne retinoids work by promoting cell turnover and preventing the formation of acne. They penetrate deep into the skin, unclogging pores, and reducing the production of sebum, the oily substance responsible for acne. Furthermore, acne retinoids help fade acne scars and dark spots, giving your skin a smoother and more even complexion.
Benefits of Acne Retinoids
Acne Treatment: Acne retinoids target the root causes of acne, reducing breakouts and preventing new ones from forming.
Anti-Aging Properties: Regular use of acne retinoids can diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, leaving your skin looking youthful and radiant.
Skin Texture Improvement: Acne retinoids help improve skin texture by minimizing the appearance of enlarged pores and refining the skin's surface.
Brightening Effect: By promoting cell turnover, acne retinoids reveal a brighter and more luminous complexion.
Even Skin Tone: Acne retinoids fade acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and dark spots, resulting in a more even skin tone.
Choosing the Right Acne Retinol Product
When selecting an acne retinol product, it's essential to consider your skin type and sensitivity. Start with a lower concentration to allow your skin to adjust gradually. Look for products that are dermatologist-tested and free from potential irritants. It's also recommended to choose a formulation that suits your preferences, such as a cream for dry skin or a gel for oily skin.
Incorporating Acne Retinoids into Your Skincare Routine
To achieve the best results, incorporate acne retinoids into your skincare routine in the following manner:
Cleanse your face thoroughly.
Apply a gentle toner to balance your skin's pH level.
Use a lightweight moisturizer to hydrate your skin.
Take a small amount of acne retinol and apply it evenly to your face.
Follow up with a moisturizer to prevent dryness.
Always wear sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Tips for Using Acne Retinoids Safely
To ensure the safe and effective use of acne retinoids, keep these tips in mind:
Start with a lower concentration and gradually increase as tolerated.
Apply acne retinoids at night to minimize sun sensitivity.
Avoid using other active ingredients, such as AHAs or BHAs, alongside acne retinoids, as it may cause irritation.
If you experience excessive dryness or irritation, reduce the frequency of use or consult a dermatologist.
Do not use acne retinoids if you are pregnant or breastfeeding without consulting your healthcare professional.
Common Myths about Acne Retinoids
Myth: Acne retinoids make your skin more sensitive to the sun.
Fact: While acne retinoids can increase sun sensitivity, using sunscreen adequately can protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Myth: Acne retinoids work overnight.
Fact: Acne retinoids require consistent use over a few weeks to months to see noticeable results. Patience is key!
Myth: Acne retinoids are only for oily skin types.
Fact: Acne retinoids are suitable for various skin types. There are formulations available for dry, oily, and combination skin.
Incorporating acne retinoids into your skincare routine can be a game-changer for achieving clear and glowing skin. Their powerful acne-fighting properties, coupled with numerous skin benefits, make them the holy grail of skincare. Remember to choose the right product for your skin type, follow a consistent skincare routine, and be patient as you wait for the remarkable results. Say goodbye to acne and hello to the radiant, healthy skin you deserve!
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frederickesotelo · 1 year
Is collagen safe while breastfeeding? - Heads Up Mom
Collagen is a protein that is found in the connective tissues of the body. It is responsible for providing strength and elasticity to these tissues. Collagen is also known for its anti-aging properties and is often used in skincare products. Some pe…
from Headsupmom's Favorite Links from Diigo https://headsupmom.com/is-collagen-safe-while-breastfeeding/
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informationvine · 2 years
The Importance of Skin care Products for Aging Skin
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If you want to keep your skin looking its best, you must know the importance of aging skin care. Age-related skin problems include wrinkles, hyper-contraction, and dark spots. Anti-aging skin care products fight these three main issues. They must also contain antioxidant assets to slow down the signs of aging. Exposure to the sun is a primary cause of skin aging. The following are some of the most important ingredients that you should look for Skin care Products for Aging Skin.
Skin care Products for Aging Skin contain active ingredients that may help reduce wrinkles and improve skin's appearance. Read on to discover which ingredients are the most effective and when to start using them. It is important to use a good moisturizer and sunscreen every day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. A daily moisturizing and sunscreen are also essential to keep the skin soft and smooth. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a daily moisturizer, sunscreen, and other anti-aging skin care products to improve skin's health. Before you choose Skin care Products for Aging Skin. You should check the quality and brand that offers you natural and healthy ingredients.
One of the most important ingredients in anti-aging skincare products is retinol. This substance is proven to prevent wrinkles, smooth out fine lines, and increase collagen production. However, it should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It should also be used at night. It can cause irritation on the skin. If you're not sure about using retinol, you can begin with a few times a week and monitor the results. Make sure to gradually increase the dosage to avoid redness and breakouts. There are number of options for people to choose Skin care Products for Aging Skin, youthandage is one of the leading brand in the field of skincare products,
One of the best natural anti-aging ingredients is Green Tea. Green Tea extract helps reduce the signs of aging by reducing inflammation and oxidation. Green Tea Leaf is also an excellent topical treatment that helps protect skin against UV damage. It also helps restore skin's barrier and pH balance. As the skin ages, it becomes more sensitive to environmental aggressors. Using a good quality anti-aging facial cleanser every day can go a long way. You can visit the official site and get Skin care Products for Aging Skin.
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suganda-skincare · 2 years
As the name suggests, rosehip oil is extracted from the fruit of the rose plant. It is largely known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer properties. As a result, this ingredient has been used since ancient times for cooking and medicinal purposes.
Rosehip oil is packed with essential fatty acids and skin-nourishing vitamins that help treat acne spots on the face and scarring. It is filled with antioxidants like Vitamin C which have anti-inflammatory properties and are believed to stimulate your skin and repair it naturally.
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   The fatty acids in the rosehip also treat your wounds and scars magically. They make your skin cells softer and more porous, promoting quick healing. These fatty acids include;
Linoleic acid
Oleic acid
Linolenic acid
  In addition, rosehip oil also defends your skin from the following issues;
  Sun damage
Inflammation caused by acne and eczema
Early signs of ageing
  What Are the Key Ingredients in Rosehip Oil?
  Rosehip seeds are a powerhouse of collagen that encourages the regeneration of skin cells, which helps minimise the appearance of dark spots and acne scars.
  Linoleic Acid
  This ingredient contains a high amount of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that controls the production of the skin’s natural oil (sebum). Linoleic acid helps regulate the production of sebum, minimising breakouts.
  Vitamin A
  Vitamin A is another key ingredient found in rosehip oil, which adds to the overall benefits. According to experts, vitamin A helps reduce the amount of sebum your skin produces every day.
Many people doubt that rosehip oil will help their acne. Is it safe for oily skin?Does it suit my skin type? Etc. This has also been addressed for you.
  There are no tested guidelines or results for different skin types in case of using rosehip oil topically . Surprisingly, many users have vouched for the magical effects it has delivered, such as acne spot removal even on oily skin.
  So, ditch the myth that you cannot use oil if you have an oily skin type.
  Rosehip oil acts as an astringent, which is known to dry up the skin's natural oil while minimising the appearance of the skin pores. However, if you have a sensitive skin type, your skin might react differently.
  Therefore, it is advised that you perform a patch test before applying it to your face.
You can use rosehip oil in both topical and supplement forms.
  Some people, like pregnant women or individuals already battling other severe diseases, should avoid using oral supplements. For them, the external application of rosehip oil works best.
  In the same way, when you are in the experimental stage, you should consider using topical rosehip first. Generally, you should see improvement within 6-8 weeks of use, but consider consulting your dermatologist if you notice no improvement.
  What’s important is that you should always perform a patch test before using any new ingredient on your skin. It protects you from possible side effects.
  If your current skincare products already contain Vitamin A or C, you might experience irritation because of an excessive supply of a certain ingredient, which results in hypervitaminosis. You should also avoid using topical rosehip oil if you are allergic to rose plants or other plants from the Rosaceae family.
  Besides, consult your doctor before using rosehip oil if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or already on medicines like steroids.
  How to Apply Rosehip Oil
  Patch testing
  Apply a small amount to the inside of your forearm.
Cover it with a bandage, and leave it for at least 24 hours.
Remove the cover and check for redness, swelling, or other irritation signs.
If you don’t see any side effects, you can add this product to your daily routine.
  Regular application,
Clean your face with a mild face wash.
Use enough oil to cover your entire face.
Use it twice a day for best results.
1.Archives of Dermatological Research, 1998 July
2.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1986 Feb
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gyalabs4 · 3 years
In recent years, the blue tansy oil (Tanacetum annuum), a small flower, has garnered a lot of positive attention. As a result, it’s become a common ingredient in a wide range of goods, from acne creams to anti-aging creams. Blue Tansy face oil has also become well-known. Aromatherapists laud it for its relaxing properties. It is said to have therapeutic qualities by some aestheticians. But is the use of blue tansy face oil well-supported? Is it effective at soothing sensitive skin? Although scientific evidence is limited, here is what we do know about the qualities of this tiny flower.
What is blue tansy? Originally a wild-harvested Mediterranean plant, blue tansy — which is yellow — is now cultivated mainly in Morocco.
When the flower’s popularity in beauty products surged, it was harvested almost out of existence in the wild. Today, supplies are steadily increasing, but it’s still one of the more expensive essential oils. A 2-ounce bottle may cost more than $100.
The blooms of the Tanacetum annuum are yellow. Its slender leaves are covered with fine white “fur.” The oil has a sweet, herbal fragrance due to its high camphor content.
How is it made? The above-ground flowers and stems of the blue tansy plant are gathered and steam-distilled. In the distillation process, one of the chemical components of the oil, chamazulene, is released.
When heated, chamazulene turns deep blue, giving the oil its indigo-to-cerulean hue. Exactly how much chamazulene the plants contain changes as the growing season progresses from May to November.
What are the benefits of blue tansy? So, let’s get to it: What can blue tansy oil do?
Although not much research has been done to examine how well the oil performs in clinical or real-life use, there is some evidence it can be effective as a skincare remedy.
Calming effects Studies still need to be done to determine whether Blue Tansy face oil helps heal irritated skin.
But some radiologists have used the oil, combined with water in a spritzer bottle, to help treat skin for burns that can sometimes develop from radiation treatments for cancer.
Anti-inflammatory properties There hasn’t been a lot of research into how blue tansy oil can be used to reduce inflammation. But there’s some evidence that two of its main components have been effective against inflammation:
Sabinene, a primary component of blue tansy oil, is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, studiesTrusted Source show. Camphor, another key component in blue tansy oil, has been shown trusted Source to reduce inflammation in the body. Also, the American Chemical Society notes that chamazulene, the chemical that brings out the blue color in the oil, is also an anti-inflammatory agent.
Skin-healing effects The camphor concentration in blue tansy oil has been shown to help repair damaged skin.
In one study trusted Source, mice that had been exposed to UV radiation showed improvement after being treated with camphor. This led researchers to suggest camphor could be a potent wound-healing and even anti-wrinkle agent.
Antihistamine properties In traditional Chinese medicine, blue tansy has been used as an antihistamine to reduce nasal congestion.
Aromatherapists recommend using a few drops in a bowl of very hot water to create an infused steam.
How to use blue tansy oil To take advantage of blue tansy oil’s calming effects, try these methods:
In a cream or carrier oil Like any essential oil, it’s important to dilute blue tansy before it touches your skin.
You can place 1 to 2 drops of blue tansy oil in your moisturizer, cleanser, or body lotion to help boost the product’s skin-healing effects. Or, add a few drops to a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil before applying it to your skin.
In a diffuser Many people find the herbal scent of blue tansy oil to be relaxing. To enjoy the fragrance in your home, place a few drops in a diffuser.
A note of caution: Essential oils can trigger asthma or allergy symptoms for some people. You may want to avoid using the oil at work or in public spaces.
In a spritzer To make a spritzer to use as an anti-inflammatory aid, add 4 milliliters of blue tansy oil to a spray bottle containing 4 ounces of water. Shake the bottle to mix the oil and water before you spritz it.
Note: If you’re preparing this blend to treat your skin during a course of radiation treatments, avoid using aluminum spray bottles. Aluminum can interfere with radiation. Glass bottles tend to work best.
Safety and side effects Blue tansy oil, like most essential oils, should not be ingested or applied to your skin without diluting the oil first.
When you buy the oil, be sure you’re choosing blue tansy (Tanacetum annum) essential oil and not oil from the common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare).
The common tansy has high concentrations of thujone, a toxic enzyme. Common tansy essential oil shouldn’t be used for aromatherapy purposes.
Some aromatherapy practitioners recommend Blue Tansy face oil for asthma symptoms. While some essential oils may help with asthma symptoms, others may trigger an asthma episode.
Doctors at the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology recommend people with asthma avoid the use of essential oil diffusers and inhalers because of the risk of breathlessness and bronchospasms.
If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before using essential oils. Their effects on infants aren’t yet fully known.
What to look for Because blue tansy oil is among the more costly essential oils, read the label to be sure you’re getting the real thing. Here’s how:
Look for the Latin name Tanacetum annuum on the label. Be sure you aren’t buying Tanacetum vulgare, the common tansy. Make sure it isn’t blended with vegetable oil, which could lower its quality. Be sure it’s packaged in a dark glass bottle to protect the integrity of the oil over time. Ready to give blue tansy a try? You can likely find it at your local health food store, as well as from these online shops:
Blue Tansy face oil has gained a lot of attention in recent years. Although more research is needed to confirm its properties and effects, blue tansy, or its components, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and skin-calming effects.
If you’re buying the oil, make sure you don’t confuse it with the common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), which is toxic.
If you aren’t sure whether Blue Tansy faces oil, or any other essential oil, is safe for you, talk to your healthcare provider before using the oil.
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drdixitcosmetic · 3 years
Want to achieve flawless and radiant skin?
Laser toning by Q-switched laser is an advanced cosmetic treatment that can treat different skin conditions, like dark acne scars, pigmentation issues, freckles, age spots, eliminate unwanted hair growth, and remove undesirable tattoos. It is a safe and effective method that enhances skin texture and tone/color as it promotes the subdermal production of new collagen and elastin fibers that make the skin brighter, rejuvenated, plumper, and even-toned. The treatment also removes dark pigmentation and also brightens the skin tone.
Working of Q-switched lasers:
Q-Switched Nd: YAG makes use of a light beam of a specific wavelength that is directed in uniform pulses onto the skin to be treated for milliseconds. The skin tone can be lightened when a high-intensity laser of Q-switched medium (like 534nm frequency) targets the hyperpigmented skin and breakdown the melanin pigment by thermal effect. The deep penetrating Q switched laser (such as 1064nm frequency) triggers collagen production and further gives an anti-aging effect. The lasers also remove dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and superficial facial hair, thereby acting as a multi-purpose facial. The procedure lasts for 20-30 minutes. Instant results can be observed after a laser toning procedure, but for best results, multiple sessions are recommended to achieve the best results.
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Pre-laser toning treatment preparation:
Avoid skin tanning.
Do not intake blood-thinning medications and supplements for about 2 weeks before the treatment.
Keep the skin clean, and do not apply a lot of moisturizer and other facial lotions before opting for this treatment.
Who is an ideal candidate for laser toning?
Female who is not pregnant or breastfeeding.
Suffering from premature aging signs.
A healthy individual who has realistic expectations from the treatment.
Individuals with freckles, birthmarks, and melasma.
People suffering from conditions like scars, acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, liver spots, wrinkles, sun spots, and dark spots.
People looking for a non-surgical method to achieve a youthful look.
Pros of laser skin toning treatment:
It is suitable for all skin types.
Instant procedure with no downtime.
No discomfort is felt during treatment because of the use of numbing cream and cold sprays.
Provides a younger skin appearance that gives a boost to self-esteem.
The skin is completely cleansed, tightened, and smoothened.
There are minimal side effects associated with laser toning as the lasers target the deeper skin layers.
The treatment eliminates the dead skin cells and removes the blemishes and uneven skin tone.
It removes acne scars and heals the tissues permanently to give one a smooth-looking face.
Laser toning treatment is a safe procedure, and it does not cause damage to the skin. One can get rid of up to 75% to 100% of the dark and brown spots on the skin in just a single session.
Post-laser toning treatment care:
Do not get frequently exposed to the sun for some weeks.
Avoid the use of harsh chemicals or skincare products.
Gently cleanse the treated area.
Do not put makeup until the skin is properly healed.
Keep the skin hydrated.
For swelling and redness, cold compresses and icepack can be used to help smoothen irritated skin.
Take the help of an expert skin specialist, Dr. Rasya Dixit, at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic to get the best laser toning treatment in Bangalore.
Source Article : https://penzu.com/p/4f9c1bab
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gowomenbeauty · 1 month
What Is the Most Important Thing About Skin? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Our skin is the largest organ of our body and plays a crucial role in protecting us from external elements. Here are some of the most important things to consider about skincare: Protection: 🛡️ The skin acts as a barrier, protecting our internal organs from harmful microorganisms, UV radiation, and environmental pollutants. Regulation: 💧 It helps regulate body temperature and prevents dehydration by retaining moisture. Sensation: ✋ The skin is rich in nerve endings, allowing us to sense touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. Appearance: 💁‍♀️ Healthy skin contributes to our physical appearance and can impact our self-esteem and confidence. Regarding skin care, prioritizing protection, hydration, and overall health is essential for maintaining its function and appearance. For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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thecuriouscoconut · 5 years
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Do you use retinol or another retinoid in your skincare for anti-aging? While retinoids are certainly effective for fading fine lines and reducing hyperpigmentation, they come with some health risks. # The EWG rates retinol as a 9 (highest hazard - yikes!) and both Canada and the European Union have restricted its use. # The FDA studied retinol and other retinoids at the National Center For Toxicological Research and found that it promotes skin cancer formation on UV exposed skin. (Meanwhile here in the US, some sunscreen manufacturers add retinoids to their formulas, which is utter madness 🤦🏻‍♀️). # Topical retinol or other retinoids are NOT safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding. 🤰🏻 # Topical retinoids increase pro-inflammatory cytokines in the skin, which is one reason why a very common side effect is the “retinoid reaction” which causes, red, dry, flaky, itchy, sensitive skin. # The great news is that there IS an alternative that was shown in a recent study out of UC Davis to be just. as. effective. as. retinol. but without ANY of the negative health risks. It’s called #bakuchiol and is extracted from a classical #Chinesemedicine and #Ayurvedic herb (the babchi seed, Bu Gu Zhi in #TCM)used for thousands of years to address skin inflammation, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, even leprosy (!) # I have been using a brand new skincare line called #Countertime since the end of May. Every product in the line has bakuchiol as an active ingredient. I am completely BLOWN AWAY by what this line has done for my skin! My skin hasn’t been this soft and smooth since I was a child, and I am seeing some reduction in vertical lines (thanks to the #tripeptide in the serum that specifically targets them!). My skin is GLOWING and feels so nourished. Swipe to see what 1 month of use looks like with #nofilter and no makeup (plus a PMS breakout because real life happens) # I am hosting a special educational (and other fun stuff 😉) event in my private group @cleanbeautycommunity starting Monday all about safe anti-aging skincare. Be sure to join so you can learn and get access to special things I can’t share publicly! This line launches on Tues the 9th! (at Memphis, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzi8cjFAloX/?igshid=1bbk5odaqwqz9
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supermomofthree · 5 years
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So excited to use these products! They're from @apothekescience. All products are formulated by a molecular biologist and a medical doctor. So she sure knows what she's doing. The packaging is so nice. I would think that this is so expensive and a international brand, but it isn't. It's made in the Philippines. #supportlokal Now, I wanted to add another product in my skin care routine that's sort of anti-aging but safe for a breastfeeding mom like me. When I searched on google, most websites say Retinol and that's not safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Then I found this. Niacinamide is safe and it's anti-aging. It helps minimize the pores and the appearance of wrinkles. This from @apothekescience only costs P249, like what? It also has no chemicals, preservatives and all the bad stuff for your body. It's 100% organic! They're a proof that good quality skin care products need not be expensive, and they have good reviews to prove it. I ordered from Shopee last Tuesday and I received it today so that's pretty quick given that Shopee uses Ninjavan. The products also came well-packed to ensure that they stay the same until it arrives to you. Local brands like this really makes me happy! 😍 #skincare #skincareforyour30s #beauty https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt7EE7al7ay/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e5j91q3vu25w
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When it comes to anti-aging, retinol is the sure shot answer for most of us. Why? Because it is tried and tested, it is effective, it is easily accessible and well, we simply LOVE the results it gives. You see natural retinol being used in a lot of serums and skincare products.
But what exactly is it and why is it so effective? Well, in this article we are going to cover all this and much more! So, keep reading ahead to know it all.
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1. Benefits of natural retinol for skin
Boosts collagen production.
Plumps up your skin from within.
Helps combat fine lines and wrinkles.
Improves skin texture by making it flawlessly smooth.
Gives you a healthy glow by lightening up your complexion.
Fights pigmentation and suntan.
Promotes skin elasticity.
Heals and treats acne
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2. What Is Retinol Cream?
Also referred to as – Retinoids, these creams were used since the 1970s to fight anti-aging signs as well as various skin issues such as warts and psoriasis. Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A that commonly serve well to improve eyesight and skin health. Such creams are formulated with retinoids sourced from animals and include retinol. Carotenoids (such as zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene) and beta-carotene are also natural sources of the same. They are loaded with photoprotective properties and antioxidants.
Natural retinol cream when applied regularly, helps you fight signs of ageing and also helps tighten your skin. How? -As it is a natural collagen booster. Retinoids accelerate your skin’s cell turnover by working at the cellular level.
Therefore, this miraculous ingredient is a part of various products such as underarm lightening serum and face brightening masks. A lot of skincare brands that produce organic skincare solutions, use natural retinol in their formulation.
3. Side effects of Retinol
Some people (especially those who have sensitive skin) might have problems with retinol. They may experience dry, flaky skin post-use, but don’t be scared. A lot of us are intolerant or sensitive to certain ingredients. It is best to consult your dermatologist or a skin care professional before using products containing high potency or proportion of retinol in them. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not advised to use retinol.
Common side effects of retinol include the following –
Dry and flaky skin that peels off
A warm sensation lingering on your skin
Tingling effect
But, don’t get disheartened. If you still want to reap the benefits of retinol for healthy skin, you can! Yes. There is a natural alternative to retinol, actually, there are three. These natural sources of retinol are the best call for help and here they are –
4. Natural alternatives of Retinol
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It is a botanical extract that is derived from bakuchi plant seeds. Bakuchiol has the same collagen growth and cell regeneration properties as regular retinol without irritating the skin. Yes, it is easily tolerable by most skin types and you can definitely say it is a skin-friendly alternative. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. You can even mix it with Vitamin C and some of your other favourite face serums. And guess what? You can even wear it during the daytime, with your sunscreen, obviously! 
 2. Rambutan
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It is actually a red-colored fruit that comes from the lychee family. Unlike lychee, Rambutan is covered with spikes all over its exterior. But it’s extract is not actually derived from the fruit. The leaves of this tree are the main source of natural retinol. It performs just like your regular retinol and is a great alternative to try out!
3. Rosehip Oil
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Rosehip is yet another great ingredient that fits the box ‘oh-so-perfectly!’. It is sourced from rosa canina rose bush which is known for its regenerative and healing properties. It inhibits trans-retinoic acid, which is a naturally-forming Vitamin A. It increases collagen production and helps fight fine lines, age spots, and wrinkles.
Start with less concentrated formulations of retinol. Do not feed your skin with a high potent retinol-based serum during your first try.
Apply retinol every third day in the beginning.
The initial phase of retinol usage may cause certain reactions, which are normal. You can stay in contact with your dermatologist for any skin-related concerns that might seem too off or bother you.
Start using it during the night to avoid harsh sun exposure in the daytime.
Please pair your retinol application with a good quality sunscreen, always.
Please check with your doctor before using it if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any major skin sensitivity.
Make sure you apply the product to cleansed skin.
Observe and watch out for other products you use along with retinol. Some ingredients may chemically react or get activated when they get incorporated together.
Well, that’s all for this time. Let us know if this article was helpful and what topic you want us to tap on next!
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glame1ly · 2 years
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what retinol does do to the skin?
---------------------------------------------- so retinol, I bet you heard this word a lot lately in the beauty community, I hope positively cause I think I believe in the powers of this ingredient, what is it? Retinol is a form of vitamin A, vitamin A derivatives (adapalene, tretinoin, retinol), retinol is less strong and irritating than tretinoin. retinol has gained popularity in the skincare community, due to its support of graceful aging and its beneficial effects on acne and skin tone. and what this ingredient is capable to offer let's say only goods if you use it right, and what are those goodies let's start:
improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, skin texture in general.
improves the appearance of pores, uneven skin texture.
improves hyperpigmentation and sunspots, anti-acne.
boost the production of collagen and speed the turnover of superficial skin cells we are talking about elasticity, it is totally normal if your skin purge and you see pimples just continue using retinol it is really worth it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding using retinol it is not an option.
I hope that was helpful wish you all healthy skin, have a nice day do not forget to follow up for more.
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makeyour-own · 3 years
Benefits of Lanolin on Your Skin And Hair
In colder months, even during spring, there's a high demand for lip balm and other moisturizers because of how the weather makes our skin dry. Finding the one moisturizer with natural ingredients that repair, rejuvenate, hydrate, protect and nourish our skin cells is like looking for a needle in a haystack. With so many "natural" products in the market, you would want to land on the right one, the first time. And we're here to help you get out of this difficult situation.
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Enter: Lanolin.
Lanolin is an undervalued component in most skincare products popular in cold, dry winter months. It’s that waxy substance that came from the sebaceous glands of the sheep, keeping their wool soft and moisturized. Lanolin oils are extracted and used in various products by putting the sheep's wool through a centrifuge machine. Without the added preservatives, this oil looks yellowish and waxy. Before we proceed, it's best to let you know not to use any products containing this if you have any wool allergies, but other than that, lanolin has many benefits to moisturizing and skincare in general.
Breastfeeding Sore nipples are very common among breastfeeding mothers. Sometimes, they get so bad that it would hurt so much especially to first-time mothers. Lanolin is a natural substance most breastfeeding mothers use to treat cracked nipples. Mothers apply lanolin oil on the painful nipples to help soothe the pain. Of course, the extracted lanolin from a sheep's wool should first undergo a purification process before it is applied topically.
Chapped Lips You might have one product you often buy every time the cold weather kicks in, and what you might not know is that it may contain lanolin. Lanolin is a natural moisturizer that penetrates deep into the skin. It mimics the sebum oil secreted by your skin glands thus making it easier to enter the moisture barrier of the lips making it a perfect substance to heal your chapped and dry lips.
Healthy Hair Haircare product seems to have overwhelmed those that are looking for the perfect one that has a real impact on hair texture. Lanolin is an occlusive moisturizer, perfect for when you need to prevent excessive water loss from the skin and hair, leaving your hair moisturized and healthy-looking. Lanolin oil can also be used directly on the scalp to minimize dryness and irritation.
Skincare Lanolin is present in many anti-aging face creams and other skincare products that reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It is even supercharged when paired with other humectants such as glycerin, squalene, fatty acids, and ceramides, and with emollients such as petrolatum, beeswax, mineral oil, and zinc oxide. And since it is occlusive, it’s the best friend for those whose skin might be prone to dryness during the cold weather.
Are you in the market for lanolin oil? Look no further, Make Your Own Buzz got your back. Check out their website and see their collection of other ingredients that might help you make that perfect product for skin and hair.
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ambicayur · 3 years
Top Amazing Benefits of Giloy Ark for Skin Care – Ambic
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia), an ayurvedic herb with a long history of use and recommendation in Indian medicine. Giloy is another name for Amrita, which means immorality in Sanskrit. It is one of the most popular ayurvedic remedies for nourishing and boosting the body's immune system. It helps with skin problems, chronic pains, colds, gastrointestinal problems, stress, and infections, among other things. Ayurvedic Giloy Ark for skincare routine is beneficial in the management of a wide range of skin infirmities due to its Raktashodhaka and healing properties. Ambic Ayurveda Giloy Ark is a well-known herb that aids in immunity building. It's chock-full of antioxidants that fight free radicals, keep your cells healthy, and protect you from a variety of diseases.
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 The various benefits of Giloy for skin are listed below –
In the Ayurvedic system, Ayurveda Giloy Ark for skincare productsis credited with Raktashodhaka properties, which aid in removing impurities from the blood (Raktashodhaka), which helps to combat many skin ailments like skin allergies, itching, dark circles, acne, and eczema.
It is a natural remedy to purify the blood, fight germs and bacteria, and help regulate flawless skin.
 The anti-aging properties of the Ayurveda Giloy ark plant aid in the reduction of dark spots, pimples, fine lines, and wrinkles. It gives you the glowing, flawless skin you've always desired. Apart from that, Ambic Ayurveda Giloy Ark is beneficial to the liver and aids in the improvement of digestive and bowel health, as well as acting as a power bank for the skin. Giloy is also well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which aid in the reduction of respiratory problems such as frequent coughing, colds, and tonsillitis. Giloy has anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties, which aid in the treatment of arthritis and its symptoms. The powder from the Giloy stem can be boiled with milk and consumed for joint pain.
Giloy Ark for skincare routine aids in skin detoxification due to its numerous therapeutic properties and beneficial effects on liver health. It can help to improve the skin's quality by making it clear, supple, and glowing. Giloy Ark for skin products is a potent skin rejuvenator that can help you keep your skin looking young, fresh, and beautiful. Ambic Ayurveda Giloy Ark can be combined with Amla and Haridra for skin benefits. Giloy stem or leaf paste can also be applied to the skin.
Because Giloy is a natural and safe herbal remedy, there are no serious side effects. Giloy, on the other hand, can cause constipation and lower blood sugar levels in some people. Giloy is a great way to enhance the health and immunity of your skin from inside out and within. Ambic Giloy Ark for skincare can be taken in recommended doses or as directed by a doctor. If you have diabetes and have been taking Giloy for a long time, keep track of your blood sugar levels. Giloy Ark should also be avoided if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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