narumi-gens · 3 years
For the 500 follower event: I found your AO3 through Hard and Fast many moons ago. Besides me obviously being into dangerous, hot older men, I loved the reader's character so, so much!!! So I've been wondering whether Nishitani ever replaced the tights he ripped that day and how did that go? You also tagged it as Majima/reader. Would you mind sharing your hc for them? Only if it's okay and you still remember because it's been a while since you wrote it! 👉👈 Oh, and congrats on 500 followers! 💖
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Hard and Fast is a fic that I get annoyed I haven’t finished because I love the characters in it so much and have so many ideas and everything that’s written for it was super fun to write, but I just hit a brick wall when it came to motivation. I actually started working on it for the first time in a while recently because I’ve been slowly working my way through the entire series (I’m now like 25% of the way through Yakuza 5) but ended up losing motivation again. All of that is to say, I’m glad you like it and of course, I still remember! ❤️
As for Nishitani, he does replace MC’s tights but that’s more out of habit because he’s so used to needing to do so than anything else. And then for Majima, instead of straight-up hcs, I decided to do the outline of the Majima/Reader section of the fic (which would be Chapter 3) and then two snippets.
Hard and Fast HCs
♠︎ For context, chapter 2 involves MC visiting Nishitani on the night he dies in jail. It’s their anniversary and she’s pissed that he got himself locked up and ruined their plans together, but he sweet talks his way into her good graces. But as she’s leaving, she runs into Billiken when he’s bringing Majima in. 
♠︎ Chapter 3 takes place a year later, on the anniversary of Nishitani’s death. It starts with Majima having these nightmares about his time in Sotenbori and for some reason, he keeps dreaming about how Nishitani was killed and waking up in cold sweats. So, on a whim he decides to chance a visit Osaka and see Nishitani’s grave.
♠︎ On the same day, you’re also visiting Nishitani’s grave, bringing Nishtani’s favorite sake and a pack of his favorite cigarettes as a small offering. And Majima stumbles upon you as you’re updating Nishtani on how you’re doing, how you’ve quit the bar and gone back to college like he was always nagging at you to do, how you regret not telling him you loved him when you had the chance. And of course, you’re startled when a strange man, clearly yakuza, appears. 
♠︎ So, you do the only thing you can think of. You pull out Nishtani’s knife that he left with you and point it at him to fend off any danger. But when the man says, “That’s not the first time that blade’s been pointed at me,” it makes you pause and you take a moment to really look at the man. And then you remember how Billiken brought a man with an eye-patch with him to meet with Nishitani and how a man they now call the Mad Dog of Shimano had escaped the jail.
♠︎ But instead of putting you at ease, the knowledge only makes you angrier. This is the man who got Nishitani killed. This is the man that Nishitani died for. So, rather than put the knife away, your arm shoots out to hold the blade to Majima’s neck. Then, there’s a scene cut and your back is pressed to the inside of the front door of your apartment, your legs are around Majima’s waist, and your lips are attached to his, and the two of you end up sleeping together. 
♠︎ In the aftermath as you’re both coming down from your highs, you have a long conversation about your grief, the reason he came back, and trying to move on. Finally, when it’s time for Majima to go, he leaves you with, “I think you’ve mourned long enough. Nishitani would throw a shit fit if he saw you like this.” But he pauses in the doorway to your bedroom and looks back at you for a long moment before finally say, “If you’re ever in Kamurocho, just let me know.”
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snippet 1
You felt Majima’s hands on your hips and the way he was shifting under you as he prepared to begin thrusting up into you. But before he could, you placed your own hand on one of his to stop him.
“Wait,” you pleaded quietly as you continued to let yourself adjust to having him inside of you. “I-I haven’t…”
You took a shuddering breath and rested your forehead against his as you closed your eyes, no longer able to meet his gaze. His thumb began to rub soothing circles on your hip.
“I haven’t been with anyone since Homare,” you finally admitted in a voice so soft that Majima only heard what you said because he was so close to you. You felt him tense against you for a brief moment as he seemed to fully realize what you were saying before he relaxed and then began to trail the softest kisses up and down your neck.
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snippet 2
“I’m just surprised there’s someone out there crazy enough to want to spend their life with Nishitani,” he mused
You weren’t sure if you should be offended. You looked at him for a long moment before deciding that he hadn’t meant for it to be disparaging. And he did have a point. Who would be foolish enough to fall in love with Nishitani? A bittersweet smile appeared briefly on your lips at the answer. 
“You were with him at the end. Is it really that surprising?”
Majima looked slightly taken aback at your question. After a moment, he gave you a sad smile of his own before looking away. 
“No. No it’s not.”
500 Followers Event!
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5 and 21 for the Five Ask please :)
hey, thanks a bunch! 😊
5. how does your five differ from you, if at all Most predominately she’s more active and fit than myself, but she also runs for a living at Abel so she gets to be lol. I think she’s likely more intimidating as well. While we’re both more quiet people in general, her silence gives off a more don’t-talk-to-me vibe, at least when you don’t know her.
21. what is the now-100%-expired-and-gone food your five misses the most Probably like, ice cream or oreos or just something sweet. Curly Wurlys don’t do it for her the same way they do for Sam. Or like, New York bagels or pizza. There are days she really misses those too. Especially bagels.
send me a number and I’ll tell you about my 5
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disabledrunner5 · 4 years
11 and 21 for the Five Ask, please :)
Thanks @anothermeansofprocrastination for the ask
11. does your five have any habits?
Five reads before bed. It’s a habit she’s had since she was very little, even if she does read the same book over and over (sometimes) as there aren’t many books at Abel or New Canton.
She also has a very bad habit of skipping meals, that started off because she just forgot to eat but then it became a habit and It’s gotten to the point where Sam has actually noticed and been reminding her to eat something and slipping small bits of food into her rucksack before a run just to get her to eat something. She’s seriously trying to break this one.
21. what is the now-100%-expired-and-gone food your five misses the most?
Avocados. Avocados are grown in Mexico, and distributed to the UK and you can’t grow Avocados in the U.K. so her favourite fruit is non-existent until trade deals with the rest of the world are established and that could take years!
Also she’s dreading the day that the U.K. runs out of Cadbury’s milky bars, Jammie Dodgers and McVities milk chocolate Digestive biscuits. That will be a dark day for humanity indeed.
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runner5ive · 4 years
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A drawing of me? A dorky loser face? It's more likely than you think!
Eek thank you so much!
And thank you to @littlelionmay @sternenblumen and @anothermeansofprocrastination for the birthday messages! 💕💕💕
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narumi-gens · 3 years
Monday and September
Sorry I’m just getting to this now!! ❤️
monday: do you struggle with the ‘boring’ parts of writing?
100%. I usually will have a scene in mind when I start writing something and sometimes everything up to that point will just be a slog to get through. Or I’ll have a couple of scenes in mind and connecting them is just fdsurhgjihegurwsdfnja. Especially bc I think I’m over-detailed in my writing bc I need everyone to know exactly what’s going on in my head. So if one character moves their arm or changes how they’re standing then I need to write it and that just makes the boring stuff just so much longer and harder to write lol
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
hmmmm I can’t think of a particular one off the top of my head, but sometimes I do go back and just look over the reviews for some of the fics that I love. the reviews for something more and kintsugi are always just so wonderful to read because people have left some really thoughtful comments on those. and then there are some people who I get excited when I see that they’ve read something new because I always love seeing their comments 💕 just to single out two (but not to exclude anyone else!!!), MidyCute over on ao3 always leaves such thoughtful reviews that make me smile and @natxchan’s tags on her reblogs always make me so happy! Of course, there are so many more of you who leave such great comments and I love you all!! 
ask me a fanfic question themed around time
(I’ll still take these if any of you want to send them!)
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