#another harukawa banger thank you for pretty princess dazai
the-gayest-sky-kid · 24 days
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So the detail I'm most insane about: the camellias! So major grain of salt here considering my sources are like... the Wikipedia page on Hanakotoba and 1800flowers.com, but this IS just for fun so... Red camellias can be used to represent a noble or graceful death, specifically in this case among warriors & samurai. Fukuchi absolutely fits the bill here, especially when presumably Fukuzawa's sword is stabbed through a camellia on Fukuchi's side of the page! He wants Fukuzawa to grant him that death.
On another hand, because Volume 25 picks off directly after Dazai's "death", the camellias can be associated with his loss off the game. Especially considering how he's casket posed, and the flowers are on the bottom of the page with him. However there IS another detail I'd like to point out... Camellias are most often associated with Chuuya.
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And not only are they all down with Dazai, but there are camellias directly laid over his heart. I'd say thats a clear nod to Chuuya being on his side since the beginning, and possibly him protecting Dazai? Considering the elevator.
Other details I feel are worth mentioning:
Fukuzawa and Fukuchi's hair merging in the center...
Fyodor seems to be holding a chess piece, and I'd say it looks like a bishop. I assume this is a follow up to Dazai's move!
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The black and white scheme also reminds me of a chess board. I can't help but wonder if that was the intention beyond representing the FukuFuku duality.
I've got nothing for Atsushi to be honest. He's taken the backseat for a while, so maybe this was just the way to sneak him in? 😭 Maybe Harukawa's subtlety signalling his legs are okay.
Fyodor's hair is covering his right eye Dazai style. I'm not familiar with manga so I don't know if this volume contains chapters 113 & 114, but this could allude to his very Dazai-esque strategy (utilizing how Dazai operates in his plan much like how Dazai does for other people).
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