#and your art is suffering for it terribly. your lyrics suck ass
randombubblegum · 2 years
I find it,,,,, interesting in a disappointing way but entirely predictable that hes branding this new album as a "classic parx album!!!1!!1!" When this honestly sounds nothing like parx at all imo. Like even new, crappier parx has a specific sound/vibe to it where i can immediately recognize that its parx but this new clip honestly sounds like it could have been cooked up in a windowless board room for mgk (🤮) or new avril or m*d sun or one of the tiktok boybot "musicians"........ Like if it came on w/o me knowing who it was id probably recognize his voice after a while hut there would be quite a but of hesitation.
And im wondering, does he really get that virality (especially of the tiktok variety) just,,, doesn't last?? For the vast majority of people at least. Like even if you go viral in a huge way (not something thats going to happen for parx tbh) you're the hot new thing for a few weeks at most and then the internet moves on, thats just how it works. And the ones who really DO get their "careers launched!!!" or otherwise boosted off of internet fame are always the ones w large expensive support systems already in place. im talking like olivia rodrigo whos a disney child star, mgk or willow who have been established artists for a while, jaden w an x or whoever who was already rich and viral before he started "making music" and immediately got picked up by travis barker. Like sure there are regular ppl musicians that got big from tiktok like penelope scott or mxmtoon but they're not nearly as big as the other ones.
So like,,,, even if that somehow did happen for parx it really wouldn't be a huge win!!! You get dedicated fans who show up to concerts by actually WRITING GOOD MUSIC, not sound bites. Sorry for the essay, ik its all been saud before im just long winded and frustrated lol
YEAHHHH YEP you make a lot of great points here and i agree w you LOL. i dont hate the music for this song or anything but it definitely also reads to me as that same “made in a lab” pop punk theyre churning our now for radio. its interesting because that new pop punk and the pop punk of the 00s (and pre-2018 10s) actually sounds super different. this new stuff is way more polished and synthy and electronic and THATS what this parx song sounds like. again i dont hate it and it could be catchy and ill wait to judge it when its fully out but thats the vibe i get
and thats the thing: he DOESNT seem to get that!!!!! hes staking HIS WHOLE CAREER his fate and the fates of his friends and bandmates on landing a viral tiktok hit WHICH MIGHT I REMIND THE AUDIENCE HE ALREADY FAILED TO DO WITH ONE ALBUM and not only is it not guaranteed its gonna get him nowhere near what he thinks. he thinks hes gonna get a viral tiktok audio and be lil nas x. no dude. songs on tiktok go viral all the time and only last a couple weeks. they go viral and their creators/artists dont get lasting recognition AT ALL. sure itll drive your streaming numbers up for a while!!! but those ppl are not sticking around after the hype wears off. ESPECIALLY if all your recent catalogue is bland empty cardboard lyrics you clearly designed for tiktok virality. why the hell would they want to stick around for that???? being lucky enough to score a viral tiktok song is not about to make you the next doja cat. and you literally have not even managed to go viral yet. stop basing your ENTIRE artistry and direction around this idea!!!!!!!!!!
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