#and you trying to bring up inconsistencies means that your ruining ppls fun
redysetdare · 1 year
I think what bothers me so much about theorizing within fandoms is that so much of fandoms try to use confirmation bias when proving their theories. Instead of shaping theories and creating new ones around given evidence they will try to warp the evidence to fit their theories. people become so attached to the belief that their theory is the right theory that they will outright ignore evidence that contradicts it or try and warp it to fit their theory instead of just...accepting that maybe they were wrong and coming up with a different theory.
not saying that this happens all the time with every theory but it is very common for a theory within fandom to reach such popularity that people would rather force it to be right than admit that evidence contradicts it.
the thing is that no one even says ppl have to completely ditch the theory once it is disproved. it can still be a fun idea to play around with as a "what if" scenario, so the fact ppl try to push so desperately for their theories to be right is wild. your theory doesn't have to be right that's not what theorizing is about. it's about using evidence in an attempt to predict foreshadowing for plot points within a media. It's the fun of putting together the puzzle pieces that the showrunners left behind. your theory doesn't have to be right, you just have to have fun speculating :P
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