#and why all these state legislatures are passing horrifying anti-queer and especially anti-trans bills
leupagus · 1 year
My fellow voting Americans!
Please remember to check that you are still registered/remember to register to vote if you've recently moved or become eligible to vote. The primaries are coming up soon, and the general will be happening on November 7th. Yes, 2023 is an election year — because every year is an election year — and you never know what important propositions, local politicians, or even amendments might be up for election.
Anyone who needs help registering can drop me an ask anytime; I'm a literal expert on this stuff, and nothing brings me more joy than getting people involved in the electoral process.
If you can do even more (volunteering for a cause/politician, signing up to work elections, even running yourself for a local town council/school board seat) that is awesome, but the bare minimum for being a good citizen of this country is voting. So make sure you're ready!
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