#and to the lil lot of you dedicatee folks I adore who read all these
phlurrii · 6 months
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Last one of the night but just definitively, my Hunches are that when Meau or Noe passes on they need another origin Mew because it is near impossible for The Creation Trio or The Original Mew to truly die, and a Glitch eater is also important despite the trouble they bring…
OR Arceus has had enough of all this tomfoolery and made a replacement Mew.
Qari is fairy type for reasons unknown to me but they're also 11 million years old and 6 at the same time...
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their space time continuum with Noe chasing them gives me the feeling that Qari is looking for something in the past, but I'm unsure of what…
Perhaps the timeline could help us pin things down but alas
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Despite my sprucing things are still unknown bc who on earth is ????
First off, incredibly impressed by your deduction and the near perfect collecting of all my stupid hints and putting them together.
As… well, yes, there needs to be an Ancient Mew alive in the universe to allow it to function, or at least one with the current AM bloodline. Just like with the creation trio in game cannon, another is created if the player catches it, as their needs to be an acting god. I’m super damn impressed you pieced that together X3
Scratch the “Or” though, you’d be surprised at what can coexist~
As for Qari… you’re right again, he’s looking for something in the past, bloody hell save some for the rest of us X3c
I regrettably cannot make out what you’ve written in on the timeline, so I can’t comment there… but damn, good freaking job XD
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