#and they’re unwell in similar ways but different enough it balances out
ratwiththetats · 2 months
Jegulus is just two guys who are unwell but good at hiding it
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Chapter 3: Fateful Encounter
Summary: Gedonelune, the prestigious royal magic academy is waiting just for you! The door has opened a whole new world of possibilities for your future. For the next thirteen days you’ll be undergoing the provisional trial to see if you have what it takes to become an official student. Along the way you’ll be meeting new faces and going on exciting new adventures. But be warned, shadows are being cast on the land, if you dive to deep, you may find yourself being swallowed up by the chaos. Your journey begins now, will you be able to banish the darkness?
(This chapter does contains scenes mentioning blood and violence)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A groan escaped my lips as I stared at the numbers on the clock that was resting on the nightstand by my bed. It was still well into the early morning hours. My body felt heavy as I rolled to the side, pressing my face into my pillow. I still had about seven hours before I had to meet up with Nadia and head over to the tea party that those men from last night invited us to. I was honestly still a bit nervous but decided to try and chase away the feeling with some more rest. It was a rather rough next few hours though, all of which were full of tossing and turning, restlessness, and a lot of grumbling. By this point, I decided to say ‘screw it’ as I threw the covers to the side while getting out of bed. 
Despite barely getting a wink of sleep, I felt more energized than ever as I walked back from the Night Class cafeteria. A cold shower and a cup of coffee did the trick, at least for the meantime. Luckily it was the weekend, so if I desperately needed to go and lie down and try to get some more rest then I could. I hadn’t realized it until now, but it really did feel dead here in the morning, though, that’s to be expected when basically every Night Class student is nocturnal.
At least the areas above ground were pretty lively. Even though it was still pretty early out, I could see a few students roaming around the courtyard, one of which was...Nadia? It was hard to tell if it was really her at first glance. I had only ever seen her with her prefect uniform, which stood out among the other uniforms. But today she was in something completely different; a light blue shirt and a pair of black shorts, complete with a pair of flip-flops. Her usual one-sided ponytail was now loosely tied as a small breeze swept it back. She must have caught me staring because she gave me a somewhat cocky grin before putting her book down, waving me over.
I smiled as I walked over, giving a quick greeting as I did.
“I see you’re up early.”
“Have been for a while.” I chuckled.
“Really? Did you not sleep well?”
“Not really. But I should have enough energy to get through the tea party.”
Nadia’s face softened, but the worry was still written on it clear as day. “Please don’t overdo yourself today.”
“I won’t.” I answered.
“Good.” Nadia smiled. “I know we still have around an hour before we have to be there, but we can go ahead and head up to the village. Lacan or Felix might be out in the garden, oh maybe Lily is too!”
“Lily?” I recall hearing the names Lacan, Willem and Felix from last night, but this was a name that was completely new.
“Oh yeah, you haven’t met Lily or even Felix yet. Lily has been living with Willem and the others for a couple of months. I met her a couple of times when I went to visit Hugo; who’ll you’ll also probably meet soon. Anyways, Lily is a real sweet girl, she’s always taking care of the garden, she just adores flowers.”
Lily huh? Despite still knowing so little about her, I felt rather excited to meet her. That very excitement was carried with me all the way to the village. The man from last night, Lacan, was the one to greet us. He was practically running and I was a little worried, wondering if he was going to just crash right into us. Of course, he didn’t, but he was pretty excited to know we came and yet a little sad that more hadn’t shown up.
“Is it really just you two?” He asked curiously while peering over our shoulders.
“I’m afraid the others just didn’t have the time.” Nadia explained.
“Well, that’s alright.” Lacan waved. “That just more tea and baked goods for us right?”
“Right.” Nadia nodded while Lacan took her by the arm, excitedly leading her to the house. 
I trailed behind them, taking in the views. It was incredible to see that an entire village had been built here by students from the Academy. When Nadia first told me about it, I was a little shocked and a bit saddening that I didn’t have the chance to meet said former students. As I got closer to their house I noticed just how many houses were here, including one that was in the process of being built. I wonder who it belonged to.
Not paying attention to my surroundings, I ended up tripping over something, I couldn’t tell what and fell right into someone. I had regained my posture and was about to step back when I lost my balance after placing my foot on something unstable. This time I knew what it was, a shovel, I was prepared to make contact with the ground but found myself being pulled back to my feet by the person I had bumped into. 
“I’m so sorry.” I apologized. 
“It’s alright. I should have found a better place to put my things. But at the same time *you should have been watching your surroundings more carefully.”
My eyes met the ones of the person who helped me. It was a girl around my height, she had long platinum-blonde, almost silver, colored hair that moved with the passing breeze. Her eyes were a bit harder to see by her messy bangs that was caused by the sunhat she was wearing, but I could tell that they were kind. I watched as she titled her head, her hand waving in front of my face.
“Hello? Earth to the stranger in the garden.” She wore a smile as she spoke.
“Ah, sorry I…”
“Is the sun getting to you? I’ve heard that sometimes people look lost like that when they’re not hydrated properly. Perhaps you need some water?”
I chuckled. “No, I’m not dehydrated nor am I feeling unwell. I just..er..” I couldn’t exactly tell her that I was staring. Things could get awkward very fast. Instead, I just cleared my throat and smiled. “I was just admiring the view around here.”
“Oh?” Her eyes looked me up and down as she walked around me. “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you around here. Are you new?”
“Yes.” I answered with a nod.
“Really?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Lily gasped before rushing over to a patch of vibrant colored flowers. After doing some thinking, her hands plucked one of the flowers skillfully from the patch. In her hand was now a beautiful orange tulip, it almost looked like she had a small flame in her hand. I was about to ask about the flower when she held it up to me.
“For you.”
“Think of this as a welcoming gift.”
The flower was placed in my hands, I was so afraid that I might somehow smash it that I decided to tuck it behind my ears. Lily gasped and clasped her hands together.
“You look so nice with that colour, it really brings out your eyes.”
“Y-You think so?” I unconsciously began to touch the petals of the flower that was nestled in my hair. For some reason I had grown rather embarrassed, almost to the point where I could barely make eye contact with her. 
“Hey you two, the tea and stuff are ready!:
*Oh thank goodness….*
With what seemed like perfect timing, Lacan had stepped out of the house and now stood on the porch. He smiled when he saw us, but it faded when he saw that Lily’s hands and outfit were completely covered in dust and semi-wet dirt from her time in the gardening,
“Lily! Were messing with the garden?”
Not seeming to care, she smiled. “I wanted to plant the other flowers. I still have to get the Bearded Iris plants in the ground.”
“You can do that later. Right now you need to clean up. We have company joining us for tea.”
“Oh?” Lily blinked a couple of times and then looked at me curiously. “So you’re here because of the invitation?”
“Ah, yes.” 
“I see! I’ll go put on a very special outfit then!”
 Lily then began dusting off her outfit before heading up to the porch. She looked back at me as if telling me to follow. As I did, I noticed something that caught me by surprise, or rather shocked me to the point where I grew concerned. Lily had on an outfit that left her back exposed, on her back were three deep wounds that almost looked fresh. They resembled claw marks. I wanted to ask but decided it was best not to, I had just met this person, after all, it would have been rude.
Lacan, however, caught onto my staring and shared a similar sad gaze. “Don’t worry, she’ll be alright.”
Was this guy a mind reader now?
I entered the house with Lacan, but was left behind as he said he was going to check on Lily. He told me that the kitchen would be down the hall and that everyone was already there. When I got there, I could hear a conversation between Willem and Nadia. Worried that I would be interrupting something, I Quietly hid out of view, just enough to be able to keep listening.
“...so she really doesn’t remember anything?”
“No. Her memory has been wiped clean and ever since the attack, it’s gotten worse.”
“I...I can’t believe it.”
So this girl was attacked? Their voices seemed to go quiet and just as I leaned in to listen more closely, I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I turned around in a panic to see a man with blonde hair and curly white ram-like horns. He seemed to have a disinterested look as he spoke. 
“Is eavesdropping some kind of human pasttime? It seems rather rude to me.”
“Er, well I, you see…”
“Save your breath. I could care less.” He muttered while walking inside.
What is this guy’s problem?
I decided to follow suit and was immediately greeted by Willem.
“Hello there.”
“Hello.” I put on my best smile and watched as the man in white robes roll his eyes.
“I’m glad you could join us.” He smiled. “ But just a little word of advice, if you’re going to listen in on one’s conversation, try harder to conceal yourself next time.”
What in the world are these guys?!
“How did you..?”
“Well, as a Dragonkin, my hearing is rather good, I could hear the shift in floorboards near the entrance. But your shadow was also seen clear as day.” He laughed and I found myself wanting to hide my face in embarrassment.
Lily and Lacan joined us a little while later and from there we all sat down and began engaging in small talk as we drank our tea and enjoyed the baked goods. During this time, I was learning more about Dragonkin, Willem was very thorough in his explanations and it was incredibly interesting to listen to. Even the man in the white robes, who I learned was Felix, seemed to enjoy sharing stories from a faraway past. There was a small break of the conversation which led to silence befalling us. During the silence, Lily had shifted in her seat, asking to be excused to go get some fresh air. 
When she left, I noticed that the atmosphere in the room had changed drastically. 
“It’s her back I’m sure…” Felix looked away sadly.
“You can’t keep blaming yourself for what happened.”
I was about to ask, but held my tongue instead. Nadia beat me to the question anyways.
“What exactly happened?”
The three men all exchanged looks, each of them going silent before Felix spoke up.
“I asked Lily to join me for a stroll on the usual path.” Felix explained. “ We had just reached a clearing in the path right by the flower field that Lily loves so much. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and just as we were about to take a break and rest in the grass. That’s when...it happened.”
Felix stopped for a moment, going quiet as he gathered his thoughts. “It all happened so fast, this magic beast came out of nowhere, it looked like a Chimera. It charged right towards us, specifically me. Even if I had managed to cast a spell, I would have still been injured. But just as I was prepared for the blow, Lily...she...she stepped in front of me and threw her arms around my neck, taking the blow. The scream she let out, it was unlike anything I had ever heard before. I tried healing her wounds but nothing happened, so I brought her back home right away.”
“It was a really gruesome scene.” Lacan recalled. “Felix ran in here with his robes stained with so much blood. I really thought we were going to lose her. Luckily Willem was here though, he knew of a way to stop the bleeding, but...we couldn’t heal the wound. That’s why the wound on her back looks so fresh, it’s because those markings are cursed.”
“Cursed?” The words left my mouth before I could stop them. 
Lacan nodded. “Yes. Lily’s powers were sealed and her memory wiped clean. She’s stuck in her human form, almost like she’s been reset.”
*Human form? So does that mean that Lily was a Dragonkin too? I asked myself silently while listening on.
“She also can’t stay sitting in one place for too long, nor can she have fabric touching her back. It gives her a tremendous amount of pain and has made it a bit more difficult for her to even do her usual tasks.”
“But our lily is a real fighter.” Lacan smiled. “She still takes care of the plants and she’s been writing down in her journal whenever her memory starts giving out. She’ll get through this, I mean, she has all of us to support her.” 
“That’s right.”
“But what if she doesn’t get better? What if she’s doomed to this kind of lifestyle? This is no way for her to live!”
Felix shouted before getting up from his seat, rushing out of the room and slamming a door that must have been down one of the halls. Willem had tried calling out to him and was about to get up as well but was stopped by Lacan before he even could. 
“Let him be, Willem. He needs some space, you know he always comes back to us when his mind is cleared. Now is no different.”
“Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
As the others began some small chatter, I looked down at my plate and teacup. There was so much that was going on that I didn’t feel like even finishing up the rest of it. In fact, I could really use some fresh air right about now…
“May I be excused?”
“Is everything alright?” Nadia asked.
“Yes, I just need some fresh air.”
“Go right ahead.” Willem softly smiled. “A lot has happened and I send my apologies for making you go through it.”
“The porch is open!” Lacan beamed as he changed the subject. “We even have some chairs set up so you get a really pretty view of the garden.”
“Thank you.”
I gave a thankful nod and pushed my chair out, quickly removing myself away from the table and the area in general. There was so much to process and the fact that such a beast could cause such harm to people who were merely taking a stroll worried me. My mind couldn’t take it, so I thought fresh air could help. But as I stepped out onto the porch and sat down in one the nearby chairs, I remembered something. *Wasn’t Lily out here too?* Just as I thought that, my eyes focused in on a figure who was standing over a patch of flowers. I could tell right away that it was Lily.
She was wearing a completely different outfit, a backless rose-coloured sundress. Seeming to notice my presence, Lily turned to face me, a smile rose to her face as she gave a small wave, heading in my direction. I could see her face more clearly this time and almost immediately I was drawn to her eyes and the smile she had was making my heart thud.
“Are you about to leave?” She asked almost sadly.
“No, not yet. I just needed some fresh air,”
“Oh thank goodness…”Lily sighed. “I was a little worried.”
Lily nodded. “I really wanted to keep talking to you, I can tell that you have a kind heart.”
“A kind heart huh?”
“Well you’re also pretty interesting and there’s not a lot of new faces that come around here. So seeing you here is a real treat!”
“You mean, you don’t see a lot of people? What about when you go into town?”
“Going into town is rare for me. Willem says it’s safer is I stay here in the village, but he still lets me go into town as long as I’m with one of them. Although, going into town right now isn’t an option since there was an incident that occurred recently. I’m not sure what happened but when I heard Willem talking about it, I felt...uneasy, yes that would be the best term to describe it.”
Strange, this was the first time I had heard about this happening, and with the academy being so close to the town, it’s a wonder that this kind of information wasn’t disclosed. Though, I suppose if such information was given out, then it could cause panic to ensue. Still...this seems pretty serious, I wonder what happened?
“I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” Lily spoke as she sat down in the chair next to me. “Willem said that the people at the Ministry would take care of things.”
“I suppose that’ll offer some relief.”
Lily nodded and before I knew it, we dived into a deep conversation. Even though I had just met her, it felt like Lily and I had known each other for a while, we just seemed to hit off really well. A couple of hours had passed before Nadia had stepped out onto the porch, asking if I was ready to go.
“You’re leaving already?” Lily looked at me sadly.
“I’m sorry, Lily. I really wish I could stay longer.”
“Me too! Will you be able to come over tomorrow?”
“I start classes tomorrow, if I didn’t have them then I’d love to come back to see you.”
“Classes? Does that mean you go to the academy nearby?”
I nodded and watched as Lily fumbled with her hands, finally resting them on her lap. “Is there any way that we could still keep in touch?”
That was a good question, was there a way we could? If there was, I’d love to take the opportunity.
“Magic notes.” Nadia responded. 
“I think Persephone should have given you some. You two could write to one another.”
“Where can I gets some?”
“I have some.” Willem responded from the doorway. “I think sending magical notes to one another would be a wonderful thing for you, Lily. It’s wonderful to see you making some new friends.”
I watched as Lily practically jumped out of her seat with excitement. “Please teach me how to use it!”
Willem laughed. “Alright, alright. I’ll teach you in a little bit.”
“Thank you.” Lily smiled before looking back at me, holing out her hand. “I’ll be sure to write to you every day, i-if you don’t mind of course.”
“I would really like that.” I took her hand and gave it a few shakes before leaving with Nadia.
The sun was still shining brightly by the time we got back to the academy. Nadia and I said our goodbyes before parting our separate ways. I must have been grinning the entire time as I walked back to my dorms because when I got back to my room, my face hurt. What was it about Lily that made me feel this way? I wasn’t sure of these feelings, but I knew that I wanted to see her again….
Nadia: I’m happy that they got along so well with Lily.
Persephone: You mean the new student?
Nadia: Yeah! 
Persephone: I guess that explains that goofy grin they had on their face while going to their dorms.
Naida: I can see them getting along well in the future.
Persephone: We can talk more about this later. For now, let’s get on with the preview.
Nadia: Their first day of classes and their trial begins, how will things go, and what familiar faces await them?
Persephone: Find out soon in the chapter ‘Classes’.
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lovemychinchilla · 3 years
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Can Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Chinchillas love nuts and seeds, and they contain lots of vitamins and minerals. But they're full of fat, too—so are they a good snack choice for your pet?
Can chinchillas eat sunflower seeds? They can, and enjoy the fibrous outer shell and tasty kernel inside. But they are so high in fat that they will make your chinchilla gain weight over time. They aren't poisonous, and won't cause bloating or stasis, so aren't as bad as other snacks. We nevertheless recommend feeding other snacks like rose hips, shredded wheat or botanical hay as these don't cause weight gain or any other health issue. However, they may be useful if your chinchilla is severely underweight and needs to gain that weight back.
The guide below first looks at why chinchillas enjoy sunflower seeds and other fatty foods so much. We'll also look in detail at the nutritional content of sunflower seeds to learn why they're so unsuitable.
Can Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Chinchillas can eat sunflower seeds. They know not to swallow them without grinding them up, so they're no more likely to make your pet choke than any other food. And as we'll see in a moment, they aren't poisonous. But that doesn't mean you should feed them to your pet.
Do Chinchillas Like Sunflower Seeds?
Chinchillas love sunflower seeds. They love any kind of sweet, fatty, interesting new food. They're hard-wired to crave variety, especially if they find a new kind of food that's high in calories.
This is a throwback to living in the wild. Your chin spends most of its waking hours eating hay, and it would do similar but with live grasses in the wild. As such, when it finds a food that's nutritionally very dense, it has to make the most of it. It will therefore eat as many seeds or nuts as it can, as it doesn't know when it will find any more. It's the same in-built instinct that we have which keeps us eating unhealthy snacks.
Chinchillas also enjoy sunflower seeds because of their 'packaging', so to speak. They enjoy having to bite and dig at the shell to get the kernel out.
You can therefore think of sunflower seeds in the same way as you might think of chips or sugary sodas: tasty, enjoyable to have, but ultimately bad for your pet.
Are Sunflower Seeds Poisonous to Chinchillas?
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Sunflower seeds don't contain any kind of cyanide or poison that will kill your chinchilla. They aren't like the seeds in apples, for example, which can be poisonous if enough are ingested.
This applies to all parts of the sunflower seed, too: the outer shell and the inner kernel. The only reason you can't eat the outer shell of a sunflower seed is that it's so tough and fibrous. Your chinchilla's teeth are easily strong enough to break through it, and as it gnaws on the outside of the shell, it will no doubt ingest some (as happens whenever it gnaws on something). But swallowing tiny amounts of the shell, even all of it, isn't poisonous.
Rather, it's the nutritional content of the seeds that is bad for your pet.
Why Can't Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
To understand precisely why they're unsuitable, we have to look at the exact nutrients in sunflower seeds. Below is a table with data from NutritionValue.org, a website that has data on almost any food you can imagine. The table lists what sunflower seeds contain, with reference figures for what chinchillas really need.
NutrientsAmount per 100gRequirementsCarbohydrate20g35gSugar2.6g5gFat51g2-4gProtein21g16-21gFiber8.6g30gWater4.73g10-15gCalories584200
It should be immediately obvious in which ways sunflower seeds are unsuitable. The section below explores why these differences between what sunflower seeds provide, and what chinchillas need, are important.
Carbohydrate, Protein & Fat in Sunflower Seeds
To begin with the positive, sunflower seeds have roughly the right amount of protein for a chinchilla. Mazuri chinchilla pellets, for example, have 20% protein by weight. Oxbow Essentials pellets contain a minimum of 18%. This means that the 21% protein content of sunflower seeds isn't a major problem.
The sugar content of seeds and nuts generally also isn't a problem. Simple sugars aren't to be avoided—they give your chinchilla the instant energy it needs to go through its day. Sunflower seeds have a less-than-problematic amount, which is good.
What is a problem is the fat content of sunflower seeds. Chinchillas need hardly any fat to reflect the true nature of their wild diet. Wild chins spend most of their waking hours eating low-grass and plant roots, and their digestive systems are set up perfectly to digest them. Too much fat means too many calories.
Calories in Sunflower Seeds
The fat and protein content of sunflower seeds are what make them so calorific. 584 calories per 100g of sunflower seeds is an awful lot, and is far more than a chinchilla normally gets from its food; timothy hay only contains 180-207.
As they do for us, so they do for chinchillas: calorific foods will make your pet gain weight. While you no doubt only intend to feed sunflower seeds as a snack, they will still make your chinchilla gain weight if they are fed consistently. Chinchillas can develop obesity and diabetes just like we can, and the effects of these conditions are the same. They will shorten your chinchilla's lifespan, and make what life it has left less enjoyable. Since there are snacks that your chinchilla will enjoy just as much, but which won't cause these problems, we recommend these instead.
Water & Fiber in Sunflower Seeds
The water level in sunflower seeds is lower than your chinchilla would prefer, as is the fiber level. Sunflower seeds have lots of fiber for us, but not enough for chinchillas, which thrive on 18-30% fiber in the diet by weight.
The issue is that your chinchilla's gut is set up perfectly to digest fiber. Fiber is more difficult to digest than regular sugars, because it's made of lots of sugars bound together that have to be broken down. Your chinchilla has a special pocket of sorts in its gut called the cecum, where fibrous food sits and is digested gradually. The cecum is chock-full of gut bacteria which specialize in breaking down tough fibrous foods like hay. The chinchilla will then go to the toilet and eat special poop that comes from the cecum called cecotropes, which it then digests again.
If you feed your chinchilla foods that don't contain enough fiber, this system is thrown out of balance. Your pet won't die or become sick, but its way of digesting food will have to change. It's better for your pet if that doesn't happen.
Vitamins and Minerals in Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds contain lots of vitamins and minerals, as all seeds do. This is one of the many reasons why they're so popular. This may be a good reason to consider adding them to a person's diet; but for a chinchilla, the same doesn't apply. Here's a list of all the micronutrients sunflower seeds contain enough of to be noteworthy:
Vitamin/MineralAmount per 100gVitamin B11.48mgVitamin B20.355mgVitamin B38.335mgVitamin B51.13mgVitamin B61.345mgVitamin E35.17mgCalcium78mgCopper1.8mgIron5.25mgMagnesium325mgManganese1.95mgPhosphorus660mgPotassium645mgSelenium53mcgZinc5mg
But as stated above, these micronutrients aren't as important for your chinchilla as they would be for you. That's because your chinchilla should get all the nutrients it needs from its hay. While your chinchilla would enjoy one, it doesn't strictly need a varied diet, and can both survive and thrive on fresh hay and hay pellets. Some breeders even give their chinchillas an all-pellet diet, and their animals will live long lives. The same applies to your chinchilla, which should already be getting its micronutrients from hay.
If your chinchilla is unwell because of a deficiency in one nutrient or another, sunflower seeds won't be the answer. Rather, your chinchilla's vet will recommend either a different kind of hay, a different kind of pellet or a supplement that can be fed directly. There's no need to supplement your pet's diet with seeds or nuts, especially since they cause dramatic weight gain.
How Many Sunflower Seeds Can Chinchillas Eat?
We recommend against feeding your chinchilla sunflower seeds. There's no need: there are snacks that your pet will enjoy just as much, but which won't cause any kind of weight gain. We therefore recommend feeding these instead.
The only circumstance in which you could consider feeding sunflower seeds is if your chinchilla is very underweight. Chinchillas can lose weight whether because of stress, the mistreatment of a previous owner, or gastrointestinal stasis. But even once it overcomes these problems, it is still underweight. As such, you could consider supplementing a small number of sunflower seeds into its diet to help it gain that weight back. Just be careful—weigh your pet every week to ensure that it doesn't go past a healthy weight to become unhealthily overweight or obese.
How Often Can Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
We would suggest that you shouldn't feed your pet any sunflower seeds, so the ideal frequency is 'never'. But if you're going to do so anyway, keep feedings very irregular so as not to cause weight gain. Once a week should be the maximum that you consider.
If you are feeding your chinchilla sunflower seeds to help it gain weight, even then, you should limit feeding frequency. That's because chinchillas can become fussy if they're fed snacks they very much enjoy, and will then only eat those snacks as opposed to others, or even as opposed to hay. So, again, keep feeding infrequent; once every few days should be enough.
Should Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Aside from the need to gain weight after an illness, there is no reason why you should feed your chinchilla sunflower seeds—and yes, that's despite unscrupulous companies including them in generic 'chinchilla feeds' which, in reality, are unsuitable. We recommend that you feed the following treats instead:
Shredded wheat. Shredded wheat is high in fiber, and dry enough not to upset your chinchilla's digestion; it's similar to hay in those respects. Pick a shredded wheat brand that contains no added sugar and no additives.
Rose hips. Rose hips are the fruits of the rose plant. They can be dried and fed to chinchillas.
Sweet hay and botanical hay. Some hays, like alfalfa, taste sweeter than others and so can be fed as a kind of snack. Botanical hay is regular hay with herbs mixed in.
You could also choose not to give your chinchilla any snacks at all. Chins enjoy, but don't strictly need, variety and yours can both survive and thrive on only hay and pellets. As such, if you're uncomfortable with the idea of snacks altogether, you don't need to feed them.
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#chinchillas #chinchillanutrition
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ochards · 4 years
The Life Of  Vegetarian- How It Is Like To Be A Vegetarian
The bigger vegetarian universe is actually a rich supply of advice for you personally about your brand new way of life. By subscribing to studying and newsletters vegetarian subjects in the library along with your own community public library, then you're planning to become attracted to the community vegetarian subculture too. Being educated at locating new societal connections, your service team will increase fast.
During the time that you're going to these neighborhood"hangouts" at which in fact the community retailers ordines, keep a watch out for the people bulletin boards or alternative statement tools. That which you can see lecture collection clubs, vegetarian cooking lessons, and universities along with different societal events at which in fact the vegetarian area can assemble. Any expenses connected without being included together with your sorts of associations and accepting lessons that more your understanding of this vegetarian life will likely cover off. Not only are you going to learn a lot, but you also should turn from this sort of event together with lots of fresh friends it's possible to employ to construct your fresh vegetarian societal websites over.
However, our friendship system is obviously likely to represent our worth. When you make the switch into a vegetarian lifestyle, you worth representing the brand new priorities on your own life span. That means you might wish to have the ability to devote some time together with those that do not merely know the reason behind getting into a vegetarian however understand the ins and outside of their lifestyle you're learning. Thus rendering it a dream to discover new friendships from the vegan area makes common sense.
The vegetarian movements are more tightly attached to the"green" and moves that are organic therefore that you may come across"haunts" across town at which these forms of individuals accumulate. Pure food retailers and on occasion perhaps outfits merchants that are dedicated to organic substances may additionally possess a clientele who is without uncertainty. Vegetarianism is popular on school campuses and also at the bohemian pieces of the society and that means that you could come across a fantastic reference of fresh close friends in one's cafés and java residences. And also these people will supply you with really vivid and intriguing persons concerning create a service group all-around also.
When you make a big shift in the way you live, acquiring a powerful support staff around you're critical. And your choice to be vegetarian is certainly a significant reversal of lifestyle. Thus among the greatest ways that you may make certain your achievements at generating this changeover would be always to construct a powerful support structure all around you for friendship, support, and information. That doesn't signify that you aren't likely to last to keep your own present friendships as well as connections.
The worldwide web is just another rich supply of fresh friendships and vegetarian societal connections you may research solely online however could open new connections to you anyplace too. Community forums include newsletters, mailing lists and discussion rooms which can be committed into this wholesome way of life. These online resources may even tip one to nearby occasions and fresh classes forming based on the vegetarian lifestyle. However, you sometimes choose the initiative to construct an online group that you simply sponsor societal parties. From getting your fresh vegetarian close friends up to share with you recipes, then enjoy a supper and chat regarding green, vegetarian and healthier living problems, you do not just make new good friends that know you personally, you're producing the vegetarian area stronger to the upcoming individual who would come after you will additionally want the friendship and support of you along with many others on the community surroundings to motivate their huge measure within this lifestyle.
The following aspect of warning your adolescent could choose to center should they hunt mature counselors about wanting a vegetarian life would be your issue of producing the changeover. Teenagers are inherently extreme and impulsive in order that they can only"go vegetarian" at 1 day in order that they are able to go to faculty and put a claim for your name. However, they may still possess that benefit and intend to facilitate a vegetarian area and also give a wide berth to the conditions an extreme reversal of diet plan might result in, especially to get busy adolescent bodies. As an instance, even in the event the brand new adolescent vegetarian-only excludes beef in 1 meal, then which counts like starting up their course into a beef healthful life. And even when that isn't adequate for their own youngster, simply cutting beef outside of dinner and lunch could possibly be sufficient.
Although teenagers are somewhat extreme and hurtful down they don't need to become unwell or consume the incorrect factors. It truly is really a balancing action to make them decide to try things, for example, learning to be a vegetarian and also for individuals parents to do everything that we are able to in order to make it a really fantastic encounter but and also to attract the knowledge they rely in their mothers for therefore they really are able to learn more about the vegetarian lifestyle altogether after which walk out shape if they need and also have learned only a tiny bit of elders on the manner.
A fundamental degree of comprehension your adolescent should eventually become knowledgeable about premature is that the numerous scales of seriousness they are able to"select" inside their movement to a wholesome way of life. Lots of situations each teenager simply wishes to have the ability to bet the promise for truly a vegetarian. If that's the scenario, only giving meat up could possibly be satisfactory. It's likely to look for a program similar to this but enjoy eggs, cheese, fish along with a journal and also the changeover into this diet isn't quite as excessive.
For parents of all adolescents who would like to learn more about the vegan way of life, there are far numerous causes to observe than stress. You can find many health and fitness gains to growing a vegetarian diet plan also in case their brand new fire lessens the sum of junk foods and junk foods that they eat, then this is a fantastic factor. You may naturally be worried when a teen is becoming enough nourishment should they exude the ingestion of beef. By assisting them to learn in regards to a properly curved vegetarian or vegan diet they could derive most of their nutritional demands in natural meals and also comprehend the countless advantages of vegetarian daily life on the manner.
Since younger creation is most more in touch with entire world culture compared to grownups, youngsters come generally speaking more conducive to the ecological movements, to problems regarding organic and natural farming along with the explanations for learning to be a vegetarian. As a growing number of teenagers try out vegetarianism, the better educated they have been by exactly what it actually a method to call home beef totally, the better. Afterward, even in the case, they don't keep their life for a vegetarian, then their own experience turned into an enlightening one plus they'll undoubtedly be well advised if really be picked to become being a vegetarian at after lifespan.
It is a catchy wander to direct a teenager by having a fascination with a vegetarian daily life as it's likely that several of the fresh foods that they might need to be utilized to mightn't need the perfect tastes that'll induce them to give the app. While a mother or father you are able to get an effect on generating their dwelling daily life vegetarian lifestyle a victory, you can want to simply help them know their decisions are somewhat limited if exercising thus they really truly are well prepared to make the sacrifice to the interest of keeping of their vegetarian procedures.
Among the most significant concerns you need to aid your adolescent to be a good thing about would be that their nutritional supplement demands within virtually any brand new diet regime. Whilst a swap into an overall entire vegetable diet regime could have a number of favorable impacts, you need to make certain that they're consuming enough nourishment along with other important vitamins they had to gain out of beef inside their own diet plan. Vitamin E, B12, iron, and magnesium are typical vital minerals especially for young adults who have to definitely be found everywhere should they choose to quit eating beef. You may aid your teenager to enjoy a prosperous exploration of their vegetarian lifestyle, maybe not encounter health threats from simply being mindful of these nutritional wants and making certain that they receive these minerals in capsule shape before their food items replacement software makes them manner that they require.
Ovo-vegetarianism is just another wide range of vegetarians who eliminates milk and meat but lets one possess eggs like an integral part of your own daily diet to carry on steadily to acquire protein in the early morning omelet. It's a different incentive however a Wonderful measure to another measure if You Would like to proceed to restrictive Diet Plans since you get accustomed to Every step on the Way
In the event you should wait for v to"how you can be vegetarian", the principles, if you are powerful, are exactly the same nearly all of the time. Those policies predict that you withstand the need to find revolutionary in your daily diet and also to start out the day you in the Calorie degree after ingestion beef for the majority of one's everyday life. The influence in your own body might be excessive and also you also usually do not devote time for you to learn how you can consume at a wholesome approach to displace the vitamins and nutrients from beef using natural shakes that are vegetarian.
. Veganism isn't just a religion. however, it's by far the most restrictive kind of vegetarianism as you get beef, all milk and maybe even honey and also eventually become a pure vegan. For several, it really is overly excessive or perhaps an objective for future years.
. Lacto Ovo vegetarianism could be your appropriate title for its exact basic sort of vegetarianism we started out our conversation where you are able to keep on to enjoy journal and egg solutions. Many drinkers may be comfy with this strategy as You receive Lots of the Wellness advantages of removing creature meat out of Your Diet Plan and You're doing something that will assist the animal rights to trigger with no heading intense
The very first point to become careful of is the temptations of vegetarian food diets have lots of numbers on them. You might believe a vegetarian by removing just beef, poultry, chicken and creature meats in the daily diet plan. This process of vegetarianism could be the simplest location to begin as it is still possible to secure your own protein out of ingesting fish, eggs, cheese, and other milk food in the order you never feel deprived for the first time. Afterward in the event, you succeed in getting rid of creature meats, then you may then think about going farther into the vegetarian way of life.
. Lacto vegetarianism - This really is really a wonderful second thing out of simply eliminating creature meats in the diet as you include legumes and eggs into a listing of what to steer clear of. Lots of men and women that want to know more about vegetarianism for moral motives as a result of this desire never to cause distress to creatures similar to this system as consuming eggs and milk motivates people businesses to keep on to victimize cows and cows.
It's supremely advised to just take it slow and simplicity to your own vegetarian schedule. If you're just too excessive, vitamin deficiencies may render you exposed to an infection. Of course in the event that you find sick out of the overly competitive way to vegetarianism, then you can end up and overlook the various gains the vegetarian life needs to you personally. And this is a tragedy that is enormous.
Turning into a vegetarian isn't like becoming a member of a bar enlisting within a military. That clearly was a whole lot of leverage and freedom to how"profound" you move into the vegetarian way of life and also how limiting and intense you make your own diet plan. Therefore if there are no"regulations" for getting into a vegetarian, then you will find a number of scales of seriousness to become careful of to help that you realize wherever you prefer to go into the vegetarian globe and also how far you would like to restrict your dietary plan. And then you will find a number of instructions for how you can be more prosperous in your search to get a much healthier and much more ethical lifestyle.
It's best to be more knowledgeable concerning the assortments of vegetarianism as you could possibly well be talking into an enthusiast at the approach to life that's obviously the"camp" which is perhaps not best for you. The genres or cultures of vegetarianism include things like...
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kgxhyun · 7 years
playing god.
OCTOBER 13. 16:01.
he shifts against the plastic backing, hands knotted between his legs – tucked under the grimy counter ledge cratered with scratches and dents and furious pen marks. prison chairs have always been uncomfortable, ever since he can remember. his eyes, previously downcast, shift everywhere but front of him: at the officer with his pencil held firmly between his fingers, recording what’s almost a comical period of silence; the thin metal frame of a smudged glass panel spanning most of his vision; a jail gate, disguised as the door, ever so slightly rocking back and forth before clicking solidly into the lock. 
16:09. no longer sensing the time, he reads small, bold numbers boxed on the corner of the table. “...hey.” 
his teeth scrapes at the skin of his lower lip, a thumb running along the length of each finger, riding over callouses and bandages, around knuckles still chafed and tender from the day before. before he chose to be stupid by coming here. his leg bounces up && down – the boy is restless –  and the officer signals a ten minute warning. he would rather fuck the devil than stay here, in this position, facing this man. he wants to leave, right now, but he’s not sure what’s stopping him–
a tan, sooty hand presses HARD against the glass && hot breaths cloud up the window. “get me out. that’s what you’re here for, isn’t it ?? for me? dohyun-ah, you said you would get me out.” his eyes snap up to a fraught inmate, and at once can’t bear to see a face so similar to his: cheekbones crafted from family genetics && that high nose, the same pointed ears. both sons of the kang empire, and he would believe in any god if it means they’re not cut from the same cloth, if it promises that dohyun is not his father, and his father is not him. 
he wants it so desperately. and yet he rejects a truth that haunts him. 
another palm marks the glass, so close to hyun’s face that he could count the number of lines running through them, notice the blisters and slits and begin to wonder if kang bungsuk truly has attempted to bleed himself out, as they’d told him. 
if he wanted to, dohyun could look so very closely at the prisoner who once stood with broad shoulders && a straight back, always mindful of his appearance and decorum – who now has been restrained from gnawing off his toes and fingernails, and frequently wakes up chewing on his own skin. they tremble now, those hands, those murderous, filthy hands, and watching them pounds dohyun right in the gut and makes him want to hurl up the little food he’d eaten in the morning.
opposite of him, his father’s chapped && bleeding lips touch the glass; his entire body is so near to dohyun’s that he’s afraid the window will shatter, afraid that the single officer won’t be able to control him soon enough to prevent dohyun from gliding a knife into his father’s throat, or even to stop bungsuk from clamping down on him like a bloody vampire. “isn’t that why you came?? i’m innocent, hyun, i have no reason to be here–” 
the boy keeps his hands beside him, tightening the anger which keep their eyes locked into one dense && coiled feeling inside his chest. “that’s not why...you’re unwell.” he’s disgusted by those two words, the frustration in them – as if his uncle’s murder wasn’t premeditated, as if it was an ill mind controlling a healthy body which was responsible for killing his own fucking brother. another reason why there is fault in the law. 
“you’re being transferred to an institution tomorrow.” he tells him with little emotion, hands and legs now still, back straightened up and here sits, again, a man of dignified finesse. “they called me here to sign the papers.” 
“kang dohyun, i said i wanted out–”
“they’re going to diagnose you, and they’re going to treat you. you’ll be under hourly supervision, and–” kang bungsuk falls back into his chair, glaring, seething, yellow teeth barred && hands clenching into fists, his fingernails raking against the glass with so much force dohyun can hear them beginning to break. “–no visitations. no one will know where you are, or what you’ve been up to, or how much money you need.” 
prison has been too kind to him. dohyun has been too kind. he gets up from his seat, the chair screeching back. time for this meeting to end. but he hears it, right as the doors pull closed: 
“you – i will fucking kill you. one day, i swear it.”    
OCT 15. 18:59.
the lights flicker out. 
everywhere, a whole blackout, and his fingers pause above a disassembled semi-automatic handgun. silver bolts and bullet cases rattle against the tabletop, rolling onto the floor. then a tremble, east of them, and he can barely think before someone’s yanking him away, telling him to abandon the building and get outside as fast as he can, leaving what few possessions he has at his desk. the same person shouts:   
“THERE’S A BOMB, THERE’S A FUCKING BOMB–” as if a plug is pulled, the voice snuffs out. concrete rains down where he had previously been positioned, windows bursting and scattering glass across the room, and he snatches a glance at a flaming view before he’s joined with the crowd && rushing down the stairs. he can think of nothing else but to get others out, and as the building begins to fall in on itself, beams and pillars crumbling, hallways sinking, he notices flame beginning to spread – and fast. 
a female agent he faintly recalls the name of fumbles on the steps, tumbling into the railing. he takes hold of her hand, tugging her up, and his attention shoots to the impossibly thin heels around her feet. “knock those off,” he helps her down another step, “and get to safety.” 
fire catches on some sort of spilled liquid trickling across the hall, and his eyes travel to the boiler room on their left. immense heat rides on his back, so close to his skin he could swallow it. “run, right now, run!” soon, the slight of her body leaves from beneath his fingertips, and he hopes she’s smart enough to listen because the next moment he’s sprinting down the escape stairs, flight by flight, searching for anyone else – and thrown off balance the moment the floor above tears open. 
the agent drops into a roll at the bottom of the stairs, employees still hurrying out the open door to a damp outside. he sees flashes and he feels a stinging, bitchy pain against his palm. high pitches ring in his ears, like muffled shrieks, and it stimulates a sharp jab in his temple. orange-hued surroundings go mute. 
and then he’s hearing things again, hearing his name and the names of many others, and he grabs the nearest person and runs with them past the door and onto the grass. the path before him blurs into several. behind, another explosion erupts. 
dohyun closes his eyes, and feeling the soft blades of glass brushing against his face, the world goes dark.
OCT 17. 01:12.
the man inserts another coin into the payphone, and waits for the dial tone. some have picked up. some haven’t. 
OCT 17. 04:37. 
he’s home for the first time in weeks – and not sure why command thought sending him here was a good idea. “change your clothes, get some food. we’ll be needing you on our investigation teams.” silently entering the apartment, the boy drops his keys onto a black tray, and shuffles across the living room, his now-bandaged hand carrying a bundle of mail. 
he wants scotch. or american whisky; even when he knows he can’t bring himself to lift a filled glass to his lips while still remembering that. he thinks of several people he’s not even sure are dead or alive, and it makes him angry that he’s here, safe, supposedly recuperating while others may be completely devastated. instead, the man in a torn jacket && loose dress shirt streaked with soot drops onto the sofa, and picks up the first letter on the pile beside him. 
KANG, BUNG-SUK has been transferred to gwangju psychiatric hospital...
he tears the paper into quarters, tossing it into the waste bin. he hand finds a different one, this one sealed in a dark and regal envelope:
your attendance is requested by the kang family at kang sootae’s funeral procession on the tenth of october, at six o’clock in the evening. please bring your condolences and a memorial gift.
KIM joo-man, secretary of kang enterprises.   
is it sick to find this funny? he hears shaky laughter vibrate on his lips, and gets up, tossing the letter onto the table. dohyun pours himself a glass of scotch. 
OCT 18. 08:00.
three black cars roll up to the scene of destruction, and a man, exuding elegance and stature, steps forward with polished shoes to greet them. a firm, single handshake passes between the englishman and the agent.
“good morning, sir. i’m glad you were able to arrive safely.” not perfect english – but close enough, so easily rolling off his tongue with little more than a slight accent. a skin coloured bandaid hides the few cuts he had acquired on his face, and over the bandaged gash he can feel with every flex of his fingers, a pair of leather gloves covers slim hands. 
“it’s great to meet you, agent sparrow. i’ve heard many things about you.” static occurs in his ear in place of instructions, and as dohyun smiles, a hand reaches up to turn off the earpiece. “quite an unfortunate incident, isn’t it? how many have died? i was present at mr. dunstone’s gala: the circumstances were terrible indeed.” 
his eyes scan behind the man, seeing a team of a dozen europeans waiting for command. “the seoul institute and all of us vow to get to the bottom of this. we have plenty of work ahead of us, i’m sure you know. this way, please.” 
OCT 18. 11:42.
he almost trips over a body – a burnt limb, to be exact, and the agent exhales the breath he realizes he’d been holding. he kicks off the rubble toppled across the man’s – or woman’s – chest, revealing a gaunt, charred face, incinerated to the point of blackened, hard flesh and bone, a full row of teeth exposed. blood mats the earth below them. there’s no point in scanning the list of missing names – this one is unidentifiable, if what’s present warrants anything that’s still left of their body. 
he calls over support, and instructs for them to move the cadaver to its sight of burial. dohyun turns on his heel and prepares to head forward – stiffening when the head of the corpse thuds to the ground, and he spins around in one, fluid motion. 
“wait one second, put it down,” he demands, and approaches again, peering at the point of breakage...and stifles a curse. 
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I woke up so sick
And then crazy bad news. Like i dyed my cousin's hair all awesome then she got all twisted up and embarrassed and bleached it. Well I was already bugged cause she wouldn't let me see it. She bailed on Halloween and I hadn't seen her since and she said something like she don't have a camera. Like she don't live in the house with 5 cell phones. So already in was all I'm not gonna do it again if she doesn't show me what it looks like. Cause I have no water, so she had to rinse it at home. It's all vegan shit and just color so it doesn't hurt the hair. Dark purple with pink tips. And pink bangs with rockabilly blue tips with a white in between. Which apparently she covered in red so it's purple tips and pink. But bleached the rest.
Whatever. It took like two hours and both out backs hurt and she left hair dye on the back of my couch. I'm not doing it again. Period.
Then everyone is yelling at her. It doesn't make me feel better. I like to be alone in my misery/anger (hard for some of yall to believe, I expect)
But I woke up just sick as it was and I just really wanted to be alone. I woke up to way too much drama and It was alot for a good day. But this morning way too much.
Part of it was because Jesse was there. Alot of yall don't really know how Jesse makes me feel because matt was there for me/us before and would laugh and whatnot when like about a relationship for me and Jesse to be in. So he covered completely the truth
I'm not angry about that. Other times that happened, yes. But not about Jesse as I had so much to remember. But most people don't really know how I feel or how Jesse makes me feel.
So this morning it was like he was just right there and I felt so unwell and so ill and so much going on. And I started to get a pain in my heart that's not normal.
Then eventually after listening to everyone yelling... but then making up and apologizing and making things seem.a little more balanced and understood and sympathetic on their own (i didn't say anything. I just sat on the toilet playing Family Yards) and making sense to as why they're anger had little to do about how i feel but more about how my cousin was wrong and how we care about her more than hair dye but her for reals self and i wouldn't go off trying to embarrass her (not that I would do anyone, usually I'm just angry and people are selfish -- but especially her)
I just got super sick. I just couldn't fight it anymore yesterday I had a fever pretty harshly. I had to turn my fan on high and open the window. I slept pretty good but when I woke up, I wasn't ready to but I had to pee.
So I was just laying in bed just super super sick. But I don't tell anyone mostly because I feel suffocated.
So then matt tells me in a bit "I don't want you to die" I didn't feel like I was going to but that I wanted to. Not that i thought those words but it was too much heat and ill ease oh and I must mention Jamie Howe was screaming as well as Denise.
So then matt is all just saying one simple sentence. And it makes me feel loads better. So tremendously.
But the bullshit from Denise and Jesse continues. And melissa fu-shu is all being dramatic cause she wants to be friends 0.0
Sure. Whatever she's just a user because she didn't try that until today after she recognized that she thinks I'm a saint and I'm stupid enough to be forced into what she calls a friendship.
So eventually I just start crying. And then matt gets yelled at because he had been emotionally heavy and honest with me recently. .. which I know.. just it's different to see/hear
So he got all told "you know she can't handle that!" Cause I just gave up and cried cause I'm so tired of hearing bullshit that's no one's business and it wasn't even matt it was mostly Denise and Jesse
So then my cancer ridden friend. She says that she could understand that her pain she felt last night was emotional pain. Because of the chemo and radiation are actually poison and she needed her nurse to give her morphine and her nausea medicine but her nurse was unavailable. She relies on her nurses and so it is emotional that she wasn't receiving her help. Of course she had all physical ailments as well.
It becomes too much and too overbearing. Especially the pressure knowing her mom can't handle it and yells at her then the nurses yell at her mom. Even if she's not thinking about it. She still knows.
Her mom shows very promising today. She said she is buying her perfumes right away and knows to hand it to my friend so she can move freely to be more comfortable. But to hold her hand. And she says they have been listening to music all day.
JP also has finally got some help. His daughter got pissed off enough to remind him that he does know how to behave with me and that he's just a hypocrite.
And I feel normal better now but I am starving
Although the FBI put a mini virus in my phone so that Denise can feel stupid for not buying a Galaxy Note 8 but instead a 2 year old Galaxy Note Edge (which I picked cause my Motorola was just fried) and I'm all you should just lied to her and told her it had a virus!! Honesty sometimes just gets us no where.
Except I guess where it really matters.
My gas will be turned off it it didn't get $98 today. And my electric in 3 days if it didn't get $307. My PayPal link is on my pages. Apparently Reinhardt gave Jesse $14,000 to give to me. Which if true, was nice bur i never received a dime or dollar or penny or anything similar and not electronically nor in paper or coin form. And I talked about that a year ago and how yall have to press charges on him for that. The FBI will get around to it I'm sure but they're busy.
I'm just being honest. I'll see where it gets me.
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Can Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Chinchillas love nuts and seeds, and they contain lots of vitamins and minerals. But they're full of fat, too—so are they a good snack choice for your pet?
Can chinchillas eat sunflower seeds? They can, and enjoy the fibrous outer shell and tasty kernel inside. But they are so high in fat that they will make your chinchilla gain weight over time. They aren't poisonous, and won't cause bloating or stasis, so aren't as bad as other snacks. We nevertheless recommend feeding other snacks like rose hips, shredded wheat or botanical hay as these don't cause weight gain or any other health issue. However, they may be useful if your chinchilla is severely underweight and needs to gain that weight back.
The guide below first looks at why chinchillas enjoy sunflower seeds and other fatty foods so much. We'll also look in detail at the nutritional content of sunflower seeds to learn why they're so unsuitable.
Can Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Chinchillas can eat sunflower seeds. They know not to swallow them without grinding them up, so they're no more likely to make your pet choke than any other food. And as we'll see in a moment, they aren't poisonous. But that doesn't mean you should feed them to your pet.
Do Chinchillas Like Sunflower Seeds?
Chinchillas love sunflower seeds. They love any kind of sweet, fatty, interesting new food. They're hard-wired to crave variety, especially if they find a new kind of food that's high in calories.
This is a throwback to living in the wild. Your chin spends most of its waking hours eating hay, and it would do similar but with live grasses in the wild. As such, when it finds a food that's nutritionally very dense, it has to make the most of it. It will therefore eat as many seeds or nuts as it can, as it doesn't know when it will find any more. It's the same in-built instinct that we have which keeps us eating unhealthy snacks.
Chinchillas also enjoy sunflower seeds because of their 'packaging', so to speak. They enjoy having to bite and dig at the shell to get the kernel out.
You can therefore think of sunflower seeds in the same way as you might think of chips or sugary sodas: tasty, enjoyable to have, but ultimately bad for your pet.
Are Sunflower Seeds Poisonous to Chinchillas?
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Sunflower seeds don't contain any kind of cyanide or poison that will kill your chinchilla. They aren't like the seeds in apples, for example, which can be poisonous if enough are ingested.
This applies to all parts of the sunflower seed, too: the outer shell and the inner kernel. The only reason you can't eat the outer shell of a sunflower seed is that it's so tough and fibrous. Your chinchilla's teeth are easily strong enough to break through it, and as it gnaws on the outside of the shell, it will no doubt ingest some (as happens whenever it gnaws on something). But swallowing tiny amounts of the shell, even all of it, isn't poisonous.
Rather, it's the nutritional content of the seeds that is bad for your pet.
Why Can't Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
To understand precisely why they're unsuitable, we have to look at the exact nutrients in sunflower seeds. Below is a table with data from NutritionValue.org, a website that has data on almost any food you can imagine. The table lists what sunflower seeds contain, with reference figures for what chinchillas really need.
NutrientsAmount per 100gRequirementsCarbohydrate20g35gSugar2.6g5gFat51g2-4gProtein21g16-21gFiber8.6g30gWater4.73g10-15gCalories584200
It should be immediately obvious in which ways sunflower seeds are unsuitable. The section below explores why these differences between what sunflower seeds provide, and what chinchillas need, are important.
Carbohydrate, Protein & Fat in Sunflower Seeds
To begin with the positive, sunflower seeds have roughly the right amount of protein for a chinchilla. Mazuri chinchilla pellets, for example, have 20% protein by weight. Oxbow Essentials pellets contain a minimum of 18%. This means that the 21% protein content of sunflower seeds isn't a major problem.
The sugar content of seeds and nuts generally also isn't a problem. Simple sugars aren't to be avoided—they give your chinchilla the instant energy it needs to go through its day. Sunflower seeds have a less-than-problematic amount, which is good.
What is a problem is the fat content of sunflower seeds. Chinchillas need hardly any fat to reflect the true nature of their wild diet. Wild chins spend most of their waking hours eating low-grass and plant roots, and their digestive systems are set up perfectly to digest them. Too much fat means too many calories.
Calories in Sunflower Seeds
The fat and protein content of sunflower seeds are what make them so calorific. 584 calories per 100g of sunflower seeds is an awful lot, and is far more than a chinchilla normally gets from its food; timothy hay only contains 180-207.
As they do for us, so they do for chinchillas: calorific foods will make your pet gain weight. While you no doubt only intend to feed sunflower seeds as a snack, they will still make your chinchilla gain weight if they are fed consistently. Chinchillas can develop obesity and diabetes just like we can, and the effects of these conditions are the same. They will shorten your chinchilla's lifespan, and make what life it has left less enjoyable. Since there are snacks that your chinchilla will enjoy just as much, but which won't cause these problems, we recommend these instead.
Water & Fiber in Sunflower Seeds
The water level in sunflower seeds is lower than your chinchilla would prefer, as is the fiber level. Sunflower seeds have lots of fiber for us, but not enough for chinchillas, which thrive on 18-30% fiber in the diet by weight.
The issue is that your chinchilla's gut is set up perfectly to digest fiber. Fiber is more difficult to digest than regular sugars, because it's made of lots of sugars bound together that have to be broken down. Your chinchilla has a special pocket of sorts in its gut called the cecum, where fibrous food sits and is digested gradually. The cecum is chock-full of gut bacteria which specialize in breaking down tough fibrous foods like hay. The chinchilla will then go to the toilet and eat special poop that comes from the cecum called cecotropes, which it then digests again.
If you feed your chinchilla foods that don't contain enough fiber, this system is thrown out of balance. Your pet won't die or become sick, but its way of digesting food will have to change. It's better for your pet if that doesn't happen.
Vitamins and Minerals in Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds contain lots of vitamins and minerals, as all seeds do. This is one of the many reasons why they're so popular. This may be a good reason to consider adding them to a person's diet; but for a chinchilla, the same doesn't apply. Here's a list of all the micronutrients sunflower seeds contain enough of to be noteworthy:
Vitamin/MineralAmount per 100gVitamin B11.48mgVitamin B20.355mgVitamin B38.335mgVitamin B51.13mgVitamin B61.345mgVitamin E35.17mgCalcium78mgCopper1.8mgIron5.25mgMagnesium325mgManganese1.95mgPhosphorus660mgPotassium645mgSelenium53mcgZinc5mg
But as stated above, these micronutrients aren't as important for your chinchilla as they would be for you. That's because your chinchilla should get all the nutrients it needs from its hay. While your chinchilla would enjoy one, it doesn't strictly need a varied diet, and can both survive and thrive on fresh hay and hay pellets. Some breeders even give their chinchillas an all-pellet diet, and their animals will live long lives. The same applies to your chinchilla, which should already be getting its micronutrients from hay.
If your chinchilla is unwell because of a deficiency in one nutrient or another, sunflower seeds won't be the answer. Rather, your chinchilla's vet will recommend either a different kind of hay, a different kind of pellet or a supplement that can be fed directly. There's no need to supplement your pet's diet with seeds or nuts, especially since they cause dramatic weight gain.
How Many Sunflower Seeds Can Chinchillas Eat?
We recommend against feeding your chinchilla sunflower seeds. There's no need: there are snacks that your pet will enjoy just as much, but which won't cause any kind of weight gain. We therefore recommend feeding these instead.
The only circumstance in which you could consider feeding sunflower seeds is if your chinchilla is very underweight. Chinchillas can lose weight whether because of stress, the mistreatment of a previous owner, or gastrointestinal stasis. But even once it overcomes these problems, it is still underweight. As such, you could consider supplementing a small number of sunflower seeds into its diet to help it gain that weight back. Just be careful—weigh your pet every week to ensure that it doesn't go past a healthy weight to become unhealthily overweight or obese.
How Often Can Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
We would suggest that you shouldn't feed your pet any sunflower seeds, so the ideal frequency is 'never'. But if you're going to do so anyway, keep feedings very irregular so as not to cause weight gain. Once a week should be the maximum that you consider.
If you are feeding your chinchilla sunflower seeds to help it gain weight, even then, you should limit feeding frequency. That's because chinchillas can become fussy if they're fed snacks they very much enjoy, and will then only eat those snacks as opposed to others, or even as opposed to hay. So, again, keep feeding infrequent; once every few days should be enough.
Should Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Aside from the need to gain weight after an illness, there is no reason why you should feed your chinchilla sunflower seeds—and yes, that's despite unscrupulous companies including them in generic 'chinchilla feeds' which, in reality, are unsuitable. We recommend that you feed the following treats instead:
Shredded wheat. Shredded wheat is high in fiber, and dry enough not to upset your chinchilla's digestion; it's similar to hay in those respects. Pick a shredded wheat brand that contains no added sugar and no additives.
Rose hips. Rose hips are the fruits of the rose plant. They can be dried and fed to chinchillas.
Sweet hay and botanical hay. Some hays, like alfalfa, taste sweeter than others and so can be fed as a kind of snack. Botanical hay is regular hay with herbs mixed in.
You could also choose not to give your chinchilla any snacks at all. Chins enjoy, but don't strictly need, variety and yours can both survive and thrive on only hay and pellets. As such, if you're uncomfortable with the idea of snacks altogether, you don't need to feed them.
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