#and then you end up in 2 separate 911 mini groups πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
hi what is it like in the wtfock discord server? i think the whole fandom from tumblr might have moved there but im timid to join. is there a lot being shared or is it ok to join without interacting?
Heya!! I’m actually not in a wtfock discord server. If there ever was one, which I’m sure there was, I don’t know about it. I’m currently in a skamverse creators server, which covers all the og and remakes, and the Skam Big Bang server, which is only open to bang participants.
The first one fluctuates with activity. Since there’s overlap with the bang, the server is less active when the bang server is open, but when it’s closed, it can be very active. And not everyone participates in the bang, so ppl still post in there regularly. And about interacting, plenty of ppl join and never post afterwards. Some don’t even introduce themselves. It kind of depends. It’s a much smaller server than some others I’ve heard about. I can always give you more info about it if you dm me, but sadly I have nothing wtfock specific. I wasn’t actively engaged in fandom when all that probably happened, and by the time I felt comfortable enough to do so, everyone was already settled in places. Maybe someone else knows something. Good luck!! πŸ’–
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