#and then took it away bc it had illustrations of the reproductive systems
halfelven · 2 years
the where are you in the sibling lineup always throws me a little since i am currently the youngest child, but i spent a lot of my childhood as a middle child, and i was destroyed with all the pressure of oldest child since my older siblings couldn't handle anything and weren't expected to. most people assume i'm an oldest child. some people assume i'm a middle child but the 'eldest daughter.' no one has ever assumed i'm the youngest child or that i don't have siblings. but technically i'm now the youngest out of my siblings. bringing this up bc my friends have literally forgotten i'm actually younger than both my older siblings and roped me in as the oldest child when complaining about the difficulties of being the oldest child. but i also never got the attention they did. i always put it as having all the responsibilities of being the oldest without any of the privileges
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