#and then obviously as the only groomer i was in charge of the whole grooming department
sga-owns-my-soul · 6 months
lmao i just realized i've been an unofficial authority in pretty much every job i've had
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kazetoame · 4 years
Could this Martin’s response?
“Mya was much younger than Ser Lothor, but when her father had been brokering the marriage between Lord Corbray and his merchant’s daughter, he’d told her that young girls were always happiest with older men. “Innocence and experience make for a perfect marriage,” he had said.” - Alayne II, AFFC.
I’m rereading a meta from @lostlittlesatellites of the similarity of Humbert from Lolita to Sandor, Tyrion and especially Littlefinger because of a recent Reddit thread asking to stop romantising the interactions of Sansa and Sandor, yet most of the thread disregards the OP. Example: one poster claimed that since Sansa woke calmly, that the whole evening was sexually charged, that Sansa has a erotic dream (that started as a nightmare). Admittedly, I was pissy and I didn’t articulate my responses well, my mind jumbles. How can one start with a nightmare then end with an erotic dream that featured a traumatic event? (Btw, am I the only one who has calmly woken from a nightmare?). Another brings in the fan art Martin has, but it’s SanSan, so it’s proof. I do wonder how much fan art this man has been given over the years.
Sorry, lost my thoughts.....anywho. So, seeing this quote and mentions of what Darkstar could represent, is it possible that GRRM is doing the same here? Having the creep who was the architect of her situation, who is obviously grooming her, this line, so we see just how shiver inducing it really is. Also, the double standard that seems to only apply to Sansa.
Most likely, I’m just reaching, but this line just makes me stop, back up and read again. Like what the fresh hell is this shit? Not only, does it make one think Littlefinger is subtly telling Sansa that this is part of his plans for her, but it alludes to the other two “matches” she had that are just as creepy. It feels like groomers 101 and it kinda echoes how Sandor and Tyrion talked to Sansa at times.
If we are creeped out by Littlefinger making this play, why aren’t with Sandor and Tyrion who are of similar age range as Littlefinger? Why the double standard, not only for the latter two, but for Sansa herself?
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meli-missfit · 5 years
Brain’s Death
Another Oracion Seis related discussion that I thought of writing for a while but never got to it (I blame my recent Dragon Ball Z binge), but here we go.
As much as I can’t stand Brain for being this piece of shit groomer that treated his self-claimed “comrades” like utter garbage, his death was beyond premature for my liking and let me explain.
Before the Seis that is most known for in the fandom was created, Brain was in charge the Bureau of Magical Development when the Bureau tricked Ur just to kidnap a CHILD Ultear, and Ultear was experimented on in an attempt to make her into one of the six prayers for the Seis. Obviously, we already knew that backfired big time.... BUT... if we put the pieces of the puzzle together, Brain’s kidnapping of Ultear lead to everything that happened with Jellal and eventually the other five members of the Seis.
1. Ultear was both physically and mentally damaged by the torture that Brain and the rest of the Bureau put her though that she mistaken Ur for abandoning her just by the site of Ur being happy with both Gray and Lyon with her. This lead to Ultear coming back to the Bureau for the last time, only for Brain to ditch out on the experiments after realizing that her magic wont fit with the linkage of Zero and the headquarters being destroyed afterwards after Ultear’s magical power went into overdrive.
2. Brain recklessly letting the Bureau get destructed is how Ultear started learning various magic along with Arc of Time after meeting with Hades, but the most crucial one here is the possession magic, which is what she used to possess Jellal into becoming a tyrannical figure of the Tower of Heaven.
3. This part is when the five Seis members come into play. Jellal was notorious for his ill treatment towards the slaves while possessed under Ultear. He blackmailed Erza into leaving the R-System, and didn’t treat the five kids any better, which was vocalized by Midnight when he was fighting against Erza.
Now, we got the whole Ultear ordeal out of the way, let me remind you that Brain later came into the R-System fray, became a tutor for Jellal as he taught him the self-destructing magic, and gathered the five kids that he ended up using as the prayers for his Zero personality and became part of the Oracion Seis.
It’s obviously apparent that these kids were groomed into becoming a bunch of careless sadistic brats doing all the dirty work while convinced that they were liberated under Brain, ESPECIALLY Midnight. The kid was the only one who calls Brain by “father”, while Brain has him as part of his prayer (about not vanishing so Zero wont be released). Midnight was manipulated enough that he actually lashed out at Hoteye for objecting against Brain. It was also apparent that he was exploited the most out of all of them as Brain took huge advantage of his vulnerability when it comes to loneliness, which was shown twice during the Oracion Seis arc (first with Hoteye, second with Erza). 
The thing with Midnight gets worse if we actually think about this, and I started theorizing this after reading some Dragon Ball Z relating theories, one of them relating to Gohan’s Great Saiyaman alter-ego being a coping mechanism after witnessing traumatic experiences in Namek. In the Key of the Starry Sky arc, Midnight literally refers to himself as “Brain II”, learns the same type of Magic as Brain did, and held a huge grudge against Fairy Tail throughout, and that was because... over a rift he and Brain had. Something tells me that rift was a bit too traumatic for him that he uses the same codename magic, and wields the same talking staff in an attempt to cope.
So yeah, we saw how much of a colossal impact Brain has made on multiple characters’ backstories, yet... he only ends up getting killed Cobra with a hole ripped through his chest minutes after they were released from prison.
First off, the way that he died was so underwhelming and the wound itself doesn’t even look that fatal in Fairy Tail’s standards (no offense to Cobra). When I first read that chapter, I didn’t feel convinced that he was dead at all (not just because of Mashima being too chickenshit to kill off characters). I was expecting him to come back as Zero, and fight all of the five Seis members, Jellal, and Meredy.
Secondly, Brain would’ve been an important tool for the Seis’ character development, especially Midnight. This was actually attempted in that particular chapter when Cobra killed Brain off, but the execution of it was underwhelming. I felt as if an actual fight should’ve happened, which is why I much prefer it when both Midnight and Brain solo’d off against one another since their relationship was a lot more grotesque in comparison with the others. That way, we can really see how far that the once-claimed strongest member of the Oracion Seis has become.
So, here’s my TL;DR for the day. Brain’s death was unsatisfactory and has rid so much potential when it comes to character development. I’m actually still hoping that he’s actually not dead and Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest can bring out some surprises to me regarding this.
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judefan825-blog · 4 years
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"I don't understand this whole thing. It wholesale nfl jerseys frustrates me to hear that these guys are world champions. He won one world championship, and it was in the Olympic Games. As stated before for the common pet owner this is a non issue but if you are seeking Cheap Jerseys china grooming for a show dog it can be a huge issue. It is important that all groomers respect this title and use it only if it has been properly awarded to them. Using this title without the proper credentials is a misrepresentation that devalues the title and could be prosecuted in court..
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dogntreats · 7 years
New Post has been published on Dog N Treats
New Post has been published on http://dogntreats.com/best-dog-grooming-clippers-maltese/
Best Dog Grooming Clippers For Maltese
It is a known fact that the Maltese is one of the most difficult dogs to groom. Indeed, I do know of many owners of Maltese who frequently complain that it is so tough for them to groom their dog. This is partly due to the nature of the dog’s fur as well as the incorrect equipment that is being used. For the purpose of this article, we will be looking at some of the best dog grooming clippers for Maltese.
Best Dog Grooming Clippers For Maltese
When it comes to grooming your Maltese, there is a whole range of grooming tools that you can use for them. This goes the same for the dog grooming clippers for Maltese. With so many of them on Amazon, which of them is the best dog grooming clippers for the dog then? We have done our extensive research, and here are some of the more popular dog grooming clippers for Maltese on Amazon.  Do note that our selection of best dog grooming clippers for Maltese is suited for dogs with long coats too.
Andis EasyClip Pro-Animal MBG-2 (21420)
If you look around forums regarding dogs with long coats, most of the owners will recommend you to purchase the Andis EasyClip Pro-Animal MBG-2 (21420). This is because the Andis MBG-2 is really suited for dogs with long coats or long hairs, and hence it is obviously suitable for dogs like Maltese.
Firstly, it does have one of the quietest motor for dog grooming clippers. With a power of 3,700 strokes per minute, the motor is so quiet that your Maltese will never be scared of the noise at all. Not many dog grooming clippers out there is both powerful and quiet at the same time.
As mentioned earlier, the power rotary motor is powerful, and it is suited for dogs of all coat types. Hence, it does make this one of the best dog grooming clippers for Maltese. However, do note that having a powerful motor isn’t enough. It does need to have accompanying blades that is capable of trimming the dog’s hair more effectively too. In this sense, this Andis dog grooming clipper does come out tops too. The blades are completely detachable, hence allowing you to change and clean the attachment combs easily. When you purchase this professional dog grooming clippers for Maltese, it does come with 4 different attachment combs too, ranging from 1/8 to 1/2 inches.
You know what’s the best thing about this dog grooming clipper for Maltese? It is that the entire clipper will never generate too much heat. This is really due to the cooling technology that is incorporated into the design of this best dog grooming clippers for Maltese. In this way, the dog grooming clipper will never burn itself out so easily.
Pros: Affordable. Meant for long haired dogs. Clean cut. Quiet. Cons: Will be better if it is cordless Our Rating:  (4.9 / 5) Editor’s Choice.
Wahl Dog/Pet Home Grooming Lithium Ion Pro-Series Rechargeable Clipper Kit 9766
For a good cordless dog grooming clippers for Maltese, you can choose the Wahl Dog/Pet Home Grooming Lithium Ion Pro-Series Rechargeable Clipper Kit 9766. This best dog grooming clippers for Maltese is one of the top favorite amongst Maltese owners who love to groom their dog’s hair without fearing the lack of a power point.
First of all, with a single charge, this rechargeable dog grooming clipper for Maltese can run up to 2 hours. Not only is this a good feature, the motor itself is also quiet. This allows a quieter grooming session for the Maltese, and it wouldn’t scare the Maltese away too. Usually, owners will use the best dog grooming clipper for Maltese on their paw pads, sensitive areas around the body or even a full body shave too!
What is more interesting, is that the blades itself is touted to be a self-sharpening and snag free blades. this means that you wouldn’t need to change the blades that often too. But do remember to maintain the sharpness of the blade by using the Wahl Professional Animal Blade Oil 3310-230.
Pros: Precise cut. Quiet. Cordless. Self sharpening blades. Cons: Requires some maintenance. Our Rating:  (4.9 / 5) Reader’s Choice.
Oster Professional Turbo A5
When conducting this Oster Professional Turbo A5 review, we realize that this particular best dog grooming clippers for Maltese is really a top favourite amongst professional dog groomers. The groomer that I bring my dog to also uses this particular dog grooming clippers!
What we like about this professional dog grooming clippers for Maltese is that there are two speed settings for you to choose from. There is the high speed at 4,000 strokes per minute to the low speed of 3,000 strokes per minute. This varying of speed is of different purposes. Of course, if your dog is timid, always use the lower speed, as the sound of the motor is barely audible. Otherwise, use the high speed for a quick shave, and the lower speed for a more precise cut at the delicate areas.
The Oster blades that are being used for this best dog grooming clippers is specially machined and cryogenically treated. All of those means that the blades are extremely durable. The blades will require some maintenance in order to last longer down the road. We will suggest you to use the Oster Kool Lube III Spray Coolant to cool the blades down. Also, for more options or more grooming length, you can always purchase more attachments too. Purchase the Oster Professional Care 10-Piece Universal Comb Set for more options!
Pros: Quiet. 2 speed. Multipurpose. Cons: Requires some maintenance. More expensive, but value for money. Uses Cord. Our Rating:  (4.8 / 5)
How To Groom A Maltese Dog At Home
After purchasing the best dog grooming clippers for the Maltese, what else do you think you should do? Or what else can you do to groom a Maltese dog at home? Here are some of the Maltese grooming tips that you can look out for when you want to take care of the Maltese.
Grooming Or Trimming Maltese Nails
Truth to be told, most owners do not know how to properly groom the Maltese nails. If done incorrectly, you could be cutting into the dog’s Quick. The dog’s Quick is the area of the toenail that contains blood supply. If you cut into it, you will cause much discomfort to the dog. Of course, the optimal solution is to ensure you trim off the dead tissue from the ends of the toenails.
So, in assuming that you wish to groom a Maltese dog at home by clipping their toenails, how often do you do it? Or what are the danger signs that you should look out for? Usually, we will recommend the owners to clip the nails every 2 to 3 weeks. The warning signs will be when the Maltese start to scratch your skin or leave their marks on the floor or on the furniture.
To be honest, the best way to get the dogs to be accustomed to grooming their nails is when they are in the puppy stage of their life. When they are comfortable with you holding their paws and trimming their nails, they wouldn’t have much problem when they are in the adult phase of their life. 
Trimming Maltese Puppy Nails
When you wish to trim the puppy’s nails, it will always be advisable to trim them just after you bath them. This is the period whereby the nails will be soft, and hence easier to be cut by you. If there are hair in between the toes, do trim it every now and then.
Do note that if you do not have the habit of trimming the Maltese puppy’s nails, the dog will eventually develop multiple problems when they are older.
Bathing The Maltese
Here comes the fun part! Whenever I bath my dogs, I will inevitably get wet. However, what I will usually do before bathing the Maltese is that i will brush and comb her hair thoroughly. In this way, the dead hair and mats will be removed totally. This will help us when we are bathing the dog. After this, I will proceed to bathing the dog.
Ensure that your dog is completely wet before you apply the shampoo. Avoid the area near the head or the eyes. These areas can be cleaned by wiping them with a washcloth. After shampooing, rinse every part of the dog’s body. Ensure that you do this correctly, as any residue will cause irritation to your dog. After this step, use a conditioner on the dog. Apply thoroughly, massage your dog, and rinse your dog thereafter.
Once done, cover the dog with a towel to ensure that the dog does not catch a cold. I will advise you to use a hand held dryer for this. While drying them, you can use a brush to comb the coat. This will help to set the hair nicely too. Do ensure that you have cotton nearby, just in case water enters the dog’s ears.
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