#and then i will perhaps? juggle three characters?? lmao
kimmkitsuragi · 4 months
oh my god i will make a post about my new character(s) for liveblogging purposes but my ass keeps forgetting im in tactician difficulty WITH A BARD and miss igmiss lvl1 shadowheart. this is seriously bad for us
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captainmera · 11 months
Hello Hello! I read through your golden brother fic amd got caught up a few days ago! Wanted to say that it's absolutely PHENOMENAL! You explore hunter's dynamics with the cast so well, it's really beautiful! The way you handle vee makes me cry tears of joy, it's literally EVERYTHING I wished was covered in season 3, i love this identity crisis-ridden slug so much you have no clue 💚💚 It's like catharsis while also excelling in its own right 😭 so so effervescent
Also, Jacob???? NEVER expected anyone could (or would) take such a one-off guy and make him so interesting! Im loving the self-righteous parallels drawn between him, belos, and luz, and how all three of them go about handling that. it's very intriguing and I'm excited for how it turns out. 🤔🤔
It's very important that you know the palismen wanting to be in the microwave is the funniest thing ever, I start cry laughing whenever the Beep. shows up. And hunter gradually getting more lenient about it??? Like he's so done but also?? It's in line with his development in the story??? Slowly unlearning the behaviors instilled in him that perpetuate his paranoia and growing to be more relaxed and happy?? Represented by an adorable running gag??? PHENOMENAL work. Absolutely amazing.
sorry for the long ask I just really like this fic & thought you should know. k thx have a good one 👍
GOLDEN BROTHER FANFIC <- He is talking about this.
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Sweet titan, thank you!! (TTATT)!!!
And don't worry about long texts or rants!! I like it! %D <3333 It's fun! Aaaaaanyway...!!!
BIG RAMBLE (and some fanfic related doodles) BENEATH THE CUT!
That's so kind of you asdfghj I really appreciate it!! I love storytelling and character focused stories/plot/themes, and writing this fanfic has been a really nice exercise for me to indulge in that.
I'm making a story of my own which is also character driven! So, again, it's really nice to stretch my legs in writing too. :)
I'm glad you think so highly of my fanfiction!! I really wish a season 3 could've happened!! It's been fun trying to juggle all the characters and set them up for their own arcs.
Yes!! I feel like a lot of the show was building up a lot of themes to identity, finding yourself, loss/grief (of various kinds: Loss of family, loss of oneself, etc). But also showing the opposite theme: Of finding yourself, relief, peace and acceptance. Even moving onwards.
Themes that Vee represents/embodies really well - especially as a shapeshifter.
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I think, for one, Hunter and Luz was supposed to have opposite arcs. Hunter finds himself and Luz loses herself. They would balance, thematically, off of one another. While still keeping Luz' struggle as the main character as the force to move the plot along; Hunter's arc only getting spotlight to support/dual Luz journey/decline/rise.
Taking the season three episode titles, I lean on the "for the future" one the most, as I think Luz dealt with a lot of doubt about where she fits in and what she can provide going forward (both for herself and her friends/family).
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And I think Jacob would've been an interesting character. As much of a gag he is, he does represent certain aspects of both Luz and Belos.
He wants to be the chosen one (like both of them) and he wants to do something for his town (save it from witches, like Belos), and he wants to fit in with his community (like Luz) and can't quite find a way to do so. Perhaps even losing sight of what is going right in his life in favour of the grander greater thing (like both Belos and Luz) - That if they don't fit in with normal, perhaps it needs to be abnormal, and grand, and epic.
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..... I mean I say all that, the difficulty is pulling it off lmao asdfghj ||||||OTL|||||
AND THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THAT'S WHAT THE GAG IS ABOUT. I'm genuinely surprised people liked the gag so much, I was worried only I would think it was funny haha, but it also pleases me you picked up on it's purpose :'D I love that all I have to write is *Beep.* and y'all know what's happening. :'DD
thank you I really needed a nice message today (ToT)/ <333
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acenancy · 3 years
The Ace x Nancy x Tamura of It All
I’m here as a hardcore Nace shipper (see the URL) to throw my two cents into the Ace x Nancy x Tamura discussion.
Some of you straight up hate Tamura and that’s cool, I get it, no judgement, but I personally like him a lot as a character. And I LOVE the connection he and Nancy have. Their repartee is entertaining, they share a passion for solving mysteries which is key to being Nancy’s friend, and their very different life experiences help balance each other out. 
You know, since one of them is grounded in reality and the other is navigating through life in a supernaturally charged hellmouth.
That being said, I hope they grow closer during S3 WITHOUT becoming explicitly romantic. And I think that may be exactly what happens! At most, I think that while solving magical mysteries, Nancy and Tamura will engage in a fun little flirtationship  that will lead to genuine friendship. His partnership with Nancy would be solidified this way as well as his honorary membership to the Drew Crew. This could serve three purposes: 
Forcing Tamura to accept the supernatural elements of Horseshoe Bay, thus weaving him more intricately into the plot.
Creating tension between Nancy and Ace 😏
Exploring and adding depth to whatever sort of relationship they’re trying to establish between Tamura and Ace.
I see all of this playing out fairly simply: while Nick and George are busy juggling real life and a wedding, while Bess devotes her time and energy into researching her family history and finding love, and while Ace prioritizes Amanda, Nancy finds herself without proper backup. So! Perhaps unintentionally, Nancy gravitates to Tamura. There's crimes and mysteries to be solved and since her friends are not fully available to her, who better to turn to than the guy who’s job it is to investigate these things? And so begins the Nancy and Tamura buddy cop comedy that is both dreaded and highly anticipated depending on what social media outlet you’re using.
Though let me repeat: BUDDY COP. 
I really don’t think we’re going to have an Ed and Lorraine Warren situation on our hands with these two. Truly, if the S2 finale is anything to go by, I think S3 will allow Nancy to grow into herself outside of a romantic or sexual relationship. She’s not running from herself and into someone else’s bed anymore. She’s embracing and learning to love herself. I’d even go so far as to say Nancy’s love interest next season will be...Nancy lmao. 
As for Tamura, if they decide to give him a romantic interest, I think they would either have his ex-fiancée reenter the picture or maybe even do him dirty and stick him with Temperance for plot reasons. A doomed Tamura x Temperance romance would actually be fun to see, in my opinion, and would be a great way to open Tamura’s eyes to the supernatural. That’s just me spit-balling, though. Whether it’s because of Temperance or not, I think Tamura is finally going to have to accept ghosts and witches and magic are real this season. It’s just a requirement for working with Nancy Drew.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, we have to address the Nace of it all. Sorry to Tamura but I do believe you’re being used as an obstacle in True Love’s way next season. I think fandom’s general consensus is that the more time Nancy and Tamura spend together, romantic or not, the more jealous Ace will become. While I agree, I think Ace’s jealousy will stem from somewhere a little deeper than just seeing Nancy with another guy. 
Take Gil, for example. Ace was sort of jealous of Gil, but more than anything he was wary of him and concerned for Nancy’s wellbeing when she was with him. Unlike Ace, Gil never had anything to offer Nancy except for sex and a getaway car. He sure as hell was never her number one person. In fact, he wasn’t even Nancy’s number five person. There was never a reason for Ace to be envious of him.
Tamura, on the other hand, can prove to be just as much of an equal to Nancy as Ace is. As chief/lead detective, he also has power and influence that Ace and Nancy do not, and access to people and resources that Ace does not have (unless he can hack into them). Tamura can help Nancy bend and break the law without consequence if need be, too. And, although naive in regards to the mystics of Horseshoe Bay, he is just as smart as Nancy and has, on the rare occasion, even been one step ahead of her. Tamura is an asset, to say the least. Together, he and Nancy make a formidable duo.
That’s what will make Ace jealous. More than the prospect of romance between Nancy and Tamura, I think that Nancy finding another intellectual match is what will rub Ace the wrong way. They’ll find themselves at a brief moment in time where Nancy will turn to Tamura for assistance before anyone, including Ace, and Ace will realize he absolutely hates that someone who is not him is Nancy’s partner in crime now.
Maybe Nancy won’t notice, but Ace will probably realize his love for her is not of the philia sort. I’m sure Amanda also will. And? Maybe Tamura will see it too.
Which brings me to one of my favorite dynamics of the show: Ace and Tamura’s.
I’m not gonna sit here and spin my crazy conspiracy theory that they’re brothers. Though that idea will always hold a special place in my heart, slowly but surely I am accepting that Ace’s long lost brother really is Grant. I’m being a total grownup about it. I swear.
Nevertheless, I do think they’ve been trying to build some kind of relationship between Ace and Tamura since before Tamura even met Nancy. What sort of relationship? God, I wish I knew.
They meet each other first, which doesn’t necessarily mean a lot, but it’s worth noting that they’re on each other’s funny little shit lists before Nancy even enters Tamura’s picture. It’s also Ace and Ace alone that hears from McGuinness that Tamura will be replacing him in the same episode. Then, of course, we have that crazy Shabbat dinner in 2x03 that exacerbates their antagonistic relationship further. Then there’s their snarky banter and all of those totally unnecessary side-by-side shots of them saving Noah in 2x10. Apart from Nancy, Ace is the only member of the Drew Crew that we’ve seen Tamura develop a real connection with, even if it is an unfriendly one. And, as of now, their relationship doesn’t even have anything to do with Nancy.
So where are the writers going with this hilarious and hostile bond between Ace and Tamura? Has all of this really just been buildup for a romantic rivalry? Hey, maybe! I really can’t figure out another reason why the writers have gone out of their way to create their dynamic since the Brother Theory has been disproven. But something tells me this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
And when I say “this”, I mean Tamura taking a step back from Nancy once he realizes he may just be filling in the love of her life’s shoes. Because that’s where I think all of this is going. Not necessarily anywhere romantic between Nancy and Tamura, but somewhere more friendly between Tamura and everyone.
At the end of it all, Tamura is going to finally embrace the supernatural, he’s going to become an ally to Nancy, Ace, and the rest of the Drew Crew, and, when the timing is right, he’s going to hop onboard the Nace ship with the rest of us. 
Side note: this is just where my head is at. I truly respect all of your opinions and ask that you respect mine too. If you agree with what I’ve said and want to talk, let’s talk! If you disagree and want to talk, we can talk too! Please, just don’t get nasty with me. This is a television show about fictional characters at the end of the day, and I am a real person. Much love to you all. ❤️
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hopevalley · 3 years
Season 8, Episode 11: Changing Times
Well, as it turns out, my second Covid vaccine kicked me down hard. After sleeping for quite a long time, though, I’m tired of sleeping and ready to try and get this write-up done.
Surprisingly, or...perhaps not so surprisingly, I don’t think I have that much to say about last night’s episode. I think we’re just too close to the finale for me to feel “safe” in guessing/hoping for anything in particular.
Let’s hit up the plot points like before:
The Triangle
Carson & Faith
Rosemary’s Purpose
School District Problems
Jesse’s Disappearance 
The Triangle
I’m probably one of the few people who liked Nathan who felt like the whole beginning scene was super weird and uncomfortable. Homegirl held his hand for one second in the last episode and now she’s going to warm his serge by the fire (while he just stands there awkwardly??? He could have done that himself while she got him some tea or something idk) and then dress him???
I think we’re meant to see that as her going back to...I don’t know...old habits die hard or something? But she was barely married for any time at all and it’s been three years since Jack died. No way would she be so far into those old habits that she’d fall back into them with Nathan lmao.
Like, it’d be a REALLY GOOD PLOT for a character who had been married for years and lost a spouse (cough Abigail cough) but considering the circumstances it felt like a cheesy fanfiction! I wanted to like it, but I just felt weird about it. Tonal whiplash out the wazoo.
Especially when we had to watch Lucas drive by and see Nathan’s horse at Elizabeth’s house. 
Lucas sadly watching Elizabeth talk to Nathan was also awkward, but at least it gave him the courage he needed to break things off with her.
You’d think I’d have a lot to say about the triangle, but I’m saving all of that for some kind of...post-season discussion. Who is she going to pick? Nathan seems like the most logical writing choice, but it could yet be Lucas. I genuinely don’t care who she chooses so long as she picks someone.
Carson & Faith
I like to hate on these two a lot, so you might be surprised to know that I’m enjoying their storyline. I’ve criticized this series over and over for never bothering to portray realistic relationships and one thing I can say about Faith and Carson this season is that things actually feel...plausible.
I also appreciate how they try to tie Carson into the town a bit more: he talks to Henry and Minnie and even Lucas trying to figure things out! It makes perfect sense to me; how do you choose between someone you care about/the potential life you could make with them, and a career that you’re really and truly passionate about?
This is the most interesting Carson has been since Season 5.
Anyway, the pudding scene was genuinely funny, and a great way to break up the stress that I’m sure we were all feeling about his impending proposal. Faith’s reaction to thinking he might propose was...pretty telling. I really wish they hadn’t saved so many dangling plotlines to solve in the final episode, though. I was hoping Faith and Carson’s storyline would be fully figured out in the penultimate episode so that we could let him go (or whatever) in the season finale. It just seems to me like it would be a good, smooth ending for them.
Also, for what it’s worth, they tried doing this kind of plot with Frank in Season 5, but it was rushed and pulled out of thin air; he’d never shown an inclination toward pastoring toward dying children in the past and it was clear that they just needed to write him off the show. With Carson, this sort of plotline works VERY well; he was a surgeon, and he was passionate about it, but that passion took a hit when his wife needed surgery and she died on the table under his hands. He’s had some time to move on from that and process his feelings, so it makes sense that he’d find that passion again. I just wanted to point this out because it’s interesting how well it works for Carson and how...well, not-well it worked with Frank. I really felt like with Frank, it was just a storyline that could have been given to anyone with the same success rate, whereas with Carson they took a look at the character and what we already know of him, and built the storyline specifically for him. That’s good writing, babes!
Anyway, Carson trying to propose in the vague hope that Faith will come with him, even knowing she doesn’t want to leave Hope Valley, is pretty manipulative and awful, but it really goes a long way toward making his character feel like an actual person. Like yeah, he does actually want the best of both worlds. Do you blame him?
Rosemary’s Purpose
I know a lot of people are really into this storyline but I found it boring. The only good part was when Lee called the other desk in his office “hers.” Everything else just felt like a bit too much to come to the conclusion that she should run a paper. We already had her “advice” column in the paper and it was...amusing while it lasted, but eh. I just don’t see good storylines coming for her from this angle, especially when they went the route of her finding out she wants to start the paper back up to share information with the town. Are we really going to trust Rosemary’s integrity when it comes to writing news stories, especially when MOST of the time the things she’ll be allowed to write about are, you know, who grew the biggest cabbage? It makes me dread the potential for Round Two of Nosy Rosie.
I dunno. I used to really like Rosemary but this season’s been pretty rough on her character. Good for you for wanting to find your passion career, but most of us work so that we can eat, not for a fun way to pass the time and stay busy. :/
School District Problems
Mr. Landis is right and Elizabeth is an idiot. Sure the school board is being assholes for no reason (as if they’d care if one blind child was sitting in a classroom in one western town lol), but Elizabeth’s really going to dismiss his concerns about how she can juggle the added work necessary to teach Angela while also keeping up with everyone else?
It sucks that Angela will get left out, but Elizabeth should be working with Mr. Landis to come up with a plan to teach Angela without sacrificing the education of her other students. Better yet, she could rely on her friends for advice. Like Rosemary.
Still no apology there...
Anyway, a projected 100 new kids? That’s outlandish. The only way that will happen is if they open a factory in Hope Valley, and even then it could take years. I MEAN, WHERE IS THE HOUSING GOING TO BE FOR ALL THE ADULTS THAT WOULD GIVE YOU A HUNDRED NEW STUDENTS LOL. I think we have to assume the plotlines are connected.
I also find it hard to believe the board would care about Elizabeth being certified to teach Angela. Where else is she going to get an education? It’s 1918 in the middle of almost nowhere???
This show drives me nuts with its attempt to be a “Frontier Show” while also shying away from the characters actually being stranded/cut off from society at large. You still had unlicensed teachers teaching in western towns in this time period because nobody cared!!!
ANYWAY, if Union City was like 3 miles away I could see them trying to combine schools. But it isn’t. So.
I dunno. I hate this plotline. I feel like they stole it from a better show (Road to Avonlea, where the bigger school was just a few miles away and it made sense to consider combining the schools for a better education system for the students as one-room schoolhouse teaching was proven to be less effective) but didn’t bother to consider any of the logistics of the storyline.
Maybe it’s my passion for education and history that makes me hate it, though. I know too much to find this storyline believable. I should also mention that I haven’t enjoyed Elizabeth’s role as teacher for a very long time. (I think they suck at writing Elizabeth as a teacher.)
I’m just not interested in wherever this is going to go because I can’t imagine it’ll have a lasting impact.
The only good thing I can say about the whole plotline is that I REALLY LIKED HOW BILL CAME OUT OF IT. I think he’s the only person who knows how to speak to Elizabeth. She struggles with blunt honesty at first, but ultimately tends to appreciate it, and that’s pretty much what she always gets with Bill. Also, the scene where he shuts her down didn’t make her look stupid, either (just worried/anxious), so I could appreciate it.
Jesse’s Disappearance
I couldn’t care less about this plotline if I tried. Jesse’s gone missing in the mountains before (was it last season? I don’t even remember because I didn’t give a damn about it then either) so this felt like a multi-reused plotline...for the same character, no less.
It’s also poorly implemented. Why doesn’t anyone else care about Jesse? Why is Clara pouring her heart out to Lee while her friends are failing to support her in the slightest? Why should any of us care when we know he’ll be fine?
It just feels so forced for the sake of drama, and it’s made 10x worse because there’s too much else going on at the same time.
Also, how convenient that they have to tell us how hard-working and dedicated Jesse is to his work to force this plot to even make sense... C’mon, he has never been a particularly dedicated to work. They just needed to explain why he would have left the car so that he could be “missing.”
Boring. I also don’t care that much about their “stolen” money.
The only good thing in all of this is seeing how soothing of a voice Lee actually has. 
The best parts of the episode:
Henry calling Florence “Flo” GOT ME. It was so surprisingly cute???
I love Bill, and he really came out of this episode looking great! Finally, it seems they’re done writing him as a grouchy old man who hates everyone! In this season (and particularly in this episode), he is allowed to be capable, smart, helpful, loyal, and in possession of a great deal of integrity. I couldn’t believe that guy tried to bribe the judge in town right off the bat lmao...but the way Bill handled it felt very in character—very reminiscent of him from S3 or 4. He never shuts things down immediately, preferring instead to get more information to use against his, erm...opponent. Should he need it, of course. I was really happy to see him written well in this episode.
Fiona’s backstory! Finally, we get some FIONA LORE. Neat.
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missblanchette · 5 years
Rumor Has It [6/10]
Series: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Izanami Hifumi/Yumeno Gentaro; Minor Jinguji Jakurai/Kannonzaka Doppo
Rating: T
Summary: Thousands of hearts broke that day. With tears shed and cries resounding to the heavens, each grief-stricken woman wondered how this could possibly happen. In the year 20XX of the H. Era, Matenrou’s MC GIGOLO and Fling Posse’s MC Phantom were officially in a relationship.
Except they weren’t, actually.
Notes: The first part kiiinda reads like a chat fic LMAO I tried to make the images as small as possible while still being readable, but there’s a link to the high res of the chats if you click on the day of the week!
Words: 3,470 + a looot of text messages lol
ko-fi // Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | You can read this on AO3! Thank you for reading~! Hope you guys enjoy~! ( ゚▽゚)/
Ch. 6: Head Over Heels
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"Er, Hifumi? A little help here?" Doppo said, juggling two bowls of curry udon in his hands.
"Gimme o~ne sec, Doppo-chin," singsonged Hifumi as he snapped pictures of the food. Three weeks wasn't that long in retrospect, but it felt like three decades since he was able to cook anything saucier than omurice. Sure, he couldn't do it all on his own, but with some (read: a lot of) direction, Doppo could whip something up. At the very least, it actually looked like udon and not a glob of goo like that time Doppo heated up cup noodles.
"What are you doing?"
"Sending pics to Yumenon." Hifumi hummed as he scrolled through his camera roll, unsure of which ones to send. They all looked good so he sent every single one. "I told him we were cooking, so I wanted to show him what a great job you did. Oh, I should show Doc, too!"
Hands too busy to hide his face, Doppo looked away. "It's not that great..."
"Of course it is!" Texts sent, Hifumi pocketed his phone and grabbed a bowl from Doppo. Skipping over to the dining room, the savory scent of the broth wafted throughout. "Ooh, smells yummy~"
"I just did what you told me to." Putting down the rest of the food, Doppo busied himself with setting up the table.
"And you're the one who did the actual cooking. It looks great, so be proud of yourself!"
Flopping into his seat, Doppo sighed. "Well, it doesn't matter if it doesn't taste great."
"Aw, c'mon, it's not like you burnt anything this time," Hifumi said, shoving him playfully. "I'm sure it's, like, edible."
Doppo grunted ("Whatever you say" in Dopponese), but he eyed the food nonetheless. Smiling, Hifumi plopped into his seat and clapped his hands together.
"Let's eat, then?"
Doppo followed suit. "Let's eat."
Not wasting a second, Hifumi grabbed his chopsticks and slurped up some udon. The richness of the curry and the mild sweetness hitting his tongue, his eyes widened and he melted into the flavor.
"Oh my God, Doppo-chin, this is good!"
Rubbing the back of his neck, Doppo looked down at his bowl. He hadn't touched his food yet. "You mean that?"
"Why wouldn't I? Like, okay, maybe the noodles are a little too soft and maybe it's kinda salty, but It’s so savory and rich! I gotta let Doc know!"
"You don't have to, it's not that big of a deal --"
"It totally is, it's your first not-crappy meal! Doc's gonna be so impressed~" Faster than Doppo could blink, Hifumi shot Matenrou's group chat with nothing but stickers and cheers for his food. He gasped then, seeing the next name on his contacts. "I'll let Yumenon know, too."
"Yumeno-san, huh..." Brow creasing, Doppo took a bite of his food. "You've been talking to him a lot recently."
All his focus on LINE, Hifumi nodded. "Yeah! He's pretty fun to talk to, actually."
"That's nice..." Trailing off, Doppo tapped his chopsticks against the edge of his bowl in a steady rhythm. "Hey, Jinguji-san and I are planning on going out tomorrow, and we wanted to know if you wanted to come? I know it's tiring staying home all day."
Hifumi's head snapped up. "Boy, do I! Where are we going? Fishing?"
"No fishing for you yet --" Hifumi pouted, to which Doppo huffed out a laugh. "-- but we're going out for lunch."
"Ooh, where? Can we get Italian?"
"Italian sounds good.”
"Yay! How 'bout after? Are we doing anything?"
"We didn't have anything in mind, but we can do something if you want to."
"Why don't we go to Sakuragaoka-cho Street?"
"Sakuragaoka-cho...?" The tapping quickened. "Isn't that in Shibuya?"
"I don't know, Hifumi..."
"Awww, c'mon, Doppo-chin." He took Doppo's hand from across the table and bounced it up and down, putting an end to the tapping. "I think you'll like it there. It's like really pretty and quiet and there's tons of cafes along the street, so you can relax a little! Doc, too."
Lips pursing, Doppo gave him a once over. If he had anything to say, he didn't and welp, that was Doppo for you. Instead, he sighed that sigh of his -- the light, relenting one rather than the heavy, exasperated one. Small as it was, he smiled.
"We'll see," he said, his grip on Hifumi's hand tightening.
The next morning, Hifumi woke up bright and early for the day that awaited him; his excitement made more palpable when he saw he had a text from Gentaro.
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Heart leaping, Hifumi replied immediately.
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Though he was far from impatient, never had waiting for a text felt so long. Tick, tick, tick, the seconds ticked by and --
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His shoulders sagged, lips curling down as he read Gentaro's message. But as he began typing a reply, his phone pinged.
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Perking up, he grinned.
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With that, Hifumi hopped out of bed. Today was already looking to be good, but now it had to be great -- no, amazing! He was going to have fun for two, after all.
It was a once in a blue moon occasion that he was able to hang out with Doppo, let alone him and Jakurai at once. A shame this time was because of his medical leave, but. Whatever. The reason wasn't important. As promised, Doppo and Jakurai took him out for Italian -- the real, fancy kind, much to his delight. What wasn't so delightful, though, was how they paid for his food despite his protests. No matter! He'd just have to get back at them by cooking a super yummy meal the next time they were all able to get together.
Again, he lost two-against-one when deciding what to do after lunch -- or more like Jakurai suggested somewhere else and Doppo went "Anywhere is fine with me, but..." which pretty much meant "Yeah, let's go with Jinguji-san's idea" -- but he couldn't deny that Shinjuku Gyoen was a nice place. What really mattered to him, anyways, was that he was there with Doppo and Jakurai. With an arm linked with each of theirs, even he could appreciate the calm and quiet of the park. How couldn't he, when Doppo’s blood vessels weren’t on the verge of popping for once and Jakurai, too, wasn't tense with stress. Speaking of which...
A grin growing on his face, Hifumi dropped his hands to grab onto Doppo's and Jakurai's. He swung their hands about in an arc once, twice, three times before hopping back from his place in the middle and clasping their hands together.
Pausing, Doppo narrowed his eyes at him. The blush coloring his cheeks didn't help him much, though.
"What are you doing?"
"Hifumi." Despite his glare, Doppo hadn't let go of Jakurai's hand.
"What?" he said, waving him off. "You guys are a couple, so you gotta act like one!"
Doppo heaved a sigh, the exasperated one. "My coworkers already ask me enough about you and Yumeno-san, I don't need them hounding me about Jinguji-san either."
"Actually, Doppo-kun --" Jakurai cut in before Hifumi could speak again. Holding Doppo's hand to his chest, a light pink dusted his cheeks in spite of the calm expression he wore. "-- there aren't too many people out here, so perhaps it wouldn't hurt to indulge in Hifumi-kun for now?"
Stuttering, Doppo's face reddened. "W-Well, I guess not..."
More than happy to play cupid, Hifumi wrapped his arms around them and pushed them forward with a laugh. They chattered on about life and the like as they continued strolling through the park, Hifumi more than eager to listen to Doppo's and Jakurai's work stories since home wasn't exactly the most exciting place. All the while, the wind swept by and sent the sakura petals flying in their direction.
"Maybe we should make you a flower crown, Doc." Hifumi giggled, picking off the petals that'd gotten caught in Jakurai's hair. From his palms, the breeze carried the petals away and they drifted into the sky; counting them off one by one, the scene reminded him of another outing that took place a while ago. "Y'know, this is kinda like when I went out with Yumenon the other day!"
"'Yumenon'?" Jakurai asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Ah, he means Yumeno-san."
"Yeppers! I dropped by Shibuya last week and ran into him."
Jakurai let out a low hum. "I wasn’t aware you two were that close."
"Yeah, we started talking lots after the the whole stabbing incident. Look, see." Pulling out his phone, he opened up his LINE chat with Gentaro and shoved it into Jakurai's face. "Hey, we should take a selfie! Let him know what we're up to."
"Perhaps later, Hifumi-kun." Jakurai's lips tugged up, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. He took a cursory glance at the screen before gently nudging Hifumi's hand away. "While I'm glad you're making friends, I advise you to be cautious around Yumeno-kun."
Hifumi’s steps slowed down, his brows furrowing. "What? Why?"
"Yumeno-kun is a member of Fling Posse, yes?" Blue irises clouding over, Jakurai brought their stroll to a stop. "Then certainly he has agreed to Amemura-kun's terms and Amemura-kun is... not the most trustworthy person out there."
Hifumi pouted. "Aw, Dr. Jakurai..."
"It's weird, though, isn't it?" Doppo piped up. Biting his lip, his gaze shifted from the ground to Hifumi. "That he came to our apartment when he shouldn't have known where we lived? And didn't you say he called you before this whole thing happened? That seems kind of suspicious to me..."
Pout turned frown, Hifumi started shaking Doppo's arm. "I mean... yeah, but...!"
Jakurai placed a hand on Hifumi’s shoulder, calming him down a bit.
"I do not wish to jump to conclusions, but Doppo-kun has a point. All of this seems rather sudden, so I think it would be wise to keep your guard up."
"You guys make it sound like he's some kinda bad guy..."
"Maybe he's not as good as he seems," Doppo said, barely audible.
"Nope!" Hifumi slapped his hands over his ears. "Don't wanna hear it!"
"Hifumi --"
"You guys are taking this waaay too seriously."
Taking a step back, Hifumi met Doppo's gaze, then Jakurai's. He'd seen those wary looks in their eyes before -- too many times to count from Doppo, always there to keep him from jumping headfirst into things; from Jakurai, whenever his past got brought up, regardless of how many reassurances he gave. Usually he could appreciate their levelheadedness, but accusing a friend was different than getting into trouble. Especially when they didn't know him like he did.
"There's no way Yumenon's a bad guy... Like, have you read his books? Or even seen the work he puts into them?" He continued, his hands clenching at his sides and his nails digging into his skin. A book filled with notes and dreams came to mind, fantastical stories woven about people passing by; the look on Gentaro’s face as he covered every detail and spun each tale one of pure joy. "He puts so much care and effort into what he does! And the stories themselves, there's so much emotion in them. There's a lonely kinda feel to them, but there's always a happy ending -- like, there's always hope no matter what!"
He paused, trying to make sense of Doppo and Jakurai's reactions. Nothing, except for silence and stares. They listened -- they always listened -- but he needed them to understand as well.
"When you write something like that, I can't believe someone like him could be bad..." Softly, Hifumi said, "I don't wanna believe someone like him could be bad."
Far and few between was it that his voice dipped so quietly, but he’d dropped to a whisper once he'd finished. Unfurling his fingers, he hadn't realized how hard he'd been clenching his hands until the cuts left behind began to sting. His words hanging in the air, the only thing keeping the silence from falling over was the pounding of his heart in his ears.
For better or for worse, Jakurai was always a pillar of calmness and now was no exception; his eyes holding no hint of either acceptance or rejection. Meanwhile, Doppo looked to Jakurai hesitantly -- a sign that he had an answer but was unsure of himself. Jakurai met his gaze and after a moment, they shared a nod.
Jakurai's lips tugged up first, the smile lifting a weight off Hifumi’s chest. "If that's what you believe, Hifumi-kun, then I will have to put my faith in your judgement."
"I guess, but..." Doppo glanced around before looking back at him, worry etched onto his face. "If he does anything to you, you have to tell us, okay?"
"'Course, Doppo-chin." He beamed, taking Doppo's hand and squeezing it. "But like I said, you don't gotta worry about a thing; Yumenon's a good guy through and through!"
Doppo's frown deepened. "If you say so..."
"Hey, now, no frowning! We're out here for fun, aren't we?" he said and tugged the corners of Doppo's lips up. Mood brightening, he spotted a food cart over to the side of the park. "Look, they're selling takoyaki. C'mon!"
Grabbing Jakurai’s hand, Hifumi ran off with the two of them stumbling behind.
"Hifumi, your injury!"
As all fun days did, their outing ended much too soon, but he and Jakurai of all people knew that Doppo's social battery only lasted so long. With the sun steadily setting, they parted ways with Jakurai at the train station. Though they invited him to stay over for the night, he couldn't since he had work in the morning. Disappointing as it was, Hifumi didn’t dwell on it and focused on dragging Doppo up to their apartment.
Not bothering to change out of his clothes yet, Doppo crashed face first into the couch. Laughter bubbling up, Hifumi jumped in beside him and Doppo scooched over to make room. Their arms tangled together, Doppo let out a deep sigh -- the last of his energy leaving with that breath. The quiet allowing him to mull over everything that happened today, Hifumi remembered Gentaro's texts from this morning and gasped. Squirming about, he patted his pockets.
"What are you getting all antsy for?" came Doppo's muffled voice.
"I gotta tell Yumenon about our day," he said, pulling out his phone. "I invited him to come, but he said he couldn't so he told me to have fun for him."
Doppo snorted. "Honestly, the way you talk about him makes it sound like you're in love with him."
Finger hovering above Gentaro's name, Hifumi froze.
Love was a funny thing. He loved fishing and he loved cooking, but he also loved Doppo and he loved Jakurai. While he loved all of them equally, they weren't exactly the same kind of love. That was to say, there was a lot to love in the world, and he had a lot to give! Try as he might, though, striking up relationships of any kind wasn't exactly his strong suit. Doppo said it was because he didn't watch what he said, but he always thought it better to say things how they were.
And maybe, yeah, that was where everything went wrong when he first met Gentaro. His clothes were weird and he wasn't afraid to point that out, but Hifumi learned to love that part of him -- just like he learned to love all the other things about him. Subdued as he was, his clothes helped him stand out and made him unique. Sometimes he said one thing and did another, but he knew his heart was always in the right place; he could see it in the way he put his all into his work and treated his posse. Most of all, he found it easy to be around him. Their back-and-forth became natural with their bad blood behind them, something he never realized was missing his whole life. From the pretentious writer to the whimsical storyteller, he'd come to care for him and all that he did.
But even if he could love Gentaro, to be in love seemed a grander thought. For all the love he had and gave, Hifumi had never felt that spark or that flutter of the heart; none of the fireworks nor the giddy excitement. At least, not until Gentaro came along. Not until he’d shared his worlds with him, not until he’d seen the smile on his face as he created stories with passion, not until he’d heard his airy laughter that tinkled in his ears.
Hifumi loved Gentaro. And perhaps, he was in love with him, too.
"You're right," Hifumi said softly.
Picking up his head, Doppo let out a flat "What."
"You're right, Doppo-chin." He shook him, voice growing louder. "I'm in love with Yumenon!"
"No, what, I was -- I was just joking." Doppo grabbed his hand, stopping the shaking. "You've only known him for like a week or two, you can't possibly be in love with him!"
"Well... I wanna be in love with him," he said, because if he wasn't in love with him now, then surely one day he would be. Quality over quantity they said, and so time was but a small factor if the moments they shared meant anything. "I wanna go on dates with him, and hold hands with him, and be with him!"
"You already do that stuff with me and Jinguji-san, what makes him any different?"
"This!" Hifumi pointed to his heart. "I love you and Dr. Jakurai, but... Yumenon makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."
Doppo squinted. "Do you hear yourself?"
"Loud and clear. I wanna be in love with Yumenon!"
"He's our rival."
"The battle season's over, so it doesn't matter, right?"
"You barely know him."
"Then I'll get to know him better."
"You've seen what's happened already --" Doppo jabbed a finger towards Hifumi’s abdomen. "-- the backlash is going to get worse."
"So what? People can do whatever they wanna do."
"You're... really serious about this, aren't you?"
"Sure am!" Hifumi said with no hesitation. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Cautious eyes running over him, Doppo fell silent. A million thoughts ran through Hifumi's mind, anything and everything to convince him about Gentaro, but he knew Doppo needed quiet to think. All he could do now was clutch onto Doppo's hands as he waited for his response.
"If he makes you happy then..." He took a deep breath, another beat passing. "I guess it's fine."
Breaking into a grin, Hifumi cheered and threw his arms around Doppo. He squeezed him as tightly as he could, rocking him back and forth.
"He does, he makes me really happy! I think you'll like him a lot, too, Doppo-chin!" Before Doppo could reply, he gasped and pulled back from the hug. Unlocking his phone, he continued on, "I should let him know how I feel right now! It'll be really fun, we can like go on double dates and --"
"Wait, wait, wait, slow down there." Doppo held him back. "You're going to confess to him through text ? He won't take you seriously like that."
Lips puckering, Hifumi tilted his head. "Really? Then what should I do?"
Doppo's mouth hung open as if to speak, but he stared blankly at him.
"Sorry, I don't really know..." Face scrunching up, his tongue poked out in thought. "Take him out or something? Do something meaningful, I guess."
"Meaningful, meaningful, meaningful..." He mulled over the suggestion, bobbing his head slowly. Doppo had a point, now that he thought about it; their short time together meant they didn't have as many moments with each other -- even less were those that were actually good. Still, one memory in particular stood out: an impromptu day out filled with flowers and fantasies.
"Oh, I know! I'll take him out and get him roses and make it super duper romantic~"
"That... sounds nice, yeah." Doppo nodded, a small smile on his lips. "Good luck, Hifumi. I hope it works out."
He patted his shoulder and flashed a V-sign. "No need to hope, it'll work out for sure! Just you see, Doppo-chin."
Heart flying over the moon, Hifumi turned his attention to his phone screen. Gentaro's name stared back at him, and he grew giddy with all the things he wanted to say to him: “You’re so pretty!” and “You’re amazing!!” and “I love you!!!” among other things right at the tip of his fingers. It took everything in him to keep all of it to himself, but he knew they could say everything they wanted to say once he confessed. The perfect plan in mind, Hifumi wasted no time opening up his chat with Gentaro.
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gayelectro · 6 years
Goodness I have a lot to say
I went in hearing a lot of negative things about the movie without context? And so I was a little apprehensive. But I always go into everything like an optimist, I mean, only I can decide if I like something or not. 
I think a big part of it for me was that it still feels like a Star Wars movie to me. Every SW movie I’ve seen in theaters (and stayed awake through, falling asleep during the opening credits of Clone Wars when I was like 3 does not count lmao) has given me a very... Indescribable feeling. I’m easy to please with movies, but Star Wars movies really just. They’re a full body experience. I feel feelings and I feel the music reverberate through my entire body and I’m left just bursting with intense feelings. This movie still did that for me. Not as intensely as TFA or R1, but it still made me FEEL throughout. 
So, addressing the problems with the film-- 
Now, I did go into the movie having a LOT of feelings about the treatment of men of color within it. Specifically Poe and Finn’s treatment, of course. Without seeing the context in the film and only going off vague ideas of what I’d heard about the movie, I was... Well, pretty pissed that both of these amazing characters got shafted, as far as I had heard. I heard a lot about their mistreatment and I was mad, but I didn’t have the full context due to avoiding spoilers and not having seen the film yet. 
Now that I’ve seen it, I can really talk about how I saw it. But like, this is only to be taken with a grain of salt since I’m white ‘n’ all. It is still a topic about racism so I only have so much of a place saying “this is wrong/this is okay”. 
Finn getting tasered-- I heard a lot about this scene. I heard a lot of people say that this was framed for comedic intent. That Finn’s pain was supposed to (or even did) get a laugh out of the audience. Now, when watching the scene, I felt a lot of tenseness leading up to the tasering. It was a very harrowing moment, seeing the realization on Finn’s face as he realized that he looked like a deserter and exactly what Rose does to deserters, contrasted with Rose’s growing realization that this man who she sees as a hero is abandoning the cause. I know that I did not hear a single laugh in the theater when Finn was hurt. It was not a funny scene. It was pretty heart breaking. The only humor came a few minutes later when Finn was like “I can’t feel my teeth, what did you shoot me with” which honestly did give some lightness to the scene given just how ridiculously tense it was a moment before. 
So basically, while I do really think that the scene could have played out differently (perhaps have Rose lunge at him and have him hit his head rather than taser him to the ground), I don’t personally think it was SUPPOSED to be funny to anyone watching. To me it felt nothing but tense and almost frightening. 
Moving on to whether or not Finn and Rose’s sideplot was “meaningful”... Well... I’m not sure how to address this? Because I had been lead to believe that these two went off on a journey that was useless to the plot and shoved them out of the story. And... 
Well, yes, Finn, Rose, and BB8 did not succeed in what they set out to do. But I think what they did was still important. They put hope in the children that they encountered, which will probably somehow come into play in the next movie? Especially since they teased at one of the children being Force sensitive. By the way how much longer until we confirm Finn is Force sensitive please. But they still had importance to the narrative, at least I feel so. Their actions set other things into motion as well once they returned to the rest of the group. So while yes, they failed, and Finn was not in the spotlight, this movie was juggling three narratives around and then tying them all together. And I feel like it turned out pretty evenly. 
So, onto Poe’s treatment. Maybe I sympathize with Poe too much, and so it skewed the way I saw the movie. And if that’s so, that’s on me. But I feel like his decision with the Dreadnought is supposed to be something that polarizes viewers. Makes people have different opinions and discuss. I really don’t feel like the movie paints Poe completely in the wrong for his decision. And this event which kicks off the movie really sets the tone for the film. I would say that (save for Rouge One) this movie feels like a literal war more than any other Star Wars film. A war still revolving around one family of overdramatic people with a lot of midi-chlorians, but still a WAR all the same. 
Poe’s decision was, in my opinion, not selfish, an act of hotheadedness, or trying to be a recognized hero. I believe that he took into consideration just how powerful a Dreadnought is, how unlikely it would be to take something like that out again, and just how devastating it would be to the First Order. He made a calculated choice in trying to destroy it while the opportunity presented itself. But in any war, you lose lives trying to exact something like this. This is where the conflict lies and where the divide is among characters and the audience. Was the destruction of the Dreadnought worth the lives lost? 
I personally feel like Poe was in the right. If the Dreadnought was as deadly of a force as everyone propped it up to be, then keeping it intact would have doomed them all probably a quarter into the movie anyways. They lost a lot of people trying to escape the ship onto the abandoned base as well, and would have lost more had the Dreadnought still been up and running. They might not have even made it to the planet at all. 
So how you view Poe’s treatment I think can also vary by how you took the action that was taken. If you feel like the loss of lives was not worth the Dreadnought being destroyed, you’ll probably feel like they made Poe into a hotshot. But since I thought he was in the right, I see it as other character’s being in the wrong, and not taking into account just how important his actions were. 
I also feel like narratively, we are supposed to see Admiral Holdo as an antagonistic force up until the very end. This conflicts me, but I’ll go into that later.
What I’m gonna get to first is that I feel like we’re supposed to view her in a negative light. She comes off as arrogant and dismissive to Poe and has seemingly no regard for the crew. There was ultimately no good reason for her to completely keep her plan secret until literally moments before everyone was going to die. Leia’s justification of this, “she didn’t want to seem like a hero”, does not actually resolve anything. By withholding information that was dire to their lives, they were all put in more danger. It’s no wonder there was a fuckin’ mutiny, a mutiny everyone cheered for when it happened. 
In a narrative sense, there’s a heel turn that I feel falls flat. Throughout the movie she is antagonistic, framed as bad, and then at the last second, she does something heroic to redeem herself and prove she was good all along. So part of me thinks that the movie wants us to think she was right. But it still doesn’t hold up. The heel turn doesn’t fill in the gaps, basically. It just feels like they wanted to make her good in the fastest, easiest way possible. 
I do think that Poe’s initial reaction to Holdo feels... Super out of character. He respects women greatly, he literally calls General Origana and his own late mother his greatest role models. So his initial reaction to her seems... Needlessly. Vaguely sexist. He doesn’t say “I wasn’t expecting you to be a woman”, but it definitely comes off that way. And I don’t think there is ANY REASON for him to have this reaction at all. This is just bad writing. And I honestly would change that somehow if I could, because... That part was just. So bad. 
So to wrap that up, I feel like Poe was supposed to be in the right and that his whole subplot was supposed to be something that conflicted people. While I would say that his first reaction to Holdo is BAD, besides that I feel like Poe was written to be exactly who he is-- a man experienced in his job who is able to weigh consequences with a clear conscious. He made the right choice, even if other characters disagreed with him, and I really don’t think he’s supposed to be read as a hotshot by viewers, that’s only how other characters (who are wrong) see him. 
Okay! So that addresses those issues I saw popping up! Now comes to Rey and The Skywalkers. 
Honestly, I have... No idea what pissed fanboys off about Luke’s story in the movie. I’m not even sure what Mark Hamill said he thought initially wasn’t in character for Luke. It all seemed very natural to me. He’s tired. He feels a lot of guilt. He’s seen all the ways that the Jedi way is inherently flawed. So I thought it was all just fine. Didn’t need to see him drink fresh new blue alien tiddy milk, but like. Other than that he seemed cool.
Also I HAD NO IDEA YODA WAS GONNA BE IN THIS MOVIE? OH MY GOD Y’ALL. THAT WAS GREAT. THAT LITTLE GREEN FUCK. It was nice how he moved a lot like the original puppet. Liked that a lot. 
Maybe people are upset because he died? I mean I get that. We’re killing off a lot of OG characters. But... I mean, it was a pretty both badass way to go out while somehow also being peaceful? It’s like. Best of both worlds. 
So... Rey. All her interactions with Kylo. Not nearly as bad as I was expecting, tbh? The shirtless scene was still an affront to me as a person? And I was annoyed with Rey’s “I can save him” speal, and I was afraid that they REALLY WERE GONNA MAKE HIM INTO A GOOD GUY. But then the movie surprised me (lol like every Star Wars movie doesn’t somehow surprise me like 50 times). Having him do one good deed did NOT make him good. He was still evil. And I appreciated that decision. He is not and never will be good, and that’s how I want it to be. Rey tried her best, but that’s not enough. 
But yeah, the shirtless scene was uncomfortable. THANKFULLY SHORT THOUGH? And I was under the impression that they were actually in the same place for the whole movie, but thank god, literal space is between them. Also, I’m calling it now, somehow they’re related. They’re totally related. Probably cousins or something. So I’m glad that’s over with. 
Also Rey and Kylo’s fight with all those guards? Was cool. Really cool. 
Unpopular opinion on the internet-- the porgs were kinda needed! They lent some comedic levity when shit was getting too fucking heavy! I liked them. I wouldn’t get a tattoo of one, but they were nice! 
I was also expecting a lot more BBH8? They got like. Three minutes of screentime, I feel like. I dunno how you would have gotten more of them in, but I just was expecting more? It WORKED FINE though, not seeing them a lot. So I’m fine with that choice. But did we even get their actual name within the movie? I know it’s not really BBH8 and for the life of me I did not catch it if they said it outloud. 
I feel like I’m running out of stuff to say, so basically. 
I really, really loved this film. It certainly does have things in it that are worth addressing, but at least from my perspective, I feel like certain things are being interpreted the wrong way. I could be the one interpreting it wrong, of course, but I feel like there’s definitely more gray (in a good way) to this film than people are seeing. Every moment had me on the edge of my seat and totally immersed in every bit that was happening. And I can’t wait for the next film. 
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dominodebt · 7 years
LoZ WIP Test?
Okay so fun fact about me: I absolutely adore Legend of Zelda, particularly Ocarina of Time. The seven year time gap in the game has always fascinated me, and with Breath of the Wild bringing the franchise back to the center of things, I’ve been thinking about it even more, to the point where all I’ve been doing today is planing/writing a fic about it.
So the question is: would anyone actually read it lmao
Because the thing is even if y’all are like “sorry Domino but Legend of Zelda ain’t my thing” that’s fine!! I’m gonna write it anyway because at this point I’ve spent too much time on it plus I really like the idea, but your feedback will dictate how quickly I finish it
So here’s a look at the first part? I guess? Um basically it takes place right after Link went to the Temple of Time with the Spiritual Stones and is getting ready to draw the Master Sword, and Zelda is over the fuckin moon because her visions came true and she thinks she’s saved Hyrule
spoiler: she hasn’t
It’s an AU, mostly because we have no real idea of what exactly happened during the seven years Link was asleep, but I kind of took it as an opportunity to look at Zelda and the other characters more closely, and follow Zelda’s attempts to keep peace in Hyrule while Gannondorf is trying to fuck up the Sages and their Temples.
I guess if you have more question about like, the details of it you could shoot me an ask?
Anyway here’s a look? I guess? Please don’t hate it?
ps this by no means I’m not gonna keep writing Overwatch. I just have a lot of love in my heart for this AU and wanted to finally make it happen, but I’m juggling a few other Overwatch WIPs too!
Castle Town is well acquainted with the Princess Zelda.
          It would be difficult to not be, what with the town being—as the name would suggest—just outside the grounds of Hyrule Castle. It is a bizarre mix of cultural significance, historical propriety, and utter lunacy.
          Truly. The Happy Mask Shop is mere feet from the Southern Gate of the Castle.
          Still, the people are kind and resilient and just wary enough to be safe. They adore the Royal Family and dote on the Princess like she is the collective daughter of every adult Hylian in the country. She is well loved, well respected, and—to her attendant Impa’s annoyance—well recognized.
         So when she does descend from the Castle to traipse her way around the town, it is not without Impa at her back, a cowl over her head, and a knife in her boot.
         Presently, however, the Princess Zelda is running through Castle Town’s market lacking all of these things.
           She ducks under a man hauling in planks of wood, weaves around a pair of women haggling with a merchant, skirts the well in the center of town, and hikes up the long skirts of her dress as she sprints towards the Southern Gate of the Castle, grinning despite herself.
           She knows Impa will scold her senseless for this little escapade—though part of her is still secretly thrilled that she managed to sneak past her Sheikah guardian at all—but even the promise of a lengthy lecture cannot ruin her mood.
          She’s done it. Farore, Nayru, and Din, she’s done it!
          The guard at the Southern Gate looks appalled at the Princess’ sudden appearance—alone, unattended, and dressed in near full Royal regalia to boot—and hastens to stammer out some kind of greeting, but Zelda cuts him off, and brightly requests that he opens the gate.
          He does so, though not without some fumbling and more than a few confused glances back at the Princess, who simply waits for her order to be carried out, fingers linked behind her, rocking back on her heels, head tipped up towards the sky.
          Hyrule is safe.
          Just wait until she tells Impa.
          The gate creaks open and Zelda hurries to duck under it, ignoring the guard’s shouts as she takes off towards the Castle, passing by more and more guards who patrol the grounds
       They all exchanging looks as she races by them—as though to confirm with each other that yes, the Princess of the entire country, the ten year-old heir to the throne of Hyrule, did indeed just run past them all—and one at least makes a valiant attempt to give chase, rushing after the Princess as she crosses the Castle grounds, calling for her to stop.
       She declines, obviously, and in a rash moment of pure adrenaline and glee, ignores the bridge to her left and instead leaps across the river that ribbons its way around the Castle.
       The guard pursuing her stops dead at the sight, and simply stands and watches—lips quirked in amusement—as the Princess lands a bit clumsily on the other side, her boots slapping sharply against the stonework, before she’s off again, this time racing around to the side door that will grant her entrance into the Castle.
       Leaning on his spear, the guard just offers the young Princess a salute she can’t see.
       Rapping loudly on the door, Zelda catches her breath, heartbeat thrumming loud and bright in her chest, as the door is pulled back by a very confused maid.
       A state of confusion that only grows when she realizes who is knocking.
       “Why, your Grace!” she gasps, seeming unsure if she should keep the door open or drop into a curtsey. “I—begging your pardon, Miss, but what are you—?”
       “I am perfectly well, thank you for asking,” Zelda replies politely, managing a wide smile as she attempts to right her headdress where it had been knocked askew in her rush to the Castle. “Though I would like to speak with Impa, if that could be arranged?”
       The maid just stares down at her. The hem of her gown—her Royal gown, the maid notes with horror—is splashed with mud, and her boots are caked with dirt. And, despite the Princess’ best efforts, most of her hair has escaped the updo beneath her headdress, and blonde tresses hang down, sticking to the sweat on her face and neck.
       Zelda smiles brightly.
       The maid does not recall a time she’d seen her Highness is such high spirits.
       “Certainly, your Grace,” she says, stepping aside and graciously allowing her entrance. “I will have her sent to your quarters right away. Would you like something to eat?”
       “No, thank you,” she answers, stepping across the threshold and deciding to cut her losses with the headdress as she just pulls the whole thing off her head, running a thin hand through the sweat-stiff locks.
       She glances over her shoulder at the maid, who is still watching her closely.
       “And if you could send Impa to the Courtyard, that would be lovely.” She flashes another smile and turns to hustle up and out of the corridor the side door empties out into, making a hard right as she heads towards the Courtyard.
       She only manages about three steps before a figure—tall and lean and sculpted with muscle—seems to detach itself from the shadows cast by the flickering torches that line the corridor, and suddenly a figure looms above the Princess, blocking her path.
       Zelda tips her head back, smiling up at the imposing figure.
       “Hello, Impa,” she greets cheerfully.
       Impa stares down at her, red eyes glowing in the darkness of the hall.
       “And where,” her guardian asks, a low and dangerous drop to her tone, “have you been?”
       Zelda doubts very seriously that Impa is unaware of where she’s been, meaning it is a rhetorical question.
       She bites her lip. That is never a good sign.
       “Do not be angry,” Zelda rushes out, pressing her back against the opposite wall as Impa just gazes down at her. “Please, Impa, just listen to me.”
       Impa arches a silver brow.
       “I always listen to you, your Highness,” she remarks somewhat frostily. “I am your confidant in all things.” A pause. Impa folds her arms across her chest. “Although that is a role that usually requires my presence at your side.”
       She gives the Princess another pointed look. Zelda shrinks from it, wishing the bricks at her back would swallow her up.
       “I promise I wasn’t getting into trouble!” she insists, to which Impa just scoffs.
       “Naturally,” she replies, voice dry as the Gerudo Desert. “You simply waited until you knew I was tied up in a meeting with your father and the Head Guard—a time during which I specifically requested you not stray anywhere near the outskirts of the Castle—and slipped off to…where?” She offers a falsely inquisitive glance. “Castle Town? The Watchtower? Perhaps you crossed the bridge into Hyrule Field. Now wouldn’t that be an adventure.”
       Zelda flushes at her attendant’s biting sarcasm, balling her fists. She knows her scolding is deserved—she truly should not have given Impa the slip like that—but Nayru’s Love she’s saved Hyrule—!
       “I was at the Temple of Time!” she bursts out.
       Impa blinks, and the sharpness of her features softens as she leans back, staring down at her ward with guarded concern.
       “You what?”
       “The Temple at the edge of Castle Town,” Zelda explains in a rush. “The one in my dreams—I was there.”
       Sheikah can—or, could, Zelda corrects herself awkwardly—hide their expressions expertly. Some joked that the true purpose of the race’s treasured Lens of Truth was to see past the impassive masks the Shadow Folk constantly gave each other.
       Impa, however, seems to have abandoned her usual dark façade of indifference, and looks down at her ward with urgency in her eyes and a tautness to her jaw.          
       “Zelda—what were you doing there?” she demands lowly, leaning down to level herself with the Princess. “Who were you with? How long where you there? I have told you a thousand times not to—”
       “I was with Link,” Zelda nearly shouts. Impa immediately hushes her, glancing around to make sure no one’s overheard them, before pulling the Princess back into the shadows that ring the hall, seeming to melt straight into the darkness.
       “The boy from the forest?” Impa whispers, eyes bright even in the gloom. “Why, Zelda? What were you two doing?”
       Zelda frowns, lips pushing out in a pout. She knows that tone. Impa is not asking what she was doing; Impa is asking what was she up to.
       The Princess resents the assumed guilt that comes with such a question, and squares her shoulders, lifting her chin.
       “We,” she announces in a ringing tone that has Impa hushing her again, though this time she ignores her warden. “Were saving Hyrule.”
       “How?” Impa’s voice is a hiss.
       “Link collected the Spiritual Stones,” Zelda responds, voice still arch with confidence in the face of Impa’s obvious disquiet. “And I gave him the Ocarina of Time, and after playing the Song of Time—which I taught him—opened the Door.”
       She smiles, pleased with her tale. Impa’s face is ashen in the darkness.
       For a moment, the two simply stare at each other, before Impa is picking the Princess up—Zelda protests hotly at the action but is smoothly ignored—and swiftly ducking back out the way Zelda had entered.
       “Impa, what are we doing?” Zelda demands, as her caretaker dumps her rather unceremoniously on her feet back outside in the Castle grounds.
       Instead of answering, the Sheikah woman gives the nearest guard a dark look of warning for his curious glances, and he quickly attaches his gaze to the base of a tree a few feet away in the opposite direction.
       “We are going to the Temple of Time. Now.” Impa sets off at a brisk pace, leaving Zelda scrambling to keep up.
       “Impa, what are you so upset about?” Zelda demands. “I know it was wrong to run off, and I am sorry, but going back to the Temple is not going to—”
       Impa turns on her heel, startling Zelda, who rears back.
       Her attendant tilts her head as she stares down at the Princess—an action that blocks the sun from Zelda’s view, bathing her face in shadow.
       “You have not saved Hyrule. You have opened the Door for anyone—good or bad.”
       Zelda frowns at her words, jaw falling open to protest, when suddenly a searing heat lights up on the back of her right hand. She staggers at the sudden sting, crying out as she cradles the hand to her chest, eyes wide with shock and pain, and Impa is on her knees before her in a moment, gentle coaxing her hand away from her chest and into the light.
       There—on the back of the Princess’ hand—is a small triangle. Slightly off-center and glowing softly against her skin.
       Zelda gapes at it, but Impa’s countenance is eerily calm as she inspects the new mark—the burn of which had vanished just as quickly as it came—and Zelda stares at the way the golden light reflects in her retainer’s eyes.
       “Come,” Impa murmurs, rising back to her feet and gently pulling Zelda along after her. “We must hurry.”
       “But, Impa, that mark—”
       “The Triforce has been fractured,” Impa answers without turning back. “Hyrule is in jeopardy. You are in jeopardy.”
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acenancy · 3 years
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#the writers not only understood the assignment but have taken it upon themselves todo extra credit work that the teacher didn't even ask for
My Top Posts in 2021
The Ace x Nancy x Tamura of It All
I’m here as a hardcore Nace shipper (see the URL) to throw my two cents into the Ace x Nancy x Tamura discussion.
Some of you straight up hate Tamura and that’s cool, I get it, no judgement, but I personally like him a lot as a character. And I LOVE the connection he and Nancy have. Their repartee is entertaining, they share a passion for solving mysteries which is key to being Nancy’s friend, and their very different life experiences help balance each other out. 
You know, since one of them is grounded in reality and the other is navigating through life in a supernaturally charged hellmouth.
That being said, I hope they grow closer during S3 WITHOUT becoming explicitly romantic. And I think that may be exactly what happens! At most, I think that while solving magical mysteries, Nancy and Tamura will engage in a fun little flirtationship  that will lead to genuine friendship. His partnership with Nancy would be solidified this way as well as his honorary membership to the Drew Crew. This could serve three purposes: 
Forcing Tamura to accept the supernatural elements of Horseshoe Bay, thus weaving him more intricately into the plot.
Creating tension between Nancy and Ace 😏
Exploring and adding depth to whatever sort of relationship they’re trying to establish between Tamura and Ace.
I see all of this playing out fairly simply: while Nick and George are busy juggling real life and a wedding, while Bess devotes her time and energy into researching her family history and finding love, and while Ace prioritizes Amanda, Nancy finds herself without proper backup. So! Perhaps unintentionally, Nancy gravitates to Tamura. There's crimes and mysteries to be solved and since her friends are not fully available to her, who better to turn to than the guy who’s job it is to investigate these things? And so begins the Nancy and Tamura buddy cop comedy that is both dreaded and highly anticipated depending on what social media outlet you’re using.
Though let me repeat: BUDDY COP. 
I really don’t think we’re going to have an Ed and Lorraine Warren situation on our hands with these two. Truly, if the S2 finale is anything to go by, I think S3 will allow Nancy to grow into herself outside of a romantic or sexual relationship. She’s not running from herself and into someone else’s bed anymore. She’s embracing and learning to love herself. I’d even go so far as to say Nancy’s love interest next season will be...Nancy lmao. 
As for Tamura, if they decide to give him a romantic interest, I think they would either have his ex-fiancée reenter the picture or maybe even do him dirty and stick him with Temperance for plot reasons. A doomed Tamura x Temperance romance would actually be fun to see, in my opinion, and would be a great way to open Tamura’s eyes to the supernatural. That’s just me spit-balling, though. Whether it’s because of Temperance or not, I think Tamura is finally going to have to accept ghosts and witches and magic are real this season. It’s just a requirement for working with Nancy Drew.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, we have to address the Nace of it all. Sorry to Tamura but I do believe you’re being used as an obstacle in True Love’s way next season. I think fandom’s general consensus is that the more time Nancy and Tamura spend together, romantic or not, the more jealous Ace will become. While I agree, I think Ace’s jealousy will stem from somewhere a little deeper than just seeing Nancy with another guy. 
Take Gil, for example. Ace was sort of jealous of Gil, but more than anything he was wary of him and concerned for Nancy’s wellbeing when she was with him. Unlike Ace, Gil never had anything to offer Nancy except for sex and a getaway car. He sure as hell was never her number one person. In fact, he wasn’t even Nancy’s number five person. There was never a reason for Ace to be envious of him.
Tamura, on the other hand, can prove to be just as much of an equal to Nancy as Ace is. As chief/lead detective, he also has power and influence that Ace and Nancy do not, and access to people and resources that Ace does not have (unless he can hack into them). Tamura can help Nancy bend and break the law without consequence if need be, too. And, although naive in regards to the mystics of Horseshoe Bay, he is just as smart as Nancy and has, on the rare occasion, even been one step ahead of her. Tamura is an asset, to say the least. Together, he and Nancy make a formidable duo.
That’s what will make Ace jealous. More than the prospect of romance between Nancy and Tamura, I think that Nancy finding another intellectual match is what will rub Ace the wrong way. They’ll find themselves at a brief moment in time where Nancy will turn to Tamura for assistance before anyone, including Ace, and Ace will realize he absolutely hates that someone who is not him is Nancy’s partner in crime now.
Maybe Nancy won’t notice, but Ace will probably realize his love for her is not of the philia sort. I’m sure Amanda also will. And? Maybe Tamura will see it too.
Which brings me to one of my favorite dynamics of the show: Ace and Tamura’s.
I’m not gonna sit here and spin my crazy conspiracy theory that they’re brothers. Though that idea will always hold a special place in my heart, slowly but surely I am accepting that Ace’s long lost brother really is Grant. I’m being a total grownup about it. I swear.
Nevertheless, I do think they’ve been trying to build some kind of relationship between Ace and Tamura since before Tamura even met Nancy. What sort of relationship? God, I wish I knew.
They meet each other first, which doesn’t necessarily mean a lot, but it’s worth noting that they’re on each other’s funny little shit lists before Nancy even enters Tamura’s picture. It’s also Ace and Ace alone that hears from McGuinness that Tamura will be replacing him in the same episode. Then, of course, we have that crazy Shabbat dinner in 2x03 that exacerbates their antagonistic relationship further. Then there’s their snarky banter and all of those totally unnecessary side-by-side shots of them saving Noah in 2x10. Apart from Nancy, Ace is the only member of the Drew Crew that we’ve seen Tamura develop a real connection with, even if it is an unfriendly one. And, as of now, their relationship doesn’t even have anything to do with Nancy.
So where are the writers going with this hilarious and hostile bond between Ace and Tamura? Has all of this really just been buildup for a romantic rivalry? Hey, maybe! I really can’t figure out another reason why the writers have gone out of their way to create their dynamic since the Brother Theory has been disproven. But something tells me this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
And when I say “this”, I mean Tamura taking a step back from Nancy once he realizes he may just be filling in the love of her life’s shoes. Because that’s where I think all of this is going. Not necessarily anywhere romantic between Nancy and Tamura, but somewhere more friendly between Tamura and everyone.
At the end of it all, Tamura is going to finally embrace the supernatural, he’s going to become an ally to Nancy, Ace, and the rest of the Drew Crew, and, when the timing is right, he’s going to hop onboard the Nace ship with the rest of us. 
Side note: this is just where my head is at. I truly respect all of your opinions and ask that you respect mine too. If you agree with what I’ve said and want to talk, let’s talk! If you disagree and want to talk, we can talk too! Please, just don’t get nasty with me. This is a television show about fictional characters at the end of the day, and I am a real person. Much love to you all. ❤️
89 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 19:58:23 GMT
90 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 00:28:32 GMT
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what can i say? girls love mystery.
101 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 12:23:41 GMT
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"i don't know, it's like, spending time with nancy rubs off on you. she's so passionate about everything. makes you want to be a better person, i guess. you know what i mean?"
"yeah. yeah, i do."
113 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 01:32:25 GMT
nancy drew is teen wolf if teen wolf was about evil spirits instead of about dogs and if every episode had “my mom does the grocery shopping” type energy
159 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 20:47:25 GMT
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