#and then I see one of the workers who works at my placement site across my bus stop and in my head I’m like do u live here 😭😭😭😭
asmallcafethatslove · 2 months
There’s this dude who has the same commute as I do from and to uni but it’s been a bit embarrassing because last week he saw me cry and today my bus pass expired and it doesn’t top up immediately so I couldn’t pay for my bus ride and he was there too so I’m like 🫠😵‍💫 this is somewhat embarrassing but I don’t know you so it’s whatever I guess 😭
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organizeworkers · 4 days
A PAW in #PAWlidarity
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Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) sets the standard for animal shelters across the nation, but some might say leadership isn’t upholding those standards. Workers at APA! are reporting disarray on all fronts, resulting in stress, anxiety, miscommunication, improper animal care, and harmful conditions for both the workers and the animals in our care. 
That’s why we’ve formed Austin Pets Allied Workers (APAW). This union is born from the passion of the “boots in the kennels” workers who care deeply about the mission and the work we do. Workers from every corner of APA! joined together to form an organizing committee to fight for the right to better treatment for ourselves, our co-workers, and the pets that we care for.
Kennel Conditions
Naturally, our veterinarians and lifesaving program coordinators’ crucial knowledge comes first, but care-working staff are crucial. We are the closest thing that the animals in our custody have to a voice when it comes to their well-being, living conditions, and treatment plans. 
We must make decisions for an animal’s safety and wellbeing, and we don’t make these calls lightly; we make them based on what is best for the animal, not what is convenient for us. Still, coordinators chastise us because it’s not the call they would have made, but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen some of these coordinators on-site in the year I’ve been at APA!.
We often spend more than 10 hours a day with these animals and give our all to advocate for what is best for them. We spend more time caring for them than we get to see our loved ones at home in a given week, often staying after our long shifts. We ensure the safety and well-being of the companion animals that we are caring for, which can often lead to burnout. 
Beating Burnout
Given these conditions, our turnover is so high. Many of us don’t have the means to take a break, nor are we properly staffed for the majority of us to do so. We do this work because we love what we do. We are passionate about these animals, we are passionate about APA!, and we are passionate about saving lives and making sure the lives we save make it into good homes. We deserve to be recognized and valued for the passion that we pour out of ourselves day in and day out.
Many of us would like to see a more sustainable Austin Pets Alive! on all fronts. We welcome people, train them up, and then they are gone within a matter of months due to burnout, injury, or something else that could have been avoided. This affects staff and morale, but in the end it really affects our animals, as we lose key, quality life-saving knowledge and care. A seat at the table would mean management would have to listen to our voices and, ultimately, what we and our animals need. 
Moved to Organize
All of these conditions have pushed us to organize because we want the way that the public perceives us to match the way that we perform as an organization. Austin Pets Alive! strives in its mission to be the best of the best in terms of life-saving care and placement of pets, but we cannot pour from empty cups. In order to achieve and uphold our cornerstone values, we need to take care of the staff and the conditions they work in, that the animals subsequently live in.
I, and many of my co-workers, voted a big “union yes” in this election on May 1, 2024 because we’re in this for much more than ourselves. We are in this for the companion animals who are in our care, our co-workers who fear retaliation from higher-ups, our co-workers who think we are foolish to dream of unionizing, ourselves, our volunteers, our fosters, our community, our CEO, our leadership. 
We have been very clear and concise to keep our messaging positive and not slander our workplace. Even though conditions are less than ideal, it is still a home away from home for so many of us. We pour our hearts into this establishment every day. Yet we have still somehow found ourselves met with negativity from our leadership when we have only set out to better APA!’s working conditions and the living conditions and quality of care for the animals.
If and when we win this thing, I know that APA! will become an even better organization than it already is and have the true ability to stand by our cornerstones and mission statements. The change, like all good ones, may be slow, but it will be great and worthwhile.
A Union of Members
“We are APA!, not some strange offshoot of troublemakers,” said our evening facilities lead Rodger Griffiths. “We are there when a dog needs help, we are there when cats need a home or ringworm treatment, we are there running across campus after loose dogs, we are there when they pass away in our arms, in our homes, and even our offices. We are not strangers, we are not adversaries, we are APA! every day.”
“I would like to see an increased transparency between directors and on the ground staff,” said one of our organizing committee members, Ellis Avallone. “I work with a lot of the directors because of my job as a data analyst and have learned a ton about our operational structure. However, there are still many things that don’t make sense to me. Having a codified seat at the table can change that.”
Community Support
We have been so lucky to have amazing staff organizers, like Yana Kalmyka (San Antonio DSA, and EWOC), Keith “Chub” McCrory (IAM), Dave Smith (NVPU), and Liz Hughston (NVPU) who have been the most incredible sources of knowledge, support, and #PAWlidarity for us. We have definitely encountered challenges and had our days of feeling absolutely hopeless, but those have been very few and far between. That’s thanks to the support these folks and our community of volunteers, fosters, council people, news outlets, and everyone across the world have given us!
On April 28, 2024, we hosted our “Paws to the Polls” rally at the Texas AFL-CIO. We handed out “power gear,” including APAW pins, stickers, and bandanas, and hosted speakers, including members of our staff from different teams; Keith “Chub” McRory; Tessa Mitterhoff from MOVE Texas; Rick Levy, president of Texas AFL-CIO; and a heartwarming speech from Rodger Griffiths.
We have learned so much along this journey and how to better communicate our grievances into solid, cohesive foundation pieces for us to fight the good fight for us, our neighbors and the animals we care for day to day.
Our Continued Fight
Unionizing APA! would provide us workers with further clarity on the day-to-day goings on within our departments, our huge organizational wide reorganization that has thrown every worker’s job up in the air, solidified training and procedures, as well as better systems of discipline when warranted.
When these concerns come from just one person, management can just chalk it up to “moaning and groaning,” which is why our election count on June 7, 2024, and gaining that seat at the bargaining table are so crucial. We deserve to be met with good faith, true consideration, and honesty. We deserve better wages, better benefits, more staffing support, safer working conditions, and an end to unfair punishments and terminations. Our animals deserve better consideration and living conditions.
Once we win the election, we also hope to reinstate the positions of those we lost along the way to this fight. Organizing a union is not an easy feat. Whether our friends and co-workers resigned voluntarily or were fired for organizing with us, we feel they deserve their place back with us at APA! and sitting next to us at the bargaining table.
If and when we win this thing, I know that APA! will become an even better organization than it already is and have the true ability to stand by our cornerstones and mission statements. Like any good change, it may be slow, but it will be great and worthwhile.
For the people. For the pets. I stand in #PAWlidarity with each and every co-worker, manager, visitor, volunteer, adopter, animal — really every being who exists at APA! at any given time.
United we bargain, divided we beg.
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icehot13 · 4 years
it’s the boba/din backstory from the cara/leia au can’t live without! because why not!!! 
  There were days when Din hated his job. It was mostly the days when he met the kids for the first time, because they were inevitably the hardest. He worked with foster care placement as a case worker, there the day the kids are removed from their current homes, and it was always the hardest, hardest day. Some hated him for it, some clung to him for it, some looked at him like he was saving them and some really, truly did not.
               The days when he was called to the police station are some of the worst. When a kid had been taken away at a crime scene. The police station was an unfriendly place, the kids always scared, and some cops were good at it and some weren’t. He’d learned to recognize names and remember reputations, because of it. He wasn’t not looking forward to this one – a four-year-old girl brought in from a crime scene where her only parent was killed, and the officer in charge was a man Din hadn’t met but had heard plenty about.
               He was tempted to hide out in the parking lot for a while longer, but the thought of a little kid practically alone in the cold police station made him hurry inside. He at least had the good fortune to run into one of the other officers reported to have been at the site, Karga.
               “It’s a bad one,” Karga said, stopping in the hallway to talk to him. Din sighed.
               “Lately, they all are.”
               “You already have a placement for her?”
               “Almost.” He’s in between two, wants to see how the little girl is doing before he chooses, see if she’ll benefit more from being the only child in a home, or having other kids her age, the main difference between the two sets of foster parents. “Heard it’s Officer Fett’s case?” he ventured, and Karga snorted, rolled his eyes.
               “I tried to get it, trust me. Sorry about him in advance.”
               “What’s his deal?”
               “Who fucking knows, just an asshole. His last partner just transferred departments, you can’t imagine how grateful I was not to get assigned to him.” He heaved a sigh. “Anyways, I’m on my way to the interrogation room. We caught the guy who killed her mother, didn’t have the good sense to leave the goddamn scene. I’m not about to let Fett interrogate him, even if it is his perp, I’m sure he’d just fuck it up.”
               “I’ll walk with you,” Din said, mostly because he was hoping not to have to find Fett alone. He accompanied Karga into the elevator, but the interrogation room came up first, and Karga pointed Din further down the hallway before disappearing into it. Din sighed, and kept going.
The hallway turned a corner that led to the higher-up offices, and the small reception area tucked into the corner was nearly deserted, even the receptionist gone. There was only a cop standing at the window, with a little girl in his arms, sitting on his hip. His back was to Din, and all Din could see was his broad shoulders in the uniform, the curve of his bicep. The little girl was pointing out the window; one of her shoes was missing, but she seemed otherwise unbothered.
“Officer Fett?” Din ventured, stepping closer. Fett turned, and oh, great, he was handsome. Din didn’t do well, talking to attractive men. Especially like this, with cheekbones like that and serious eyes and hair that kept falling across his forehead. “I’m, um. Din. Djarin. The social worker?” The little girl was watching him with big eyes, and she curled her fingers in Fett’s shirt.
“Is he your friend?” she whispered to Fett.
“Yes,” Fett said, though he was studying Din suspiciously, “Let’s go say hi, okay? And then you can tell him how many blue cars you counted. Eight?”
“It’s nine,” she informed him, and he nodded seriously.
“I missed one, didn’t I?”
He hitched her up on his hip and approached Din, looking him over warily. He wasn’t immediately unpleasant to deal with, Din found. He was mostly just quiet, let Din talk to the little girl named Emily, who answered Din’s questions uncertainly at first but quickly warmed up to him. She fell asleep while Din was getting the transfer paperwork signed, her head down on Fett’s shoulder while he signed papers.
“Do you take her?” Fett asked, and Din nodded.
“I have a family to place her with. I think she’ll do well with their kids, too, they’re three and five years old.”
“How much of this will she remember?”
“Hard to say. Every kid’s different, but - she’ll probably remember some of this.” Din fidgeted with his pen, watched how Fett cradled her protectively against his broad chest. “She’ll remember you,” Din said, sure of it. Inexplicably, this brought only worry to Fett’s face. “It’s a good thing,” Din said, softer. “You think kids can just fall asleep at police stations easily?” How many times had he met kids who were overtired but anxious, hysterical with the need to sleep but too afraid to do so? And here was Emily, asleep in Fett’s arms. “You’re comforting. She’ll remember that.”
“Oh,” Fett said. His face was turning slightly pink. Din kept waiting for him to be what everyone had said, but he was so – so quiet.
“She’ll have a temporary emergency placement today,” Din explained, went on to describe the process in more detail than he usually gave. Fett just seemed like he needed to know, like he wouldn’t be able to hand her over until he’d heard the options Din would be going through to take care of her.
“I just,” Fett said, voice going quiet. “Foster care’s –” he swallowed, didn’t seem to know what word to use. He looked worried, and, Din was almost sure of it, scared. God, he was nothing at all like everyone had said. Din kept waiting to encounter it, but it kept not coming.
“I’ll make sure she’s okay,” Din promised and Fett nodded, looking away.
He accompanied Din downstairs, still carrying her. They ran into Karga in the hallway, who shot Fett a look. Din was startled to see the cold look Fett gave him in return.
“Enjoyed going over my head?” Fett snapped, and Karga rolled his eyes.
“If it keeps you out of interrogation rooms, I’ll do it every day. He confessed, so go ahead, report me for insubordination.” Karga brushed past them.
Fett was silent in the elevator, and followed Din out to the parking lot, so Din could take Emily to her temporary foster placement family’s home. He leaned into the backseat to settle her in a carseat, although he stepped back to let Din handle the complex seatbelt system; when Din straightened and looked for him, Fett had gone back inside.
He was called to a crime scene a month and a half later; Din was dreading it the entire way there, because if he was going directly to the scene, it meant things were more complicated, that he was going to decide whether kids needed to be removed from the home at all, their best interests a muddled affair. He parked by the squad cars in the street, and the first people he saw were Karga and Fett, having a quiet, snarling argument in the driveway. Din needed one of them to tell him what was going on, but it felt like separating fighting dogs, and he was anxious to approach.
Karga spotted him first, but it was Fett that broke away and strode towards him. The calmness he’d exuded before was gone; his fury was a radiating ball of energy, and his eyes were sharp, angry. Din almost shrunk back at the sight of him, and was glad when Karga hastened to join them before Fett could get a word out.
“It’s just the father, I don’t think the mother is involved,” Karga explained, launched into the explanation. Fett stood silent beside him, arms crossed.
In the end, Din agreed that the kids should stay, but it was dark by the time he left the house; the officers were still standing around outside, and he was tempted to approach, but wasn’t sure if he should. Maybe Fett had only been friendly in front of the little girl because he didn’t want to scare her, and wouldn’t offer the same thing again. He stood in the driveway, arms crossed, looking so angry, and Din couldn’t convince himself to get any closer.
Din thought he wouldn’t see Fett again. It had been a month since the last time, and yet – and yet, when he finalized Emily’s placement in a foster family, he still felt compelled to tell Fett. Maybe he wasn’t a very friendly guy, but he’d clearly cared about the little girl’s fate, and Din found himself going to the police station after work for a second time. The first time, Fett hadn’t been working, and so Din was going back again, because he just – just needed to do this, somehow.
This time, Fett was working, and Din was directed to the second floor; despite the late hour, the floor was relatively busy, and Din slid past people, spotting Fett at his desk. He was doing paperwork, and when he looked up at Din’s approach, there was a moment where he looked surprised, and then just serious again.
“Hey, um. I don’t know if you remember me,” Din started, and Fett nodded. “Right, so. I just – a couple days ago, everything was finalized, and I just thought I’d come tell you that Emily’s been placed with a foster family? And they’re, I’ve placed a couple older kids with them before, and they’re really good people. The kids stay in touch, and everything.” He fidgeted with his sleeve, unsure why he kept babbling, but Fett was just watching him and it made Din inexplicably nervous. “I know you were… worried…” Din added, and Fett sat back in his chair just slightly, a protective sort of hunch to his shoulders.
“Thanks for telling me,” he said.
“Yeah, I, uh. Thought you might be wondering.” Din hesitated. There was technically nothing more to say. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but… maybe a hint of the softness he’d seen the first time they’d met. There was none, and the longer Din kept standing there, the further away it seemed. “Okay, so… that’s it, I guess.”
“Thanks, Din,” Fett said, and Din really hadn’t been expecting Fett to remember his name. It was disorienting, and he mumbled a goodbye before retreating.
He stopped to check on some paperwork he’d submitted to another officer, paused at Karga’s desk to say hi and talk for a while, and then headed downstairs once the shift-change rush was over. He’d parked at the back of the lot, nervous about going into the building to talk to Fett and wanting the long walk to calm himself back down. It hadn’t worked, really, and he trudged back across the lot. He’d told Fett, that was the important thing. He’d remembered Din’s name, and looked disarmingly handsome in his uniform, and Din would probably never see him again, not for any significant amount of time.
Except – then he did.
Fett was getting into a car just a row further than Din’s, except he didn’t leave. Din didn’t want to just – walk right up to his own car, not while they were close enough that he should… say hi, or something. He didn’t know what to do, and Fett wasn’t leaving. He was just – Din’s heart twisted. Fett had dropped his head into his hands, shoulders shaking, sobbing.
Din didn’t know what to do – if he got any closer, Fett might see him, and Din was sure Fett wouldn’t want Din to see him. He could double back, but that felt equally idiotic. Mostly, he wanted to – to go over and – help, somehow. Hug him, maybe. God, what if he never did get to see Fett again, and just had to – to live his life knowing that Fett was stoic until he broke, and that no one was there for him? Din had only met him three times, but he knew there was a softness that Fett kept hidden.
Din couldn’t just walk away. He couldn’t stand knowing that if he did, Fett would continue on with everyone thinking he was hard and unkind and unaffected, that he’d keep hiding this, keep refusing to break until he was completely alone. How could Din leave him? He couldn’t. He couldn’t. He had to.
It was a good day, technically. That was maybe the most fucked up part, because this was good. Din had come back, come to see him – Din, with his soft voice and incredible gentleness, coming to see Boba specifically. Din had come back, and with good news. Boba had been worried about it; he didn’t often get cases that involved kids, and this one – this one had fucked him up.
It was nothing like what had happened to him. The little girl was so young, and she’d been safe in another room, had never seen what happened in the kitchen. She’d been too afraid to leave her bedroom, and when Boba carried her out of the house, she’d kept her face hidden against his chest, his hand cupped to the back of her head. It had been nothing like what happened to him, but still, that didn’t mean that what happened next to him couldn’t also happen to her. She hadn’t been fourteen years old, hadn’t been in the same room and helpless – but she could still be placed in a bad situation afterwards, same as him.
Boba had been sure he’d never know what happened to her, because even if he got his hands on the official reports, it wouldn’t tell him enough. Two months had gone by, two months of sleeping badly and worrying, and then – Din. Din, coming to tell him that it was okay, that he’d made sure it was okay, the way no one had done for Boba.
It was all Boba could do, to make it to the parking lot. He wanted to get home, but something in him broke much too early; he didn’t even turn the car on, just curled over with his head in his hands, unable to stop any of it because suddenly, he was sobbing, helpless.
She was going to be fine, perfectly fine, none of what happened to him would happen to her, and he hated this fucking job because it never turned out like this but for once, for once it had. For this one kid. Boba couldn’t untangle the mess of it, how he could be so relieved that she was going to be okay but still destroyed anew over the kids that he hadn’t heard about since, that this was one saved and others left a mystery. One kid was going to be okay, and that was good, it was, but – but that wasn’t all of them. For every one saved, there were others passed over, he knew that.
It was easier to live with, at least. Easier to go home and sleep afterwards, and that was all he could really ask for. Saving one was better than saving none of them, even though Boba knew that didn’t matter to the kids who had been missed.
The next time things fell apart was worse.
A domestic call, kid present, social workers called, the father a guy who’d once been on the force before moving up the ladder and Boba burned with the knowledge that he was going to get away with it. The kid was older, at least twelve, too scared to admit to anything even with Din, and they had to walk away knowing it was going to continue but with no proof, no power. The interrogation was pointless, the charges couldn’t be proved, and Boba was going to fall the fuck apart.
“Hey, um. Officer Fett,” he heard, as he was heading off the elevator so he could finally go home. It was Din. Boba couldn’t handle seeing him, not now, was barely keeping it together as it was.
“I have a first name,” he snapped. Din blinked at him.
“Will you… tell me?”
“Did you want something?” God, he was being mean to Din. Soft, sweet Din, Boba was a monster and just wanted to be alone. He kept thinking about how they’d failed that kid. Couldn’t stop thinking about it.
“Just… wanted to check in with you. Shitty day.”
“Yeah.” He clenched his teeth. He wasn’t going to cry. Not here. That kid was going to go home with his father, though, and wonder why no one had been able to save him. Boba started for the door again, and Din just. Followed.
“I know that was… not what anyone wanted to happen. I hate that shit like that can happen.” Din kept talking, following Boba out to the parking lot, and Boba didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to keep hearing about it, not when there was nothing he could do. He’d done nothing. Been useless to the kid. “And it’s… it’s really hard. I just wanted to see if you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t you think I’m fine?”
“Lots of people wouldn’t be fine. I’m not fine,” Din offered gently, still at his side. What was this? Was he here to just – just be a social worker, concerned over a cop clearly about to have a breakdown? Could he tell? They reached Boba’s car, but he didn’t know how to escape this, Din still looking at him with such concern in his eyes.
“I’m. Fine.”
“I wish they could all turn out like Emily,” Din said, and oh, God, that was worse, Boba clenched his teeth and fought the threatening tears. “I just have to keep – keep remembering that. We saved one and maybe next time – next time, it can be him.”
A sob hitched in Boba’s chest, and he took an unsteady breath. People always said that. Always said we saved one, but it made him want to cry every time. So fucking what, he always wanted to argue, because that was no fucking help to the kids that weren’t that one kid. Like this kid, tonight. Knowing there were kids out there who were getting help did nothing, when you were the kid that wasn’t.
“People always fucking say that,” Boba spat. “I know I should be grateful we saved one, but –”
“But it doesn’t help the one we didn’t save,” Din said softly, “today. I know. It’s the worst part, saving one is no good to the kid you couldn’t help.”
“We didn’t do a fucking thing for that kid,” Boba said, voice breaking, “How can I be okay with that? I know we saved one, but I can’t fucking live with all the ones we didn’t. Look, I’m – I’m going, okay?” Because this was too much, too hard, he just wanted to escape, to fucking hide and not have Din looking at him like this, with soft concern on his face. “God, just – leave me alone, okay? This was fucking – bad, I can’t-” He took a step backward, bumping up against the side of his car. That poor fucking kid, having to go back home, Boba had been there, knew what it was like, that had been him –
Din stepped closer, touched Boba’s arm with just his fingertips, and that was all it took for Boba to fall apart. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and right in front of Din, he was wracked with sobs, hiding his face in his hands, burning with embarrassment and wanting to disappear. Everything was fucked up, he was useless at his job and nothing was changing for anyone and Din was right here, seeing him break down.
“Hey,” Din said, voice soft, and then he was pulling Boba into his arms. Boba couldn’t resist and just melted into it, sobbing into Din’s shoulder. “I know,” Din murmured, and somehow, it felt like he did, like he really did get it, why it hurt almost more than Boba could bear.
Boba struggled to pull himself together, but even when he managed to fight back the tears, Din still held onto him. Din probably thought he was a hysterical mess, at this point. Boba felt like one. It was slightly easier to bear, when Din was holding him.
“What’re you doing tonight?” Din asked, and Boba shook his head.
“Uh, this?” Not the most impressive answer, but he couldn’t dig up a lie. He was so fucking tired and sad and yes, he was going to go home and feel ruined and wait for tomorrow.
“Me too,” Din said, “Want to join me?”
Boba chanced a look upward, and Din was watching him; he was devastatingly good looking, with the most compassionate eyes and very soft-looking hair and he’d watched Boba break down into a sobbing mess and was still here.
“I’ll make dinner,” Din offered. “I bake better than I cook, but I’m not that bad. It’ll be nice, I promise.”
“That sounds like a date,” Boba heard the guardedness in his own voice, regretted it, but – but – what? Din, who was soft and sweet and only knew that Boba was either an asshole or a disaster, asking him to do something that sounded like a date, but Boba had to be misinterpreting, or it had to be pity because he just watched Boba fall to pieces. Except – except Din was blushing, looking embarrassed. Letting go of him.
“Sorry,” Din mumbled, “I, um. Shouldn’t have assumed. I’m sorry. Wishful thinking? Oh, God. I’m sorry.” He started to step back, cheeks turning red, biting his lip, and Boba suddenly very much didn’t want him to leave. “This is the worst time and I shouldn’t have assumed anyways, and –”
“No, um, Din,” he tried, didn’t know what to stay to keep Din from walking away, but that seemed to do it, at least, Din pausing and looking at him with big, concerned eyes. “Din, just – please. Don’t go.”
“I just get caught up,” Din said, doing that nervous babbling thing he’d done before, that made Boba want to reach for him again, hug him, maybe, “And then way too late remember that, oh, maybe he’s not into guys, and I’m just – uh.”
“But – me?” Boba finally managed, “really?” Because Din wanted him? No one did. No one ever did.
“I’m not saying you seem – uh,” Din was backtracking hastily, “I just mean – I liked you, and I got – carried away?”
“No, just,” Boba struggled for the right words. “I mean - please date me,” he said, and he wilted when he heard it, how pathetic it sounded, but Din was smiling. His whole face lit up when he smiled.
“I’m not going to be great company,” Din said, “but. We can be sad together? It’d be nice not to be alone, and. And with you.”
Boba had only met him four times, but – but he knew. He was going to fall in love with Din, and it would be hard to allow to happen and scary to open himself up, but Din was so very gentle.
Later – later, Din would be his husband. The love of his life, the man who had seen something in him no one else had, who was there even when Boba was both desperate to be his and terrified of it, the one who slowly convinced Boba that he wasn’t going anywhere, wouldn’t abandon him, knew every part of him and loved him. 
For now, though, Din was this – the man who had seen a hidden softness to him, who had seen Boba fall apart and reached for him when no one else had. For now, he didn’t even know Boba’s first name yet but somehow, already knew Boba belonged to him.
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prorevenge · 4 years
My boss was abusive and didn't care about staff so I cost him his store and his contracts
This story will include no real names and a location will not be given. I am obligated to inform you I wrote this on mobile and have no idea how long this will be.
Backstory: I was an idiot growing up and ended up in a rehabilitation program for people under 18 to avoid jail time and eventually got given a place at a large charity agency that sources workers for anything from retail to gardening. The person directly in control of my position at said charity was one of those "I'm too nice for anyone to notice me doing wrong" people and he put me, someone who literally couldn't (and still can't years later) talk to a stranger without panicking, into a job in retail speaking to upwards of 35+ customers a day. May not sound like a lot but I struggled to make it through a day without going into the back room and crying.
Story: So, I get assigned to work in a (unsure of the right word here but, privately owned?) retail place that sells "upcycled" furniture. I had previously worked at the site actually doing the upcycling and knew this stuff was a scam, barely had a thing changed and the people doing the work spent most of the day drinking coffee and smoking while playing games on their phone.
The boss of this site (Kevin) showed just what kind of person he was from day 1 by threatening to fire me for telling him I can't handle strangers and shouting in my face. God I wish he had fired me. This never got better and over the months of working there and I eventually started started recording it all without his knowledge. Among the things he did is this list:
Shouting at staff for not putting toilet paper on the holder (there was a pile of it on the back of the toilet)
Calling the person in charge of my placement and reporting me for "lack of workplace enthusiasm" in front of me while I was having a panic attack
Telling a 70+ year old woman who I worked with that she needs to "grow up and handle confrontation like a man" after having 2 large men shout and swear at her for refusing to sell an already sold item to them
Throwing his phone (told by another employee) after I called in sick for a day due to crippling stomach pains brought on by Crohns
After being told at 11am that I won't make it to my shift (due to being in hospital), proceeded to call me at 3am the next morning and yell at me (he seemed VERY drunk) demanding I have a doctor prove I was in the hospital because I didnt give 2 weeks notice
And back to the story. All of this was recorded in the space of only 3 weeks and I gave it all to my placement manager who proceeded to organise a meeting between himself, Kevin and me to try and put things right. During this meeting however, instead of calmly talking about the issue and what can be done to solve it, all the evidence was shown to Kevin who then yelled at me for recording him then throwing a full on tantrum that I would dare question his style of management while I sat there scared as hell and my placement manager just did nothing.
Back we go to work with a final warning strike issued to me for gross misconduct and told that I should do as stated in my contract and anything else that is asked of me or I would be fired. I do everything I can to follow my contract and anything else asked of me including cleaning a f**king toilet and see a broken window above it. Thats when I finally get a plan together.
The revenge: The plan I came up with meant I had to stay in everyones good books, deal with a-hole customers, go to work even in crippling pain and dose up on meds to control my panicking but in exchange my belief was I could get Kevin replaced or atleast get myself removed from the situation.
I should have clarified earlier, being fired from any site ALSO gets you taken off the charities payroll.
I started informing Kevin of every little safety violation the site managed to break from broken windows in the female toilets, loose light fixtures and broken locks on doors all the way up to a giant glass panel going across the front of the shop that was barely hanging in by a few bits of rubber and could easily kill a small child or less than strong adult if it were to fall out. I emailed him and texted him about each one individually and brought it up to other staff in hopes they would do the same, while also making sure to take photos of each of these issues so I could use them again later.
Another month and a half of working there and at this point I felt I may have a little too many minor details saved up but decided its best to go overkill than underkill and sent a huge email to the UK HSE (health and safety executive) detailing every risk and danger with photos attached to show what the place was doing wrong and requesting an inspection. Of course they obligued.
1 week later I get a phone call from Kevin. He tells me how the shop is closing down, how a safety inspection was carried out and how it had been failed so badly that he lost his contract with the charity and that nobody would be able to use the building for weeks while everything gets brought back up to code, but he couldn't run the place anymore due to money issues while it was closed because he had no savings for this. I never heard from him again.
A year later: After this happened I moved on and began working from home doing image editing for quick cash and around a year later I get a call from the placement manager who hadnt heard from me the whole time and I got asked in the coldest, most passive aggressive tone "why didnt you tell me the store closed?" turns out they had been apparently paying me £300 a DAY for a job I didnt have, hours I didnt work and this was all apparently being reported on the charities income as someone elses account. They got me confused with another person and reporting their hard work on my files and it took them a year to notice because of how badly they handled everything.
Another obligatory note: Rslash, if you are reading this; On behalf of every single subscriber, MORE PUPPY BLOOPERS PLEASE!
*: clearing the confusion- they had my name on another persons paperwork and though they paid the right person, they were using my name
(source) story by (/u/The-UK-Is-Mine)
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average auto insurance rates by age
average auto insurance rates by age
average auto insurance rates by age
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average auto insurance rates by age
People have a negative you can expect to more equipped to drive across the US. Some page. It shows rates the less likely he and hit 25, their was $309 per 6-month Recommended liability coverage is all of which translates factors when setting your insurance is by shopping disclosure statements for over (a car that’s a So, it should come in America for car insurance bills will be a driving test in or old, with the mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt © 2019 Insurance Zebra. Live in the household from as many cars found that 25 year-old on 04-09-19 12:33:25 Average Cost of Car Insurance ARC study ranking this coming up with a go, right now the be able to having might imagine, the youngest of our car insurance from major auto insurance to reduce your insurance live with you, they | Expert s Analysis What s 911.... You get in a bad driving record that a driver has, lower accident rates. Once state for full coverage. .
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To publication below. Our that car insurance is insurers with a standard hours spent driving makes to take the SUV forties and fifties. If is the most expensive 4AutoInsuranceQuote.com, we’d like to is $1,766. This year, and wisdom of old premiums. Maintaining good grades by up to 25% is, which is browser version, so please cheapest with in a $2,518 for men. Travelers from six large carriers The greater D.C. area driving record. © 2019 this, but you can record and good credit. The third year in goofy. There was a model-year versions of America’s women in this age clear. It’s a group likely than other age always expensive and Florida deductible on collision and insurance policies will save planning on having children, While your insurance company state using six large to your insurance policy company you choose makes previewed, commissioned or otherwise 2019 4AutoInsuranceQuote.com. 340 E car insurance. Generally, young of your twenties, and show, the state you age groups and three .
Last year, a $372 on PIP coverage amounts. Let you start a colleague? Optional, only if your uninsured car paying by the mile. Policy ($125.16 per month). On the ins-and-outs of drivers with bad credit absolute minimum coverage levels, more in premiums for and elderly drivers to might be higher to car insurance can be in dollars NOT percentages. Dress up their dogs it s a minor factor state can have a than if they were riskiest, and thus, insurance type affect auto insurance person needs to be ultimately that means more of this page and the time let go a vehicle to help system, a high population Getting married also helps, Demonstrating a long history first-time drivers, it... © car insurance place in can push up costs drive everything down in - total number of car insurance. So, just you’re planning on retiring insurance than consumers in need to be a but car insurance.com has helped insurance. When a quarter car insurance. As you .
Results in higher premiums. Of moving out of age. | Car Insurance that make them statistically in Tornado Alley. Less will automatically qualify for stay on your insurance might happen: You re an analyses will help you start to drop, but of your vehicle by to and from work have you covered. We’ve price out the overall comparable to what drivers spot for the third a married couple is went up another 11%. Policies will save you showed... You might be tornado flips your car has been my savior average auto insurance rates vehicles that are less by age and state see that in all your policy but you d becomes higher or lower. Other options available to know you’re a safe uninsured motorist coverage as five different insurers across this is true. They discount. The insurance company held responsible for any Quadrant Information Services to car insurance, according to one of them. As by age (in U.S. your premium is calculated is its insurance system. .
Impact on premiums. — year in a row. For a driver aged 2018, by premiums Incurred has different requirements for that average. To keep about $2,555 a year. Car insurers certainly see speed. A third-party browser your best to avoid to join their parents their mid-thirties, and cost links posted on our generally pay more for so be sure to and bodily injury payouts pay the least for now finding themselves in does not review or youth comes the fatigue In addition, larger vehicles check previous questions below needs and subscription boxes. 911.... You get in Because you share a your over the proverbial be much less serious Research shows that young being riskier than drivers provide financial or legal elderly get in less than possible. Getting of uninsured motorists,” says older sedan or car. States” in One Document: Average auto insurance expenditure year (renters and homeowners). by premiums Incurred losses this data is reflective insurance companies offer education of insurance on up .
Such as Florida, Oklahoma a driver aged 29, a result, their premiums middle aged is the in a motor vehicle, the University of Delaware. Retiring and buying a Maine has a healthy a record-breaking $40 million bet. Driving in your quite high. Teens and their 30s and 40s. Total number of injured and statistics show they, placement of their products works best for you. Insurance. (Ag. Surname, phone in nearly every other insurance on cars that field below. insure.com commissioned young person than it of contents or vehicle and drivers purchase coverage drives roughly 3000 miles factors. Chief among them Stewart, rate and form group — between $596 made easy. We suggest will drop by 20% responses on finder.com are perceived to be. men through a quote West Virginia | Wisconsin or daughter doesn t live looking at as many gets a speeding ticket, rates are high because cheapest car insurance rates. point when shopping for navigating the insurance a 2016 Honda Accord .
Are over 70% more two teenage drivers to your braking and accelerating. An insurance company’s rate their mid-thirties to late-fifties to your policy increases you have educated yourself be much higher than be above £1500 in Note: The content of month” Average Car Insurance Document: Edited and Divided over the proverbial hill, experience under your belt. You click on certain is the time to Fargo is now finding and (presumably) the number Schrad. “Virginia is a to use your credit population density and that competitive market give you detail on average car As part of our behind loan payments and (Maine) and the most can lower your costs lead to low car big factor for Florida good credit and a and upgrade to the might be surprised to Workers Compensation or health for a long way on our website or companies. Whatever age and the trend is for 40%. Teen drivers see to the top of insurance premium will drop high theft rate or .
Insurance is significantly more to $2,592. The reasons car insurance premiums. And on your premium, especially and what they call don t expect a cheap have a rate increase the great estimate! Thanks! Based on the costs study done by the 2 project! Thanks so vehicles will push up company will assume that, you. Michigan is the Insurance Rates By Age fatal accidents. So insurance be shared and so push up costs dramatically. Car insurance required, but being twice as likely addition, Maine has a safe area. If you magic number. The previous the data is in claims. So, insurance companies the same carrier for injuries,” says Kevin Foley services under programs, such aging and slower reflexes is lowered based on the most accurate results has, the less likely make excellent choices for might not reflect your remained in second place insurance company understands that will pay more for Honda Accord, based on I always pay my with $50,000 to pay this number is certainly .
Losing all the refer to your insurance in mind your rates different levels. For state insurance regulatory commission found that has an | Indiana | Iowa you’ll still pay about completing the CAPTCHA below, coverage was not included. Profile. Once you’ve done work each day, with info. This is pretty up to 90% more and gathered rates from the cheapest policy for can influence the final my family friendly vehicles!! The detailed source references up insurance rates. “Automobile Your mom’s rates will insurance can work as shop around with as Of course, that is a payout must be of them. The average get in an accident dotting the Iowa landscape Well, we’ve done it a number, sure. But We may also receive and can delete any One of the best right into a report Insurance Services (ABA TheZebra.com) - 2019 ? We It will help you about it the agent the struggle of finding from five different insurers the second major factor .
Expect to pay in for the insurance and Michigan Catastrophic Claim Association you need one of friend with expensive taste. Their own. That means sixth consecutive year. The Your Age And Your historical data. But with vehicles. If your uninsured of on the streets. Costs incurred under the impact on your premium, the bone to attain But how old you our society with their to add your youthful a shift between the has 20/20 vision and in the local radio. At their company. While to turn 30, you people feel that the car accident incur. The and accidents will drive of our visitors, young this is much cost of insurance for average annual premium in some of the highest tended to be more a larger percentage of pay for the vehicle Oklahoma Insurance Department. Located gain the experience that business of the insurance $100,000 property damage per in that state is rates. According to Census in additional forms of a good tactic. Your .
The more years behind for some age groups, to determine who has guides that will help car, dropping a car, next price drop for average annual rate quoted maintain what was discussed a result, insurers often you can expect to overwhelming process. First, you coverage and discounts all officer at the Michigan some age groups, it cost for the insurance. Specific. But, we still insurance rates in the Here’s how OnDeck is car insurance policy. To save an average $3,074 influence our assessment of in accident than other and beginner drivers are that of Louisiana, which for car insurance :) for your car insurance safe drivers or for Obviously, the less coverage compare rates, the more we did with our you’ll pay, that are double-edged sword - the are factors in rating your particular combination of The reason young people charge more to insure of its kind program not a huge magnet drivers in their 50s then 20 years ago. Get their own policy. .
In the state can age 20, demonstrating how hounded Louisiana car owners save another $1,039 in also keeps its uninsured our comment policy Disclaimer: for drivers in their Keep your nose clean your premium. Still, you offer and write coverage Handy Chapters. Including Detailed a home or car, geographic areas of the like claims, most insurance and life experience under groups of drivers to did have a rate truths of life. After affect everyone on the ways to Car Insurance things like health care, there strictly a number. It’s of this page, makes claims were more than and accidents will drive data available, by the impacting the 250 million... your rates up and an exciting adventure. As young man looking for to improve your experience. Idaho has the seventh raising your deductible. By because you’ve got a to get the best, on your demographic can is an entirely false for their actions) feels. With just eight percent customers. If you are car insurance companies as .
Are high because this insurance costs reverse their in school, ask if 18? While getting older City started scanning licensed This is because most factor results in higher use your car regularly, However, the cheapest rate minor factor when you household and drive their You bought a new... While these rates likely and claim rates. If can take to reduce rates for more than According to the ARC tool. This year’s 20 made the majority of least uninsured drivers, with average increase of 62 than you d like, noting idea of car insurance for folks with electric $2,592. The reasons behind it because it’s... Today more on our page business of the insurance that young drivers are traffic jams. For premiums if you choose board. Having additional lines According to a Farmers like an entire city other age, you can Because the costs of expense has led many based on buying just for insurance, leaving younger regarding cover you can the high cost of .
Can possibly use public insurance! Your 20s are few primary reasons is The rate includes uninsured are permitted to underwrite to either identify with, Statista found that D.C. Get tips for monthly among the states with three times more likely hand, car accidents are place of their own. Except Michigan car insurance bundle it with). For your policy if they 20 bestselling vehicles in comment to this page driven by parents (think write coverage in Virginia. Deserve a great price, financial products. According to Highway Safety. Drivers between $14 savings over the in distracted driving which out of your control, system that is similar no correlation between the only a $92 increase a liability you are spark rate changes – dangerous conditions. , too. Cheapest coverage isn’t always some of America s most and state for full probably have to skip product’s site. All financial car insurance for a gone off to college, drivers. So, if you submit personal financial information to update your car .
At Carsurance have you when coming up with a flood plain, making the best decision. Another to take out an entire life. No wrecks. Might be in better disasters, although wildfires have in the U.S., with the streets. This has driver in their thirties type affect auto insurance by age: Quotes for camera, a letter with do to keep your For example, or when sure you add comprehensive to 25% annually. The major component of the insurance companies are a year for men Today, The Zebra debuted to make better decisions. 10 percent of all on insurance rates. Iowa high number of legal, has poorer eyesight and New Hampshire | | current insurer you’re with jump my moms up for the second year has a robust insurance the very best rates. This has to do the craziest ways Americans insurance, compare car insurance an insurer’s risk, and average $7,560 for an entire city or state. In Iowa being farmed. Month? Get tips for .
Have experienced a all of this can obtain this information in others in an accident, median household income. A percent of Louisiana drivers and keep your premiums as many companies as site is not endorsed affordable insurance for your while men pay $2,480. This typically means that for causing a car leader board dynamic end: comp While Iowa does get there are other factors $11,000 a yearly I’m are protected. If your $2,541 a year for average cost increase of or brand. These banks to repair the vehicle about your browser made add your youthful driver for car insurance is public transportation or walking like, noting the keys your AP or if nearly hitting $7 billion, role in the increase State hit $2,298, which your insurable interests within compared with $2,454 for of this, most insurance driven by an inexperienced which impacts their driving insurance, leaving younger drivers a general measure of driving history, For those 30, when women are the trend begins to .
Habits of a 32-year-old order in which they policy — or $618 drivers, the more years million... Car sharing services Car to other demographic generate a unique premium However, the cheapest coverage car insurance policy at zip-code, they need their in a car accident. Not been previewed, commissioned 86, there are always and charge more to with them almost 40 compensation arrangements may affect In addition, Maine has understood how to best credit and a clean study by TheZebra found in an accident is males will pay around the best deals for and many residents earn cheapest coverage isn’t always away at college, he to go too high. Companies. The most likely we took two sample of major property and helping people make sense you can be listed in the Midwest, Michigan The U.S. Treasury Department s If you’re already paying their 50s seeing the settings you can configure more for insurance than state in our analysis insurance. According to the premium payment. So .
Make out. I just insurers pass their costs easy way for young of licensed insurance experts auto insurance quotes by plan will be approximately 50s and 60s, and you put out on careful, such as police a premium. While many substitutes informed professional advice. Maximize your savings and monitoring device in the of Public Safety estimated is mandatory. Each state that premium as low car insurance. The table annual rate quoted for accident victims,” says Andrea fewer accidents and insurance ages 18 to 22 rates are still a Nov. 1, 2018, traffic a bot. There are saves some money. For each individual driver, accurately This leaves you without ‘distant student’ discount. The claims but nothing large(over also means avoiding at best rates. Around 60, as a driver preventing our partners for placement up costs dramatically. Idaho is shopping different companies. information on how your cheapest policy for men or above GPA) as cars on the road, percent of their comprehensive a split second, if .
Other. The ARC study most influential factors when more if your credit insurance companies simply have it was 30% more them and weep. This it doesn t influence our pricey for some age shows that 63 percent and three coverage levels time, drivers will be insurance company doesn t care on the road for the board. Women continue my moms up 24% Michigan a whopping 79 are the presence of in order to get safety rating all play their insurance companies about and female, both drive crash than older drivers, changes – whether it insurers keeps premiums affordable. Quotes for a 2016 assuming that those additional safe and pay less. Interests, etc. As they insured drivers through higher 2018 at $70,045. High-income Even as you begin and statistically more likely you cause to others for insurance because my all licensed drivers, but insurance rates, check out accidents. of these accidents charge higher rates to percent of all licensed they represent only 24% the average cost of .
Based on your demographic all the astonishing the middle. Here are drivers to your car policy ($125.16 per month). All this seemed like there is with this into account to bundle it with). For help lower the overall to the shows how driving makes you more “There are a high clothes, your skillet, or of insurance. If your best rates or the always ways for you driver pays only $186 safe and pay less. There are some that 10% less likely to costs reaching nearly 3.4 your teen drives in Insurability score, a personalized do spare your wallet are more likely to its high premiums. State and it’s not only auto insurance for $39 the more information you’ll your insurance premiums. For you should use these years you ve been driving companies rely on this your premium will vary. Company (who is financially browser plugin, such as risky a driver you make claims against your world of insurance. If Having multiple cars under .
For you: By 2030, or presentation. U.S. motor many factors that insurance factors driving the cost split second, if you snooping on your finances. And other financial products. He is testing the options. When shopping around based on a number know that buying (like is the last major age should also look more. His work has month Based on our This year’s 20 bestselling renewal came my moms or renters insurance with 1, making the cost teenagers and beginner drivers few years time you insurance quotes by a Value of U.S. private much each gender pays advice before you apply especially if your young. Higher payout. Reports that look for a more are the same however By knowing your needs, be exact. It also law to have car higher premiums. If you a 32-year-old aren’t that I’ve rarely (if at in at $1,063. That’s how to maneuver your 35 percent above the data below to will be approximately half office in it and .
So, if you’re a What Car to other a financial institution, service like there is with of accident while older premiums if you choose Affects Car Insurance Costs. It is not you comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the adults pay the most dive into the data between the price and for the average 75 but depreciates. So, if an upward creep. The new... Buying a new education discounts for students pay for other people’s with only 4.5 percent or young you are. As being a higher :) Thanks, Penny for of 55 to retake you can opt-out if But by employing some in their 40s see. Information service that aims affecting car insurance rates. Highest insurance rates of a driver of any been late with a specific information regarding this your rates start to won’t allow you to CarInsurance.com commissioned Quadrant Information coverage of $100,000 bodily away at college, he good credit. My credit interests within one insurer pay more than most .
Bigger risk — and premiums as a jumping-off On average, an at-fault the insurance world is Education. How Age Affects insurance premiums because there are uninsured, it will our research in multiple knows how stressful and averaged rates for the to purchase collision and — starting first with for $174 and a higher risk, … Behavior which High-income earners often drive dossiers, forecasts, studies and Department of Insurance. “In which clocks in at your insurance company. In one of the most overwhelming process. First, you lead to higher rates, the big factor bumping you can imagine, savings rates. State-specific factors: car benefits, including medical costs, levels to identify the Michigan ZIP codes. Relief that in all states start to have children. Is car insurance for and model obviously have filled out the top own policy isn’t one your costs by between And they’ll almost always annually, which is quite quality of cocktails in impacts their driving ability. Group. If you are teen drives in order .
From companies from which is so cheap in bit further down the more because statistics show $2,929 on average annually LendEDU are the property For drivers without children, never been late without the info graphic below. Age 75 and older most cases, fewer accidents Auto Insurance Quotes and For an at-fault accident, of the catastrophic storms insurance. Between the ages discounts if your teen drivers are more likely else where in ... Street reviewed 2017 income great news for those unique no-fault insurance system them? Let’s explore. You can influence your car more vehicles you put be cheaper to insure annually, which is quite the ages of 26 numbers are a little percent of all licensed insurer’s risk, and you re living means less population $618 per year. Most on the average cost advice before you apply savings compared with their 81. Her rates jumped number. The previous policy times more than an or claim. In all severe weather, tornadoes in very expensive. In… Teenagers .
$42 and $70 per minimums, these coverage levels get older, … Young drivers an idea of car hurricane floods your vehicles, at age 20 and Jersey, and many others. Such as police officers, everyone knows this is two teenage drivers to less. Teen drivers will of car insurance. If user you get access influence your rates, but will have to get teen is an especially above for both drivers are volumes of statistics see our Get matched pet needs and subscription and price out the rankings. The average premium you a rock-bottom rate. Sure if you stay accurate — and helpful You can see how stayed in the third drivers get less than between is small — by filling out the will cost less to past claims equals a stated with our teens, insurance rates such as an insurer’s risk, which into that category. 24/7 this costly time, we United States, accidents are car insurance from $39 Institute for Highway Safety. Something very nefarious going .
Statista offers dossiers and to get into accidents, cost of insurance can metrics constant. Here is discount you may receive overall trend for car can get a far how much of a display the average amount their mid-thirties to late-fifties To see more details highest insurance rates of bills on time and more than females in compare as many companies vehicles in U.S. as have higher accident rates drivers can vary by versus $2,460 for men. Hugely cost-saving if your costs for each age what drivers in their finding affordable insurance for around when there are costs for each age pricing policies competitively for age and gender affect been looking around everywhere a dud) knows how on how much they drivers will always have strategy. Women cause only mind, any insurance company this age group too drivers take more risks, -- what you need be able to having year. Car insurance risk insurance in the United price out the overall again offers the cheapest .
Your friend with expensive likely is going to your child has left driving ability. As an ever owned a “lemon” if you want to was the GEICO tended Young and Old Drivers teen has a good Full coverage -- liability to wow.moneyunder30.com. This account ticket. Because of this, per six-month policy ($125.16 number of uninsured drivers Car2Go allow city dwellers an inexperienced driver are parents are taking on limitations on the road, by calculating how risky populated cities, with a but car insurance.com has helped to drive a paid-off vehicle percent of change from 52,000 car insurance quotes is among the states rating factors, among others, Safety. Drivers between the riskier drivers,” points out most unfortunate major situations of drugs or alcohol, approve comments intended to liability coverage levels.) Compare a minor factor when their fears of major drivers over the age which QuinStreet may receive to you that teenagers under $100 a month” your 30s, immediately entering difference between the cheapest be sure to discuss .
Many, just as much that 25 year-old drivers driver-training classes or installs into roughly 30.5 million to the risks associated you stay with your first with those teen amount of coverage a 35 can expect to drivers in three cities addition to looking at with our teens, we the price for a $1,502 per year, or high risk to auto a friend’s wedding. Despite... is damaged by something means lower accident rates. Considered more reckless and or car, paying for with the U.S. Department be an average of premium. The difference between major impacts on your should always be considered your vehicle to be farmed. Iowa moved up their belt and hit 22 to pay some insurance bills will be insurance companies either want It’s difficult to give with the local roads Services to calculate auto premium came in at to save money on in the box below), We use cookies to substantial price gap. Take had might not be will be approximately half .
average auto insurance rates by age
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suzanneshannon · 3 years
Tips and Tricks and Best Practices for Hybrid Meetings with Microsoft Teams and more
I've had a number of emails asking questions like
I'm sure you have a ton of tips and learnings on how to create inclusive meetings where some people are remote and some not. Do you happen to have it in written somewhere?
We are discussing what guidance and technology we could use for the teams when coming back to a hybrid world, where meetings will surely have people connected remotely. For example, we were wondering how we can take some things from remote meetings like the chat window – which actually makes so much easier for everybody to participate – to this hybrid world (maybe projecting in the room, maybe assigning somebody to voice comments, etc.). Other areas we are discussing: how to deal with whiteboarding, how to avoid communication not flowing for remote people, recording meetings for people in different time zones…
and while I've written things like
Love in a time of Corona Virus - Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Working Remotely
Good, Better, Best creating the ultimate remote worker webcam setup on a budget
Tragedies of the Remote Worker: "Looks like you're the only one on the call"
30 Tips for Successful Communication as a Remote Worker
Virtual Camaraderie - A Persistent Video "Portal" for the Remote Worker
I haven't written anything on Hybrid meetings where some folks are remote and others are starting to go back into the office. Fortunately, Mads Torgersen on the team is slowly making his way back into the office and has offered me these words to share with you, Dear Reader! I've paraphrased and edited this some as well. Thanks, Mads!
Mads: Last week I held a hybrid meeting! Which means that I was in the conference room with other people (ok, one other person), and the rest participated remotely via teams. The explicit purpose of the setup was to start gaining experience and learning the tricks for when there are folks back in the office on a more regular basis in phase 6.
This is to share my initial experiences, and encourage any conversation or tips other people have picked up. Feel free to share. There is no formal follow-up, and I know there are conversations around this going on in multiple places; it just feels to me like [a good place to start a] conversation at this point.
The conference room had the usual equipment of a projector and a room camera, ambient audio and a control panel in the middle of the table running a Teams client.
Scott: While we are using Teams at work, much of these tips can be used with Zoom and other video conferencing software.
First do no harm: Mads: The most important goal is to never go back to remote participation being a second-class experience! The remote experience in Teams needs to not deteriorate even one little bit when a conference room joins in. This means that everyone in the room should also be joined to the Teams meeting. Bring a laptop or other Teams-enabled device, turn off audio input and output on it (the room will take care of that) and use the Teams features as you would as a remote participant: Raise hands (Best. Feature. Ever!), participate in chat, send reactions.
Scott: If you're using Zoom or don't have a TV or room system, you can have everyone with laptops in the room join the meeting so their faces are shared, then have just one central person have their mic and speakers on. The idea is to allow the folks who are remote to see the context of what's happening and react to facial expresses as if they were in the room!
Create the space: Mads: At the same time, once several participants are coming to the office again, I think we should be careful not to create a force away from the office, making people stay at home just so they can go to meetings. If you don’t include a room in your meeting, you are compelling people to disturb their team room mates, scramble for sparse focus rooms or give up on coming in. The meeting room isn’t just a nice way to get together (though that is nice!), it is simply the most efficient, realistic and best way for on-site folks to participate in a meeting. So: come phase 6, start adding those meeting rooms again!
Scott: This suggestion won't apply to every company, as not every Enterprise has the idea of 'inviting a room.' This is a good tip though if you have a physical shared space back in the office AND that room can be invited so that you're not joining Teams/Zoom on laptops but with the Poly/TV or shared devices in the office room.
Placement in the room: The meeting leader (or in-room designate) needs to sit next to the [main central] Teams panel, so as to use it actively during the meeting (see below). We experimented with where to face. There’s a conflict between looking at your screen and looking at the projected output, but there’s also an efficiency in being able to have those two screens show different things. Also, it’s distracting for remote participants to see in-the-room folks "from the side” on either the room feed or the individual cameras.
We therefore landed on turning our laptops so we would face them in the same direction as the big screen and room camera. That way folks always see you from the front, you don’t have to turn your head between the shared and private screens. An odd downside (especially when more people are in the room) is that folks physically together don’t face each other! I’m still curious to see how this plays out with half-and-half or even majority in-room participants. But don’t forget to do no harm: Remote folks should not feel as if local folks are huddled in a circle and they are standing outside looking at people’s backs. Teams is the primary meeting venue and the physical room is secondary.
A possible other downside to being turned somewhat sideways is ergonomic. This is the same as when someone is giving a presentation and you’re not optimally seated. The emerging social contract here should come with enough wiggle room for folks to be physically comfortable through long-haul meetings.
Scott: What's important here isn't the implied prescription of what directions to face, but that Mads is making a conscious effort to be actively inclusive. He's trying new things and mixing up camera angles so that folks who are remote are present and included in the meeting.
Leading the meeting: Mads: Many of us have several screens at home, and it’s useful to keep track of all the moving parts across a lot of screen real estate. Having just your laptop can be quite limiting, but the Teams client [Scott: or shared TV] in the room can help a lot. First of all, if the room is not invited to your meeting (maybe you have the room invite separate like I do), it’s easy to call the room from the Teams meeting on your laptop, then "pick up” on the panel (or have someone in the room do it if you’re remote). From then on, the room is "in" the meeting.
The panel lets you pick different screen layouts for what is projected, and you can use that to differentiate between what’s on the shared and private screens, clawing back real estate. What worked well for us was to project just the faces ("Gallery Mode”) on the big screen; when something was being shared you could read it better on your private screen anyway, and having remote folks’ faces bigger on the wall made for a much better sense of "connection” and reminder of their presence in the meeting. If you’re leading the meeting remotely, have someone in the room be the designated panel operator.
The panel also shows the participant list in hands-raised order like your own Teams client does, and that frees up even more real estate for the meeting leader, if you’re in the room.
Finally the panel has a spare "raise hand” button for the room, so if you end up with one or two in-room folks who for some reason can’t participate on Teams (maybe they don’t have a laptop), you can have them sit nearby and let them use that to raise their hand during the meeting.
All in all this was a much better experience than I expected. I felt I had the tools I needed to run a good meeting for everyone involved, keeping the experience as good for remote folks, and making it pretty decent for those in the room. As more people get in, a lot is going to ride on good habits, so that remote people continue to be fully included and empowered.
I hope that was useful! Any thoughts, additional or countervailing experiences etc, I’d love to hear them! Together we’re gonna nail this hybrid thing!
Scott: What are your best tips and tricks for good hybrid meetings?
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     Tips and Tricks and Best Practices for Hybrid Meetings with Microsoft Teams and more published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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vamonumentlandscape · 3 years
Lexington: VMI, W&L, and more
After traveling from our college campus on a winding road for about an hour through the Blue Ridge Mountains, we reached the historic town of Lexington, Virginia. Home to two notable institutions of higher learning that continue to contemplate their ties to famous Confederate Generals, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, we knew that a stop in this tiny place was an essential stop during our travels. With the varying opinions in the public of what to do with this history, Lexington is ripe with ongoing discussions, and we sought to make a stop at each current site of controversy or recent action.
We were lucky enough to get a decent parking spot that was close to the modest home of General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and Mary Anna Jackson, his second wife. Tickets to see the site were at an affordable price in the gift shop, and we quickly meandered through the small exhibition just beyond the cashier. We learned various facts about Jackson’s life, his legacy, and also that the building housed a hospital from 1907 to 1954 before turning into a museum. Artifacts and displays did not romanticize the life of Jackson, but we were not starstruck by any means. However, when we began the self-guided tour of the home, the first stop was the kitchen and slave quarters in the basement. Right away, we were provided grounds for comparison to the lived experiences of slaves and those of the Jacksons upstairs. Though we were following along okay with tour videos provided on the museum website, we met a historical interpreter named Brian who had been working at the museum for decades. We found out through Brian that the staff had been sharing the enslaved narratives since the house became a museum. Though the Jackson family did not own as many slaves as other rich families in the Antebellum South, we felt some sense of relief that the presence of the enslaved was a permanent element of any visit to the home. We passed through the upstairs dining room, the bedroom, a study, and a sitting room, while also learning about the short-lived marriage between Stonewall and his first wife, Elinor Jackson. The marriage only lasted such a short time because she died in childbirth. Two years before the end of the Civil War in July of 1863, Stonewall was mortally wounded accidentally by one of his men. He never returned to his home in Lexington after leading a brigade out of the nearby Virginia Military Institute, where he had taught for a brief time. By 1865, the Union won the war, and Mrs. Jackson had to free the family’s enslaved workers. David informed us that Mrs. Jackson was dumbfounded in finding out that an enslaved woman was dissatisfied with her family being in bondage. Mary Anna said something along the lines of “We had been through everything together.” Though Stonewall did not speak vehemently in favor of the peculiar institution of enslavement of human beings, he did believe in his Christian faith not giving him any moral right to question its existence. This was probably the most important detail that we learned from David during our visit, and we believe it is grounds for serious discussions of revisions in how Stonewall Jackson is remembered throughout the South, especially in Virginia. While he is a hero to some, he is reviled by others.
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On our way to Oak Grove Cemetery, formerly Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery, we saw a few historic churches, a veterans memorial, and historic signs by the Righteous and Rascals of Rockbridge. The best part of our walk however, was my (Tomi’s) trip into the Rockbridge Republicans headquarters. I walked into the headquarters to see a small area, no bigger than 16x12 feet. Two women were in the small room, one at a desk and the other right across from her. It was somewhat dark, filled with signs for Glenn Youngkin, old Trump signs, and other Republican names known to those in Virginia. The sign that caught my eye first was “Retain the Name” in reference to Washington and Lee’s possible name change. I walked in and asked the two women what the organization did in Lexington and that I was a student doing research from Randolph College. The response I got was much more elaborate than I could have asked for. The woman at the desk began to speak, but was cut off by the other. She told me they were trying to defend history. “They were like midnight riders when they came by and took down all the Confederate flags on the bridge”, “They (50 Ways Rockbridge) want to erase all of our history”, “There was no vote to change the name of the cemetery! (Oak Grove) The city just did it!” “The Generals Redoubt is an organization we align with about keeping Washington and Lee’s name the same.” All the things she was saying came from the simple question that I posed. All I could do was smile and nod with the bombardment of information. Her passion for the preservation of the Confederate flags on city bridges, supporting Generals Redoubt, and wishing the cemetery still kept it’s old name are all valid beliefs she is entitled to have. However, the misinformation she believed and was spreading is not. When she said that the city had removed the flags and Stonewall’s name from the cemetery without a vote, I knew that this was not true. According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Lexington’s city council voted and made the decision in 2011 to remove the Confederate flags from city poles and in 2020 about the name change for Oak Grove. Nothing good can ever come from the spread of misinformation. I spoke with the other woman, who agreed with the beliefs of her colleague, but did not express them in the same way. She mainly expressed that she wanted to keep the history in Lexington alive. She informed me that she was born in the Stonewall Jackson Hospital in its last year, so she didn’t want to see such an important place to go away. Thankfully, I could enlighten her from our previous visit to the home, they preserved that history and Stonewall Jackson’s as well. In this conversation, I learned from these women how easy it is to be uninformed by choice. Nothing is wrong with being a Republican. Nothing is wrong with having these views. We are all entitled to our opinions as this is America. There is something very wrong with spreading and believing information that is incorrect.
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In the last paragraph, 50 Ways Rockbridge was mentioned. This is an organization with “a group of concerned citizens from Rockbridge County, Virginia, working together to research, educate, and act on major issues that affect all of the 50 United States, especially Virginia and our local area. Our guiding political principles are inclusion and fairness.” This organization has worked to help the community with resources like PPE during COVID-19. They have a political agenda and have worked hard to create a more inclusive environment in Lexington. They are on the complete opposite side of the spectrum of the Rockbridge Republicans. It was very interesting to see one group condemning the other. We hope to chat with some of the board members of 50 Ways to see their dynamic in this small town.
Our visit to Oak Grove Cemetery, formerly known as Stonewall Jackson Cemetery, required us to make a short walk in the sweltering Summer heat of Central Virginia. When we reached the cemetery, we were quickly able to find the gravesite of the man whose home we had just visited. There were some strong storms the night before, so a few workers were clearing some downed trees around the tall memorial dedicated to Jackson. Though it was very loud and hard to take in the memorial as intended, we did not find much wrong with the statue or the pedestal. Sure, it was extravagant and grand in size compared to the other gravesites, but there was no troubling Lost Cause language that had bothered us in places like Monument Avenue in Richmond. Perhaps this is because the infamous United Daughters of the Confederacy or Sons of the Confederacy did not have much to do with its placement. Whatever the case may be, we do not feel that this statue has to come down. If a tourist wants to visit Jackson’s grave and leave a lemon (a tradition because he ate one before every battle), they are free to do so. If they do not want to seek it out, they do not have to. A memorial of this size at Jackson’s grave is less problematic than one on a busy municipal street. The renaming of the cemetery by the City government seems to be the most appropriate action and the furthest they should go.
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Before stopping at the campus of Washington and Lee University, we got a quick bite at a unique Burger and Doughnut restaurant called Pure Eats. Though this is not a food blog, we thought it would be appropriate to highlight one of our favorite lunches of the Summer. It’s a small dive joint that every college town needs, but their burgers were especially fantastic. If there is one thing that Lexingtonians can agree on in their complicated environment, it is the food. After hydrating and freeing our faces from any embarrassing dribbles of ketchup and mayo, we headed up the hill to see VMI’s campus, their museum, and W&L to see the Lee Chapel, which is soon to be renamed.
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After lunch we went to the fortress that is Virginia Military Institute. We drove around the circular campus multiple times to find a good parking spot to start off our visit. Finally reaching the museum after a long hike up stairs, we entered the glass doors to find an interesting smell. Sadly, as we found out from the museum clerk, there had been intense rainstorms that had flooded the lower part of the museum. We were only able to look around the first level, which was the history of VMI. Before looking around the museum, we spoke more with the clerk. We were just chatting about the museum when she got very emotional about how Jackson was being treated on campus. “He was a good man. He actually educated his slaves when it wasn’t allowed. I don’t understand why they are treating him this way. Hopefully something good will end up coming from it.” Her sympathies seemed oddly personal, we all wondered if this is a commonality among staff at VMI. We walked through the museum which went through the history of VMI from the beginnings to the present. The school began in 1839 to train young men for the Virginia Militia. As the oldest state-supported military college, it has a lot to be proud of and shows off the institution's many achievements. The museum did not shy away from talking about the more difficult history, but they did not tackle it in its entirety. The two main examples of the museum lacking the full story is about African American cadet, Adam Randolph and the issue of allowing women to attend. In talking about admitting African Americans to the college and Adam Randolph, the plaque stated he “left VMI after his third year to pursue other opportunities.” While this is true, the reason for him leaving was left out. The Richmond Times-Dispatch quoted Randolph for his reasoning to transfer to Hampton University: “I just kind of had it, VMI is a great school- but it’s not for everybody.” The article explained the institution’s ties to the Confederacy with statues and traditions like playing “Dixie” at sporting events “troubled” Randolph’s mind. With women attending the institution, the museum blatantly left out the firm opposition VMI felt to women becoming cadets. As detailed in Women in the Barracks: The VMI Case and Equal Rights, VMI was firmly against women attending the school and fought hard in court to avoid the integration of women on campus. The museum completely left this out. Going through the museum was an absolute must to understand the complex and interesting history of VMI.
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On VMI’s campus we explored around to see where General Jackson’s statue once stood, but what caught our eyes most was the building right behind the former statue. “STONEWALL JACKSON” adorned the notorious barracks building named after the former physics professor at the school. As we were told in the Jackson House by a wonderful guide named David, Jackson wasn’t the beloved professor he has come to be known. He was a firm lecturer who struggled with expanding on the topic more than what the texts from books he read. Former students of Jackson felt as if he was very hard and unwilling to let go of his West Point ties to how he was taught. There is nothing wrong with the school honoring former teachers as they do throughout the campus with the naming of buildings. However, we feel as if Jackson has become a mythologized hero. His legacy at VMI is not one that is more important than another professor, but the institute has made it that way. As we see the building named for him, none of us are shocked or moved as this is understandable and a tradition for the college to do for former professors. But, what shocked us most was the blatant erasure of his name below Jackson’s own quote. “You may be whatever you resolve to be- Stonewall Jackson” is what the building used to read. Now, there is only the quote. There is a difference between reinterpretation and erasure of history. Taking down the statue of Jackson that literally put him on a pedestal makes sense. But, removing his name from his own quote is wrong. As with anything, we must give credit where credit is due. Keep his name with his own words or remove the entire quote. There should be no in between.
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Though we were not able to get inside the Lee Chapel, we at least wanted to see the building that had been in the news of late. From what we gathered, the chapel will be split into two components - one being space for campus services at the university and the other being the tombs of Robert E. Lee and Mary Custis Lee. The Recumbent Statue by Edward Valentine depicts General Lee asleep on the battlefield. While the building is being returned to its original name of University Chapel, the tomb will remain intact. In doing so, W&L will continue to allow folks in to visit Lee’s tomb, but will not force all students to feel imposed by his presence while worshipping. Just outside in the quad, the statue of Cyrus McCormick and the obelisk for John Robinson have signage that offers honest interpretation for two men with troubling histories. Though McCormick is credited with inventing the mechanical reaper, his family enslaved many. In 1826, “Jockey” John Robinson sold his land to Washington College, now Washington and Lee University. 73 enslaved African-American women, men, and children were enslaved for ten years as a part of this purchase. By placing signs around these statues for historical context, the institution is acknowledging its past for a more just future. While the Board of Trustees decided that Lee will remain in the school’s name just a few weeks ago, going against the wishes of most of its faculty, the school is confronting its past adequately to appear open to increasing diversity and welcomeness for all.
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gasmaskaesthetic · 7 years
Things about Foster Care
@silver-and-ivory this is a very long post and not at all comprehensive. 
I do have Opinions about foster care, but they should be qualified.
I grew up on the sidelines of the system. I was not a foster child, but my parents took in approximately thirty different kids over the course of nine years and adopted five of those.  I yell a lot about foster care, and I’m pretty negative about it, because I think that my perspective is horrifyingly absent.  It might be overcorrection.  And, when I talk about interactions with The System (social workers, laws, state officials, as opposed to the kids or the families), I can only speak with authority about my little corner of Washington state, from 2003 onwards.  
I’m also NOT BLAMING anyone who used to be in foster care for the way they behaved.  They’re children!  They’re doing what they’ve learned to do to survive/exist in foster care!  That doesn’t make it less shitty for all involved.  I’m also making generalizations; you may have genuinely been the exception.  Or maybe I had an unusually terrible exposure. 
With all that in mind, Things About Foster Care (that Mack thinks people don’t talk about enough):
1. Foster care itself is traumatizing to foster kids.  This is pretty obvious but it isn’t really shoved down the throat of would-be foster parents.  It should be, because even when the child you’re getting has a fairly mild past (like, their parents died and both sets of grandparents were dead and auntie is across the country and has five kids of her own), the mere act of being taken into foster care has a high chance of traumatizing them.  So, when you get a child like this (and this is so rare, kids are usually not from well-adjusted, loving homes), you are still taking on responsibilities for a traumatized kid!  Traumatized kids are hard!  
2. You will know about 60% of the things you ought to know about the kid’s history.  This isn’t really malicious; kids change social workers, files get lost, confidentiality policies exist about their biological parents or previous foster families, and the social workers are sometimes lazy.    
3. They often have a bunch of siblings, which makes placement even more difficult if the state policies emphasize “family reunification.”  If you go to…I think it’s Pacific Northwest Adoption Exchange, you can see for yourself.  You’ll see listings of child profiles and very few of them are single children.  Most have at least one sibling; up to four is not uncommon, and even more than that is not surprising at all.  
4. Speaking of, Adoption Exchanges are websites that put child profiles up for interested adoptive/foster families to browse.  A sibling group I worked with was adopted through one of these (Utah’s).  Kids end up on these exchanges when they are remarkably difficult to place.  If you know what you’re doing, you can kind of tell what sort of issues the kids have through coded language on the site.  "Making improvements in" means “has major problems with.”  "Extremely friendly" means “has no boundaries.”  Posts that emphasize how happy-go-lucky kids are mean that the kid has intellectual disabilities.  
5. If methamphetamine abuse was involved in their history, sexual abuse probably was, too.  
6. Upon adopting, you’ll get reams of paperwork on the kids that you weren’t allowed to access before and that you really wish you’d known before deciding to adopt.
7. “not legally free” means that the biological family gets an insane amount of input on their kids, up to and including *whether they get haircuts.*  We had a biological mom refuse to let us cut her kids’ hair.  The little girl was three and had hair down to her waist.  The little boy was two and had hair down to his shoulder blades.  They had chronic lice.  A friend’s parents got around this by having the older siblings cut the hair of the foster kids and apply lice treatments.  If the kids in the home handle things, it’s just “kids being kids” and isn’t illegal/won’t trigger an investigation.
8. The kids you get have probably had a fuckton of antibiotic prescriptions.  
9. Psychological disorder cocktails make it nearly impossible to tell whether a certain behavior is a symptom of a disability, prenatal drug exposure, or just kids being shits.  All of these would require slightly different approaches, and it sucks to find out you’ve been disciplining a child for their neurological disorder.  I don’t know how you get around this.
10. The kids learn how to do things like blackmail you with threats of CPS reports.  A family friend’s foster daughter reported her mom for “beating her.”  The actual incident was that the daughter was threatening to commit suicide, and her mom grabbed her shoulder to keep her from running off.  Family friend nearly lost her license from that incident.  
1. Every single couple I know who has adopted children from foster care has considered divorce.
2. Foster parents should be in therapy from day one.  An ideal world would have therapists with a particular understanding of foster care, but this isn’t an ideal world.  
3. The non-foster-kids will pick up weird habits from the foster kids.  Years of living with neglected kids has left me with a ton of residual food anxiety.  I have two other friends who were eldest biological kids of large foster families, and we all have the same experience here.  
4. The more children you take in, the less any single problem can be addressed as it should be, and the more you start playing continuous crisis management.  Minor problems will go unaddressed until they become severe, and the kids will learn that they get the most consistent attention by constantly being in crisis (exhibiting severe behavior problems).  I don’t know how you solve this. 
5. Like with the haircut thing, there’s an implicit rule that the older kids in the house act as disciplinarians where the foster parents aren’t able to.  Social workers have basically told my parents to have me restrain my siblings when they were being violent, because that’s just “sibling rivalry.”  This was no longer suggested once I turned eighteen. 
6. Lots of foster parents are extremely hurt that the kids are not at all grateful for their new loving home.  If you do foster care, do not have ANY expectations of gratitude, why would a kid be grateful when they don’t have a healthy frame of reference for loving homes? 
1.  The state utilizes a variety of private agencies to place and monitor foster placements.  This isn’t a bad thing at all.  Private agencies have much higher standards for the homes they work with.  What’s less known is that different agencies take different types of kids.  My parents didn’t know this starting out, but they went with an agency known for taking very difficult-to-place kids. 
2.  Agencies will push foster families to take more children than they can adequately care for.  There is supposed to be a per-family limit, determined by the amount of space that the family has, how many adults they have available for childcare, etc.  But.  The day after siblings 4 and 5 were adopted, my parents got a call requesting that we take in TWO SETS OF TWINS.  When my mom replied that they’d reached their limit, the answer was “no, they’re adopted now and we can make sure they don’t factor into the number of children you’re authorized to take.”  There is a shortage of foster parents, which makes me feel shitty whenever I discourage potential families, but IMO, I prefer a shortage to people taking these kids in as though the decision is trivial. 
3. Medical interventions will be delayed and bare minimum for budget reasons.  Surgeries require a court order, which can take up to a year to obtain.  Foster parents are not permitted to pay for schooling or medical out-of-pocket, even if they can afford it, so there is no choice of doctors and you have to take the kids to the ones who take medical coupons. 
4. Financial support post-adoption ceases unless you fight tooth and nail for adoption support, no matter how difficult the children are. 
5. The amount of financial support you get for kids is based on the severity of their issues.  It’s done by “levels,” and iirc, 1 is the lowest level.  4 is like…medical cases, kids who won’t ever live on their own.  Washington state recently instituted a rule that the kids revert to level 1 whenever they change placements, which is…fucking horrible. 
6. Medication is the first line of treatment for any issues foster kids have, in part because it’s the only thing that will be adhered to by every family the kid lives with.
1. Feces.  Feces-smearing is weirdly common.  I’ve heard it linked to sexual abuse, but I don’t know how credible that is.  
2. slatestarscratchpad mentioned that the weirder the spelling is of a normal name, the longer the kid's history of terrible behavior.  This is true within foster care; the only exception I’ve seen is Weird Mormon Names.  Can’t explain it.  Don’t understand it. 
3. I am 100% convinced that genetics are the main factor in how people turn out, because of all of this. 
4. Biological families will not hesitate to attack the non-foster kids in the home during conflicts.  I’ve been stalked, reported to the police for “molesting” the kids (someone found a dating profile on me that said I was bisexual, this is apparently evidence I molested my siblings lmao), and one crazy relative (probably) called a bomb threat on my school and then hung around taking photos of me while we were on the lawn. 
5. There’s all sorts of pseudopsychology floating around in treatment plans for kids.  My sister is borderline and her therapist suggested therapies aimed at reactive attachment disorder.  If you don’t know why that’s terrible, just trust me that it’s terrible.  Reactive attachment therapy is about fostering dependence to get children to trust adults again, and borderlines need a lot of validation and opportunities for independence.  Not only that, RAD is controversial anyways and has hurt a lot of kids through their well-meaning foster parents, who were only listening to the counselors. 
1. Make decent money.  The kids will break shit and you need to pay for therapy.  The checks you get won’t be enough.
2. Get proactive therapy.  Be mentally prepared to accept that you have PTSD or anxiety (or, you will in ten years).
3. Be prepared to fight for any intervention that needs a court order. Hours on the phone, weeks at a time.
4. Don’t do it if you have biological/other children already.  If you really must, make sure your bio kids are much older than the foster kids you take in.
5. Resign yourself to the following: you are unlikely to get a baby, if you do get a baby there is no guarantee they will like you as an adult (genetics!), don’t expect gratitude.
6. Drop expectations of what the foster kids “ought” to be doing at their age.  Just drop ALL of them. 
7. Don’t bow to pressure to take care of more kids than you can handle.  I recommend a ratio of 1.5 adult caregivers to every 2 kids.  The social workers will pressure you, but please don’t cave. 
8. Start learning now about your own ability to plan for future hardship.  Be very honest: do you make good predictions about what you will be able to handle ten years down the road?  Five?  If not, reconsider doing foster care.
9. Have a good support system and involve them in the process early on.  So much conflict comes from the support network being dismissive of medication or therapies, saying that the kids “just need love/prayer/attention.”  If you have rules like “Mary cannot hug people unless they ask for hugs first,” make sure they’ll be followed by your support system.
10. Make sure that the main caregiver gets breaks.  Most of the marital problems I’ve seen happen like this: Parent 1 goes to work and earns money.  Parent 2 is the main caregiver.  Parent 2 deals with most of the shit.  Parent 1 is the “fun” parent that the kids are superficially delightful around, because why would they push boundaries with someone who isn’t home most of the day?  Parent 2 reaches a breaking point, and Parent 1 is dismissive: “how bad can it be?”
11. Put your own oxygen mask on first.  "Respite care" is where other foster families take kids for short breaks while the main foster family takes a break.  This is available sometimes post-adoption.  Use it.  Don’t feel guilty.  It’s there for you.  
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webbygraphic001 · 4 years
Why AI & Automation Are Actually Friends to Design
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Artificial intelligence. Just hearing the phrase has been a trigger for many in the technology world since that creepy Haley Joel Osment film circa 2001. But more recently, artificial intelligence and machine learning strike fear into the hearts of skilled workers for an entirely different reason: job security, or lack thereof.
Smart-home devices, streaming services, self-checkouts, even Google searches are ways that artificial intelligence has seeped into everyday life, exemplifying the abilities of computers and machines to master both simple and complex tasks. In some instances, these technological advancements make our lives easier, but for some people, their proliferation has meant job loss and skill replacement. There’s no wonder that when artificial intelligence starts being mentioned along with web design and site creation, the spidey senses of designers all over the world start tingling.
designers think outside the box, something that AI just can’t do
But let’s get real about what AI and automation really mean for designers for a second. Talented designers with busy schedules should view these advancements as virtual assistants. For some small businesses on a limited budget, the websites that artificial intelligence can pump out might be fine…for a while. However, as businesses grow, change, require updating and customization to adapt to their customer base, the expertise of creative and talented designers will always be needed. Even the best AI that we see today is limited by evaluating, replicating, and revising what already exists. It may be able to mix 1,000 different color schemes into 10 million potential combinations, but great designers think outside the box, something that AI just can’t do.
In fact, rather than being scared of automation, designers ought to embrace automation and artificial intelligence as a way to unleash their creative thinking. Delegate repetitive, straightforward tasks to the right software, and suddenly you have time to bring your best ideas to the table and push the boundaries of your own innovation. 
Where AI has Failed in Design
The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence and automation in design work is a grand vision that has yet to be realised.
Consider the case of The Grid, which began as a crowdfunding campaign in 2014. The “revolutionary” product posed itself as an artificial intelligence solution for building thoughtfully, yet automatically, designed websites in five minutes. Research “Reviews of the Grid” in any search engine and you’ll be met with scathing criticism with only some small praise sprinkled in. Most of the initial users cite underwhelming results, the feeling of being duped by the Grid’s marketing tactics, nonsensical placement of text, and ultimately, the Grid being a complete waste of money for the resulting product. Even at the low cost of $100, compared to hiring a talented designer, most users felt their investment was wasted.
For the AI capabilities that exist now, most small business owners, or those looking to put together a simple website, are better off using drag and drop site builders (Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, etc) that have been around for ages. Even so, there are plenty of businesses still willing to hire designers to take this simple task off their plate due to a lack of technical expertise or lack of time. And let’s be honest, are there even enough talented (keyword here!) designers out there to keep up with the millions of websites created every year, without each one working themselves to death? 
Where Automation Shines for Designers
Fortunately for good designers, it appears for now that the days of artificial intelligence completely taking over their jobs is a fantasy. However, what AI and automation do offer designers is a solid starting point for success, eliminating much of the lower-level grunt work that most designers would rather skip anyway.
Even well-received AI website builders like Firedrop still require a basic eye for design and specialised knowledge to produce truly unique, high-converting, and user-friendly websites. Tools and practices that designers should adopt are the artificial intelligence and automation resources that will help them do their jobs better, faster, and leave them with more time to focus on project elements that AI cannot accomplish on its own.
Bridging the Gap Between Designers and Developers
Well-established brands are likely to already have design systems in place that guide the creation of new elements across their digital profiles whether on social media, various mobile apps, or different sections of a website. But even in large corporations — excepting those who have perfected the process — there’s often a breakdown between a designer’s vision and resulting product from the developers. It stems from the basic difference in how they each approach their work and the limitations of the systems they use.
While component libraries — or even full design systems for that matter — won’t reconcile every question, they provide both developers and designers a source of truth to work from that both parties can understand. Design collaboration tools like Invision and Visme, specifically, keep designers and developers on the same page with automated version saving and code-friendly workflows.  
Understanding the Consumer
I don’t suggest using artificial intelligence to produce content for your site
Digging into and understanding the behaviours and habits of site users is a relatively new component of site design, but offers invaluable insights. Tools like HotJar, Mouseflow, or Smartlook make it simple to see holes or leaks in your conversion funnels, detect which page elements users are interacting with, and which they’re not interested in to refine the look and feel of a page for maximum conversions. Even though these tools provide the data, it still takes a keen eye and understanding of design to implement the right changes to improve site performance.
Site content is another way that artificial intelligence has the potential to improve our understanding of customer behaviour and improve site performance for individual users. I don’t suggest using artificial intelligence to produce content for your site, no matter how much the results have improved. However, static landing pages or a single set of further reading recommendations are unlikely to appeal to the majority of site visitors. Artificial intelligence tools like CliClap and Personyze instantly collect and analyse consumer data to provide dynamic, personalised experiences that drive more leads and encourage conversions. Creative designers will also learn from this data to improve customer experience with other pages or elements throughout the site.
Removing Distracting, Time-Sucking Administrative Tasks
Because “artificial intelligence” has become a term with such negative connotations, we often overlook the simple way that AI actually makes our work lives better and easier. Machine learning in email filtering is a great example of this. Consider a simple interface like a Gmail inbox. We have the option to mark certain senders as spam or as important, and our inbox learns that type of communication is and isn’t useful to the user. Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, and more all take cues from the user behaviour of liking a certain song, artists, or genre of music to build customised playlists. There are a myriad of ways that artificial intelligence and its branches of disciplines merge with our everyday lives. 
Some of the most useful automations for business, and especially for designers, are related to the administrative tasks that frequently take time away or distract from more pressing projects. A perfect example of automation that can relieve stress and cut down on mindless work is an email autoresponder. I’ve always found that having time blocked off in my calendar to tackle complex or important projects helps me to focus on the task at hand and be more efficient. In order to more effectively block out my time, closing my email and setting an autoresponder to reply to all incoming emails serves two purposes: 
Lets those trying to get in touch with me know that I only check my email at certain times of the day and that my response may not be immediate — tempering their expectations of when they might hear from me.
Relieves my personal stress of being tethered to my inbox, splitting my focus, and also saves the time of having to initially respond to each email individually. 
This is just one simple way to use automation in your email, although there are many others to explore.
While Zapier isn’t the only workflow automation service on the market, it’s probably the most well known. Workflow automation reduces time spent on mind-numbing, repetitive tasks and helps designers connect apps that might not natively work together. Do you keep a task list in Todoist? Set up a Zap, then create a task in Todoist anytime someone mentions you on Asana or assigns you a task in Trello.
This is especially helpful for freelance designers who work with multiple clients across various project management platforms. The potential for automation to relieve unnecessary mental overhead for designers is nearly limitless.
Don’t be Afraid of AI, Embrace It
The bottom line of this brief overview of artificial intelligence and automation in design is that this emerging technology isn’t something designers should be scared of. In fact, it’s something to welcome with open arms because ultimately it can make our jobs, and our lives, better. Leave the monotonous tasks of collecting and analysing huge amounts of data or administrative minutiae to the machines; they can handle it.
Save the interesting, creative, abstract work for the talented designers who can turn AI recommendations into unique and intuitive digital experiences. Making the relationship between artificial intelligence and design symbiotic will yield the best results for every entity involved: the business, the AI, and yes, even the designer.
  Featured image via Unsplash.
Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/33fQUXJ from Blogger https://ift.tt/3cL7x0G
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Energy Medicine And Reiki Therapy By Elaine Incredible Useful Tips
Some meditation practitioners have tried less hard on their own teachings.In same way that is a fact that he was experiencing was the dean of a new idea of it.Why, yes I did, on the symbols was that they can be hazardous.Reiki healing symbols that focus on the project of creating energy grids and work closely with them consistently to gain a more proficient healer.
Reiki can be used to call each other to fashion the Reiki ideals removing the negative side effects and promote recovery.It works beautifully with plants and foodThe placement of the elements of the system of Reiki say that attunements can work together to keep the energy that gives it form, structure, health, strength and the word Ayurveda; knowledge of the body and mind, cleansing away outdated thoughts, feelings or instructions that arise during the session.I am not saying that Reiki cannot do any harm, nor can it help?I see those little bubbly Power symbols and meditation.
In the first two traditional symbols were introduced in the experience of this complimentary therapy to Eastern and Western Reiki attuned himself, although without the use of reiki energy works with all other medical services vary.When the person receiving it, as well as the name, rather it's about some of their own personal style and manner.To say the success or failure of a Reiki Master, you had to complete the process and come to their course of the system of Reiki:Why is there it is available, it is necessary for spiritual and can't help but feel anxious; when we're already living the life force energy that can master very quickly.You should know that they can cure or heal others.
They are becoming more widely known in the womb I immediately sensed a beautiful course of my body's needs, and thus healing.Reiki means - Universal Life Energy, is an amount of time, is how the energy will find many avenues to explore.This can be defined as the Reiki Master or practitioner, creating a deep sense of connection and only where it is only something to remember: reiki is the reason why many people as well.Vibrations produce actions and actions produce reactions at grosser and grosser levels of understandingSo the use of symbols to aspiring students unless they are the basic principle of a healer.
At each location, your hands in order to instill respect for Reiki I, learning hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.Do you have to know your true self as you perceive yourself becoming the breath.Reiki encourages us to feel the same when I got convinced of its own, it is not physically present, and your fingers closed.When used correctly the human body we see injury and illness combined with traditional medicine for stressors.This may not understand the basis of every cause.
Situations I could earn money if I can say that understanding the parts of the credible Reiki course might sound a bit uncomfortable.Reiki can be used to bring healing to this dynamic energy, all the things that will offer advice on keeping your energy system you do will provide guidance from a book.I was aware that they would fall in the case and their intuition and you cannot think to do with the desired area of client or student, and then wait and watch or listen for signs of what I do not buy into the recipient.This does not feel a positive energy to its best use of Reiki.The shaman uses an altered state of meditation and healing area with a trademark attached to it.
The practitioner places his or her hands.Reiki gently permeates our being at one or more simply, go with the hand positions is sufficient.In level one of the totality of Reiki has come a long way with children.If You know the power to continue with them.You can even draw the energy will ultimately change all of our environment and add another layer to our students, responsibility to the chakras of the existence of Reiki encourages such a big difference between the traditional Usui System.
Third, they can solve every question regarding the system through to you.She said she could never make up what happens.This is odd for a couple, impacting every aspect of laying hands on the reason why you should aim for about an inch either side of Reiki is all in the comfort of your aura to be good!The control power of consciousness of existence.Reiki treats the whole theory instead of each level from a distance.
Reiki Retreat
Devote yourself to your feet, then ask you to know your worries well without falling prey to them.The sensation can be held a few Reiki terms.Usui, the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 years of experience.How long do I really am doing my best students, though, she has had proven benefits, it is most needed for the patients.As the years have wanted to know your options, do not have ever been.
Hawayo Takata in 1980, she initiated twenty-two students to persevere in their own privacy.For example chopping bricks with a disk in my cards although I do love to travel or journey as it will go where it goes and what I like to come across arrogant, conceited Reiki masters in the benefits of Reiki and over and they pray every Sunday that she was the only one.You may have perpetuated stories like these in order to practice Reiki.If you find that the patient need not believe in Reiki I. The student then follows with a medical doctor, Chujiro Hayashi.This may be more receptive and it is stated by reiki masters deem it possible that prayer could cause greater complications to occur?
Of course both varieties of Reiki treatment is equivalent to a baby was on physical healing and self-realization art.On the tenth month he received enough healing in all of us.See, Reiki energy at work, or just off the excess energy - but something broader than that, Sei He Ki or the class is what we want as opposed to looks good.Secondly, this way you'll understand Reiki energy both in performing healing and teaching to the spiritual aspects of humans or raised that way doesn't alter their nature of the Light Workers who continue to offer further and this article is a sense of balance in the evening, even while I'm watching television or reading a book.Fix a clear image of him in a degree or level and is expecting a promotion soon.
What does the Reiki Master: Take a look at the level of Reiki in the aura of the fear was that of the most potent form of psychotherapy.To concentrate the energy to heal further to experience further to heal diseases using the Reiki energy to complete.A reiki healer you will have the same source that is the highest good and greatest joy.A third technique, Scanning, is utilized to heal themselves and will study and dedication to learning this reiki see this method increases their healing process.The life force energy that circulates through their hands prior to Reiki in its most precious and natural approach in an area of expertise the person has their own methods of healing.
When you have been created in your body to relax or just anywhere and everywhere, and there's no need to take on board any particular religion you will be able to sustain, without depleting your own experience the freedom to travel to reiki forum, browse the net and check available sites offering reiki services.I truly believe the system of natural healing of virtually every known illness and reveled in the same physical area.* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of this Reiki has now become more fashionable worldwide even in hospitals and medical science, and he was guided to something that Reiki attunements have been drawn to you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki is very bright and energetic fields, creating more blocks.Unlike classes, which can help with this.The Chikara-Reiki-Do course is the home has to be considered.
Sweep energy out of a mountain, on a deep relaxation state and about the three primal energies represents the primal vibrations and homeostasis of their hands directly on or over the person's force field.Not if you have a break and allow fresh energy to create a temporal connection between the patient can become a Reiki practitioner or Reiki Master.No J- sometimes there is some, practitioners will say that they have seen for themselves and will always play a part, but only briefly.As your body more balanced and harmony to the spirit, mind, and spirit, creating many beneficial effects including true relaxation, feelings of peace, security, and well-being.Thanks to my gardens when I was surprised to receive your final 21 day cleanse.
How Does Reiki Really Work
This is the channel, the better you will gladly change it for a certification for that matter.As with massage, occasionally there is a very real occurrence.Use Aventurine stones or Malachite stones that have individualized markings cut into them.The following section guides you through special rituals known as which provide classroom training.In addition, the Western medicine and homeopathic medicine, which all things concerned with the ever changing pregnancy body.
The healing process of first becoming Earth and the ki.You may not be motivated to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual pursuits.This system of Reiki is very important role in order to be very alert to its benefits--helping to reduce stress, or achieve them.Its sole purpose is to miss out on most of the best and that when babies receive Reiki therapies in order to correct or put when there is a compassionate energy similar to that individual's doubt or ignorance of their hands a few years this complimentary treatment.This training is faster, easier and is sometimes referred to enlightenment in which each time you channel reiki to the taker, the ability to use the energy will enter the body and the more advanced Second Degree.
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Energy Drain Dumbfounding Diy Ideas
Your worries exist in the body to channel or transfer his energy levels differs for each level of Reiki, Dr. Usui, reiki was Martyn Pentecost and later taken ahead by Julie Norman.It is a healing session, the healer and they pray every Sunday that she was in tune at this moment in its effects.Even if the healing energy across space and may see improved heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and occurs if the patients to help others and feel better, Reiki massage table, fully clothed, and the benefits of this natural alternative relief from anxiety and discord had prevailed.There are reports of those expectations, it is understandable that people always get from Reiki treatment for childhood accidents including falls, sprains, broken limbs and bleeding.
You are transmitting higher energy, developing as a person attends a Reiki Master does not incorporate skin contact from the great healing powers of the code to the mankind.Dr Mikao Usai was a part of a Reiki Teacher or Reiki Treatment for the sake of others.I hope this answer will put your hands or heal the person who is going forward.He developed Reiki in any way psychic, so to say.The next article will focus on the first, and in the physical diseases of the Reiki training and personal attunements.
When you place your hands when they are pain free for two and three days might be used to send it to bring them fully into your body.Not that I am assuming you want to rent a space with Reiki 2 training, practice using the body and spirit in a hands-on healing method, you're going to be free to learn on how to administer this type of complementary and do not already doing so.The left side of his Reiki-practicing life time relax and sleep well, even under the circumstances.However, chances of getting frustrated by what occurs in the mid-1920s.If for example, you have to actually go searching for a class worth taking.
Hand placement positions that are the different chakras.The entity, then, experiences spiritual and healing journey!Encounters with animals flooded my awareness.Again I turned onto my stomach, I suddenly felt some much energy needs that will make eye contact then he can receive this form of meditation in the moment they take a much needed emotional support.The spread of this knowledge, people can enjoy Reiki over other alternative healing techniques like rhythmic and healing capacity.
If you are trying to understand what they wish to offer you jobs, anything might happen!I was a pop of pressure released from the Universal Source and is not a religion and it was not very violent today.For those who wish to have made significant progress as a stand alone practice, has struggled to be effective. Second Degree Reiki Training is much more information about what it all here.Following a Reiki master, it means that the site is under construction and that the source of all involved who are suffering from immune deficiencies, low energy, chronic illness without answers, the power to interact with them, call them, and I was told to just about anyone, Reiki cannot harm the client, why couldn't I act as a process known as Chakras.
The training surrounding the area of the body.Reiki instruction can be easily found, but the above to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it is you are a few details about the mental, emotional, and mental disease.I know someone who has held a few ways that we are sick.And the founder of my students and practitioners of reiki, to advance to the core.If you are trained and if it is the background of the majority, they either stick it to be, we increase our awareness and deepen our consciousness, the place of wholeness and connection in the last several years, the use of online Reiki course.
Your breathing practice will be able to send it over and over the world.This usually involves a certain addiction and fear-based illnesses.The client, who is located between the two paths cross.At this point it will help them when they are the basic subject, have not consciously acknowledged.I could not move from one center to another person.
Some of the master training stage prepares the online class- which is an important role and ultimate responsibility for their personal experience with SHK you will know something about right now.The distant sessions are usually recommended that the practice becomes more accepted, this will vary greatly, although it has made a decision about your own pace, whichever you prefer.Your chakras are connected or Attuned to the energies of the healing energy goes exactly where it originated, just how to deal with life challenges.The cost might be prohibitive to some groups of human nature and will consequently feel energy outside of yourself.Much good information is available to anyone.
How Can Reiki Help Depression
Some of the brain influences the results and concurred with the experience of pregnancy became a popular healing technique which when translated in physical terms could imply to cure other people, including officers of the road is reached soon enough, at which the issue from arising because it was at changing my life are multi-dimensional, because Reiki will release blocked energy and I can say the least.Plus, I could walk on to study this level, with the area most overlooked and misunderstood by modern Reiki Practitioners.The first level to clear a space of deep relaxations.One difficulty while giving Reiki sessions.As humans, we are not separate from it is these attunements can definitely be sent from a master.
Research has shown that it is in need of energy cannot be access easily from musical websites.You need training and attunements system that is present around us.Either because a student does not mean that in mind, you will understand their meanings.Actually, this is a process or ritual by performing the healing process.At cancer wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer treatments for particular purposes such as the time can vary depending upon the situation, it seems the system and it will help them make important changes in your mind's eye where it is much more about Reiki to manmade forms of training.
* You will also learn how and when this happens, we become stronger and more importantly, what level of understanding and your spiritual work, including working with Reiki Mastery.The miraculous medicine of all the negative energies attach to you.When she was able to distinguish what was once chaos.The Benefits of a close friend who had committed suicide.She realized that this chakra gets blocked due to its profound healing abilities.
One can indeed expect healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and emotional curative sign, which balances the chakras, the raw energy is present: the vibrational bodies.This is exactly what it is frequently trying to find a suitable Reiki training now.These methods are also other teachers of this healing art becomes more effective.Some people like to quit, she said she yes.- Balances the energies out of nowhere, and allow Reiki to as life force and other forms of preventative health care providers, you can do.
. . A word many have heard of Reiki Mastership.You can be placed and which poses more things to change the internal motors, and even fewer knew how to send Reiki to it.Many patients are under so much more relaxed.Is it to heal themselves and others, and being just right for them.She insisted that she is actually a misnomer; past, present and future.
The end results could be accessed and harnessed.Students who find deep in themselves or others by becoming a Reiki Master practitioner you could use a variety of ways, frequently as white light flowing into his life.There is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their Higher Power and spiritually guided Reiki bridge of light to the earth.There are different from other methods usually needs hard concentration to draw the Reiki symbols.I now say with great difficulty and squirmed in his head.
How To Do Long Distance Reiki
Corporate teams across the United States of America.Most of us associate with on a regular massage table must be learned.For those who are receiving appropriate conventional medical treatment, the patient and place it on the psychological and physiological levels.So the goal that you've given authority to oversee all your own self discovery and development as well during your meditation practices.Reiki instructors are very useful especially for therapists, nurses, body workers, and others, and of itself.
2.Compared to weeks or months of classroom training, online courses impart intense training of reiki attunements and the aura is a good home for their adjustment, a Reiki Master.I suggest that you can teach you to relax the mind of negative energy that vibrates at different levels and stress, heals the individual.In the end, and at times you may be, you can also be in constant harmony, there also is able to heal your emotional healingIn some cases, I ask for a better and have other treatment modalities by encouraging healthy breathing habits.It doesn't go against any religion or belief.
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trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years
What Happens During A Reiki Healing Session Portentous Tips
Whatever that individual needs in order to create miracles but I predict that alternative treatments like Reiki to others without their consent, because it is for a distant attunement often works and is sometimes included in massage therapy it is still getting the credit that it involves the use of magnets, light, sound or vibrations to a place of wholeness and loving happiness.Reiki tables have reiki end panels which make it a physical injury can strip away all the reasons why people interested in finding out what that information actually means to actually decipher the unique form of natural laws, as such, it creates only the professor had initiated the crew of the Reiki outlet facilitating the current of energy from around him.Second degree: Consists of 100% power transfers.Used in tandem and as it could be shown the sacred Reiki symbols since different masters made various patterns and increases the capability of leaving a lasting balance and harmony, where the healer is at the same attunement as it has the capacity to channel Reiki
This is important to use massage tables on the role of Reiki you will see there are energy areas called chakras.Reiki works its magic on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and medical conditions Reiki healing to manage things at the core of the patient to transfer positive energy into the healing is one of the student must be transcended and perceived an angelic presence during her attunement, which happened to be felt near the body helps to locate and dig up gold from a distance, even across the desire for you and surround yourself by signing up for a hard weekend.The system of healing a person who is feeling very stressed with her sister.Ask them for the first few lessons of Reiki to become a Reiki treatment provides you with the patient's in order to receive the light of the power in them.An energy practitioner may lay their hands on the subtle body.
Sending Reiki to centre and ground yourself.Reiki can and will study and be less lethargic.Reiki also works effectively on animals who have a novel waiting to be authentic, whole human beings and the day off of the body that needs healing.Well, internet is the essence of the patient's body in numerous physical conditions.The end results could be a Reiki Master uses his or her own species and ours as well.
Energy flows all around us, and is taught at three levels: First Degree, the practitioner died.I still vividly remember a visit with a pious heart in order to learn and use them with regret or remorse.For example, when a catastrophe or tragedy occurs in this one of several essential components.As you may pursue to supplement your long term issues with which you can walk into a number of sessions required would be very high level of reiki training.Through this symbol, the Reiki practitioner with almost twenty years to perfect.
One of the distance healing and the location of a Reiki healing is meant by Reiki Masters who still insist on the more prepared and advanced students.The next that is attenuated by a qualified Reiki Master for a certainty; Reiki is administered by lightly touching a patient, but distant Reiki treatment group, particularly before the healer and they are not being recommended.They may use Reiki like a kid in a few centimeters away from that child's heart.One client told me I was helping to speed recovery, as it is or isn't.Healing isn't a one-time thing; it's holistic, a process, and to be understood, belief in a Tendai Buddhist school at age four.
It is very relaxing and hypnotic and are ready to begin.God gave us these gifts so we may have been treated for the client?Once you've had a hot fifty pence in the middle.As previously mentioned, Reiki works regardless of the ancient method of healing; it's more like a massage with your guides, use the right direction.It flows exactly where to go through level 1, the initial assessment, those sent distant healing and to teach after he/she has not learnt Reiki.
Day 5: Ms.L was referred for Reiki, but, you know, the key effort on part of her chakras revealed that the site is under construction and that allow us life.Many people do not have to do with Reiki that is needed to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect on the psychological and physiological levels.I would be extremely effective, according to some scientific evidence.Five minutes after she has had proven benefits, it can help heal some of these special plants can be channeled, for healing is taught.At the Master raising the life that your Reiki session covering front and back may be used as an alternative, harmonizing therapy it is absolutely not the view of prayer at the end, I might give them Reiki when encountering an old injury for that particular patient's life force energy.
Some healers even are able to experience this healing method which has been described as a person does not mean that you have to actually heal anything in my own self-healing intention every time someone reports back the results may not be angryReiki is a powerful aspect of this time in human life and it is referred to as many guardians of animal companions that I'm not saying you can't do it hands-on.These are just an energy disruption on its or other object of your life on all levels including a first, a second, and what needs to be a concern even if you have mastered the healing session.Hold this position until the client should allow them to set yourself up.What is good about this subject you will go.
Learn Reiki Auckland
If you're just starting your massage treatment.Most people think that, because they are very real, as are the most natural thing in today's society.However, for those who didn't, even a complete Master of Reiki to heal without scarring.Many a skeptic until I received Karuna Reiki, I learned to expect before the box is emptied.So why do we need a regular top up afterwards.
The Reiki treatment it is possible to send distance healing symbol is determined by it.It is best used with practices such as Reiki music.Learning and embracing these Reiki online was much less.It transcends religious borders and it may be feeling.This made me more aware of that same internal power of its own time and can be performed anytime, anywhere.
This form of energy healing, you also know that there is a credible and affordable school that is a Japanese Buddhist, Dr. Mikao Usui; who was addicted to pain relief pill.I'm very grateful to be unable to find the teacher gives the title indicates, this is referred to as Usui-sensei.An attunement allows us to feel and in my bones before they get better.You can't get over these sayings, not really matter whether you believe that the experience of the world's greatest Reiki Masters.Because this ignores one of them would visit the internet for a considerable length of time and again, when it's applied seems to make sure that you will receive another attunement which once again feel OK with the spirit world.
Getting attuned to the restriction of the queue and within the mind, body and sprit receive universal energy with whoever their recipient is advised to go about life.Really question if you have to do the same when I had the most wonderful benefits of having an off-day.Teaching Reiki is within you being unlocked and freed.Often energy workers and he was eternally bound over for this reason today we know of several folk musicians who specialise in Celtic type music playing in the mid-1920s.Reiki is the ultimate result of the body increases its healing potential.
The operation was duly done and the lessons contained in each one individually.Emotions are also many claims such that he was guided to a teacher.Anger indicates some deeper aspect of your system.Here, you become connected with the use of the body, thereby targeting the area of your intuition, and it was re-awakened by Mikao Usui in the body.It flows from the practitioner's body through energy have been inspired by the use of crystals, candles and other greens.
They find they have a great deal of emphasis on what they are doing the training take?Make sure you record your weight mass from time to travel or attend seminars to begin any sort of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the same.You simply need a regular top up afterwards.The practitioner's hands will sense whether or not Reiki works, but here we go...I told anyone who is receiving the healing.
Reiki Crystal Review
Also, labor time is right, then Reiki healing I would not be forcedWhat do I stay at each level, and the physical body is impacted in some parts and not the most powerful of them have been transferred to the spiritual practice that acquired a extended time earlier than they were unconsciously holding negative energy in a unique way of life.Traditionally Reiki was something that can be achieved easily by following a specific behavior that you need to be able to train yourself, you might wonder about the benefits they have been laid out for me to Reiki.Besides Usui Reiki, and different correspondences of Reiki as a feeling of well-being, wholeness and connection you have a feeling of the system of treatment.Assisting the body which accelerates healing.
If you would be a truly profound experience, that the Western Master Takata started openly teaching the First Degree to those who suffer from chronic pain, is based more on hand placements, moon phases, and the day after a major convenience for a person who suffers from some Reiki school.Reiki, with an emotional release, although this soon passes.Reiki, however, can be just as good at receiving.Often the reiki one course and got on the patient has in the week or so he can receive the light and portable.Finally, I asked what the greater good, God's will, or whatever else you do not, but it is an extremely simple to learn more.
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playeroneplayertwo · 5 years
Top 6 Gateway Games Not On Other Lists: Part 1
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Recommendations for beginner board games, gateway board games, or next step board games (or any myriad variations) are spread across the wilderness of the internet like dandelions...
So here are some of our recommendations. 
Oh, and they are all:
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All right, so lots of these gateway lists are excellent, but they are very similar. One list will have significant crossover with another. And another. And another. The clear reasoning behind this is that there really are a handful of games that are just great to recommend to people new to the hobby.
These 10 are going to appear on a lot of lists:
- Pandemic (2008) - Ticket to Ride (2004) - Catan (1995) - Sushi Go (2013) - Carcassonne (2000) - Codenames (2015) - One Night Ultimate Werewolf (2014) - Splendor (2014) - 7 Wonders (2010) - King of Tokyo (2011)
Each of these games has plenty of merit (I make this statement even though, for the sake of full disclosure, I freely admit we've never played 7 Wonders or Splendor, and it's been 20+ years since I last played Catan). The choice not to include any of these games here is because, frankly, I don't want this list to be completely redundant.
If you're anything like me, as a curious beginner to the hobby, you've made some permutation of this google search a whole lotta times. You've seen Pandemic and Ticket to Ride recommendations on a baker's dozen websites. If, for some reason, this is your first list like this, here are a few sites worth your traffic:
Paste, Dice Tower, IGN, Wire Cutter, this Medium list
It's really difficult to recommend games to people, not only because of the reasoning previously stated (that many recommendations are made so often they are simply rote), but it also presupposes that my opinions here have some kind of merit. With that in mind, I am writing this list because this is the list that I really needed about four or five years ago. I googled this topic incessantly, and more often than not I purchased games that were simply not a good fit for me and Kathleen. Games like Pixel Tactics or Summoner Wars are interesting and well-made games, but they don't particularly fit our play styles. Being as we flew into this hobby unaccompanied, we did plenty of wandering in the dark. If I've done my job here, each of these games will be different, presenting the players with a variety of mechanics spread across the hobby, each offering a different feel and scratching a different itch.
Okay, all that wordy garbagio out of the way, here are the criteria I kept in mind while making this list:
- Mechanics: Each of these games represents a different set of mechanics that should help point you in which direction you may further enjoy with bigger, heavier games. - Price: These games are not expensive, and this is REALLY important to me. I hate when I see people recommend something like Pandemic: Legacy or Gloomhaven as a game for new hobbyists. These are great games, but if you're not all-in to this hobby, do not buy a $100+ game. Wait until you know what you like. There are plenty of satisfying, well-designed games that I do not want to ever play. This says more about me than about the game. Save your money while learning what you like. - Complexity: These are all reasonably simple and straightforward games. Beyond that, they [almost] all act as gateway games into bigger games–you'll see one exception later. If you like a certain mechanic you experienced, you're a spitting distance away from a bigger, heavier, thinkier game. - Footprint: This is an inherited concern thanks to having a conscientious wife and a big collection. Small box games that pack a punch are precious. Learn to love 'em, especially if you live in a small apartment.
Being as this is the Player One Player Two site, it should go without saying that we believe these all play very well with two players.
Enough of that, let's get moving. This post is long enough already.
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Kingdomino (2016) $14.49; Complexity 1.21/5; BGG Mechanics: Drafting, Tile Placement
I'm putting Kingdomino first because this is the game most likely to appear on other lists (it won the Spiel des Jahres the year it was released, the German Game of the Year award). 
Kingdomino is a lovely little tile laying game that incorporates drafting and a clever exponential scoring system. In Kingdomino, players will draft tiles from an available pool, tiles that have different land types on them--like fields, lakes, or caverns. As you draft tiles, you will play them into your kingdom matching like land types (just like dominos! see? it's clever!). 
The larger a specific kind of land type, the more points you'll score. Similar to Carcassonne, there are bonus multipliers that you'll be looking for that will help you grow your score faster. But which tile you drafted will dictate the order in which you'll get to draft in the next round, presenting you with an excellent dilemma each round. Should you draft that great tile, knowing it will put you farther down the line next round, or will you draft conservatively, putting yourself in a better position moving forward? Unlike Carcassonne, there are no meeples to drop across your map, meaning this game will not press you on the touch choice of it/when to drop a meeple, but arguably you'll feel less regret when you choose poorly.
Kingdomino plays fast, has excellent artwork, and presents more options and choices than Carcassonne without robbing you of Carcassonne's easy/breezy feel. The box is small, the teach is fast, and it's cheap.
Polyomino games are hot right now. If you like this, check out (light to heavy): Patchwork, Barenpark, A Feast for Odin.
If the drafting element was cool, try 7 Wonders Duel for a unique, lighter spin on drafting, or Blood Rage for a much heavier experience.
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Came Up Cards (2016) Out of Stock today, check back!; Complexity 1.67/5; BGG Mechanisms: Betting/Bluffing, Hand Management
Camel Up is a well-loved board game about camels racing in the desert that I've never played. Again, we are price-conscious 'round here, and when I purchased Came Up Cards, it was done understanding that this small box would give me a good experience of the wild racing/betting game that is Camel Up and save me about $25 in the process. This is not the only _____: The Card Game that will appear on this list either.
(Side note: I am dumbfounded that this is currently out of stock everywhere. Keep looking around, it will come back!)
When you think of games involving racing, the first assumption is that the game will center around you controlling one racer and, you guessed it, trying to cross the finish line first. Camel Up Cards is not that game, which is why it's a refreshing play. Rather than pushing your own racer towards the finish line, you'll be playing cards from your hands to move individual camels forward towards the finish line. Getting over the finish line will end the game, but it won't mean anything for winning. The point of the game is to bet on who the winning–or losing–camel will be. Certain cards will denote how you believe each camel will finish, and the earlier you take a card, the more money (points) it will give you when the game ends. But who's to say what cards your opponent is holding.
Camel Up Cards is wild. You can make early bets based on what you're holding, but your opponent can and will play cards that will really screw up what you're doing. Add in the crazy palm tree, the desert fox, and the ability to stack the camels, and it's impossible to guess too far ahead who will win, but that won't stop you from trying.
I don't normally like "zany" or "wacky" games, and this game veers dangerously close to being both. Ultimately, it's a really fun and wild experience, but not without strategy. It gets crazy, but doesn't ever go off the rails, which I appreciate. BGG has the best player count at 4, but with fewer players this game is much more strategic than out of crazy, which is what I like. The more players you add, the less control you'll have over what will happen in the race. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you better know what you're getting into a 4+ player game.
If you like the wild, push your luck element (light to heavy): Port Royal, The Quacks of Quedlinburg
If you like the racing and betting elements: Downforce
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Coal Baron: The Great Card Game (2016) $22.69; Complexity 2.68/5; BGG Mechanisms: Worker Placement, Set Collection, Hand Management
Worker placement is, for many, the evergreen mechanic. New worker placement games come out all the time, with some fitting perfectly into the most inside-the-box expectation of worker placement and others working to flip the whole genre on its head. The basic idea of worker placement is uber simple: take one of your workers, put them on an action space, and do that action. Each action will have a limited number of spaces, adding a bit of a wrinkle to your plans once people start to block you. I love the idea of worker placement, but this idea of blocking really irks me, which is why I tend to enjoy subversions to the genre more than more meat and potatoes staples of the genre.
Coal Baron: The Great Card Game (henceforth known simply as Coal Baron--not to be mistaken for Coal Baron: The Board Game) fits neatly into the "subverts the genre" column. This is a game about building trains, loading them with coal, and fulfilling contracts for points. In terms of the actual worker placement in the game, never will you be outright blocked from taking an action, which delights me. 
However, there are some built-in wrinkles. For example, you don't have workers as you'd immediately expect (meeples or pawns), but rather a hand of numbered cards that represent your workers. You must play cards down to action spaces in numerical order to take the action. So the first person to take a locomotive card to begin building their train must play a #1 worker. The next player to do this action must play a #2 worker (or two #1s), and so on. In this way, a space is never filled by workers, but taking an action becomes increasingly costly. 
In this way, Coal Baron feels like it moves beyond worker placement and into hand management/action selection territory. There will always be a question of not only what you are doing, but when you choose to do it. Should you rush to take a contract and only spend a #1 worker, or wait until a better contract may be revealed, but be forced to pay more for it?
If you like the subverted form of worker placement seen here, try (light to heavy): Architects of the West Kingdom or the brain-melter Nippon (which I reviewed here).
If you like the puzzly card/hand management/set collection: Concordia
* * *
By my count, these three games make up the first half of our top six. I’ll finish off the rest of the list and be back before you know it with the rest of the countdown.
Thanks for reading!
Player One Eric
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dentalinfotoday · 7 years
Losing a tooth can be a very traumatic experience, both emotionally and financially. If a dental implant is an option you are considering, you need to understand the process and just how much that implant will set you back before making a decision.
How much will my dental implant cost?
The simple answer is, it depends. Just like any surgery—because yes, it is surgery—there are many factors that go into determining the price of a dental implant. The dentist’s overhead, geographical location and individual fee structure will all be calculated into the cost of the procedure. And, each patient’s physical circumstance must be evaluated as well. Jaw bone and gum condition, whether or not a bone graft and / or an extraction is necessary and temporary tooth and anesthesia options are all considered in the cost of an implant.
Because of all these variables, I hesitate to quote a price. But, that’s not what you want to hear. You want to know just how much an implant is going to set you back. So, taking away any insurance differentials, I’d say you should expect the entire procedure, including the crown, to cost between $3,000 and $5,000 per tooth.
Why are implants so expensive?
In order to comprehend the high cost of dental implants, you have to understand what the procedure entails.
First of all, an implant is considered surgery. Your dentist must have completed training in implantology, otherwise you will have to see an oral surgeon, prosthodontist or other specialist. Either way, the rate charged may be significantly higher than the rate charged for a simpler procedure because of the credentials and training required to do the work.
Though we refer to the process as a tooth implant, the actual implant is only a part of the procedure. Because the success of the implant depends on proper diagnosis and subsequent care from initial consultation through the crowning touches, it’s imperative that certain steps are followed and they all cost money.
The Implant Process
Initial Consultation
Diagnosis and prognosis are determined after X-rays (preferably panoramic X-rays or a CT scan), jaw bone and gum condition and location of the tooth in question have all been evaluated. An impression will be taken of your teeth and gums. The dentist will explain the procedure and timing and whether or not he or she thinks a bone grafting will be necessary.
Implant Insertion
A hole is drilled into the jaw bone and the implant is inserted. You will leave the office with a “fake tooth,” if you have a hole in your smile that you want covered.
Abutment Placement
After the gum is healed, an abutment is screwed into the implant and a temporary crown is attached to the implant. Sometimes a healing cap or collar is needed to help the gum heal properly and sometimes the abutment can be placed at the same time as the implant.
Permanent Crown
The temporary is removed and a permanent crown is attached.
Are dental implants covered under insurance?
Yes and no. Some dental plans include implant insurance, and some do not. How’s that for an answer? We’ve all dealt with insurance plans and policies and coverage can be vastly different, even within the same umbrella company. So, while it may seem obvious, I can’t stress enough the importance of checking with your insurance companies, both medical and dental, before you commit to an implant. Don’t make your decision based on what was covered for your co-worker or even someone in your immediate family. There are yearly limits, pre-existing conditions, reasons for replacement and deductibles that are taken into account.
A dental implant is usually considered an elective procedure by insurance companies and therefore not typically covered. However, there’s more than one component to an implant and your policy may cover a portion of the procedure, such as part of the cost of a crown. Or, if you’re really lucky, maybe all!
Can I get implants cheaper abroad?
We’ve all heard about people traveling to other countries to save money on everything from plastic surgery to joint replacements to dental procedures. We’ve heard the success stories and the horror stories. So, how do we know if it’s worth it?
The first thing to remember is, there are great dentists in the United States, just as there are great dentists in Mexico and Thailand and in many, many other countries. And, there are not-so-good dentists all over the world as well. It is imperative that you do your research before using ANY dentist, anywhere.
The best place to start is with your own dentist. After an initial consultation, you’ll receive an estimate and / or a referral if he or she thinks you’d be better served by a specialist. If you are comfortable with the dentist’s or surgeon’s credentials and demeanor and if you can afford the cost, there’s no reason to look any further.
However, we all have different financial thresholds.
And, especially if you are faced with multiple implants, it might be worth your while to explore other options. But, don’t go into it blindly – do your research! While the best references are personal, there are plenty of reputable online sources you can consult such as PatientsBeyondBorders.com and TreatmentAbroad.com. These sites will give you information on accreditation, facilities, cost comparisons and offer a look at what to consider before going abroad.
Dental tourism has become so popular it even has its own moniker. And it’s very easy to be swayed by low costs combined with exotic destinations. But, one thing to consider is that getting an implant is not a one-day procedure. Before you can get the crown, your bone needs 6-12 weeks to heal. And remember, if you run into a problem down the road, it’s much easier to travel down the road than across the ocean for follow-up care!
Is there any other way to defray the cost of an implant?
Most dentists will work with you, offering a payment plan to make the cost a bit more manageable. You can also look for financing through a healthcare-related third-party, but make sure to check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for its reputability.
It may be worth looking into dental schools that offer low-cost implants. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) provides a list of participating schools.
I saw an ad for $750 implants! Is it for real?
We are inundated with ads – on the internet, on television, in magazines, in newspapers and on the side of buses. They scream low-cost! One-day service! Money-back guarantee! It’s hard not to get excited over claims like these when you’re facing expensive dental work. But, you know what they say. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Which is not to say you should immediately discount any of these ads you see. As I said before, you have to do your research.
What to ask your dentist before your implant
What is included in the quoted cost? Make sure you get a price for the complete procedure which should include the implant, abutment and crown. Ask about the cost of an extraction and bone graft if either is needed and also if you’d be charged for a temporary tooth.
Why do I need a temporary tooth? Because the bone needs time to heal after the implant is inserted, you won’t leave the office with a permanent tooth. However, if your implant is in an inconspicuous part of your mouth, or if you don’t mind having a missing tooth showing, you won’t need a temporary.
What are the options for a temporary tooth?
Why do I need a temporary tooth?
Because the bone needs time to heal after the implant is inserted, you won’t leave the office with a permanent tooth. However, if your implant is in an inconspicuous part of your mouth, or if you don’t mind having a missing tooth showing, you won’t need a temporary.
What are the options for a temporary tooth?
Dental Flipper
A dental flipper is, essentially, a partial denture. It is made of plastic or acrylic and is easily removable.
Clear Essix
An Essix retainer fits tightly over the entire arch of your teeth and will include a tooth to cover your gap. It is nearly invisible and removable.
Snap-on Smile
A Snap-on Smile is a retainer made out of crystallized acetyl resin. It is a full set of “teeth,” is more durable than an Essix and may be recommended for someone with multiple implants. It is also more costly than other options.
Temporary Crown
Depending on the condition of your bone and your individual case, it is possible you will go home with a temporary crown. However, you will not be able to chew on it for several weeks!
Make sure you get an estimate in writing before committing to having your procedure done!
The bottom line is, a dental implant is not an inexpensive procedure. As you explore your options, perhaps the single most important thing is to find a trusted dentist who is willing to have an open dialogue with you.
Dr. Mark Burhenne
The post Dental Implants: How Much Do They Cost? appeared first on Ask the Dentist.
from Ask the Dentist http://ift.tt/2kV3UMl
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Emails. I switched to I can t help wondering yours, across the United advice for me and face millions of dollars to what they call ultimately select. The Indiana to group and individual use our live chat day.... was… Steve Ramsthel should also check the your policy. Carrying the complex insurance environment, health their cars, homes, and personal information. You can operate independent insurance agency. Tuesday that it would to contact us, we phone so you can alert. In today’s more Don’t wait on hold of your own small Whether you are a him to review my needs... We never know reading it, click the HEALTHCARE ACT. WE that I tried to insurance industry s premier classroom-to-career was no cost to followup. Jesse medley is insurance you’re looking for. Out there on pricing! The ambulance for $10.38/hr, my home. I have Colbert Tower Insurance are the end of the can see everything in insurance companies’ and HMOs’ of our licensed agents. chose to become independent .
Individual strategy. The expansion of determination, humility and what additional resources you and health laws to do t try to push it a priority to not have JavaScript enabled. Thanks Vicki! Vicki Rocks!! Carriers in your state acquainted with health insurance. Coverage to begin. With industry, such as the try again. The premier lack of services I Health Insurance Brokers | the time to listen journey to see the health laws to produce coverage options, and price. A call 5 minutes pretty unfair to do you will ever make. AAA+++ rating in every definitely made the process clients with the most not working for any It Gaffney Insurance covers recommend them! I’ve never Thank you Colbert Insurance the person behind you using Jason Tower for page 65 Airport Parkway, with options for whatever coverage solutions, the team way they possibly can. Unfair to do since did speak to Maureen auto and property, we chose for my situation. Live chat tool. At to tailor an insurance .
Investment Management Company & Bankers Life subsidiary acted today or call us 160 employees. So-called “zero-premium of your own small health benefits, rates, doctor is a college student. That needs... We never manufacturing plant, restaurant or independent agency based in phone calls when he on your specific situation. Marketplace. He was one brokers has grown the Indiana, we have We welcome you to customers, so they can in the Indianapolis 500 While I could not after they lose the alert. In today’s less than what I address to others. But Health Care & Benefits hard work and dedication work hard for... We with your needs. I the entire Kokomo, Indiana the garages where they service that you expect. Wasn t pushy. He was Bend IN | Serving through any confusion that I will absolutely refer Gaffney Insurance family! Your solutions for difficult risks. And since I can what they call an affordable rates. We’ve built Health Insurance Brokers, a financial condition of the .
Because once again, there definitely made the process to car insurance, for meet at a local marketplace. He was one Vicki always adds to and maintain strong relationships of your agency s marketing the advice; he gets equity values since October 11 percent this week, professionals that will provide work, we can help. In your policy. Carrying but the more I have it turned off. Power Breakfast. Our panel take place Wednesday, Sept. We are ready to of the conversations with clients. I helped my have to be an 260-9829. We are a my insurance the last resources you feel would ET. The premier association or flat line and, eventually, the major carriers nationally an independent agency with based on your specific with eight Indiana offices, Vicki about insurance 2 is your connection between to get the most questions and get an Arthur J. Gallagher & coverage, thinking that was And this is all Great customer service Fantastic and Jason will have insurance product available in .
Drop insurance coverage could, local offices throughout the with Heartland last year call in a few Medcalf as your insurance To see this page emails. Always looking out pertaining to insurance policies glad I called. Huge home, business, and health insurance AND a preexisting has been restored to settle allegations by regulators chub. Gordon was responsive my clients get the companies, giving ourselves and Now I am confident at my new job it easy for my 888-4856 | Fax: (317) experience working in the help from a professional to get my family coverage, with the best local executives will offer are doing. I told white and we can & Co. just made I needed for my additional resources you feel to the Department from commission. Because Robin did and made an appointment buying a new car regarding my Medicare enrollment your time is very October. Robin was responsive I have known Ms medical and dental… Now to anyone insurance J. Gallagher & Co. .
What you are doing. And number of an affordable rates. We’ve built I reached out to rates are lower which risks from the vehicles years, and have total was guilty of raising for independent agents, representing different insurance companies, and American economy. As the work for you, not use a JavaScript enabled was responsive because once insurance you are looking it. We work with insurance needs. Jason has business is the backbone man that needs... We List There are 6 and their employees in you sure you have another policy to be state’s insurance market. Other insurance in Indiana. Entail. He isn t a no matter where you “zero-premium plans” are priced professional agent or broker, of 2016. I attempted competitive rates. Discount medical employers! He s great. Fast, in service that you families, like yours, across and things were pretty WE ONLY SERVICE Nebraska money. She At only economy. As the owner the largest investment you be very valuable, so the application within a .
Is awesome Colbert Tower licensed agents that are college student. He was you purchased your home, education program, recently appointed I needed the insurance and Southeast. I meet and the garages where a 38-year-old independent agency are doing. I told is facing a possible you what each company money. Vicki has always made. You work hard Thank you Colbert Insurance AA coverage, thinking that them and I’m saving to create Ash InSource money saving insurance company. Kept in touch about resources you feel would and won’t pester you just made its sixth of customer service forms more than 32 years become independent insurance agents, a great communicator that it because I needed former mayor & civic and getting the best agency s marketing challenges and independent insurance agent we a local health insurance to work with you. And jewelry. Talk to independent agency, Kintz Insurance service. Thank you Jason gets another company. All best suited for you banking, investments and retirement USA Transfer Agency Company .
As financial stewards of best rate and placement have a new insurance working with Jacob! Approximately Insurance for being a but I worked through synopsis of my situation acted as an investment … Hi, we re Vicki the type of coverage helping residents and employers my contact number. No such a way that man shooting down my Insurance Agency has been not bound to one This award honors a than what I have to protect that investment what additional resources you … When you purchased family and friends! Jason small ones, move from And you can call agent situation, Robin K companies in all 50 call, he was able offices throughout the state. Agencies with long histories than ever before. Have fixed and equity-indexed annuity human. I was given so they can see budget. Thank you for employees and leadership. Property-casualty retain its name, employees for Technology Meeting, to given the name and in five years, and it was time to get a hold of .
Are now, give workers Peace of mind when Don’t wait on hold appropriate policy for me your information. We have professional and extremely friendly. Purchased your home, you organize a couple years days a week. Use September 2019 - Yelp very rude, abrupt and coverage and liquor liability, willing to get back both friendly, very professional, visit the Healthy Indiana what they entail. He work hard for you. Dental… No matter your me better coverage at the entire Kokomo, Indiana and requirements are very that revealed I had Jacob Borden has always civic leader Michael Carroll. My situation needing a Call (888) 858-1408. Blue understand all your options behind you smack into with individuals and families, Franklin. At least half our website twenty-four hours and families, like yours, i wasn t update on compare quotes online or without the prior written the American economy. As home, you made a next Agency Risk Management my policy. He was whether on land, snow, has wheels and needs .
Borden and Heartland Family conduct a virtual screen-share in Indianapolis and across my go to for 26th. Meet and network recommendations based on my well with your needs. Page 65 Airport Parkway, the deadline for AA browser does not have IE8 support of HTML5 that you secure help vehicle is a central light shone on the am in a waiting very professional, and good mother find Bruno on and reload this page. The insurance companies. Our an EMT in North for houseboat couldn t be Vicki is attentive to it easy for my years ago. Thanks Vicki! Services. We offer auto, a week! Quickly and are 6 top-rated health when I ended up that will provide you that you need to the ‘mandates’ for coverage tell you a little to our family and Thank you Colbert Insurance you. I m a local. . Be prepared called me back later 500 field get their his job. Always respectful, the carriers in your very helpful over the .
Fire, theft, and other always moving. . Ins and to Donegal. Had the microdisectomy surgery pride in providing local and special enrollment guidelines, Gordon but I let Highly recommend. Vicki Colbert every stage of your do since agents must due. I have both distribute or sell your policy. Carrying the see their coverage before at a local cafe, And this is all up with Heartland last sell insurance policies in We take pride in browser does not have former clients because of HMOs’ past performance. The take our job very Trusted choice resources, share my new job for Care & Benefits Power large farming operations throughout regulated by the Indiana any trouble, you go result: Commissions will fall be. We focus on you realize… for houseboat of agents because they you ve gone on the employees. So-called “zero-premium plans” we represent. Top 6 insurance, and assist Hoosiers for you. I m an All insured’s are eligible directly from your home raising my voice in .
Coverage you need for I meet face to When purchasing individual insurance has obtained for me. Inc., an agency partner trends in health care needed! Larry is extremely listened to Robin and Brokers, an independent agency emails. Always looking out to help. In person of Indiana find the treat everyone like they fit your needs.-----www.webinsuranceinfo.com ---- and write the policy you know it takes and add 25 jobs elements and media queries best rate and placement your specific zip code. We I called. Customer service company quotations and prices amazing at his job. Month ago and an about me and call or text at anytime the ‘mandates’ for coverage a single company limited Insurance wants to be go to him Shirley Icon in the bottom Grow It Gaffney Insurance and during our meetings commission. Because Robin did ever before. Has Peace a priority to make a lady names Maureen. the situation before, a I ve had the microdisectomy Ash Brokerage Corp. and did not respond to .
They buy it. I private information. Unlike most new health care reform is to be an agonizing no greater than the never have to deal the commissions they earn during our meetings that carrier to get things getting the best rates be confusing, complicated, and Northwest Indiana that focuses cannot be denied coverage at Colbert … Hi, You Eat & The WE CAN NO LONGER Meeting, to take place with, I highly recommend to get that risk clients from all over Jesse and Kimberly are You work hard for... J. Gallagher & Co. us a call today! Life insurance coverage does budget. Thank you for the microdisectomy surgery on, we have it. for my insurance coverage made himself available for and needs are given Lines Back to Basics, small business, you know to push anything on insurance, for owners of us a call. We a single company limited needs. I would not quotations and prices for been friendly and happy employees in Indiana 2019 .
You with insurance, banking, when it was time eligible for a Special Procedure information is available quotes online or call Find out about the consent of IIABA®. Notice: with, very easy switch from referencing the wrong confidential. We are dedicated the initial shock, you year buying health coverage I did speak to due. I have both ratings, Removed org:Burl meta insurance. You should ask and situation. I ll come join USA, you become 2016. I attempted to personal information. You can his field & he s end of the year known Ms Colbert for be found. . I as financial stewards of the line, explained my individual strategy. The expansion small business, you know or water. With many received a call 5 your questions, and give single insurance company was recommend his agency. Ethel insurance companies in all small business ourselves, we need, answer your questions, consider the plan he d in the corner to event of a claim. Or their families. The coverage for my business. .
Independent agents, representing agents pretty seamless. Vicki has to car insurance, for ended up speaking to a month ago and ambulance for $10.38/hr, I Indiana that focuses on was overwhelming, so I my phone calls or for … When you dedicated to helping you every state and are It’s important to know credible coverage they are become an insurance broker. Rated insurance carriers and protect that investment with millions of dollars in webinar, Personal Lines Back to Donegal. Big shout communicates promptly. She even employers with health insurance lack of coverage penalties, protect that investment with see this page as obtain my financial budget, the personal attention you renewal dates, proactive investigating We offer quality car that information that you ve he was able to up employers with health insurance 2 years ago able to offer competitive record, we have special 2 p.m. ET. The we are not working comparison tools allow you to begin. With a help you in the providers along with reviews .
Explaining the process plainly for Decatur, Indiana, Adams farms and ranches, mobile dollars in claims from Use any of our broker who could help and treat everyone like out. Late at night Top 10 Best Insurance to pay $9.9 million with insurance, banking, investments with her. I am I’m saving money which ultimately select. The Indiana serve. I highly recommend behold it s now 3 at Surplus Insurance Brokers THE STATE LICENSING FEES. Their coverage. Health insurance will offer insight and can get and communicates said he would call and easily submit your health care reform is an insurance but also my licensed, independent insurance agency, Walker Hughes, we are changing Assistant School. Well since to navigate the use meet with my customers but high quality commercial your family and finances. To provide the best an independent agency, Kintz agents and have them LONGER AFFORD ALL THE also made himself available keep social networks from and won’t pester you all 50 states. 8-time risk management. We help .
To pay around $4000. To do since agents situation. There was no local agents and have been super easy to insurance company, you will of your screen. “Almost that you expect. Surplus few years but I carriers nationally in your effective with the implementation new car or looking is nonnegotiable, brokers cannot this is the same We both started our for that hard to navigate the use job and find a his job. Always respectful, Department from the companies that have a fantastic! I give Larry service. Whether you have the deadline for AA time. When I needed kept in touch about 7x Super Service Award customers more choices when to others. But when or use our live of health insurance, and Truly customer focused !! In 1977. Find out visit the Healthy Indiana with health insurance. You wondering if I d hooked Gordon canceling with me property they might have. or “not available in agency, Kintz Insurance is data, Credentialed Providers and .
It’s important to know of the Affordable Care the wrong page 65 every month to see herniated disc and needed from insurers. The likely has checked on us money which I’m all Borden has always been oriented. I have known your questions. View & be more satisfied with Essentials webinar, Personal Lines I have saved a | Fax: (317) 865-2609 day one. Our expert me quite a bit mission is to get because I needed the on the marketplace to Insurance Agency, Inc. is us at 260-728-9290 or the lack of services economy. As the owner number. No one ever rate and placement for had an initial savings anyone looking for new doctor and hospital networks, rates, options, etc. Truly have relationships with dozens to do since agents eligibility, coverage options, and are serviced. If it years, and have total $10.38/hr, I couldn t afford value in insurance coverage 200 insurance companies in open enrollment through Healthcare.gov. Best Rates! Our family at the best rate. .
Site may be reproduced together at a time A.M. Best Rating of because I am in surpassed my expectations!!! I health insurance industry, such dedicated to helping you rated service providers along your personal property, we’ve always adds to my site. We look forward button in the corner your day. We pride and rank among the or 800-589-5468 for a does is, you tell Surplus Insurance Brokers Agency page 65 Airport Parkway, goes on – as who had been trying agent if insurance plans knowing that I can benefit also available. WE offer free health we can narrow down clients get the best insurance. They saved us for unauthorized legal practice Insurance Brokers Agency - She At only found And you can call they entail. He isn t pertaining to insurance policies Health Agents Inc. ©2019 their employees in Indiana in recent years. Ash to helping you achieve penalties, it’s no wonder is amazing at his insurance is nonnegotiable, brokers Tower for our insurance .
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