#and the jon could do pretty well as an archivist too. at least he wouldn't bring tge world to an end (i think)
ramenwithbroccoli · 4 months
The thing about being in two fandoms where a guy named Jon plays a pretty important role means that sometimes i don't know who the post is talking about until reaching the tags. anyway here's how to tell them apart :)
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d-lissa · 1 year
Liveblogging TMA - Season 1 - MAG 36-38
"Fighting off the rot. The insects. The disease."
Great episode, if on the disgusting side, but that's nothing new now is it. Hopefully this is only a theme for this season, please. The delivery of the statement was familiar though, at least the beginning.
Well, I was going to say that the story telling made me think of Jane Prentiss' statement, but Jonathan beat me to it already.
(Looking back on it, why does it seem that, unless he is cut off by outside forces, Jonathan seems unable to stop making the statement until the end ?)
HOWEVER ! I am willing to bet money that this "Trevor" guy he was going to mention before getting cut off and the girl with him were Simon and Harriet from "Freefall".
A hint in addition is that he was cut off the same way when he was going to mention someone using "Simon Fairchild" as a fake name.
I am very intrigued by these two. Did Trevor fake his death ? Or did he manage to come back to life ? Is that even a thing, outside of those people who gambled with death ? What was he doing at this nursing home with the girl ? They seemed to have gotten rid off of whatever oddity was there, so are they like, supernatural investigators ?
Then, does that mean that they didn't give Robert Kelly to the sky themselve ? Or maybe they used him as bait ?
Or am I completely wrong on the entire line ?
Yes, that is probably it.
I have no clue as to what the nursing home's oddity was. It seems like something different from the Hive ? But that has a similar effect ? The description of the corpses and of the smell makes me think of the man from "The Man Upstairs", but I might be wrong.
Anyway, a new John to add to the list.
And our Jon has gotten a zippo lighter from Breekon and Hope, one with a web carved on it (the less I say about it, the better), as well as the table from "Across the Street". Are we finally getting more information on it ?
Nicole Baxter and her views on death and fear were still pretty enlightening. I feel like this is the kind of view we need to have to understand this story, and what makes it so ... Unsettling. Whatever that liquid was, it is a good thing she only got it on her hand. Her almost manic cleaning of it though made me think of Jane and her ... Itch.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nicole cut off her hand herself deliberately, as it were, just to stop feeling that disgusting feeling on it.
... Man, their accents were cockney ? I was waaaay off the mark, talk about embarassing and possibly offensive.
"Or would you rather watch my son burn so you can take notes."
... I just knew it would be a picture of Gertrude. I knew it.
Am I to assume that whatever this clearing is, the new picture inside the bottles would be one of Jonathan ? Is he going to burn, too ?
It would fit the whole "Archivist's Crimson Fate" thing anyway, going up in flames. The Archivist seems to be pretty fucking hated by almost everything out there. Why is nobody targetting Elias ? He's the on IN CHARGE, why is it always Jon ??
Just look at him ! He can't even muster his usual denial of everything supernatural. He is so tired. Someone let this man have his rest, my heart cracked when he admitted to it. His voice sounded so weak.
Gotta agree with him, don't destroy the table yet, I need to know eeeeeverything about it. Like, I know this will probably keep him from rest, but. Science, you know. Inquiring minds (mainly, me) deserve to know the truth.
Loved this episode. I am glad to know that the son, Lucas, managed to make it out of the curse, although for his sake, I hope that he wasn't there when his father imolated himself.
The burning oddity is back. Definitely the same as the one from "First Aid". Is it some kind of "god", like the Hive maybe could be ? It has an altar and chanting summons it to you, apparently.
Let's see, what were the words again ? Asag, Veepalach, the lightless flame ?
Asag, a demon associated with disease and corruption. Now, where did I hear of those before ?
*side eyeing the last few episodes*
Veepalach, which was to "brand" or "cauterize". Both of which you would need trmendous amount of heat to do so.
And the lightless flame. The thing opposite to the "Beholding", according to Gerard Keay. The "Beholding" that the Institute is doing. I guess this oddity right here IS the lightless flame and that it is pretty pissed at the Institute.
Was this oddity also related to the one in "Burned Out" though ? Did it, in the end, have nothing to actually do with Agnes, but everything to do with the lightless flame ?
Did Raymond Fielding maybe worship it ? Or had a relationship with it, in any case. Were the orphans that so mysteriously disappeared sacrificed to the lightless flame ?
Ah, this is confusing.
Guess I just have to keep listening.
"And I saw the pale shapes of long, thin fingertips begin to creep above the lip of the pot."
Did- Did this absolute lunatic take the time to stop the recording in the middle of panicking and fleeing from the worms ?
... God, I want to study his brain. Jonathan, what the fuck is wrong with you, and why is it so entertaining ?
I accidentaly scrolled down the on youtube and read the first comment. Fortunately, there wasn't any spoilers, at least I don't think so, didn't read it fully but I do know that it started with "homophobic vase" and this got me wheezing on the floor. Why was this so accurate ?
I have a query though. Again, about the delivery, because this is just too weird. I have had this thought for a LONG while, obviously, but I jjust have more to add on that. Because in the transcript, during the statement, there was a [nervous laugh] added in. Of course, it is because Jonathan did this nervous laugh but ... Why ? Because it couldn't have been written in the statement, that's for sure. It's like, the man is possessed by the spirit of the person who made the statement everytime he starts one, it's freaky !
It's freaky and I need to understand why that is happening.
Anyway ! Terrible vases aside, that I hope we get more of because it is amazing, I wonder why the vase did nothing to Salesa. Then again, there are several things I am confused about him in general. At least this is one character that I know to expect again.
All of this being said, more spiders ! With that and the zippo with a web engraved on it, I am starting to thing that there may be something there. But nah, surely not, everyone knows that spiders are totally harmless in this verse and won't make you choke on their webs. Right Jonathan ?
Jokes aside, I know the end of the season will focus on Jane Prentiss, but I will have to keep this little incident in mind for the next time I go on a spider related tangent. The immortal spider have visited him, just before being attacked by Prentiss.
I wonder what was there behind the shelf. Was the spider trying to show it to him ? Does Elias know ?
What am I saying, of course not, that man doesn't know anything ever.
I liked the tidbit of Jonathan not putting on his Archivist persona he usually has for recordings. How he interacted with the spider and Sasha was nothing short of silly compared to how he usually is, and by god, the man even uttered a laugh ! A laugh that wasn't sarcastic ! A little awkward laugh, I'm melting.
I heard the apocalypse was a thing in there, is that the first sign of it ?
I think I should get done with this post for now, and make the finale its own post.
Can't wait !
The quote of the post will be :
"I try to see life as a pleasant holiday from non-existence."
End Liveblogging.
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