#and she knows chuuya because she's dating kouyo
nekovale · 21 days
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So, this thing happened because in the same day I discovered that: - Chuuya's voice actor is Granrodeo's singer - Chuuya used to call Dazai "Osamu" when they were younger and Dazai wrote down and hid this in a time capsule I took it well
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asherrrrri · 1 year
I had a dream where Chuuya was talking to a woman (idk if Kouyo or a random woman)about his husband/bf (dazai) that cheated on him and the woman was like "that son of a bitch! When did that happen dear?
And Chuu like "five years ago"
"That was when you started dating ??? Wdym" she says, "Yeah I know but it happen years ago. And it was once"
And Dazai, that was there the entire time, was surprised Cuz he didn't think that chuuya would know about that, but he didn't pay attention to it and faked a innocent smile.
"How can you still be with him if he cheated on you since the beginning, u know that probably it will happen again"
Of course it wasn't just a one time thing, it happen a thousand times. And chuuya knows it but he acts like he doesn't.
Because he still has hope in That bastard, in the love that he promised to him, in the trust that they developed in those years.
So he played dumb, acting like he doesn't know, but planning. Planning his revenge against that bastard who betrayed him, he isnt going to let it slid again.
But in the mother hand, dazai loves chuuya. He REALLY LOVES HIM but he slept with a lot of women ?? Like he's fucking stupid but he's genuinely head over heels for him.
Idk in my dream it has sense
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kageyamaana · 4 years
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Day 7- Free Day: Family(Chuuya x Atsushi)
Atsushi still asks herself what made her life become what it was now. She was married, had four kids, had a lot of nephews/nieces and was happy as she could never be before.
When she was born she was a baby boy born to two teens that didn’t want any kid but were forced to have her since her mother’s parents forced them to do it. Two months after she was born she was left in an orphanage and since there she lived in a bad place but when they found out about Byakko the place became hell and she was lucky to never have told them that she was a girl in a boy’s body and that luckily she was a beta because if not she would have died or worse. Then she was kicked out and she had been so happy to finally be able to be herself until she started getting hungry and didn’t have nothing to eat and in the end meeting Dazai was really a miracle that she thanked for happening.
It was after dealing with Shibusawa that she finally met Dazai’s ex-partner Nakahara Chuuya and telling the truth she was sure she blushed the moment she saw the handsome alpha(she knows that thanks to Ryuu who is always telling her that) and who can blame her if she was totally her type, at least in appearance, with long auburn hair, a well defined body, an elegant posture, strong and had the most beautiful blues Atsushi had ever seen. Oh, but from what Kouyo-nee told her she was the only one that thought something like that because Kouyou-nee one time when they meet on their free day she talked with her about how Chuuya when super drunk wouldn’t stop talking about the beta apprentice of Dazai who had short silver hair with a single black lock, a body that wasn’t too feminine but that looks perfect in her, an innocent but also dangerous vibe around her and the most pretty sunset colored eyes he ever saw or better he never saw anyone with such pretty colored eyes as her. Atsushi blushed so much that day but also Kouyou-nee became her confident and person to go when she needed help about herself(sometimes she asked Yosano and Naomi for help but Kouyou had such an elegant form that Atsushi wanted to be like her). It took two years until Atsushi was able to confess her feelings and it was all because of an ability that belonged to someone who asked them for help and basically that person’s ability made other people confess and was called Cupid. Well she wasn’t the only one affected and it was quite surprising all the confessions that were made that day.
The first affected one was Kenji who didn’t confess to anyone since he never loved anyone like that only as friends and family, then it was Ranpo who confessed to Edgar which ended with a blushing and worried Ranpo and a fainted Edgar(the next day Ranpo announced that they were dating), after Ranpo it was Naomi who surprisingly confessed to both Higuchi and Kaiji(Higuchi blushed and Kaiji was so surprised that he laughed nervously but in the end the three decided to try and date and see were it would take them), the first person from Port Mafia to be affected was Mori who unsurprisingly for some people confessed to Fukuzawa who looked surprised(he never believed before when Mori said that Fukuzawa was the only person that Mori ever loved but let’s be real who would believe it when you see Mori’s ability? No one), next it was Tachihara who confessed to Tanizaki and well after that no one saw them until evening the next day and finally the last person was Atsushi who luckily confessed to Chuuya were no one could see them(it was almost night and Chuuya was near a park Atsushi liked to go on her free time and Atsushi confessed there and Chuuya was surprised before blushing and saying he liked Atsushi back).
That was the start of their relationship and of course it wasn’t all roses but it was perfect for both of them even with their insecurities. The time that Atsushi most feared that Chuuya would leave her was when she told him that she was trans but Chuuya only said that he didn’t care because he loved her no matter what(it was also the first time they said that they loved each other). There were a lot of things that almost made their relationship especially their works but in the end they resolved everything and stayed strong together.
Telling the truth Atsushi was still surprised when Chuuya asked her in marriage in her birthday because yes he said he loved her above anything but she still thought that someday he would wake up and realise that there was a better person for him then her so yes she cried when he asked her in marriage and she was so happy(he asked her in marriage in the place were they had their first date that was in an amusement park which also was the first time that she had gone to an amusement park). Maybe the part she liked the most about they relationship until now was their vows and a lot of times they said it again to each other even if they were short vows they meant everything for both of them(Atsushi’s made of honor were Kouyou-nee, Yosano, Kyoka and Lucy while Chuuya’s groomsmen were Dazai, Michizou, Kenji and Hirotsu).
Today when Atsushi woke up Chuuya was already wake and was looking at her which made blush and he smiled when seeing that before saying her favorite words that have ever left his mouth that were directioned to her besides ‘I love you’.
“I fell in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time but I will never regret it because I know you will always be by my side no matter what as I will be by yours. I love you my sweet kitten” whispered Chuuya smiling softly before kissing Atsushi who after the kiss said her vow
“The first time I met you I really liked you but as I met you the only thing in my mind was I want him to come and get me without hesitation or contemplation, I want him to run as fast as he can and when he gets here I never want to let him go because he was ther perfect person for even with all his flaws. I love you my dear god” said Atsushi back and she giggled because she loved this moments
That were one of the best moments of them together and Atsushi will never regret any of her choices especially now, in the evening, when she watched her family being happy in her birthday. Dazai was irritating Kunikida while Ryuu, Kunikida’s husband, and Fyodor, Dazai’s fiance even after five kids together they still weren’t married, and right next to them there were Yosano, Kouyou and Haruno(most still can’t believe that this three are married) just talking about their kids and their nephews/nieces who were all playing together. Fukuzawa and his husband, Mori, were watching the babies and you could see how happy they were together and in a couch near them you could see Edgar and Ranpo cuddling with their youngest kid in the middle of them. Not far away from were Atsushi was she could see her little sister Kyouka talking with her fiances, Gin and Kenji, while she had Ryuu’s youngest daughter in her lap sleeping and in the food table you could watch Naomi gossiping with Junichirou while their spouses talked between themselves(Michizou and Kaiji) or just ate since they had been much hungry during this pregnancy then the others(Higuchi) and also in the same table you could see Hirotsu taking pictures of everyone. They were all there and telling the truth Atsushi could never be more happy than this and if someone asked her if she would change anything in her life especially her life at the orphanage she would say no since she would never have meet all this people if she changed her past.
“Hey sweetheart” whispered someone while putting his arms around her waist and Atsushi didn’t need to look to know it was her husband
“Chuuya” said Atsushi looking at her husband who smiled before giving her a kiss
“It is almost time to blow the candles and it is better to go now before Mackerel eats or destroys the cake, again” said Chuuya looking irritated with what Dazai had done in all the past birthdays and she giggled
“It’s okay I have everything I need here starting with you and ending in our children” whispered Atsushi leaning against Chuuya and looking fondly to everyone before smiling when she saw Dazai picking her birthday cake and when everyone saw that some of them started going after him
“I will be back soon sweetheart” whispered Chuuya kissing her neck before going after Dazai like some other people “HEY STUPID MACKEREL PUT THE CAKE WHERE IT WAS” shouted Chuuya furious
Atsushi observed everything and she couldn’t stop her laugh when Dazai tripped and fell in the floor with the cake and the ones who followed him looked furious at him before everyone joined her at laughing at Dazai. He didn’t look like he was sorry and Atsushi knew it especially when Dazai looked at her and winked because they both knew that he did that in all of her birthdays because he wanted to make sure she was happy and because he knew that she loved to see everyone laughing together. In the end it was all thanks to Dazai that Atsushi had a family and she was grateful for that but she also knew how much of an idiot and bastard he was so he should be waiting for whatever she would plan as a vengeance for his birthday because in the end this became a little game between two siblings and neither of them would give up.
“Mama if Uncle Osamu hadn’t destroyed the cake what would have been your wish?”
“Eeehhh! Why?”
“Because I have all I need already. I have a great husband, four incredible kids and a big family who I know that loves me as much as I love them”
“We love you Mama”
“I love you too my little babies”
Her kids were the best especially because they were a miracle that was given to them by her caring ability. Byakko was what made her able to have kids even if she was born male and was beta so she was happy that in the end she had accepted her ability as part of her. Fumiya, Miyako, Shirase and Yue where her four babies and she was proud of them and she loved them so much and was sad that someday they would leave her nest to create their own.
“Happy birthday sweetheart”
“Thank you Chuuya”
“What would you like as your gift?”
Atsushi looked around her seeing her kids saying goodbye to her uncles and cousins but nothing came to her mind until she saw Ryuu picking his baby(the youngest son) and she finally had decided what she wanted. She leaned to Chuuya and whispered what she wanted which made Chuuya smile before they had gone to say goodbye to their family and friends and put their children to bed.
For @bsd-rarepairweek​
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