#and po/werpu/ff gir/ls artstyle was the only thing I could think of lmao so there we go-
altheadajoysoul · 1 year
Behold, the art school shit I've been doing for this whole week which left me fucken drained HAJJSKGNS
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My art teacher told us to do the artstyle challenge!! :D
Honestly this was a challenge I've always wanted to do since I was younger but I always felt like my skills weren't enough to do it yet
But now I get a full on excuse to do it soooo HAJFJSOVNSKD HERE WE GO-
I chose a mix of what styles are popular when doing this challenge, and styles that I personally wanted to try
I will say, some of them might look a bit rushed cause it was almost the deadline and I just has to speed through some of them and get it done.
Though I am proud of most of them! :D (Especially the o/mo/ri and sa/nr/io artstyles like omfg I love them sm)
I am not tagging the fandoms listed, im sorry but dear fuck im not letting outsiders see this cringy ass blog 👁👁💦
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