#and one more ronance fic too! but that one is a bit longer so i still have to finish it
lumism · 2 years
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impatiently waiting for tumblr to let my posts appear in the tags again, cursor directly over the publish buttons!!!!
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thefourchimes · 9 months
Talking more about The Four Chimes AU because yes
so there’s been an interesting surge of apocalypse four (though most people call them vecna four) content recently, which i am very much thrilled to see
in line with that, i’m gonna share a bit more on the au that has been built from the ground up ever since last year, having definite arcs and various aus and sub aus of it already
the four chimes au
this universe has been mine and @lumaxramblings 's blood, sweat, and tears for the past year, ever since July 14
i've made a few posts about it, and shared some snippets on it in some wip weds and weekends, but i never fully explained the universe beyond the little bubble of the discord thread in the discord server im in
so let me explain now. we know this already but the apocalypse four are vecna's four sacrifices to make the four gates, but in this au, they're not just the four sacrifices. they're the four chimes too.
you see, vecna had a vision. he had remembered the story of the four horsemen of the apocalypse from a time victor creel had brought him and alice to the Church to listen
the four horsemen of the apocalypse, he had mused...and inspiration struck him.
he had a vision, and he saw it through.
and he got them all. he won.
and now he has his four horsemen of the apocalypse, or in this universe rather...his four chimes of catastrophe.
you all know who they are, but the question is, who is who? well, as @lumaxramblings has said in that fateful ask that started this whole universe in the first place, it would be:
chrissy = famine
fred = death
patrick = war
max = pestilence
as for the reason, canon itself gives some details and evidence to point out who would be who. (tw ed mention on chrissy's part)
chrissy is famine because of her eating disorder and her "hunger" to be free in a sense. fred is death because of his survivor's guilt and all the constant grave and death visuals. patrick is war because of his home life and how he's always in constant conflict. and finally, max is pestilence because of her thought process on being something that plagues others...and vecna!lucas' "you are sick."
there's quite a few more points that can be brought up, along with how some of the canon scenes actually fuel this universe, but i'll talk about that another time
so now, vecna's sacrifices are no longer who they were before everything.
now, they are his soldiers, his little experiments, his four chimes of catastrophe.
and just as they had been broken, they will now be the ones to break the world.
(but then...you remember, the apocalypse 4 weren't the only ones who got caught in vecna's curse and vision.
you know who else did?
nancy wheeler.
and in the four horsemen of the apocalypse lore, wasn't there something going on with the white rider of the horsemen? the fact that...there's a bit of confusion on whether the white rider is pestilence...or conquest?
...in another universe, nancy is conquest, the fifth chime of catastrophe.
an incomplete chime.
...but maybe that's a story for another day...)
i actually had started the fic of this already, but it's been a few months since i've updated it, oof :")
anyway, that's a bit of an explanation on the four chimes au.
it kind of becomes a s5 alternate universe in a sense? finnthony and i already have an idea on what happens all throughout the main story, complete with arcs already lmao (and that's not even talking about the sub-aus, like the conquest au...)
its lots of angst though, lemme tell you
i dont want to reveal too much but there is a lot of platonic and romantic dynamics here
platonic being the party's friendship (heh), the teens' friendship, best friend soulmates stobin ofc, and all other platonic relationships that can be connected with each member of this ragtag, traumatized group
for romance, we got lumax (with future elumax), byler, duzie, ronance, stongyle (aka steve x jonathan x argyle), jopper, and...well. a few others too, but i'll be keeping those quiet for now.
i’ll likely post more stuff at some point, to get it out here lmao and because this au is just <3
tagging the people who’ve been here all through out:
@laurienotteddy @mitski-slope @itsanotheridiot @hellsfireclub @history-of-stories @she-wont-miss
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meowitsraygun · 2 years
Where Eagles Dare
Where Eagles Dare - Ongoing Steddie Relationship Fic
summary: You're home from college from the summer and Eddie Munson has finally graduated high school. To celebrate, he hosts a summer dnd campaign, which you happily join...
word count: 16k
tags/warnings: NSFW/SMUT (18+, MINORS DNI), relationship fic, first time, praise kink, dom/sub, FMM threesome, overstimulation, dacryphilia, pet names, steddie, ronance references, heavy D&D references, oral sex, bratting, explicit consent, 
read it on ao3!
Chapter 1: Divine Soul (full text below)
Chapter 2: Be Kind, Rewind
Chapter 3: Evil Head
Chapter 4: Full of Surprises
Chapter 5: Whole Lotta Love
Chapter 6: !NEW! Promise
Chapter 1 : Divine Soul
You’re out of spell slots. The water elemental is looking pretty beat up, but you only know that because you made a decent perception check last round. You have no idea how many hit points it has left but you do know that you’re out of options. 
“What’s it gonna be, Thompson?” Eddie chides from behind the Dungeon Master screen. He looks so sure of himself when he’s at the head of this table. It’s only your second session of the summer, but you can already tell he means to punish you for the next few months. He cracks a wide, sadistic smile as if he’s already won. 
You remember when you signed up for this campaign. You had just gotten back from college after making a pit stop to visit your little sister, Tammy, in Nashville, and then driving through the night to make it back to Hawkins. Much to your surprise, Eddie Munson had finally graduated. You had been in the same grade when you started school, and then it became a running joke that he would never get to leave Hawkins High. 
Your parents were very strict with you, never letting you do much in the way of extracurriculars or staying over with friends, which made it sting that much worse that Tammy went to every kegger and camping trip her senior year. You never got to play in Hellfire, but immediately found a gaming group when you made it out of Hawkins. Now Eddie is running a celebratory summer campaign and you sit across from the forbidden fruit that is Eddie “The Freak” Munson. 
“Thompsoooon, earth to Thompson.” Dustin waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of the big brown pools that are Eddie’s eyes. It’s almost like a tease, the way he stares directly into your eyes as he’s about to ruin you. 
“Yeah, I know, it’s my turn.” It comes off a little bit snippy, but you’re all about to die. You feverishly thumb through your dnd binder. You only had throwing daggers when you came into the fight and they’re all on the other side of the room. No spell slots left. The only choice is a cantrip. 
Since this was an intermediate group of players you all started at level 5, giving you access to a few more cantrips, but you had taken mostly healing magic. Eddie was a notoriously cruel Dungeon Master and no one else had taken any healing abilities. You only had one that might work. 
“I cast Ray of Frost.” Eddie’s eyes light up with surprise. Dustin jerks his seat backward in a dramatic manner, scraping the floor loudly with the metal legs. 
“You. You’ve had Ray of Frost this whole fucking time?” Dustin looks like he’s about to throw his Players Handbook at you. “Water Elementals FREEZE WHEN THEY TAKE COLD DAMAGE, THOMPSON!”
“I’M AWARE, asshole, but I was too busy casting Spare the Dying on your ass for two sessions to use it!” Eddie chuckles to your left. 
“Make a ranged spell attack, sweetheart.” Sweetheart? What the fuck? Is he serious right now? You grit your teeth, holding back a smartass comment and roll your d20. 
“Does an 18 hit?” He takes longer than normal to answer. 
“Yeah, that hits.” He almost looks impressed, but he’s too busy being peeved that you are about to level his monster with a fucking cantrip. 
You take two d8s in your hand and start shaking them like you’re at a table in Vegas. Dustin mutters under his breath, come on, come on, come on… The dice clatter on the table. 
“That’s 11 points of cold damage.” You stare into Eddie’s eyes again, holding your breath that it was enough. He takes a few moments, adjusts in his chair, and looks down at his papers with his chin nestled on top of his fists. 
“It had exactly 11 hit points left.” The table erupts! Dustin stands up so fast, he nearly takes out the entire table. Eddie startles as his DM screen jumps over a full 4 inches in the commotion. 
“MY DICE TOWER, HENDERSON!” Eddie screeches as the brand new contraption he had built to roll dice in collapses into two pieces. Dustin takes a few seconds to give him a genuine “sorry, man” before continuing to jump up and down screaming. Gareth, who is sitting to your right, takes you in a headlock and starts rubbing his knuckles into your head. 
“Your… armpit… reeks, dude.” You choke out. 
“The sweet scent of victory, Thompson,” he releases the hold on your neck and pats you hard on the back. It’s becoming very clear that they have only been playing this game with other guys. 
“How do you kill it?” Eddie gives you the opportunity to paint a colorful picture. 
“As I cast it, beams of ice fly out of the palms of my hands and stab straight through the chest of the elemental. The shards of ice quickly dissipate as it freezes from the inside out!” The table is thoroughly impressed with your description and the boys drum with their hands on the table. As celebrations die down, and the conversation about where to eat begins. 
“I have to be up early tomorrow,” Jeff complains. “We’re driving out to early orientation tomorrow and it takes like, 6 hours to get to the school.”
“My mom doesn’t let me stay out after 9 anymore. That earthquake really spooked her.” Dustin explains. 
“Doctor Who is coming on in like, half an hour,” Gareth finishes the round table of excuses. 
“What about you, Thompson? You gonna bail on me or do you wanna grab a bite and talk strategy?” Eddie’s eyes meet yours and he bites his lip as he waits for your response. 
“Yeah, I could eat.” Wow. Really no one else is coming? It’s just gonna be you and Eddie? You shiver a little and then shake it off. 
“Thank Christ, for a second there I thought I was gonna be eating alone.” He pouts and mimes a dagger in his heart. “Saved by the fair maiden. See you next week, boys.” He grabs his leather jacket and extends his arm out as if to say, after you, m’lady. 
It’s been years since you’ve hung out with Eddie one on one. The closest you’ve ever gotten was when your friends abandoned you at the arcade and you ran into him trying to beat his high score on the Playboy pinball machine. You ended up sharing some fries and he used his tickets to get a ring with an eagle on it. When it wouldn’t make it past any of his knuckles, he gave it to you. And then your friends found you, immediately dragging you away. 
But now, you’re an adult at your apartment… not a kid in an arcade. You pull up to the complex, pizza in tow.
“Wait right there,” he says as he hops out of the driver's seat of his van and runs around the front. His hair flows behind him and he sticks his tongue out of the side of his mouth as he does a hop over the parking block. The bandana in his back pocket looks a bit like a cape when he’s midair.
Opening the door and taking the pizza from your hands, he bows and gives you a quick “m’lady.” You chuckle at him and grab the beer from the floorboard. 
“Thanks, Munson. How very chivalrous of you.” He gives you a wide grin and then shuts the door with a back kick of his leg. You lead him up the stairs to your second floor apartment and fiddle with the keys. As you open the door, a small black cat greets you.
“Hi, Chloe, did you miss me?” You purr at the kitten on the ground and it rubs against your leg before stumbling back at the sight of Eddie’s frame. “It’s okay, honey, he’s a friend.” You turn your gaze to Eddie, “You can pet her if you want, she’s just a little bit shy.”
“Wait, I’ve been here before,” Eddie makes the realization out loud. “This is Buckley’s apartment.” You set the beer down on the coffee table and shed your flannel.
“Yeah, I’m her roommate.”
“I didn’t know she had a roommate… I definitely didn’t know she had a hot roommate.” His eyes meet yours and it’s clear he intends to make you blush.
“Well, I’ve been at school.” You don’t give into the look he’s giving you. “She got me a job at Family Video and lent me her spare room for the summer. I couldn’t deal with moving back into my parents' place after having a taste of freedom, you know?” You start putting the beers in the fridge, holding the conversation over the counter that separates the living room from the small kitchenette.
“Yeah, that makes total sense. Well it's a nice place.” He has set down the pizza and is taking in the decorations with his hands in his back pockets.
“You don’t have to lie, Munson. I know it’s a shithole, but it’s my shithole.”
“Sweetheart, I live in Forest Hills. You don’t have to tell me about shitholes.” His tone shifts a bit, like he’s embarrassed, but he quickly reverses his demeanor back to one of confidence. 
“Oh yeah, I looked at some places there, but Robin was nice enough to offer me a room so I ended up here. I think she’s trying to save money to take Steve to Six Flags in Gurnee for his birthday.” You twist the tops off of two beers and hand one to Eddie. He picks the pizza back up.
“Which one’s yours?” He asks, gesturing to the doors around the small apartment.
“This one, to your left.” You open the door to your bedroom and lead him inside, keeping the door open for now. Robin isn’t home, anyway, and the cat likes to roam around. You sit on the floor, leaned up against your bed. Eddie takes note and sits across from you, leaned against the dresser. As you shovel pizza and beer into your mouths, he starts asking questions about your dnd character.
“So, tell me,” he begins with a mouthful of pizza, “why divine soul sorcerer?”
“Honestly, the group needed a healer but I’ve never been a fan of playing clerics. I really wanted to play a magic caster, and the divine soul subclass gives you access to some cleric spells. Best of both worlds.” He looks intrigued by your answer.
“Yep, makes sense. But why did you wait until you were all on death’s doorstep to cast Ray of Frost on a water elemental. I mean, I didn’t even know you took that spell. It was pretty fucking clutch.” He doesn’t swallow his bite before turning the beer bottle up in his mouth.
“Honestly… it’s kind of amusing to me to watch the boys lose their shit… and I like to keep some stuff up my sleeve.” You give him a cheeky smile.
“You’re a little bit sadistic, Thompson.”
“So are you.” You don’t break eye contact as you reply and Eddie is a little bit intimidated by that gesture. Clearing his throat a bit, he takes his beer and stands up to look for music to put on. Your tapes are over in a case in the corner and he opens it up to start snooping through.
“D.R.I.? Anthrax? Thompson, you’re into thrash metal?” He looks almost impressed. 
“Like I said… I like to keep some stuff up my sleeve.” That gave him a semi and you fucking know it. He goes back to thumbing through the tapes without responding until he finally picks out Master of Reality by Black Sabbath and puts it in the tape deck. The coughing at the beginning of Sweet Leaf pumps gently through the speakers as he turns up the volume. His eyes meet your gaze as he mouths the opening lyrics, ‘alright now!’ with a slight head bang.
He meets you back on the floor and pulls a plastic baggy out of his front pocket.
“Do you partake?” He raises his eyebrow at you as he holds up the bag of weed.
“I do.” Eddie smiles at that and begins rolling a joint absentmindedly as you continue talking. 
“So do you still play in Corroded Coffin?” You ask, trying not to fidget with your fingers.
“Yes ma’am, and I’m flattered that you remember that. If you’re not busy on Tuesday, we play The Hideout every week. I’ll uh… put you on the list.” He chuckles at that obvious joke. 
“Yeah, I get off from the video store at 6, I’d love to come.” He stops for a moment to look at you, pleasantly surprised that you agreed. As he finishes rolling, he scoots to sit beside you. He gingerly puts the joint in your mouth and lights it for you. You give him a quick ‘thanks’ as you exhale.
“Thanks for inviting me over. It really helps me get better at DMing when I get to debrief with my players after. And uh… I’ve always sort of wanted to hang out with you.” His head falls a bit, not wanting to make eye contact after that statement. You hand the joint to him. As he takes it, he notices a silver metal ring on your thumb with an eagle hugging your knuckle.
“I can’t believe you still have that.” He smiles, neither one of you letting go of the joint.
“It’s a cool ring. And a pretty sweet guy gave it to me.”  You let go of the joint as you both look at each other's lips. He takes a hit from the joint, but doesn’t break eye contact with you.
“Sweet? I heard that guy was an asshole.” Eddie grins as he exhales.
“No, I kind of like him, actually.”  Your voice gets quieter, like maybe he won’t hear you if it doesn’t go over well.
“He must like you too, if he gave you that.” He leans in closer, almost nestling you in his underarm. You take him up on his gesture and lean in as well.
It feels almost like a static shock when your lips touch for the first time. Gentle at first, he pulls you in. He had already clocked where the ashtray was and sets the joint down without looking so he can use his hand to envelop your cheek. As you sink deeper into his kiss, you raise yourself onto your knees so you can swing a leg over and lower yourself into his lap. Your lips never break contact and he is now using his other hand to hold you in the small of your back. You slide yourself over his lap a little, a taste of what he might get later, and take his face into your hands.
“You are the prettiest boy I’ve ever met, Eddie.” He smiles into your mouth, continuing to kiss you.
“Prettier than your college boys?” He teases. 
“Way prettier.” You both smile wide, kissing through a shared giggle. His kissing grows more intense now, like he’s been holding back this urge for a lifetime. His hand on your back finds its way to your upper thigh and he squeezes where your hip and leg meets, thumb caressing into your bikini line. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He chokes out. You’re both running out of breath, but neither of you stop. You grind on him, a little harder this time and he tries to stifle a groan. If that girl in 9th grade who ran into her crush at the arcade could see her now, breaking down the confident exterior of a fully grown man. 
He smells so good. Not just his cologne but his breath. It’s intoxicating. The hand caressing your cheek becomes a grip as it slides back into your hair. You return the favor with your ringed hand and you can feel his dick jump in his jeans. He likes hair pulling. Noted. 
“You’re killing me, woman.” He is fully talking through his teeth now, still trying to stifle a moan but not doing a very good job. You smile into his kiss, tugging harder on his hair and leaning into his chest. That seems to be the last straw, and with one swift movement, he picks you up and takes you to the ground. 
“You’re so… fucking… pretty…” you choke out between kisses. 
“Shut up.” He is fully taking back control now. You’ve caught him unawares but he is back in his element now that he’s on top of you. He grabs your hair and pulls your head back, dragging his teeth across your neck. That simple act of passion makes your eyes roll back in your head for a moment. Opening your eyes again, you see Chloe is peaking her head around the corner and looking in on the two of you. You giggle at her, which startles her causing her to scurry away. 
“What are you laughing at, sweetheart?” There it is.  The same condescending tone he used at the table only a few hours ago. 
“The cat was watching us,” you giggle. 
“Fucking pervert,” he laughs with you and then takes your chin in his fist, guiding your mouth back to his. 
You grab his waist, feeling the muscles around his back before taking up his tshirt. He slides right out of it. 
Your kisses find his neck, giving him a small bite back and sending him into a spiral. His hips start pressing down between your legs. His groaning is almost animalistic now. He wants you so bad he is growling. 
Your shirt comes over your head and he kisses you harder. You’re no longer just making out. You’re undressing. Your hands find their way to his belt buckle, but he grabs them. 
“Are you sure?” He is breathing heavy. 
“Fuck yeah.” You smile at each other and he lets you undo his belt. He kicks his pants off, allowing you to see his shoulder muscles flexing as he adjusts and lowers himself back down to you. Jesus fucking Christ, he was not built like this in 9th grade. 
The hair that falls on his neck and shoulders is gentle, juxtaposed against his wide frame. Just like Eddie… gentle but also strong. 
He waits for you to undo your shorts, but gladly helps you out of them. He almost crawls back to you after moving backward to get them all the way off. You make short work of your sports bra while he is making his way back up to meet your face. A thin pair of fabric on each of you is all that separates the heat in your loins. 
Eddie grabs your breast, pressing himself into you again. He’s hard. Very hard. It’s much more noticeable now that he’s out of his jeans. In fact, it’s distracting. You notice your lips stop moving as much as you feel him against you the first time, caught in a near trance. That doesn’t stop him from kissing you with the full force of his mouth. He bites your bottom lip, which is left slack from your dickstraction. 
It’s at that moment that you realize Eddie is kissing lower. And lower. And lower. He is making his way down your body. He stops as he approaches your hips. The heat of his breath is hovering over your underwear, permeating through to your skin. He gives your pussy a gentle kiss through the fabric… before ripping them entirely with his teeth. He guides them down your legs with his mouth, leaving you completely naked. Finally. 
“You didn’t care about those, did you?” He gives you a sideways smile, still panting. 
“Absolutely not.” You’re almost cackling. He smiles wider than you’ve ever seen and lowers himself back down. 
Men have gone down on you before, but Eddie is so gentle. His tongue feels like it’s coaxing your labia apart, opening up for him. When he takes his first lick at your clit, you gasp for air. Your back arches and he instinctively grabs your hips, pulling you into him. He takes his sweet time to increase the pressure. He’s teasing you. 
You want more, so you grab him by his hair and try to lean into his tongue. 
“Ah ah ah,” he chides at you. “You be a good girl and stay where you’re told.”
You whimper, needing to be satiated. Every time you go toward him, he pulls back even further, like a punishment. You’re too eager and he knows it. 
He stops. He’s breathing into your pussy, but hovering over it. Just as you manage to whisper out his name, he inserts two fingers and buries his face into you. He’s only just started fingering you and you’re already about to climax. His tongue speeds up and he hooks his fingers into your sweet spot. He hits a rhythm, as if he’s playing you like an instrument. But fuck, it’s working. 
All at once your body clenches tight and you practically scream his name as you cum into his mouth. This time he lets you grab his hair and ride out the finish. As your body relaxes down, you let out a desperate “fuck.”
Looking down, you see him beaming with pride. He’s got a shit eating grin on his face.
 “Don’t look at me like that, Munson.” You’re out of breath. 
“I’ll look at you however I please, princess.”
He gives your hips more gentle kisses and meets your face with his once more. When he kisses you, you can taste yourself… and you like it. He waits for a moment, breathing hard into your neck before losing the boxers. 
“Are you ready, baby?” He whispers into your ear.
When he inserts himself into you, you gasp. You hear him grunt into your ear as he feels you for the first time. He pumps into you slowly at first, gradually gaining his composure and speeding up. 
“Jesus fuck, baby. You’re so tight.” You’re wet, too. Your cheeks meet, both of you calling out the sounds of pleasure into each other’s ear. You wrap your hand around his head to keep him close to you and all of his arm muscles flex to keep him hovering just above you without crushing you.
You can already tell he has an obsession with your love handles, as he caresses them before grabbing your thigh for leverage. His love making noises sound almost primal. He’s conquering you. Flashes of his face torturing you at the dnd table enter your mind, causing you to smile. He’s definitely won now. So have you.
He brings his face to yours, seeing your grin and returning it.
“What’s that smile for, princess?”
“There’s no way you’ll kill my sorcerer now.” He giggles.
“Never say never.” He pumps into you so hard you almost scream. Your head rolls back. He’s making you pay for that little comment. The hand on your thigh lifts your leg slightly so he can get deeper, causing you to bite your lip and groan.
Master of Reality continues to play, as ‘Lord of This World’ starts up. He’s found the key that fits the lock to your heart. He’s had it for years. His rhythm slows down so he can kiss you. Caressing his face, the metal of the ring on your thumb feels cool to the touch against his hot skin. You’ve both got the sheen of summer sweat on your chest.
He hits a spot that drives you insane, causing your eyes to go out of focus.
“Eddie, I’m gonna come again. I’m gonna come again.” You’re so out of breath.
“Come for me, baby.” He drags his teeth across your neck as your head rolls back in pleasure. Your hips stiffen and your pussy tightens around him causing him to almost collapse. He’s coming with you. He groans deeply in your ear with each thrust as you climax, wrapped in each other. You can feel his mouth widen to a grin on your shoulder.
“Holy shit,” you manage to squeak out. 
Gently, he gives you small kisses all over your neck and shoulders. A long, hard kiss lands on your forehead before he looks you in the eyes.
“You’re fucking amazing.” He sweeps the sweaty hair out of your face.
“So are you, handsome.”
Eddie rolls off to the side of you, but grabs your hip to stay locked into him. You’re lost in a kiss when you feel him touching you again. You whisper his name.
“You haven’t had enough love, yet.” He responds.
Like a dessert cocktail, he starts circling your throbbing clit. Two fingers scrape your g spot and then disappear. You open your eyes to find those two fingers in his mouth.
“We taste so good together.” 
Jesus Christ, this boy is melting you. He grins at you again and picks up where he left off. 
“E-Eddie,” you plead with him. You can’t form words but you’re almost crying from pleasure. 
“I’m not gonna stop until you beg me, babe.” 
You cry out as he moans your first name in your ear. That’s the first time he’s ever called you by your first name. Ever. Squirming under his hand, the cool metal of his rings collects your heat. All the way in, the ridges of his jewelry claim your insides. He’s three fingers in now with his thumb relentlessly circling your clit. 
He moans your name. Again. And again. And again. Growing louder with your cries of ecstasy. For the third time, you climax. You’ve never come this hard before… and you’ve definitely never squirted before. The carpet under your ass is soaking through as you start to beg. 
“P-please. Eddie. S-stop.”
“Yes ma’am.” His hand exits you, leaving you shaking on the ground. He wipes off the mess on the edge of the comforter that drapes off the bed next to him. Taking your face in his hand again, he gives you a loving kiss. 
“Good girl,” he whispers into your mouth, the heat of his breath causing sweat to pool on your upper lip. You moan into another kiss before utterly collapsing. 
Your head is swimming with endorphins as you hear the front door start to stir. Shit. Robin. 
“Hey, slut, I’m home.” She calls out as you scramble to your feet to slam the door to your bedroom. 
“What the hell are you… is that Munson in there with you?!” Her voice cracks. 
“Uhhh… no?” You’re a terrible liar. Eddie chuckles, propped up on one elbow. 
“You’re a worse liar than me, Thompson, his vans out front!”
Continue on a03
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fluffansmut-old · 1 year
They seem a bit... queer?
A/N So I´m begining this new year by starting a 10 chapter long series, It´s centered around the fruity four, mostly Ronance and Steddie, but you know they´re room-mates and may like platonically kiss each other on the forehead and so on. (This fact also makes their relationship constellation harder for people to figure out, which is funny.  I would like to describe the series as “what if the fruity four starred in a late 80´s sitcom?”
The plan it’s a weekly upload schedule, I´m thinking fridays. In between I will of course keep up my reader-insert fics, and the requests I get. (Send me some!!)
The short fic below is a small (the actually chapters will be longer, and more like a proper fic) teaser, and like an introduction to the series.  
Summary: Gossip travels fast back home, and new neighbours notice more than one would think. 
Content warnings: Gossip, time-typical homophobia. usage of slur for lesbian.
The series will be posted on Ao3 aswell 
Masterlist of all my work - masterlist of the series
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Have you heard?
The gossipers of Hawkins had a field day as the rumors of the four former residents spread through town like wildfire. 
“Have you seen Nancy Wheeler since graduation?” 
“Not really, why?”
”my cousin’s boyfriend saw her the other day and apparently she’s a dyke now. He apparently saw her kissing with some girl, he couldn’t really see who though.” 
                                           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“My daughter is in the same grade as the middle wheeler kid and she said that she heard that Nancy apparently got back together with the Harrington boy, and they’re apparently serious, like they live together-serious”
“But doesn’t he date that blonde girl? Like have you seen them separately since like 85?”
                                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“ Maisy Ferell told me that she hear from her sister that works with Mrs. Buckley, that her daughter shares an apartment with some other kids now in Boston, and apparently one of em is that Munson boy.” 
“The murderer? Are you serious?” 
“To be fair, he never was convicted, but I get where you're coming from.”
“He doesn’t deserve fairness. She’s not dating him, do you think?” 
“Not sure, I mean I wouldn’t put it past her… she were always a disappointment to them, that child.” 
                                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In Boston where indeed the quadruple was sharing a flat, the rumors weren’t as wild, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t beginning to spark. 
“Have you met the new neighbours yet? The ones that just moved in on the third floor?” 
“Yeah, I ran into the couple, they seemed really nice.” 
“Nice? Then I don’t think we´re thinking of the same neighbours, the seemed odd to me.”
“I’m talking about that couple from Indiana, the woman who just enrolled at Emersons and her boyfriend, the one who I caught checking out his own hair in the elevator mirror. The ones that had friends with them when they moved in, that girl who you could hear all through the stairwell because she never shut her mouth, and that lanky boy who were in desperate need of a haircut”
“Oh you don’t know … well honey, I believe they all live there together.”
“Wait, what are you saying?”
“Yeah you heard correctly, and that boyfriend.. I'm pretty sure I just saw him peck the long haired, lanky boy ON THE LIPS before they shut the door and he left.” 
“Are you sure that you just didn’t see wrong honey?” 
“Nah, I am not sure about them… They seem a bit queer to me.”
Truth to be told they were queer, all in their own way. Not that that gave their new neighbours any right to gossip about them.
 The young adults in the apartment two stairs up share everything from clothes and morning coffee to intimacy and trauma together, and not a single soul would ever understand all of it, even if they tried. So that people talked didn't bother them too much. 
In reality it was quite fun, watching them trying to figure out what was right. 
Nancy Wheeler, 
age 19
Enrolled student at Emerson Collage
Relationship status:
 partner - Robin Buckley.
Steve Harrington, 
Age 20
Occupation: sales associate at the book bin.
Relationship status: 
partner- Edward Munson
Robin Buckley
Age 19
Occupation: sales associate at the book bin.
Relationship status: 
partner - Nancy Wheeler.
Edward Eddie Munson
Age 21 
Struggling Musician 
Relationship status: 
Partner - Steve Harrington.
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meowitsraygun · 2 years
Where Eagles Dare - Ongoing Steddie Relationship Fic
summary: You're home from college from the summer and Eddie Munson has finally graduated high school. To celebrate, he hosts a summer dnd campaign, which you happily join...
word count: 9.9k
tags/warnings: NSFW/SMUT (18+, MINORS DNI), relationship fic, first time, praise kink, dom/sub, FMM threesome, overstimulation, dacryphilia, pet names, steddie, ronance, heavy D&D references, oral sex, bratting
read it on ao3!
Chapter 1 : Divine Soul
You’re out of spell slots. The water elemental is looking pretty beat up, but you only know that because you made a decent perception check last round. You have no idea how many hit points it has left but you do know that you’re out of options. “What’s it gonna be, Thompson?” Eddie chides from behind the Dungeon Master screen. He looks so sure of himself when he’s at the head of this table. It’s only your second session of the summer, but you can already tell he means to punish you for the next few months. He cracks a wide, sadistic smile as if he’s already won. You remember when you signed up for this campaign. You had just gotten back from college after making a pit stop to visit your little sister, Tammy, in Nashville, and then driving through the night to make it back to Hawkins. Much to your surprise, Eddie Munson had finally graduated. You had been in the same grade when you started school, and then it became a running joke that he would never get to leave Hawkins High. Your parents were very strict with you, never letting you do much in the way of extracurriculars or staying over with friends, which made it sting that much worse that Tammy went to every kegger and camping trip her senior year. You never got to play in Hellfire, but immediately found a gaming group when you made it out of Hawkins. Now Eddie is running a celebratory summer campaign and you sit across from the forbidden fruit that is Eddie “The Freak” Munson. “Thompsoooon, earth to Thompson.” Dustin waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of the big brown pools that are Eddie’s eyes. It’s almost like a tease, the way he stares directly into your eyes as he’s about to ruin you. “Yeah, I know, it’s my turn.” It comes off a little bit snippy, but you’re all about to die. You feverishly thumb through your dnd binder. You only had throwing daggers when you came into the fight and they’re all on the other side of the room. No spell slots left. The only choice is a cantrip. Since this was an intermediate group of players you all started at level 5, giving you access to a few more cantrips, but you had taken mostly healing magic. Eddie was a notoriously cruel Dungeon Master and no one else had taken any healing abilities. You only had one that might work. “I cast Ray of Frost.” Eddie’s eyes light up with surprise. Dustin jerks his seat backward in a dramatic manner, scraping the floor loudly with the metal legs. “You. You’ve had Ray of Frost this whole fucking time?” Dustin looks like he’s about to throw his Players Handbook at you. “Water Elementals FREEZE WHEN THEY TAKE COLD DAMAGE, THOMPSON!” “I’M AWARE, asshole, but I was too busy casting Spare the Dying on your ass for two sessions to use it!” Eddie chuckles to your left. “Make a ranged spell attack, sweetheart.” Sweetheart? What the fuck? Is he serious right now? You grit your teeth, holding back a smartass comment and roll your d20. “Does an 18 hit?” He takes longer than normal to answer. “Yeah, that hits.” He almost looks impressed, but he’s too busy being peeved that you are about to level his monster with a fucking cantrip. You take two d8s in your hand and start shaking them like you’re at a table in Vegas. Dustin mutters under his breath, come on, come on, come on… The dice clatter on the table. “That’s 11 points of cold damage.” You stare into Eddie’s eyes again, holding your breath that it was enough. He takes a few moments, adjusts in his chair, and looks down at his papers with his chin nestled on top of his fists. “It had exactly 11 hit points left.” The table erupts! Dustin stands up so fast, he nearly takes out the entire table. Eddie startles as his DM screen jumps over a full 4 inches in the commotion. “MY DICE TOWER, HENDERSON!” Eddie screeches as the brand new contraption he had built to roll dice in collapses into two pieces. Dustin takes a few seconds to give him a genuine “sorry, man” before continuing to jump up and down screaming. Gareth, who is sitting to your right, takes you in a headlock and starts rubbing his knuckles into your head. “Your… armpit… reeks, dude.” You choke out. “The sweet scent of victory, Thompson,” he releases the hold on your neck and pats you hard on the back. It’s becoming very clear that they have only been playing this game with other guys. “How do you kill it?” Eddie gives you the opportunity to paint a colorful picture. “As I cast it, beams of ice fly out of the palms of my hands and stab straight through the chest of the elemental. The shards of ice quickly dissipate as it freezes from the inside out!” The table is thoroughly impressed with your description and the boys drum with their hands on the table. As celebrations die down, and the conversation about where to eat begins. “I have to be up early tomorrow,” Jeff complains. “We’re driving out to early orientation tomorrow and it takes like, 6 hours to get to the school.” “My mom doesn’t let me stay out after 9 anymore. That earthquake really spooked her.” Dustin explains. “Doctor Who is coming on in like, half an hour,” Gareth finishes the round table of excuses. “What about you, Thompson? You gonna bail on me or do you wanna grab a bite and talk strategy?” Eddie’s eyes meet yours and he bites his lip as he waits for your response. “Yeah, I could eat.” Wow. Really no one else is coming? It’s just gonna be you and Eddie? You shiver a little and then shake it off. “Thank Christ, for a second there I thought I was gonna be eating alone.” He pouts and mimes a dagger in his heart. “Saved by the fair maiden. See you next week, boys.” He grabs his leather jacket and extends his arm out as if to say, after you, m’lady.
It’s been years since you’ve hung out with Eddie one on one. The closest you’ve ever gotten was when your friends abandoned you at the arcade and you ran into him trying to beat his high score on the Playboy pinball machine. You ended up sharing some fries and he used his tickets to get a ring with an eagle on it. When it wouldn’t make it past any of his knuckles, he gave it to you. And then your friends found you, immediately dragging you away. But now, you’re an adult at your apartment… not a kid in an arcade. You pull up to the complex, pizza in tow. “Wait right there,” he says as he hops out of the driver's seat of his van and runs around the front. His hair flows behind him and he sticks his tongue out of the side of his mouth as he does a hop over the parking block. The bandana in his back pocket looks a bit like a cape when he’s midair. Opening the door and taking the pizza from your hands, he bows and gives you a quick “m’lady.” You chuckle at him and grab the beer from the floorboard. “Thanks, Munson. How very chivalrous of you.” He gives you a wide grin and then shuts the door with a back kick of his leg. You lead him up the stairs to your second floor apartment and fiddle with the keys. As you open the door, a small black cat greets you. “Hi, Chloe, did you miss me?” You purr at the kitten on the ground and it rubs against your leg before stumbling back at the sight of Eddie’s frame. “It’s okay, honey, he’s a friend.” You turn your gaze to Eddie, “You can pet her if you want, she’s just a little bit shy.” “Wait, I’ve been here before,” Eddie makes the realization out loud. “This is Buckley’s apartment.” You set the beer down on the coffee table and shed your flannel. “Yeah, I’m her roommate.” “I didn’t know she had a roommate… I definitely didn’t know she had a hot roommate.” His eyes meet yours and it’s clear he intends to make you blush. “Well, I’ve been at school.” You don’t give into the look he’s giving you. “She got me a job at Family Video and lent me her spare room for the summer. I couldn’t deal with moving back into my parents' place after having a taste of freedom, you know?” You start putting the beers in the fridge, holding the conversation over the counter that separates the living room from the small kitchenette. “Yeah, that makes total sense. Well it's a nice place.” He has set down the pizza and is taking in the decorations with his hands in his back pockets. “You don’t have to lie, Munson. I know it’s a shithole, but it’s my shithole.” “Sweetheart, I live in Forest Hills. You don’t have to tell me about shitholes.” His tone shifts a bit, like he’s embarrassed, but he quickly reverses his demeanor back to one of confidence. “Oh yeah, I looked at some places there, but Robin was nice enough to offer me a room so I ended up here. I think she’s trying to save money to take Steve to Six Flags in Gurnee for his birthday.” You twist the tops off of two beers and hand one to Eddie. He picks the pizza back up. “Which one’s yours?” He asks, gesturing to the doors around the small apartment. “This one, to your left.” You open the door to your bedroom and lead him inside, keeping the door open for now. Robin isn’t home, anyway, and the cat likes to roam around. You sit on the floor, leaned up against your bed. Eddie takes note and sits across from you, leaned against the dresser. As you shovel pizza and beer into your mouths, he starts asking questions about your dnd character. “So, tell me,” he begins with a mouthful of pizza, “why divine soul sorcerer?” “The group needed a healer but I’ve never been a fan of playing clerics. I really wanted to play a magic caster, and the divine soul subclass gives you access to some cleric spells. Best of both worlds.” He looks intrigued by your answer. “Yep, makes sense. But why did you wait until you were all on death’s doorstep to cast Ray of Frost on a water elemental. I mean, I didn’t even know you took that spell. It was pretty fucking clutch.” He doesn’t swallow his bite before turning the beer bottle up in his mouth. “Honestly… it’s kind of amusing to me to watch the boys lose their shit… and I like to keep some stuff up my sleeve.” You give him a cheeky smile. “You’re a little bit sadistic, Thompson.” “So are you.” You don’t break eye contact as you reply and Eddie is a little bit intimidated by that gesture. Clearing his throat a bit, he takes his beer and stands up to look for music to put on. Your tapes are over in a case in the corner and he opens it up to start snooping through. “D.R.I.? Anthrax? Thompson, you’re into thrash metal?” He looks almost impressed. “Like I said… I like to keep some stuff up my sleeve.” That gave him a semi and you fucking know it. He goes back to thumbing through the tapes without responding until he finally picks out Master of Reality by Black Sabbath and puts it in the tape deck. The coughing at the beginning of Sweet Leaf pumps gently through the speakers as he turns up the volume. His eyes meet your gaze as he mouths the opening lyrics, ‘alright now!’ with a slight head bang. He meets you back on the floor and pulls a plastic baggy out of his front pocket. “Do you partake?” He raises his eyebrow at you as he holds up the bag of weed. “I do.” Eddie smiles at that and begins rolling a joint absentmindedly as you continue talking. “So do you still play in Corroded Coffin?” You ask, trying not to fidget with your fingers. “Yes ma’am, and I’m flattered that you remember that. If you’re not busy on Tuesday, we play The Hideout every week. I’ll uh… put you on the list.” He chuckles at that obvious joke. “Yeah, I get off from the video store at 6, I’d love to come.” He stops for a moment to look at you, pleasantly surprised that you agreed. As he finishes rolling, he scoots to sit beside you. He gingerly puts the joint in your mouth and lights it for you. You give him a quick ‘thanks’ as you exhale. “Thanks for inviting me over. It really helps me get better at DMing when I get to debrief with my players after. And uh… I’ve always sort of wanted to hang out with you.” His head falls a bit, not wanting to make eye contact after that statement. You hand the joint to him. As he takes it, he notices a silver metal ring on your thumb with an eagle hugging your knuckle. “I can’t believe you still have that.” He smiles, neither one of you letting go of the joint. “It’s a cool ring. And a pretty sweet guy gave it to me.” You let go of the joint as you both look at each other's lips. He takes a hit from the joint, but doesn’t break eye contact with you. “Sweet? I heard that guy was an asshole.” Eddie grins as he exhales. “No, I kind of like him, actually.” Your voice gets quieter, like maybe he won’t hear you if it doesn’t go over well. “He must like you too, if he gave you that.” He leans in closer, almost nestling you in his underarm. You take him up on his gesture and lean in as well. It feels almost like a static shock when your lips touch for the first time. Gentle at first, he pulls you in. He had already clocked where the ashtray was and sets the joint down without looking so he can use his hand to envelop your cheek. As you sink deeper into his kiss, you raise yourself onto your knees so you can swing a leg over and lower yourself into his lap. Your lips never break contact and he is now using his other hand to hold you in the small of your back. You slide yourself over his lap a little, a taste of what he might get later, and take his face into your hands. “You are the prettiest boy I’ve ever met, Eddie.” He smiles into your mouth, continuing to kiss you. “Prettier than your college boys?” He teases. “Way prettier.” You both smile wide, kissing through a shared giggle. His kissing grows more intense now, like he’s been holding back this urge for a lifetime. His hand on your back finds its way to your upper thigh and he squeezes where your hip and leg meets, thumb caressing into your bikini line. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He chokes out. You’re both running out of breath, but neither of you stop. You grind on him, a little harder this time and he tries to stifle a groan. If that girl in 9th grade who ran into her crush at the arcade could see her now, breaking down the confident exterior of a fully grown man. He smells so good. Not just his cologne but his breath. It’s intoxicating. The hand caressing your cheek becomes a grip as it slides back into your hair. You return the favor with your ringed hand and you can feel his dick jump in his jeans. He likes hair pulling. Noted. “You’re killing me, woman.” He is fully talking through his teeth now, still trying to stifle a moan but not doing a very good job. You smile into his kiss, tugging harder on his hair and leaning into his chest. That seems to be the last straw, and with one swift movement, he picks you up and takes you to the ground. “You’re so… fucking… pretty…” you choke out between kisses. “Shut up.” He is fully taking back control now. You’ve caught him unawares but he is back in his element now that he’s on top of you. He grabs your hair and pulls your head back, dragging his teeth across your neck. That simple act of passion makes your eyes roll back in your head for a moment. Opening your eyes again, you see Chloe is peaking her head around the corner and looking in on the two of you. You giggle at her, which startles her causing her to scurry away. “What are you laughing at, sweetheart?” There it is. The same condescending tone he used at the table only a few hours ago. “The cat was watching us,” you giggle. “Fucking pervert,” he laughs with you and then takes your chin in his fist, guiding your mouth back to his. You grab his waist, feeling the muscles around his back before taking up his tshirt. He slides right out of it. Your kisses find his neck, giving him a small bite back and sending him into a spiral. His hips start pressing down between your legs. His groaning is almost animalistic now. He wants you so bad he is growling. Your shirt comes over your head and he kisses you harder. You’re no longer just making out. You’re undressing. Your hands find their way to his belt buckle, but he grabs them. “Are you sure?” He is breathing heavy. “Fuck yeah.” You smile at each other and he lets you undo his belt. He kicks his pants off, allowing you to see his shoulder muscles flexing as he adjusts and lowers himself back down to you. Jesus fucking Christ, he was not built like this in 9th grade. The hair that falls on his neck and shoulders is gentle, juxtaposed against his wide frame. Just like Eddie… gentle but also strong. He waits for you to undo your shorts, but gladly helps you out of them. He almost crawls back to you after moving backward to get them all the way off. You make short work of your sports bra while he is making his way back up to meet your face. A thin pair of fabric on each of you is all that separates the heat in your loins. Eddie grabs your breast, pressing himself into you again. He’s hard. Very hard. It’s much more noticeable now that he’s out of his jeans. In fact, it’s distracting. You notice your lips stop moving as much as you feel him against you the first time, caught in a near trance. That doesn’t stop him from kissing you with the full force of his mouth. He bites your bottom lip, which is left slack from your dickstraction. It’s at that moment that you realize Eddie is kissing lower. And lower. And lower. He is making his way down your body. He stops as he approaches your hips. The heat of his breath is hovering over your underwear, permeating through to your skin. He gives your pussy a gentle kiss through the fabric… before ripping them entirely with his teeth. He guides them down your legs with his mouth, leaving you completely naked. Finally. “You didn’t care about those, did you?” He gives you a sideways smile, still panting. “Absolutely not.” You’re almost cackling. He smiles wider than you’ve ever seen and lowers himself back down. Men have gone down on you before, but Eddie is so gentle. His tongue feels like it’s coaxing your labia apart, opening up for him. When he takes his first lick at your clit, you gasp for air. Your back arches and he instinctively grabs your hips, pulling you into him. He takes his sweet time to increase the pressure. He’s teasing you. You want more, so you grab him by his hair and try to lean into his tongue. “Ah ah ah,” he chides at you. “You be a good girl and stay where you’re told.” You whimper, needing to be satiated. Every time you go toward him, he pulls back even further, like a punishment. You’re too eager and he knows it. He stops. He’s breathing into your pussy, but hovering over it. Just as you manage to whisper out his name, he inserts two fingers and buries his face into you. He’s only just started fingering you and you’re already about to climax. His tongue speeds up and he hooks his fingers into your sweet spot. He hits a rhythm, as if he’s playing you like an instrument. But fuck, it’s working. All at once your body clenches tight and you practically scream his name as you cum into his mouth. This time he lets you grab his hair and ride out the finish. As your body relaxes down, you let out a desperate “fuck.” Looking down, you see him beaming with pride. He’s got a shit eating grin on his face. “Don’t look at me like that, Munson.” You’re out of breath. “I’ll look at you however I please, princess.” He gives your hips more gentle kisses and meets your face with his once more. When he kisses you, you can taste yourself… and you like it. He waits for a moment, breathing hard into your neck before losing the boxers. “Are you ready, baby?” He whispers into your ear. “Yes.” When he inserts himself into you, you gasp. You hear him grunt into your ear as he feels you for the first time. He pumps into you slowly at first, gradually gaining his composure and speeding up. “Jesus fuck, baby. You’re so tight.” You’re wet, too. Your cheeks meet, both of you calling out the sounds of pleasure into each other’s ear. You wrap your hand around his head to keep him close to you and all of his arm muscles flex to keep him hovering just above you without crushing you. You can already tell he has an obsession with your love handles, as he caresses them before grabbing your thigh for leverage. His love making noises sound almost primal. He’s conquering you. Flashes of his face torturing you at the dnd table enter your mind, causing you to smile. He’s definitely won now. So have you. He brings his face to yours, seeing your grin and returning it. “What’s that smile for, princess?” “There’s no way you’ll kill my sorcerer now.” He giggles. “Never say never.” He pumps into you so hard you almost scream. Your head rolls back. He’s making you pay for that little comment. The hand on your thigh lifts your leg slightly so he can get deeper, causing you to bite your lip and groan. Master of Reality continues to play, as ‘Lord of This World’ starts up. He’s found the key that fits the lock to your heart. He’s had it for years. His rhythm slows down so he can kiss you. Caressing his face, the metal of the ring on your thumb feels cool to the touch against his hot skin. You’ve both got the sheen of summer sweat on your chest. He hits a spot that drives you insane, causing your eyes to go out of focus. “Eddie, I’m gonna come again. I’m gonna come again.” You’re so out of breath. “Come for me, baby.” He drags his teeth across your neck as your head rolls back in pleasure. Your hips stiffen and your pussy tightens around him causing him to almost collapse. He’s coming with you. He groans deeply in your ear with each thrust as you climax, wrapped in each other. You can feel his mouth widen to a grin on your shoulder. “Holy shit,” you manage to squeak out. Gently, he gives you small kisses all over your neck and shoulders. A long, hard kiss lands on your forehead before he looks you in the eyes. “You’re fucking amazing.” He sweeps the sweaty hair out of your face. “So are you, handsome.” Eddie rolls off to the side of you, but grabs your hip to stay locked into him. You’re lost in a kiss when you feel him touching you again. You whisper his name. “You haven’t had enough love, yet.” He responds. Like a dessert cocktail, he starts circling your throbbing clit. Two fingers scrape your g spot and then disappear. You open your eyes to find those two fingers in his mouth. “We taste so good together.” Jesus Christ, this boy is melting you. He grins at you again and picks up where he left off. “E-Eddie,” you plead with him. You can’t form words but you’re almost crying from pleasure. “I’m not gonna stop until you beg me, babe.” You cry out as he moans your first name in your ear. That’s the first time he’s ever called you by your first name. Ever. Squirming under his hand, the cool metal of his rings collects your heat. All the way in, the ridges of his jewelry claim your insides. He’s three fingers in now with his thumb relentlessly circling your clit. He moans your name. Again. And again. And again. Growing louder with your cries of ecstasy. For the third time, you climax. You’ve never come this hard before… and you’ve definitely never squirted before. The carpet under your ass is soaking through as you start to beg. “P-please. Eddie. S-stop.” “Yes ma’am.” His hand exits you, leaving you shaking on the ground. He wipes off the mess on the edge of the comforter that drapes off the bed next to him. Taking your face in his hand again, he gives you a loving kiss. “Good girl,” he whispers into your mouth, the heat of his breath causing sweat to pool on your upper lip. You moan into another kiss before utterly collapsing. Your head is swimming with endorphins as you hear the front door start to stir. Shit. Robin. “Hey, slut, I’m home.” She calls out as you scramble to your feet to slam the door to your bedroom. “What the hell are you… is that Munson in there with you?!” Her voice cracks. “Uhhh… no?” You’re a terrible liar. Eddie chuckles, propped up on one elbow. “You’re a worse liar than me, Thompson, his vans out front!”
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