#and oh how i disliked how the twins' characters warped too
thestarmaker · 9 months
Sometimes writing inspiration strikes at the most random times for the most random things. Instead of working on any pre-existing things I have I'm writing a solid one-shot about London Tipton returning to Boston for the first time in six years and reuniting with Maddie and maybe (definitely) realizing they love each other
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morinokunikara · 4 years
📃 📌✨ 🎥 🎶💕 💔🏳‍🌈 🍀💎 💢 for p5
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
ok so without spoiling too much: a group of teenagers fight against a corrupt society by changing the hearts of individuals with warped perceptions of reality. they do this by stepping in another world, a metaverse that manifests from peoples desires. people with fully warped desires form “palaces” in their hearts that represent their views on the world. by working their way through these palaces and stealing the treasure within, they can change the hearts of these people and force them to better themselves. 
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
i was really really into persona 4 in high school when i got p4g on my vita bc a lot of my friends were super into it (it was my special interest for a good few years, that interest would probably pick back up if i replayed but i dont have a charger for my vita) i was on tumblr during the announcement and 245 delays bu when it came out i wasn’t able to get it for a long time. then my brother bought it and i fell in love 
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
the characters!! the cast is so lively and fun... each non-nasty character has their charms and i have a long list of reason why i love basically everyone
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
THE TAKOYAKI SCENE GOD followers know i love goro akechi to death but seeing him get owned by a fucking spicy takoyaki is fuckin hilarious
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
AKECHI again gonna say this without spoiling things but he’s such a complex and interesting character, and the fact that he plays this “detective prince” role when he’s actually a nerd that loves featherman, cannot handle spicy foods, and just really fuckin love pancakes is so goo i love him goro akechi i love you so mu
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
aside from obvious characters like kamoshida, i really, really, REALLY do not like ohya. i’m a former journalism student myself and her unethical journalism such as BADGERING A TEENAGER ABOUT HIS RECENT ABUSE THAT HE HAS NOT HAD ANY TIME TO RECOVER FROM pisses me off, also her confidant is. too yucky and uncomfortable for me to even finish god
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
trans gnc mishima!!! as a gnc trans person that relates to mishima, it’s SUPER close to my heart even if there’s no real canon justification for it
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
i kin mishima mainly!! but also futaba, the both twin wardens, and a spoiler character. my main comfort character is akechi (of course) but also like. all the male phantom thieves and tbh mishima too
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
i mention this regularly but mishima eats the parsley off sandwiches bc he doesn’t want to to feel left out. he does this its so sweet i know im op buti would kill for him 
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
oh you dO NOT WANT TO OPEN THIS CAN OF WORMS WITH ME let’s just say overall how they handle trauma, mental illness, all their female characters, BEING ABLE TO DATE ADULT WOMEN BUT NOT THE GUYS, and like. just their writing overall 
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ariderofcomets · 6 years
Descrying love.
The incestous relationship between Cersei and Jaime Lannister has, in my eyes, always been problematic. Setting aside the fact that it involves incest (honestly, some could argue that's reason enough), there are so many other reasons why it could never work out between them, and the progression of the story is leading us to just that. 
First, a note on Cersei Lannister. 
I had begun to dislike Cersei from the very start of the series, but my feelings were fixated after I read A feast for crows. It didn't, of course, marr my enjoyment of her POV chapters. To me, reading some parts of her story involved equal portions of amusement and disbelief. Her internal monologue, laced with malice for almost everyone she encountered, was at times, cringeworthy. Sometimes, I had to pause, put my book aside, and dwell on just how far she went with her delusions and what that meant for her.  
Some might say that her paranoia was justified. Isn't she facing imminent death at the hands of a 'valonqar'? Doesn't she have proof to support the fact that the Tyrells were, in fact, the perpetrators in her son's death? Yes, I will not be the one to deny that. Cersei Lannister is not the first person to do everything in her literal power to thwart a fate that has been prophesized to be unfortunate, to lash out blindly with a club as if to deter her destiny. But it has caused harm to so many innocent people, and that has never bothered her, not in the least. In her fits of rage, she is sometimes callously cruel, even to those she loves (and that list is shorter than her temper). 
By Dance with Dragons, of course, I had begun to pity her, because yes, no matter how horrible a person she was, she deserved none of what the insurgent, radically insane Faith Militant doled out for her (the same Faith Militant, which, in a move that she believed was a stroke of genius, she allowed to be freed from their restrictions), but I am afraid that was all the empathy that I could muster. 
To Cersei, the only person worth protecting in Westeros is herself, and her children. She wants them to bend to her will, because only she knows what's right for them. She may have been trying to protect Tommen, with his best interests at heart, but unarguably, the two do not have the best mother-child relationship. As a matter of fact, Cersei did not have that with any of her children. In Joffrey, she encouraged the streak of blatant brutality, in fact even stating that her son's willfulness was his best quality as it would keep him out of trouble in the treacherous mire that King's Landing was. I have no doubt that she was trying to be a good mother, but I also suspect she was anything but that in Tommen's eyes. 
In her defense, one can also add that she believed that she was shielding her children from the worst effects of the waves of war that crashed around them. In some instances, however, it seemed to me that she was using the protection of her children as an excuse to assuage, or even absolve herself of blame in the face of the hair raising atrocities that she subjected some of her people to (Blue bard and Falyse). Here is what she thinks after she torments the Blue Bard into admitting to a lie that would aid in framing Margaery-
Getting the truth was wearisome work, and she dreaded what must follow. I must be strong. What I must do for Tommen and the realm. It was a pity that Maggy the Frog was dead. Piss on your prophecy, old woman. The little queen may be younger than I, but she has never been more beautiful, and soon she will be dead. 
In this statement, Cersei imputes all that she does to Tommen and the realm, and then, in the very same stream of thought, goes on to dwell over Maggy the Frog and her own motives for wanting Margaery dead. So while Cersei may tell herself all she wants that all of her actions benefit her children alone, they are, in the end, rooted in her own desire to put the stopper on the prophecy that predicts her ousting from power and death. 
Cersei is also a woman who believes that everyone takes her opinions with a pinch of salt because of her gender. Her entire life, she has seen firsthand the yawning black chasm of differentiation that exists between women and men in Westeros. Her father had always sought to sell her like a commodity to men she never wished to marry, even as her twin was allowed to tread the path to glory. This is, of course, the very picture of injustice, one that exists in the entirety of Westeros. All of our fortuitous female characters, from Sansa to Arya to Brienne to Asha have been subjected to this form of discrimination.
But how did Cersei choose to react to this inequity? By believing that she had been cursed by being born into the wrong gender, that women were weak and vapid and soft and could only wield power with the 'charms of their sex' and what was 'between their legs'. She eyes most women with distaste and contempt and distances herself from every frail thing that she has associated with femininity and looks to find 'masculine traits' within her, traits which will help her manage the realm as efficiently as her father. Womanly emotions are viewed as nugatory by her, and even when she is queen, she does not do much to alleviate the condition of women in Westeros, botherations not very different from her own. Instead of shunning the flawed paradigm of women that so many men in Westeros hold, she believes it, and begrudges her fate for having been born a woman.
Okay, so Cersei Lannister may not be my absolute favorite character, but seeing as how everything in her life is in a jumbled disarray, and how she is treading the fine line between suspicion and full blown paranoia, she deserves to be freed from any other exigency that weighs her down, including destructive or toxic relationships in her life, which is what her brother needs too, maybe more than her. Where best to start but with each other?
When one person truly loves another person, they will go out of their way to ensure that they do all they can to ease any suffering the other person may be enduring, even if they have to put aside their own sorrows for the moment or if not that, at least listen to the other person and then relay their own difficulties. Even listening to someone talk about their worries can go a long way in making them feel better. 
Now, when Jaime came back from Riverrun, miamed both physically and mentally, he practically rushed to Cersei, and didn't even wait for her to consent before proceeding to make love to her. He knew that Cersei had lost a son. Albeit a monstrous one, she was still his sister, and he should have been more understanding of the circumstances.
And Cersei? She was repulsed by his stump. Instead of bolstering his already frangible self esteem, she went on to reveal her own intentions and plans to him, hoping to rope him in, all for her own benefit, even going so far as to asking him to quit the Kingsguard (an institution she had once asked him to join for her own purposes). And when he refused? 
Was it your hand they hacked off in Harrenhal, or your manhood? 
You great golden fool. He's lied to you a thousand times, and so have I. 
Oh, an angry cripple. How terrifying. A pity Lord Tywin Lannister never had a son. I could have been the heir he wanted, but I lacked a cock. 
It is clear from their interaction that Cersei was thinking only of herself and of the problems that she would soon encounter, not sparing much thought for her brother's conflict and pain. 
While I do not doubt that Cersei and Jaime loved each other as they grew up together in Casterly Rock, I do know that this love must have begun purely as the love that brothers and sisters share, and in their case, a deeper bond of twinhood. This was warped by their thoughtless experimentations later, and as the years advanced and they continued to attach a sexual relationship to it, they twisted the sinuous connection even further. 
I do not think they were ever in love. Cersei Lannister surely wasn't. Even as a little girl, she had dreamed of marrying Rhaegar, dreamed of soaring into the gaping skies with him upon the scaly back of a majestic dragon. Her love for her brother, which had begun as platonic, was only sexual for sating her own needs. For lack of a better analogy, his role in her life could be likened to a bloodrider. 
I name you ko, and ask your oath, that you should live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm. 
-An oath asked of a bloodrider
They were the khal's brothers, his shadows, his fiercest friends. "Blood of my blood," Drogo called them, and so it was; they shared a single life.
In my opinion, this is pretty much how Cersei views Jaime. A man who is hers, to protect her, live and die for her and vanquish her enemies. She loved him, and he pleasured her, but she was never in love with him. She believed that he was, wholeheartedly, and that she deserved to use that to her advantage, which was what she did most of their life (Prominent instances that stand out to me- Persuading him to join the Kingsguard and asking him to miam or kill Arya on sight if he found her in Darry). When he began to demonstrate his heedlessness to her wishes, she began to regard him differently- He had changed, and he was a thorn in her side. He was supposed to assist her in whatever she did, and if he couldn't do that, she had to send him away. 
As for Jaime, he had painted an entirely inaccurate picture of the relationship in his mind. In his ideally rose tinted imaginings, he was the Warrior and Cersei was the Maiden. He believed he loved her for her uproarious flames, but he never gazed deep enough to see the crucible of untamed wildfire. She believed she loved him for his undying fierceness, but never quite took the time to see the contrariant idealism and carefully buried trauma shoved away inside. Neither of them knew or understood the other entirely, they 'loved' each other because they had projected the image of who they believed each other to be on to themselves. The curtains were flung from their eyes in the gales of the personal tribulations that they had to face (particularly for Jaime, who was forced to re-evaluate his whole life). 
After discovering that his sister hadn't been as loyal to him as he had to her, and encountering aspects of her that he didn't knew existed, he thinks-
I thought that I was the Warrior and Cersei was the Maid, but all the time she was the Stranger, hiding her true face from my gaze. 
And here is an excerpt from his conversation with Daven which highlights his disillusionment-
"How is Cersei? As beautiful as ever?"
"Radiant." Fickle. "Golden." False as a fool's gold. 
He also dreamed of finding her in bed with Moon Boy and in the very same dream, proceeded to smash her teeth in, which is a very violent form of expression of the dismay in his sub-conscious mind. 
But the one scene that sums his disenchantment up the best is when he throws this letter by Cersei into the fire-
Come at once. Help me. Save me. I need you now as I have never needed you before. I love you. I love you. I love you. Come at once."
When Cersei sends this letter to Jaime, her need is truly dire. Her sending such a letter and Jaime's reaction upon receiving it both reflect exactly what their relationship has come to. 
While Cersei knows that Jaime could not possibly be of any aid to her without his sword hand, she wants him by her side, because isn't that how it has always been? He was meant to protect her. They were meant to die together. He had to come. 
And Jaime? He chose not to go. 
He chooses not to go when the woman he is supposedly in love with needs him the most. 
She has never come to me, he thought, She has always waited, letting me come to her. She gives, but I must ask. 
Could it be attributed to his rage at being betrayed? Possibly. But how long can rage last in the face of truly eternal love, and particularly a loved one in mortal peril? Jaime chose to ignore Cersei's request because he no longer wanted to give up everything for a woman who was, in all probability, only going to require him for that purpose. He was not about to put everything on the line for a woman whose shrouded true face had slowly begun to come into the light. He was a knight of the Kingsguard, entrusted with an important task, and he meant to see it through. He didn't leave, even though he knew it could mean a terrible punishment for Cersei, or even death. 
Jaime had started to discover other priorities in his life, and Cersei had begun to see him for just who he was. Both of them had. How can two completely different people with a set of conflicting beliefs, who don't see eye to eye, and who dream of things that the other could never possibly comprehend, ever summon true love within themselves for each other? Can a woman who has viewed love as a sweet poison ever look beyond to realise what the liberation and wonderment of love truly entails? Love isn't poison. The absence of love is. Can a man who has distorted sibling love and attached a component of lust to it ever see how truly falling in love with someone is like?
I sure hope they can (though in Cersei's case, sadly, it is unlikely) and I also understand that it is implausible so long as they continue to view each other as lovers. 
Theirs isn't a tragic love story. It isn't a love story at all. 
And beautiful, wonderful, Brienne of Tarth deserves her own love story, and I really hope that she finds it with the man she has begun to love. 
Note-Excerpts from the books in italics.
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