#and now I’m back on my teen wolf bullshit lmso
jasntodds · 2 years
Hey! I haven’t been on here in a little while & I’ve just seen that you’re writing a new Tom series (which is awesome btw & I’ve very exited to read it when it’s out)… but last I saw you said you were no longer going to write for Tom (maybe even delete some of your old stuff about him)? Did you just change you’re mind or am I thinking of a completely different blog?
Thank you!! That was me lmao so yeah I didn’t want to write for Tom because people, in this fandom in particular, were being severely harassed by people for writing rpf (I’m talking BIG blogs were harassing people) and I didn’t wanna subject myself to that but then I was blocking all of them anyway and I’ve had this idea for this fic for literally a year and it wouldn’t leave me alone lmao I didn’t want to include the whole superhero or supernatural element like if I were to write it for Peter or Stiles so I decided I could write it for Tom and have the intention of publishing it as an original story well. So here I am deciding to write a series lmao
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