#and not make bizarre accusations of (anti) zionism against each other
hahaha not to be that guy but what has always drawn me to politics and student politics in particular is its ubiquity - that even if the people in your constituency or university or college or whatever don't know who you are you're still present in their lives as (hopefully) a force for good and so there is no one in your geographic or social vicinity with whom you do not have some connection... but for the first time in my uoft politics career(!) I have gone outside the little vic bubble and am now in the big scary world where there are so many little networks and friendgroups I don't know exist!!! and like. I could draw a map of nearly everyone at vic (or everyone who like, cares enough to vote in vusac elections) but I have no idea how to analyze not only one but THREE entire campuses of people and friendgroups and clubs etc. etc. so it is impossible to gauge how I am doing (winning easily? winning narrowly? losing narrowly? losing by hundreds of votes? near the bottom??) or what I need to do to be successful*
(* this is a bit of an overstatement - I actually do know what I need to do to stand a chance, I just feel very overwhelmed by like. all of the things that other girlies could be doing!!)
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