#and no i didn't give all my MOCs rahkshi heads i swear
pyrousred ยท 2 years
Since Bionicle has proved to be pretty popular here I thought I'd share some of the stuff I've been up to...
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LEFT: Original model. RIGHT: Stud.io redux.
I recently got stud.io and some parts packs. To warm up I've been recreating my old MOCs, then sprucing them up to be how I might've built them if I'd had access to more parts.
The character above was dubbed 'Toa Advanced' by those who were privy to his existence. He was a mysterious, quiet, hulking being that avoided others, traversing the Matoran Universe in search of relics and items of personal interest. He was just as interested in the Vahi as he was a handful of prettily colored riverstones. This, combined with theories that he was an escaped experiment in creating a living superweapon, falsely lead the powers that be to believe he was stupid - read: easy to capture. This quickly proved untrue...
For his new model, I included articulating fingers, wings, clavicle, and waist. He can also fold back his rhotuka spinner when it's unloaded, and is significantly taller and more 'filled out,' which was how I wanted him to look.
Depending how things go I may rig him in Blender and make some cool renders of him. Also, I haven't built serious MOCs in a long time, so feel free to let me know how I did and give me any (constructive) criticism you might have. Cyaround everyone!
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