#and my other friend talked about rugby to me which tbh is kind of charming when you get used to it
computer-boy · 1 month
i went to a DND session at my friend's house today it was so fun!!
#we all brought snacksss and all threee of us got lost on the way to our host's house lol#anfff we played. dnd :)#our fucking sessions are so chaotic because the DM will say one thing and we spend 10 minutes going off on random unrelated tangents#so we never get anything done#also our DM is so awesome i love her this is her first time ever dming and she used that dragon island thing but she diverged from the#story really quickly and the lore!!!! holy shit dude the things she puts us in is so cool#she's put so much thought into the session i love her so much she's so cool#anddd we played for like four hours and we ate biscuits and candy and drank 7up and tea#and my other friend talked about rugby to me which tbh is kind of charming when you get used to it#he is overbearing but you get used to it he's cool also ill never tell him but i actually really like his character even tho i tease him ab#and my other other friend talked about how she got all her jewellery i loveee her style she is so awesome#andd she let me sit on the floor behind her counter when i got tired and made us tea and im a little bit in love with her#and her sister watched the session and she was cool!! i like her she was really nice and i hope i get to see her more soon cuzi like her#mmmm mthis session was so fun. like gamewise aswell we're getting into the good shit it was so cool#the metaphors. grips you#yayyayayay :))))#iii love my friends so much#ALAO my friend drew a silly cat on my hand!!! she is so expert at drawing silly cats. she's so good at it#she is just silly!!! i love her!!!!#peests
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n0ttinghamshad0w · 6 years
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It's not like I'm falling in love, I just want you to do me no good And you look like you could
ROBIN OLIVER HUNT (Name at birth: Robin Huang; Alias: Robert Oliver Gardner)
Birthday: March 12 1990 (Pisces) Hogwarts House (Primary):  Gryffindor Hogwarts House (Secondary): Slytherin Myers-Briggs: ENFP Enneagram: Type 8 Height:  5’9
1.       Unknown—Linda Huang, still alive, forced to give up her child by her conservative parents who did not want her raising a child out of wedlock, has not tried to make contact with her son.
2.       Mother Florence—the head nun at Nottingham Orphanage, firm, but kind; strict, but genuinely wanted the best for the children; had a soft spot for Robin, since he’d been there for like all his life.
3.       Barbara Economides—Robin’s first foster mom, had six kids of her own, but room in her heart for a dozen more
1.       Unknown—Ernesto Rosetti
2.       George Economides—Robin’s first foster dad, loving and hard-working man, who unfortunately did not have a very hard-working cardiovascular system. Died of a heart attack when Robin was ~12
Mother’s Occupation: he doesn’t care about his birth mom, but Barbara owned a bakery
Father’s Occupation: he doesn’t care about his birth dad, but George owned a bakery
Family Finances: well, none of the homes he was in were great financially
Birth Order: only child as far as he’s concerned
Siblings: N/A--(Stefan, Petros, Elek, Idola, Eileen, Karena...the Economides kids)
Other Close Family: None
Best Friend: Joan Woode (28)
Other Friends: Tuck Frere (26), Martin Maddon (18), Fakhir Azhar (27)
Enemies: all those who neglect/abuse their children
Pets: none, would love a bird or a fox tho
Home Life During Childhood: He was in an orphanage till he was nine, and it was not a bad orphanage at all, just massively under-funded. At nine, he was placed in a foster home, a large Greek family, and he was very well-loved and well-taken care of, but the father dropped dead of a heart attack when Robin was 12 and the Economides family had to move and they couldn’t take care of Robin. He shuffled through like four other foster homes, at least one of which he was badly abused in, till at seventeen, he just didn’t come home one day and the family never reported it and that was that.
Town or City Name(s): Nottingham, England
What Did His Bedroom Look Like: Never had a steady room, or one of his own. Always shared with someone else, always a small bed.
Any Sports or Clubs: Nah, he was the type of kid who hung out under bridges and threw stuff.
Favorite Toy or Game: Had a toy archery kit back at the Economides house
Schooling: left school at seventeen
Favorite Subject: History and English, loved old stories of Robin Hood
Popular or Loner: loner---’cept he was real popular with the “troubled” kids, the freak in freaks and geeks
Important Experiences or Events: When George died, the abuse at the other foster homes
Health Problems: None
Culture: English?? He’s actually Italian and Chinese, but wouldn’t know at all. Considers himself Greek, if anything
Religion and beliefs: The only time in his life when he was religious was when he lived with the Economides family and went to church on the reg, since then, he’s convinced that if a God does exist, he’s a shitty God and only people can really help each other
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits: smoking, drinking, commitment issues, def has ghosted girls before...oh yeah, uh, stealing things??? He’s also a pickpocket
Good Habits: very good with children, when he wants to be he’s very kindhearted, very charismatic, very charming, good sweet-talker
Best Characteristic: intense--has his set of beliefs and morals and will stick by them
Worst Characteristic: intense--to the point where he isolates himself
Worst Memory: The moment the Economides family left him at the social services office (also George’s death lbr)
Best Memory: His first Christmas with the Economides family
Proud of: the money he’s been able to give back to the orphanage
Embarrassed by: his lack of formal education
Driving Style: erratically, I don’t think he has a license but he definitely knows how to drive--does not get into accidents, but is hella reckless
Strong Points: passionate, believes in a cause, dedicated friend, charming, charismatic, quick-learner, good with his hands
Temperament: sanguine
Attitude: passionate, intense
Weakness: has a very specific mission, keeps people at a distance unless you’ve proved yourself to him, you can know him but never really know him
Fears: man, uh, not being able to make a difference
Phobias: abandonment issues~~~
Secrets: the fact that he’s a master thief
Regrets: not finishing secondary, not being like a better person or whatever
Feels Vulnerable When: talking about his past
Pet Peeves: tourists (but they make good bait), people who hate on people who use subtitles, americans, mac copmputers
Conflicts: his very idealistic moral code vs reality, his very idealistic moral code and mission vs caring about his own life/needs
Motivation: justice for children
Short Term Goals and Hopes: find Tuck’s family, steal from Tuck’s family, find Martin, find enough money to get Fakhir a good lawyer
Long Term Goals and Hopes: well shit, making a difference in the lives of people somehow
Sexuality: heterosexual, but could be convinced to fuck a bloke
Exercise Routine: just generally active, runs a fair bit, likes to play sports with friends
Day or Night Person — Night
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist
Likes and Styles:
Music: alt-rock, classic rock, rock in general, also some punk
Books: he likes old stories and folktales (ie; Robin Hood whom he modeled himself after), but does have a soft spot for some high fantasy books (he’s a big fan of Lloyd Alexander’s work--wait, I guess that doesn’t exist since The Black Cauldron is disney but IM SURE HE HAD SOME SORTA EQUIVALENT...The Beige Cauldron) and adventure novels
Magazines: GQ probs let’s be real. Never bought one, always knicked ‘em out of newstands. ALso probably playboy……...Recently has been into tech mags.
Foods: Greek food---reminds him of his time with the Economides family. Loves him a good lamb gyro with a big side of chips.
Drinks: Whiskey--straight up. Not a huge tea drinker, but likes a strong Turkish coffee. Also Gin and Tonics
Animals: Foxes and birds of prey. Tbh, kinda hates that the name the orphanage gave him is ROBIN for crying out loud it sounds so fuckin’ wimpy
Sports: big football fan, also into rugby, probably out of all my characters the one who follows sports the most jeez
Social Issues: def def a huge proponent for children’s rights, especially within the foster system; that’s his biggest thing, but he’s also really for Magick-Rights and against the pressing xenophobia and nationalism that’s rising in a lot of Western European nations
Favorite Saying: Faint heart never won fair lady; As you wish
Color: Dark forest green
Clothing: enough to maintain his image as a #rebel, but def does not invest toooo much in fashion. Lots of cool jackets, mostly darker colors
Jewelry: nah, mate that’s excessive (has this pendent that Barbara gave him that used to be George’s but that’s it)
Games: loves dominoes a lot actually
Websites: uhh reddit probably
TV Shows: probs into Game of Thrones and #epic period dramas
Movies: his absolute favorite movie is The Princess Bride, he loves good action flicks with a dash of epic romance--something with a real hero. Also probs a Star Wars fan. V for Vendetta
Greatest Want: to make a difference in the world, to make sure no child is ever hurt
Greatest Need: to let people in
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home: small studio apartment in Benbow
Household furnishings: sparse, probs just sleeps on a mattress let’s be real, has a hot plate and a mini fridge, uses a crate for a coffee table
Favorite Possession: his trusty pocket knife, one of the first things he bought with his own money
Most Cherished Possession: necklace that Barbara Economides gave to him that used to belong to George, it is a Greek Cross
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: the only serious one was this rather posh girl when he was 21. She ended up getting pregnant, but got an abortion and the relationship sorta derailed after that.
Children: nah
Relationship with Family: lol
Car: n/a
Career: no “career”--has worked service jobs and manual labor, was a bartender for a bit but quit bc of the Fakhir thing
Dream Career: god, he doesn’t know--maybe a social worker, tbh, or owning some sort of afterschool program for kids
Dream Life: he wouldn’t tell you, but being married to a beautiful girl, having a buncha kids, adopting a bunch too
Love Life: a string of one-night stands and brief dramatic love affairs that ended like smoke in the night
Hobbies : knife-throwing, wood-carving
Guilty Pleasure : women?
Sports or Clubs: not at the moment
Talents or Skills : wood-carving, bartending, bit of an amateur hacker, decent dancer and football player, decent at like climbing things lol, lock-picking, stealth talents
Intelligence Level: Never did well in school, but is quite very streetsmart and can read people very well, knowledgable on random things, courtsey of Tuck 
Finances: not as bad as you’d think, but still def the poorest out of my characters. He’s the type of dude who gives everything he gets back--always drops in coins for street musicians, always
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