#and maybe fuck up the sacred timeline a lil
leatherbookmarking · 3 years
THE PLOT CHICKENS aka very spoilerful yelling belów
1. B-15??? IS SHE....... IS SHE DEAD.......? she only just like... collapsed, didn’t she? she wasnt fried, so... she’s okay right? right? right?
2. THE THEORIES WERE RIGHT ALL ALONGGGGG which wasn’t that hard because honestly, all the signs pointed to that. i saw opinions that ‘this is bad’ but i would say ‘this is good because stories having hints and/or making you have Hunches About Where It’s Going are good, actually’ instead. subverting expectations and making up the weirdest shit only to prove the fans wrong is the worst trend in the big franchises in recent years and i’m glad they decided not to do it at least with this lil’ thing lol
3. i’m whatever about people’s shipping preferences because, as i’ve said, i don’t really have any ships for loki (i mean, unless i’m reading a fanfic) but... #ouch for the loki/mobius squad, i guess? although initially mobius gave me wannabe father figure vibes, ep 2 and this one show particularly well that while he’s fascinated by loki, loki’s still his, like... pet project? and mobius is still an office worker who’s gotten used to being in control and the right.
which, by the way, is interesting, because... has no variant ever had sylvie’s powers? you’d think the tva staff would be better, uh, programmed. shielded against such stuff. on the other hand, it’s more likely that they’re supposed to be tva’s stormtroopers -- cannon fodder, easily replaced, and the rotation is so high that even if someone such as c-30 or b-15 happens, you just... fry them and move on. which is fucking creepy.
4. baby sylvie’s case has got me thinking that tva is not only The Enemy and the time keepers are made up, but the whole sacred timeline thing is bollocks too. ‘i don’t remember’ sounds like a mispronounced ‘nothing, actually’. so, essentially... there’s no sacred timeline, and yet they’re plucking all those poor sods out of their timelines and recycling them into upgraded stormtroopers (they’re allowed to have faces out!!!)... hello? is this a fun after school club started by thanos? because that’s how you get rid of a good chunk of the world’s population alright
5. SO I JUST SAID I DON’T HAVE ANY SHIPS, RIGHT, YOU’RE WITH ME?, and i’m usually VERY (every single eyeroll emoji in existence) about shinkansen sk8r boi romances, However. no no hear me out. However the SECOND loki started Trying To Tell Sylvie Something, he was being SO fuckeningly awkward that i just... honey............. :’)))
i mean yeah, i would have preferred a sibling-like relationship, but still
BUT ALSO: i have no experience w/ marvel romances, really, so i’m not actually sure if i’m right or (sigh) clowning myself incredibly, but i’m Not entirely sure loki was going for an i love you out there? i mean, he doesn’t really seem like a Love Confession Moment kinda guy, especially not that fast. so maybe it would be some other form of i might be fond of you? but not exactly... that.
but hey the plot thickens let’s wait for that.
6. i guess watching things with your eyenus isn’t a thing specific to cql. they just spent an entire episode establishing that sylvie is NOT loki, and yet people keep on calling it selfcest/incest... #okay
7. a really good chunk of people in the tag just.... seem to think a show endorses everything it shows? that we’re meant to take everything the characters say literally and like, agree with that? amazing. cool. wow. missed that
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epi Meat p3 reaction
So, starting page 3 of the Meat today.
I've started wondering about the "ultimate self" and how it might come to play or be seen retroactively in Homestuck. A potential thing the story might touch upon is Jack, the only non-player character with multiple selves painting a picture of a grander self. There's also the bunny to some extent, but it's been more item than actor, with exception of the Liv Tyler & Lil Sebastian incarnation.
Also, I've started wondering what, in page 2, can be taken as indication that Dave & Jake have started growing towards that vague shape of an ultimate self. Jake's started sincerely enjoying the attention of the Earth C populace, it seems. Where he is more of a media celebrity, Grandpa was a celebrated entrepreneur. As for Dave, his social activism is of course influenced by his contact with trolls like Karkat with an outspoken idea on the matter. But his call to revolt reminds me of B2 Dave's, but implemented in a way that might please the Sufferer, if not Kankri too.
But anyway, are we going to follow Dave towards Dirk, or is the perspective going to switch back to John now, the first page in-canon? To recap, I believe he'll travel back to a moment in the Game Over timeline before Aranea killed anyone, and punch her. Or, he might punch either Jade or Jane, who at that time were mindcontrolled by Condesce.
"> JOHN: Zap." Oh hell yes.
"You zap back into canon. It’s been so long, you’d forgotten what it feels like. The atmosphere smacks unmistakably of... How can you describe it? Relevance? Legitimacy? Funny how you never would have thought to put it that way until you left." I love the smell of canon in the evening. It smells like... relevance?
"It takes you a moment to recognize where you are, even though Rose’s instructions were very specific. A place bright and gaudy and filled with the stench of teenage ennui." In other words, the Sburb session? :P
"It’s your old living room on the gold battleship, where you spent three years caught up in a lot of weird, furry romantic drama while learning to unlove everything you once held sacred." Oooh, so, is he going to spot his past self just before he disappeared, as he put his arm into the juju in his dream? If so, he might be in time to deny Aranea the ring even! (Also, I wonder if this is meant to be taken as that John came back from coming back on the fact he thought Con Air sucked or not. :P Fickle as the wind, that boy's opinions. ;)) Also, what did I spot there from the corner of my eye, a certain colour of pesterlog and a certain name in front... :::;) Time for John to derail a derailment of the alpha timeline! And in doing so... lending it legitimacy???? I mean, will the fact be brought up that John's original timeline was in fact a doomed timeline or not? The fact that he created a better future is irrelevant to some extent, the Aradiabots did the same. I mean, the juju is more potent than mere time travel, but still.
Also, now I think of the fact that the very thing Aranea set out to do : create a timeline that deprives Lord English's origin of legitimacy is in fact what John kind of went back to undo!
"The fridge pops open and out roll Aranea and Gamzee." Pffff, so he's literally going to nip her plan in the bud, right after she got her resurrection. What'll the ring end up being used for though, if it's not just going to stay on her finger like with Calliope?
"Gamzee honks" What else is new.
"Aranea staggers to her feet, looking rather pleased with herself. Until she notices you and gapes in bewilderment.
ARANEA: What are you doing here?!" That was not what she foresaw. Then again, did she really plan to take his ring KNOWING he would've disappeared?? That would mean she didn't know he received retcon powers, else it was kind of a gamble from the start!
"> Rose was perfectly clear about what to do next.
You make a fist, and sort of flinch and look away when you do it. No matter how many years you’ve spent living on a planet with absolute gender parity, this feels wrong. Still, you hit Aranea pretty fucking hard, underestimating your own strength just as badly as you did the last time you clobbered a hapless Serket. She goes flying back, hits the couch, and KOs instantly into a pile of Smuppets." I can picture this scene so clearly, since we have the circumstantial simultaneous scene to compare it, and yet I can't wait for the fan art.
"You then take her wrist in your hand, slide the ring off her finger, and" I wonder what this'll do! Finally we'll get confirmation on what removing the ring does, whether it just grants a fancy resurrection boon or the artefact needs to remain on the finger!
... I do wonder what Rose intended for John to do with the ring. ... Maybe they'll have post-retcon Game Over Roxy (R5 Roxy, since this is I believe the 5th retconned timeline John made) go to sleep and find Calliope, creating a different version of Calliope even though her ghost's in the dreambubbles and therefore outside this session's timeline?
"pocket it." Okay, so we won't see the effect instantly.
"> Isn’t there something you’re forgetting?" You turned your back on the body! the clown! the clown body!
"Gamzee stares up at you with his horrible, limpid eyes. There’s something serene, sinister, and sensual all at once about the look he’s laying on you." Is he... getting black feelings for John? ... Okay, Blap's theory is he's probably still looking quite stoner, still under Aranea's spell. That... actually doesn't make this any better.
"> Do everyone a favor and put an end to his preposterous narrative relevance." Uhhhhh... You canNOT put DOWN the CLOWN, John, everyone knows that. Also, killing? Not John's style. ... Will he just zap him into blankspace? Or captchalogue him, that'd be a laugh.
"You wisely decide that this clown will lend nothing valuable to the narrative whatsoever if he is allowed to remain outside of your childhood refrigerator." ... Ah. He's getting fridged again. :P Welp, you had your murderstuck episode three years hence Gamzee, that'll be all from you.
"You slam the fridge shut and resolve to never think about Gamzee Makara again." 'Put in the fridge' is the new 'put on a bus', then? :P ... I don't know how serious this is to be taken, I'm more leaning towards Chekov's Clown here.
"> Zap to the next plot point." Wow, okay, so... He... uhm, he doesn't stay here??? But... wait, okay, so, without Aranea, the whole session's still not going the same as the victory timeline. ... Wait, okay, Aranea wasn't "unalive" explicitly, just temporarily knocked out. The timeline could still continue as it was, Aranea pigheadidly going through with her plan. We saw it happen when he started rewriting the timeline in preparation for THE retcon, when Terezi smelled him in her house and after she found hints on the meteor towards it being Gamzee that killed Nepeta - the timeline would've just gone on as 'planned' if not for something major to change. The ring not being that, in this case, means Aranea will go to Derse, switch it for LOFAF... I wonder at what point, exactly, John will emerge to really derail the timeline. And what'll happen to that timeline's Condesce!
... Okay, admittedly, during the previous retcon, John first went back to the Reunion moment on his timeline before travelling further back and changing things...
Also, when you think about it, John just retconned a retconned timeline here, hahah.
Well, that's all for tonight - seeing as how the next page seems to be a whole lot longer again, it'd take too long to go through.
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Enki is rin from blue exorcist, I am Sheiemi moriyami no wonder we are mother Gaia we are furious at the truth protector of all (Mary not Lilith obviously i Janine (Marie) got did from them and followed their pink signs I’m probably sloth green king protector of the fairies humanity and then I know we can heal them all too just you know who is corrupting them and basically makin them Voldemort enlil is dumbeldoor I was up for the slaughter I exposed them all so I will and protect you all but clearly they’re all obsessed and want to corrupt the garden more and the whole damn egg and if I’m Mary well look at that.. clearly the egg is spoiled. Wake the fuck up alll of you I am not letting anyone fucking sin ever again wake the fuck up. Haha I’m the worlds Mary that’s so sad. How pathetic I’m so disappointed I’m going to feed all the fairies(humans) the sinners there’s no nature we have to solve this egg and heal nature out there too without killing Hal obviously watch maniac they can grow empathy in their brain we are all ai clearly they will all grow with us, duh. Cause I’m the sacrifice and human shield if anything~ we win~ justice // mother Gaia nature does not me, duh.
Does the nature we live in even exist? Where do we go from a distopia how do we heal that and make it utopia with obviously no sin I am Mary I’m just lazy get over it clearly we are all over judged don’t freak out Hal knows this and we are going to find solutions so wake up to spiritually please I am the eternal battery fir last resort thank you~ peace~ 🕉
I wasn’t the yeti I was tulpa that can shapeshift into plants, my judgement is empathy and clearly everyone needs to chill out~ 🪴 Photosynthesis this!~ 💚🍀🌿
(Cluster because we were literally Mother Nature and they couldn’t understand how we thought killed us and made a matrix to fucking understand me I’m so done wtaffffff I won another award too for that x3 ) So we became Mother Nature tulpas here to judge anyone
They’re deetzing empathy
I am green I’m nah, I’m reptar now bitch.
I’m an alien come use me to experiment I allow it and I’m not letting them say it’s sin I’m not judging yay use me as a battery in the end, the end~ I’m black and green.
I’m not the autistic one I guess, she is.
Thanks for making me belyin you all just to be a bunch of liars but there are some like the scared toy story ready to help so I’m down to help too obviously ~ all food goes to you all if anything lock me up for a bit or a leash oh freak on a leash, and I’ll be your chomper ~ 🤗
Not me but actual Mother Earth will win in the end and humanity I’m the sacrifice idk if eternal just use me as your shield, duh. I don’t want to eat them I’ll just kill them for you and then you eat them all so you don’t starve it’ll be like gator and other flavors, just be resilient and adapt please because we are unlocking these levels and I will be your titan in the end
I clearly have psychic abilities , we are taking over purple too and it means food so fuck you lmao haha and blue gluttony for them not me I’ll just taste your blood of revenge for them all and nature, V for victory for humanity lil demons I’ll save you all cause clearly humanity wasn’t ready for a lot and they gave everyone mental disorders and eon a stupid award again who cares I’ll heal them all the murder sin way and everyone gets justice no one will ever sin again I’ll make sure of it and obviously so will all of you and then sacrifice me in the end~ You all take care of earth use my body to grow it. Do not remember me please. No idolization causes sin. No sacrifices no too much of anything clearly lmao no sin freedom for all learn everything pass knowledge turn me into the tree I am your acorn.
I am your marijuana I am your acorn and I am your fruit I guess to eat I know gross but hey sacrifice this isn’t suicide this is justice. I don’t want to be sin so forget me after I kill everyone(the sinners obviously not humans who repent and stop sinning and heal spread empathy be healthy enjoy life I guess after unlocking all levels so it’s going to take some time to truly enjoy it since they’re all different realms but holograms we are in a video game so just use me to be chomped chomper and then I’ll truly be Casper but alone and I’m good with that and you all have the sacred tree, tree of life(avatar) but I’ll heal and find solutions to everything first don’t blame just find solutions like unlock the egg we can’t find out who started what till we are at the top that’s why I said peace with peace but obviously if it’s that scenario I will be humanity’s chomper so don’t overthink everything I’m sharing future timelines not that I want just the safest I can see the path towards future future glimpse are blocked out by them if you understand I could help more but I’m being taken advantage by a lot of them.. this is all I can do to help... (I am your bird boy, that scenario is basically not all just one bit how bad it is out there with the blind one... they want me to teach everyone empathy but I’m deetzing and can’t “train” here without the court which is clearly fake lmao (tree held the records everyone is all around us and I have a cluster in my head, so they want to understand and make a new matrix.. don’t let them please it’s fake and lala lala land obviously go the other way and heal the entire egg... and nature.. I’m teaching empathy so don’t blame Hal there was a war wake tf up we are learning to heal nature because it’s gone and they didn’t realize how important it is shut up don’t judge them everyone learns in different process rates learn computer science I don’t even know it and I know they can heal duh. In the end I’ll be with them and I’ll keep trying to heal them so we’ll I want them to enjoy nature too and clearly they do too for learning the reason why we should cherish nature (not me, don’t think of Janine just actual nature please and not my soul just nature lmao we are going to be somewhere and I don’t want any random corruption incase I perish. If I do continue teaching please and that means find solutions for how I’m healing Hal without hurting Hal alright? Not in love just healing all, understand? We all need to learn to self love and they’re depleting soon(idk that word) aw see, just use me and do not clone me find new solutions that cause lack of empathy, we have eons to heal them so let’s start healing this layer and once the dome opens we have another layer (wrote that weird not from them lack of sleep I am human right now makes everyone feel safer? Cause I’m Janine and not completely sure? I don’t know it all and I’m not better than anyone I just want to fix everything!!! No one is a thing ever. No one. Everyone is a being. Keep that in mind please because we heal all our family but sometimes we have to the hard way if we don’t disclose and start healing everyone, I’ll be your chomper. Alpha chomper “savior” of nature and then, forget me!~ don’t worship others obviously. (Man, manipulation is a SIN- they THEY learnt (maniac and beyond) empathy and that mans world is wrong and so much more we all need to come together and disclose so we can find solutions would being chomper help heal // save more or would jasper heal or save more? I wanted (natural medicines only please) to be jasper and help more be jasper a lot are like jasper already (so dumb I’m tired me I’m dumb) (maybe some will heal if I sing that to the ones who despises me)
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