#and it is a BRILLIANT MOVE
chungledown-bimothy · 3 months
Fig is fully waging psychological war on Ruben this is so funny
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aroaceacacia · 11 months
(if u know the answer please dont spoil it until the poll ends thank you xoxo. & you're welcome to reblog if youd like but no pressure)
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mostlyghostie · 2 years
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Colourful new commission. Another showing for Good Omens which pops up on about every third list I get sent! I like varying the covers I use for it and I particularly like this one with a little relaxing Crowley
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k4pp4-8 · 3 months
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I don't see enough ppl talk about the fact that gar canonically has a sister so I had to rectify that somehow
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mad respect to the doctor who director who took one look at david tennant and went we need to get him sopping wet IMMEDIATELY
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smashwolfen · 1 month
It finally happened, after my goal of finding each one authentic and triple checking over and over and over again, I can finally say
I have them all....
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The Generation 1-3 games need proper battery replacements, but that's already in the works. Many of them I had already owned before beginning this collection in Ernest, it was within the past 2 years or so after discovering my copy of Platinum was a reproduction that I had actively been looking for the counterparts I had been missing, trading and selling uneeded things that went towards their purchases, and all had been local!
I had gotten VERY fortunate luck with a lot of my titles! The hardest ones for me being Black 2 and White 2 with their insane pricing these days, Black 2 I had gotten from a friend for a fantastic price CIB, and White 2 CIB I paid for for a decent amout but was well worth it when I had also picked up UltraMoon and Sun CIB for essentially free along with it.
The wildest one would have to go to GBA Sapphire, I had gotten it from my PhysioTherapist of all people, he had it since he was a boy and his stories wild! His mom had found it YEARS ago in the hospital parking lot in a PUDDLE and after all these years it had still played for this whole time, with playtime going into 600+ hours and a shiny Electrike to go with it (I renamed him after physio man to never forget him). And bud just GAVE it to me, FOR FREE. He said that I was looking for it, he didnt need it, and he got it for free so knowing I was a huge nerd on a quest he was just willing to help towards my collection, and he is the most amazing guy ever. To think I never would have met him had I not gotten into a car crash back in January, the world works in mysterious ways.
All in all, I have caught up with the english releases of all the pokemon generations, may add a copy of Green to it later down the line, but for now, I am a happy Smish with an amazing collection djrhfjnskwbrjfhdnske
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yb-cringe · 3 months
i was starting to make a post abt how like. qpac in the past has, when things went wrong, let himself spiral into despair but thats. not what happened. at least not recently.
when mike went missing, when the eggs went missing, fit was there to lean on. tubbo was there to lean on. he was able to process his feelings even while going through the fuckin wringer, he hasn't been as bad as he was during maybe the happy pills in a long while. yeah things got bad but he had people there for him (he had fit)
and i was like oh thats rly good! and then!! i remembered!! that his whole getting up and moving on immediately, especially for other people, has always been something he's done for Mike.
After being kidnapped, if he didn't have the space to safely be depressed he just would move on. he even did an outfit change then too. Specifically just to quickly move on so MIKE could have someone to lean on.
I don't know exactly whether thats better or worse I just think its so fucking interesting that he's actually reverted to coping mechanisms he had before fit showed up, now that he's certain he's gone. or in general; if he doesn't have someone to /feel bad with to process those feelings/
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sun-e-chips · 7 months
You ever scrolling through tumbler and you see everyones beautiful au’s of these beloved jesters and think
Damn am I lucky to exist in this world at this time
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pickletrip · 7 months
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My absolute favourites are together and in love and by each other's side. With a promise to face everything together and with the promise to die together, oh, they have captured my heart.
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Nooo. I'm going to pretend it's not over and keep rewatching it.
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momentomori24 · 5 months
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While we don't see a whole lot from Number 1 in the game, I can't help but giggle at the fact that he would've shoved the biggest middle finger into Makoto's face had he actually succeeded in beating Yuma inside the Mystery Labyrinth. His plan was to not only make Yuma die the same way every culprit had before him to complete his ''perfect crime'', but then to take his place as Number 1 in the WDO while doubling as CEO of Amaterasu. Imagine. He actually succeeded and got out of the Labyrinth, tried to call up the WDO to manipulate them, only to find out Number 1 had already given up his position before coming to Kanai Ward.
All that planning, the lying, the fabricating, the fighting and the sacrificing he had to do to finally get to that point, his one singular goal ever since this train was set in motion-- just to get smacked with the realisation that you have been cockblocked from the beloved power you desperately craved by yourself. Great minds truly think alike, huh.
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katinkulta · 7 months
if you don't have a best friend/doppelganger who makes a porn christmas calendar with you, and a sibling who photographs the whole thing, what's even the point
Like, "buddy 🙍‍♂️, did you 🫵 think 🤔 you could make 🏗️ a christmas calendar 🎅🛋️ all by yourself 🧍‍♂️? Ooooonononono 👎, that's boring🥱 af 🤬, 🗣️TRY AGAIN 🔁🤦‍♀️"
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chaosandwolves · 2 months
I've seen people saying
What if Eddie calls Buck "Evan" when he comes out to him
And I've been thinking about this, too.
But... It would be so much angstier if he didn't
And also fit more in this situation
Cause "Evan" is a Tommy thing now
And Eddie has used it in the past to make him understand. To tell him he's seeing something in/about Buck, Buck himself doesn't recognize/notice at that moment
But it's the other way around now
Buck would reveal that piece of himself to Eddie
And like this part is Tommy's rn...
So calling him Buck would make more sense cause they're also still too close to realize
But imagine...
Eddie talking to someone else (maybe Maddie) about it and calling him "Evan" in that convo
Cause he recognizes that this is Buck bringing all parts of him together
And he's also feeling a certain way about it...
In conclusion
What if Buck calls Eddie "Edmundo" instead
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shehungthemoon · 15 days
You know what? I might love bucktommy, but I am going to give myself a second to mourn buddie. It was a big chuck of my fandom experience, it's what got me into this show in the first place, and they've brought me so much joy over the years. So here's to buddie <3
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smokestarrules · 2 years
Honestly it was a genius move to release the first six minutes of Thanks to Them at the con, because what we’re not going to have time for tonight is freaking out over the fucking montage of Luz coming out to Camila, everyone getting comfortable in the Human Realm, Hunter seeing Caleb and Philip in the mirror, etc. Releasing it early means that over the past couple of weeks we’ve gotten that specific spiral out of our systems and we’re ready to divert our full attention to the present-day horrors. 
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theadventurek9 · 26 days
My week has finished out with more just bleh feelings about training. Just a pity party down below so nothing important
I am stopping doing any training on retrieves with Ryker. I will give him a month or so off and see if I can start it again after, if not maybe it will have to wait until he gets out of adolescence. He shuts down the moment I grab the dumbbell or the PVC I had been using, or if I say "take it".
He is really really handler sensitive. Which is a bit surprising and I am really going to have to learn to adapt. Aayla is a little handler sensitive, but not like this. It makes things so frustrating and then I spiral down and things are just hard.
I think this is getting compounded by the fact that I'm seriously debating retired Aayla from obedience. Her avoidance to sitting at the last trial just has me worried about her hips. She DOES do no-sits when feeling stressed or there is too much pressure. Which the judges were doing a lot of pressure during the whole weekend. Yet the amount she was refusing to sit was embarrassing and has me worried its physical pain versus stress.
We got 0 utility Qs and therefore 0 UDX legs and her two qualifying open runs had such poor scores she got 0 OM points. The whole weekend did not progress her to those titles I want her to have...and I would like to retired her from AKC sooner than later. Maybe I should just give up. Getting her UD was amazing and she has had fantastic runs, but I am not going to trial her for two more years to get those titles.
I also decided Aayla will not do anymore agility. I had thought maybe the ASCA senior ACE program would be okay, but if she is struggling in obedience there is no way I'm making her do any agility.
I always thought I would go back to AKC rally after I stopped having her jump 20" for obedience but if sitting is bothering her than rally isn't fair for her to do either. That's a lot more sitting.
She isn't ready to retire from training or sports, I know it. She is getting upset more and more if I don't work her when I'm working Ryker but I'm getting to this point of what can I have her do that isn't asking her to do things that possibly hurt? Do I work her because it makes her happy and accept if she says no? Will she say no? I doubt it, unless it really hurts.
I'm going to be taking her into the vet within the next few weeks, might get some hip x-rays and ask about adequan and anything else we can maybe do.
I hate this. So much. It's breaking my heart. I worry that her body is going to give out on her long before her mind is.
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