#and in two emails????? i didnt even know it was feasible to reach the character limit before??? it was like christmas pal
good-beanswrites · 1 year
ah just wanted to come here and say it, sorry if I accidentally flooded your email with like two emails ^^;;;
this chapter was really amazing and I really enjoyed it, so I accidentally wrote a lot more than I expected while borrowing passages from the text hshdhf ^^;; amazing chapter!!
Oh don't worry, I'll forgive you for *checks notes* doing the thing that all writers absolutely live for and actively cheer about and which had me giddy opening my email like
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LMAO but really! It makes the writing process that much more thrilling -- I'm really excited about these characters and story, so to see that other people got just as emotional as I did is super exciting!! Please never apologize for that omg :')))
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