#and i’m also making an op blog where i post art unrelated to this
thedreadvampy · 3 years
Okay, but is there a story about why you're "despised" by Stuart Semple kin, because I'm trying to imagine what could rile colourfandom beyond the Semple-Kapoor saga and I'm failing.
If there is no story then feel free to ignore this ask, lol (I mean, feel free to ignore this ask is you just feel like ignoring it tbh, you do you)
it's very funny (to me, not to Stuart Semple)
like ok so I reblogged a post where OP was asking about Stuart Semple and I said basically "I think Stuart Semple is a good pigment designer and a great marketer but a pretty juvenile and shallow artist.'
the thing is (and I have encountered this before on Twitter when I made a thread about how it's probably past time for Semple to Let The Kapoor Thing Go and also not call a British Asian man a"terrorist sympathiser" for expressing that Britain is racist against young Asian men which makes it easier to radicalise them) that Stuart Semple is an inveterate namesearcher. and he located my post and was Quite Upset, to which he responded by cropping out the context, but not my username or photo, and posting a screencap on all his social media saying effectively 'I'm going to make art despite the haters!!!!!!'
so like. I got several weeks of graphic death and rape threats, people telling me I'm not a real artist and don't know shit about art and how dare I criticise a Real Artist, weirdly according to my partner who does follow Semple on Twitter and Instagram (bc we DO like a lot of his pigments) the Insta crowd decided I was trans and started slinging transphobic insults around in the comments about my photo and coming into my askbox to Pronouns In Bio me, people started picking up on the fact that my bio said 'former sex worker' and trying to insult me for that, it was like a whole thing which honestly did not faze me because given how stupid it was I just found it. baffling and funny.
Amid this Semple refused to admit that there was any reason he shouldn't have made the post and said he didn't see any difference between me (an at the time largely unknown blog with like 500 followers) posting criticism of him (a public figure) vs him posting criticism of me. he was pretty condescending but we largely ironed things out (by which I mean I stopped taking about him and he slowed down on getting defensive in the replies of every part I made including unrelated ones) and swapped pictures of our pet reptiles.
It was a weird time and then for like another few months I got Periodic Semple Stans in my askbox sending aggro. it was definitely the most actively personally aggressive drama I've ever been in which was very weird bc the criticism was honestly. Pretty mild. I said I thought his art was technically skilled but adolescent and not very interesting. I have Definitely said much more controversial things and has far fewer graphic murder threats like ????? literally appearing in the Guardian as an anti-TERF protester and being identified on Twitter, going out of my way to argue with fash (don't do that any more, not super productive), outing rapists and chaining myself to a building have had less violent responses. it's wild. I am meaner than that every time I've ever gone to a gallery and not one time have Caravaggio stans jumped out to call me a used up whore.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
For those still floundering a bit on pillowfort,
I’ll post this here since not everyone has navigation there down yet and/or some people are still waiting for keys.
So I got an ask, like, where to find people on pillowfort. Somebody made this list of content creators abroad, which, as we’re not supposed to edit it beyond adding our info, I made a draft copy to sort the pillowfort contacts out so you don’t miss following anybody. Mine is set to view-only, because please don’t abandon editing the main form and split it over this. If you want to add your contact info, go to the main form, but here’s about 70 contacts to start with, give or take.
That, however, is mostly people from the PB server. The Destiel group has nearly 200 people in it. The SPN group has about 300 people in it. And then there’s an infinite amount of smaller communities.
So while I’m here, let me link you to a few communities that are topical. You can’t see the lists perse but you can see who posts in them and follow/engage. Also, once you follow a community, posts posted TO the community show up in your feed.
Supernatural: show, cast, and ship positive - 310 members currently. 
Destiel: Take a wild guess what the comm is for - 195 members currently.
OhSam has 76 members. It uh... it’s modded by people I don’t get along with due to their behavior elsewhere but it is decently sized. It’s mostly hurt/comfort fics for Sam. Take of that what you will.
ProfoundNet: The PB/Destiel server related, I dunno how much they upkeep it at a glance but everybody seems to stay in touch.There’s like 60-odd people in it right now.
SupernaturalArtsAndFics - 69 members. All ships, all cast, don’t be a dick is the rule there.
DeanWinchesterIsBisexual has 55 members.
And lo, though I hate promoting it I will be fair, there’s The_Wincest_Community with 48 members and just “Wincest” with 49.
There’s an SPN NSFW Art group too - 43 members.
Castiel fangroup - 41 members.
SPN Multishippers group - 38 members
SPN Reverse bang - 37 members
SPN Fanart, 36 members
Destiel Fan Favorites Survey Community - 33 members. It’s sort of a Destiel fic rec group.
After here, groups keep getting smaller and are all like... 20 people or less, I’m stopping centralized listing at the 30-mark. And right now, small groups still have a chance to boom once more people migrate across. But this is where you can start to find MOST of your people at.
Disclaimer: I’m just going with the biggest groups I’ve seen. I have not personally investigated all of these. I avoid Wincest with a 30 foot pole, I don’t do fics or fanart generally, and so on. So I can’t say I’m necessarily endorsing all of these as awesome places or whatever, but it’s a place to START on a new platform. And before I get a concern troll asking why I linked a Wincest group, whether we like it or not, Wincest is here. It’s not the biggest ship, it’s not the cleanest ship, it’s not the - whatever. I don’t agree with it, most of my followers don’t agree with it, but lots of fans are multishippers, are scattered abroad, and frankly... now is not the time to be separated bitching over our differences.
You can search the community feature for smaller, related communities. Hell, there’s a Drowley community with 7 members right now. A Sabriel with 19, a Sastiel with 13. Etc.Of the RPFs I’ve seen, Cockles seems to have the biggest following right now at 26. There’s a bunch of fractal J2 hat groups that have like 3-10 people, one has like 20. Any time I try to search J2M I’m getting a nightmare deluge of unrelated results and freeze when I click to page 2 to find something relevant. The Team Free Will group looks young with 10.
Actor based groups seem... smaller. There’s a J2 Fanart group, but not one for them independently. 17 members. There’s a misha group called Mishapocalypse with 19. So that’s still needing to get built up over there all-around.
For what it’s worth, I tried to paste a few together:
Right now, Supernatural Meta only has 4 members. Given I just made my groups before my life exploded and haven’t done much with it. But I figured it’d be useful to have a place everyone could pile in together to be found/browsed before we start bickering over petty differences. I mean, meta is its own kind of content, and there’s fic and art ones everywhere. I haven’t pounded out fine rules yet, I wanted everyone to get settled before actually talking out rules that everyone can agree with because I’m not looking for just one kind of meta.
Annnnd I just put together a “The Brothers - Sam and Dean” place to enjoy non-shippy talk, content and conversation about the brothers. That means no Wincest, and frankly, it does mean no Destiel. If you check the rules in the post, it’s obviously not that I hate Destiel, it’s just that DeanCas have a certain power to them that take over conversations. I will allow lesser rarepairs that find it impossible to get a home to discuss their stuff, to be mentioned there, if topical to a central Sam and Dean theme. If Dean & Cas comes up, the bar is to not tilt heavily into ship-ended conversation. It’s supposed to focus on the brothers first, without completely negating their external relationships. As the rules say “Keep it an &, not a /”. You can post about both, or either brother in there. Given, it has 2 members right now, because... again, my life exploded right when I was making it. So. If that appeals to you, feel free to give a follow to that comm. I’m also considering adding a section of the rules that allows J2 content to be posted even if not show-canon type, so people know there’s a safe place to post J2 stuff out of that didn’t come from tinhat land, with a note that if the content is found crossposted to those types of blogs by the creator/OP, it will be removed from the comm.
Also, don’t be shy about following me on Pillowfort, I reblog a lot of helpful how-tos on how to maximize your PF experience.
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