#and i have had stories disappoint me like star wars or vld but like
raayllum · 2 years
I've seen a few people say the time jump is lazy or just an excuse to skip over two years and "start fresh". I personally disagree (maybe I'm biased and or desperate) but how do you feel about the time skip?
Oh I always assumed TDP would have one since... S2, I think? The fact that the show hadn't laid down a firm timeline of "Plot thing must be resolved by [X Date]" (think defeating the Firelord by the end of summer for ATLA, which we learn eight episodes into the series) meant that it had a lot of room to maneuver, time wise. Here's an older post detailing why (aka April 2019, woof). I thought we'd get like a 6 months to 1 year timeskip now and a 3 year timeskip post-end of Arc 2 (which used to be S5 but is now S6, bless)
RN not much as happened over the past two years that couldn't have also happened in six months (aka Janai and Amaya are still trying to help Lux Aurea, Claudia has resurrected Viren, the broyals are in Katolis and Callum is missing Rayla) except to age the characters up and give the world more room to breathe, since s1-s3 was just about a month. It also shows that the world is more complicated politically, since issues are still here and it's been as long a time period as it has been
The main complaint I've seen has been about the relationships happening off screen, mainly Claudia/Terry and Janai/Amaya. I expect we'll get flashbacks or references to how Claudia and Terry met and developed their dynamic (possibly 4x02, as I think it'll possibly help us play catch up in general and TDP typically has 2ish flashback focused eps a season, so one could be here and another could be for Aaravos). For Janai and Amaya, as soon as I saw the timeskip had been that long, I wasn't surprised at all they were getting engaged, as they're adults and were already flirting by the end of season three. I could buy them dancing around it for six months maybe, but probably not longer. Again, I'd love to see flashbacks, but I'm not bothered!
Like hell I spent the last two years dreaming up scenarios of Rayla coming back, Callum being in denial, too, but mostly of Callum following Rayla into Xadia right away, and you don't see me bitching about it, because I can recognize when the show hasn't actually promised me anything. It's all just speculation and expectations and until a show is breaking its lore or themes (which TDP is not) you'll be hard pressed to find me butt-hurt about it
But if people wanted to see a week by week play through with little plot and watching Callum learn two new sky spells every season on screen, and nitty-gritty political meetings, and long hours of Janai learning ASL, that's their prerogative. It's just not mine, and clearly not the actual Plot's, either
Basically as always:
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sampaii-ca · 5 years
Stress relief after VLD season 8
This is probably super silly and I’m sure no one will read this but I just have to get it off my chest.
I absolutely adore Voltron Legendary Defender. It’s a show that I’ve been invested in for the past year and half and it has brought me so much joy and happiness. And it has led me to my OTP that I will forever love, Klance. Now this isn’t a rant about how Klance didn’t become cannon. I knew going into season 8 that it wouldn’t be. Not to say it was a little depressing seeing Lance with someone other than Keith but we all saw Allurance coming from a mile away, so no surprise there. And we did get some awesome Klance scenes that will forever live in my heart (sunset and hand clasp! Be still my heart!)
I actually liked the conflict and villian in s8, Hornorva was a great baddie that you just loved to hate. Her past was compelling and she was a formidable foe.
I loved Keith’s growth (he’s best boi) along with all the other Paladins. I also enjoyed the “filler” episodes. The one about Kinkade was adorable.
And of course the animation and soundtrack to the s8 was absolutely breathtaking.
BUT, now here I get to my dislikes. I’m so disappointed in how Lance was written this season. It’s like the writers turned him into a plot device just so they could add a romantic relationship to the show. I felt like Lance and Allura’s relationship was so rushed and one sided. Lance definitely had a big thing for her and it felt like she didn’t care as much. It just felt so forced and awkward to me. I also hated that they made him into a farmer after all is said and done. That make absolutely no sense to me. The boy we’ve always know was so full of adventure and curiosity. What happened to the boy who wanted to be a fighter pilot and see the stars? Resigning him to a farm to mourn Allura for the rest of his life is doing a huge injustice to his character. I’m sure others have vastly different opinions than me but this is just how I feel.
I also didn’t understand the point in killing off Allura. There were so many different ways they could have solved the problem like, o I don’t know, having Hornova realize what she’s done and scarafice herself to save everyone else. It’s not like we need a solid scientific explanation for the deed considering how alot of stuff in s8 didn’t have an explanation (cough cough the whole Voltron/Atlas combination). It also didn’t make sense to me that they would make Allurance canon and then kill her off a few episodes later. Why make Lance go through that? That’s not character development, it’s just bad writing.
I guess I’m just really disappointed with the choices that the showrunners made. Yes, I get that this is ultimately a show about war and the losses that come with it, but over the course of 8 seasons, I feel like we had a lot of loss and a lot war. So why couldn’t there be a happy ending for everyone?
I’m not going to touch on the LGBT rep topic, mainly because I joined the fandom after all the queerbaiting interviews/articles happened so I didn’t really see them. But I was devastated after the death of Adam because of the whole “kill your gays trope” and I was at the SDCC Voltron panel where they aired that first episode with the flashback. They had talked up Adam’s character like he had big part in the plot, only to kill him off in less than 5 seconds on screen. I’m happy that Shiro found love again at the end of s8 but it is also bittersweet since that scene was only added AFTER the backlash from Adam’s death.
I will always have a love for Voltron. It means so much to me, the ships, community and creators are all amazing and I can’t imagine my life without my OTP. Klance actually helped me realize that I’m bisexual so I am forever grateful to Voltron for creating these epic characters. The show isn’t perfect by any means but it tells a great story overall and I hope future viewers enjoy it as much as I did.
So THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to this epic, amazing, loving, crazy fandom, canon and non-canon. I hope to see so much more from you guys! I know I’ll be writing tons more fanfics, I have so many ideas!
P.S. Keith’s new Bayard form was so cool! And seeing him in that black under suit was perfection! 😍
Thank you for reading my babble, be kind and respect one another and BE HAPPY! 😁
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broken-endings · 7 years
since I vented about all my disappointments in vld season 4 last night. More than once.
Without rereading them to try to reignite them again
I’m going to list all the things I LOVED in the second half of season-3-slash-4*. Ignoring all the things I said last night
cuz lets be real there was some really awesome stuff mixed into just 6 episodes
(*2nd half of season 3 slash 4=season 4)
Matt. I kinda wanted him to just STAY at the castle. I really didn’t know what kind of characterization to expect, even though I know a lot of the fandom was already characterizing him. But he was just a pleasant surprise. He wasn’t a remake of any of the other types of characters we already have. He was this unique quirky, super smart goof who wears his heart on his sleeve. I love that he got such a HUGE “goo goo” eyes crush thing on Allura. And that classic anime “super detailed closeup with dramatic shading and a twinkle in the eye” It overshadows ANY interest Lance has shown in Allura. And seeing Pidge SHOW HIM EVERYTHING was one of my fave scenes. It was so fast and funny and ugh. Some fanfic writers predicted him and pidge’s relationship to a tee.
OH AND PIDGE BEING MATT’S NAME FOR HER. i remember people making meta posts about their reunion and matt being like “who the fuck is pidge” THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER. cuz really. how else would there be a reasonable explanation for pidge’s name?
Keith. I wish we got more screentime. The dropoff in his appearances happened so quick. But it totally makes sense for his character that he’d pull away. He found the blades, and didn’t want to lead voltron. Even though it hasn’t been talked about since, it’s the only connection he has to his mother. I loved the idea of him going with them. I JUST WANTED AN EPISODE ABOUT THAT. I wanted a whole episode of him being off with them, maybe intercut with castle of lions shenanigans. 
Haggar. I wish we got to see more of her too! All her little moments were really interesting. Like looking at her own reflection, and doing more and more things on her own cuz she kinda DOES know better than Zarkon.
LANCE lance. LANCE. His flair and showmanship was just perfect with all the performances. AND THEY HAD HIM FUCKING DOING THAT ACROBATIC, CIRCUS, RIBBON/POLE-like DANCING. LIKE THAT SHIT IS CANON MAN.
I think Keith’s pulling away made it easier for Lance to shine. I think Lance unconsciously puts himself at odds with Keith even when he might not want to. Even with them being a little closer in season 3.
PLEASE TELL ME YOU SAW THE STARFOX REFERENCE. In the last battle with the rebels. There was that fucking DOG/FOX who was leading and there was a frog-looking dude who got blown up. Like, they were not being subtle there.
Allura playing Keith. and me forever holding onto the fact that “oh lance flirts with allura. allura is playing keith. lance flirting with allura now means lance flirting with keith.” i can be juvenile no matter how old I get.
Coran and Allura learning where milkshakes come from
Farmer Lance and his love for his cow. I want to see if he’s formed any kind of relationship with the Red Lion. His treatment of Kaltenecker feels a lot like his treatment of Blue. How’s he treat red? Is red fussy with him? I wanna know!!
GROUP HUG. i feel like there was a distinct lack of emotional affection in the first half of season 3 slash 4. Everybody pouncing on Keith is just what he needed.
RIP NARTI. man. I’ll never forgive Lotor for that. She may not have talked but I really liked her. I was also really glad that the other generals cared enough about each other to support each other and not forgive Lotor. I wasn’t sure if Axca would side with the other two, but I was so glad when she shot Lotor, saying “For Narti” I’m getting chills just writing that.
Matt mentioned other realities. I NEED MATT AND SLAV TO INTERACT. CAN YOU IMAGINE???
It was a nice surprise to see Rolo and Nyma as rebels. It makes sense.
Coran’s plea for help when he was struggling against that brain worm also including a star wars reference “help me obi wan kenobi, you’re my only hope.”
I thought the three generals were going to show up and save the guys cuz Axca said “there’s still one option left” for what they could do.
but no it was lotor. just what the fuck is he trying to do? From my ranting last night I’m completely drained and have no brain power left to theorize where the story could go from here with Lotor wanting to “have a chat”
I think that’s most of my good feels from the second half of season-3-slash-4
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