#and i dont have to talk about jo. i think we know his business. i'll at least mention it just in case He's Too Ashamed To Be Too Hard On Hi
yeah Mr Arakawa would kick Sohei’s ass. Seriously HOW is that man Daigo’s father and how did that boy grow up to be better than Masato
there aint ever One Precise Reason as to why a kid'll turn out a certain way: despite the odds daigo grew up a generally-respectable adult while masato grew up to be a spoiled brat.
but regardless we should all say Lmao
#snap chats#My Big Theory as to why daigo's. Amiable is that kiryu was there and im 100% with that#from what there is to gather about daigo's childhood his parents were generally negligent in that they entrusted others to watch daigo#in that daigo wasnt really able to form solid bonds with his parents which. No Shit can really do a number on a kid's psyche#HOWEVER kiryu was there. even if daigo wasn't able to be close with his parents he at least had One positive adult role model#not to mention kiryu was hard on daigo whenever it was necessary. he's what helped ensure daigo /wouldnt/ grow up entitled#masato's case is a little more complicated than daigos though#of course masato had positive parental figures in his life but i dont think masato's self hatred should be underestimated#not to mention masato might harbor a grudge towards arakawa since he might blame him for the reason why he had health conditions#this isn't to say jo nor arakawa were bad parents- i think it'd be insane to try to assert that#we can bully jo about putting a baby in a locker though. we have to do that. butterfly-effect-ass behavior#either way arakawa and jo's 'tenderness' with masato definitely had a factor in him growing up. Like That#at the very least arakawa /might/ have tried to be firm with masato while he was growing up but would inevitably give in to his tantrums#and i dont have to talk about jo. i think we know his business. i'll at least mention it just in case He's Too Ashamed To Be Too Hard On Hi#but this is all speculation though now innit. im just rambling down here Childhood Psychology Is My Forte after all
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Essay time!!! yay! here's hoping ask boxes are long enough.....
OKAY!!! to start out i ADORE this chapter!!!! ADORE!!!! I love everyone's interactions and the flow and the flangst (fluffy angst)!!! Once again you have shown yourself an AMAZING writer!!
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THIS PART!!! I adore how Thorins first instinct is to touch. just..hus words can be caustic a lot of the time but one thing I've noticed in your fics is that his hands are - for the most part - gentle. it's as if they can say what his words often can't? if that makes sense. And I can picture his touch being hust....so gentle. I L9VE THEM.
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Dwalin!! I love that you had him mention that they are kin. I dont often see ot in fics, but they're cousins!!! and it should be utilized. I also like how dwalin is....not gruffer? but his motions while gentle don't have tje same feeling as Thorins though I know both of them adore the boys.
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AGAIN WITH THE PHYSICAL TOUCH. I ADORE THEM. And just...Thorin being a good uncle! yes! go Thorin!
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I know you were worried about Oins characterization, but I think you got him PERFEFT. matter-of-fact but also concerned and clipped? I love him!
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"You have touched but a corner of it" - see? I like this. jo shame. just matter of fact. Dwalin isn't berating him for not knowing. Hes acknowledging that they sheltered the boys as much as they could. and I love that they did. ALSO "That which sustains the life of evil can wreak havoc on the life of Free Folk" is a LINE AND I LOVE IT.
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GO OIN TELL HIM. Kili listen to your cousin!
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okay. yelling done. and this isn't so much an "essay" as me yelling at you. sorry! here's hoping this sends! I can't wait for the next chapter and you're amazing and I'm so happy you're writing again!
I LOVEEEEE YOU EVERY FANFIC AUTHOR DREAMS OF MESSAGES LIKE THIS. I shall respond to all points in order mwahahaha.
lmao I love the word "flangst." I guess that's really what h/c is when you boil it down, huh?
CRYING ABOUT THIS ANALYSIS OF HOW I WRITE THORIN. Like okay really the issue here is that physical touch is my love language so I've GOTTA write this way I guess. But also I love love love the idea that he can say with his hands what he can't with his words?? I guess I do that a lot. I write him pretty gruff a lot of the time, and reticent with what he says, but definitely not reticent with reaching out physically! I don't know what that says about anything but I do love it lmao.
And I think Dwalin is a huuuuge softie. Graham McTavish has my heart because he can slay me with a single expression... like have you ever seen Outlander? He destroys in his role in that show and even though I honestly hated his character a lot, his performance still brought me to tears. He did the same especially in the throne room scene in BoFA and uuughhh he's just soft inside and I don't care how he tries to come off, he's a teddy bear and I'll make sure anyone KNOWS IT.
AND YES. I honestly really really loved writing Oin in this chapter. I know we talked about it before, but I really did keep thinking about how he only starts getting heated when he thinks he's going to lose Kili in DoS, and tried to translate that here. Like he's quick, clipped, and down to business, and he's not going to let people get in his way in order to save a life. He's a good Dwarf and I feel like a lot of other fanfic authors don't make use of him like I do?? He's basically the family doctor in my fics and I don't care if no one else does that because I'll do it forever lmao.
AND: Thank you for pointing out that line Dwalin said, because him saying that and Kili's response was literally the very first thing I wrote of this entire fic and I was so so so excited to finally get to put it in!!! The Free Folk line I came up with while writing but ugh I was really excited about using that one specifically. You know how a writer loves to hear that a darling line really stood out to the readers, too!
YES GENTLE KISSES. SORRY EVERYONE ELSE BUT I'M ITALIAN AND I LOVE PHYSICAL TOUCH. And also this is exactly how I am with my own nephew so I'm just writing from experience here. Family kisses ftw RIP to all the touch starved cultures out there but I'm different.
I'm SO glad you love Oin's yelling! I really enjoyed doing that in this chapter. Kili is SO STUBBORN jsdfhsdg
I was veryyyy excited to write this chapter because honestly the entire POINT of the chapter was to write comforting Thorin. Not gonna lie. That was THE goal.
And the next chapter is gonna be from Fili's POV again... and you KNOW how proud I am of that first part I wrote already but the tumblr babes reading this don't get to know yet ;) I'll keep the suspense!!
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