#and i am the most casual vocaloid fan ever but i enjoy it a lot
doctor-ciel · 2 years
even though i reblog posts of them sometimes never assume I know anything about vo/caloid, co/okie run, gen/shin, or resid/ent evil
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mothguy34 · 8 months
Hi my frinends call me Chris
and this is where I dump everything I like with no real theme, you may find this pinned post perfectly reflects that. I'm czech and as such I speak Czech and English fluently. I am also learning Spanish and have a great interest in Latin and Italian, which I am also very casually learning.
BLOG WARNING: There's a good chance I will reblog insects without tagging, as well as suggestive art or non sexual artistic nudity and blood or injury. If you don't want to see these, it's best you do not follow me. I rarely think before I reblog and cannot guarantee anything, even if I was actively trying to tag.
About me: -I like to draw and research stuff that interests me.
-I am a bigender transsexual male, any gendered terms are fine for me. I dislike exclusionists and generalizing other people within the trans community, but I'm happy to explain anything - about myself only - to the occasional curious onlooker whether it's trans related or not :3.
-I use a lot of sexuality labels interchangeably for fun just because idfk what applies to me either, I probably fall under the asexual umbrella somewhere too, but I have a job so idrc about that rn (translation: I'm in a ldr and it's not relevant to my life) -I'm vegan-ish as in that's what I buy and cook for myself, but I still live with my parents so sometimes I scavenge their scraps or leftovers out of the fridge - it is primarily for environmental reasons, but I really enjoy the food I make so far and I like cooking, always happy to exchange recipes.
-I also like horses it is a recently rekindled (by rdr2) childhood interest.
-I consider myself to be religious, but I have a personal belief system that is not tied to any specific organized religion.
-If you'd like to talk I'm always open to DM.
Interests: -I love music of most genres and discussing it, but primarily I am a fan of various rock and metal subgenres and to a lesser extent rap but almost all I know about rap I learned from my girlfriend. I get real specific with what makes me tick and what bores me however. Lately I listen to a lot of old folk music, blues and americana.
-I am a massive vocaloid fan. My all time favorite producer is Kikuo, I have been a fan of his work for maybe 7 or 8 years now. I am also very fond of Pinocchio-p and various others. My favorite vocaloid overall is Meiko, but flower might be my favorite voicebank wise. -I'm a fan of many a videogame including but not limited to Fallout (I specifically like 1 2 and New Vegas but I can enjoy the others and talking about them) FFXIV and Elder Scrolls, those are probably the main ones I'm obsessed with. I'm currently REALLY big into pjmoon, Lobotomy Corporation rly hit the right spot for me gameplay wise and I keep up with Limbus Company story (except canto VI due to ruina spoilers), though I have not yet touched Ruina. I also like Neuro-sama. I don't really watch other vtubers, though I do like some of their non-stream content sometimes. If you ever want someone to raid with on FFXIV or do literally anything with especially if youre new to the game or high end content pleaseeee hmu it will be so fun but also hmu about your wol lore Im obsessed with it you could be a completely random ass stranger with 0 posts and no profile picture but I have to hear about your catboy especially if you want me to dump wol lore on you also. My favorite FFXIV character is probably Hermes as far as actual writing goes, but I have a folder for Asahi made up entirely of in game screenshots that contains let me check yeah 961 images so that's a fun fact about me, there really isn't a whole lot to his character but that never stopped me before. (I'm currently on a short break from FFXIV, but I am continuously working on character lore and working on making a WoL comic.) -Other than games other fandom stuff I like is a lot of animated shows. I love watching moe and anything cute and high energy, aside from that to list my favs I really like Gintama, MP100, Mushishi, Kino's journey, Mononoke, K-On, Bocchi, Eizouken I also like One Piece (watching the anime atm), but I have some polarizing opinions on the anime I think Im gonna switch to the manga frankly. And yea Jojo but Im mostly an anime only, part 4 is probably my favorite but Joseph is my favorite protag. I love Arcane, but Ive never touched League of Legends, I just watch the cinematics. I'm also a Futurama fan, it was my fav childhood show I've seen it maybe 5 times and I still like it now. Also I like hxh a lot and my all time favorite character in any visual medium ever is Illumi but I hate Hisoka and have all tags related to him blocked so life is hard for me sometimes.
-As for manga Im reading Witch Hat Atelier, Spy X Family, Ya Boy Kongming! part 7 of Jojo and Golden Kamuy rn mostly, I'm not much of a manga reader as reading anything online bothers me. I love Junji Ito's works. I haven't read very many other comics recently, only Watchmen and V for Vendetta, which I thought were good. My all time favorite manga is Shimanami Tasogare. -Been watching X Files, Twin Peaks and Columbo and I'm a fan of all of the above. I've already seen Twin Peaks once, but I was a child and didn't get it and don't remember anything and my girlfriend rarely wants to watch it with me but Im tryiung to force them. Many such cases. -I love reading, lately I really enjoy Camus, also I read Hesse's Demian the day before I had top surgery and it left a strong impression which I pondered over when waking up from anesthesia, so now that book is very dear to me as a result. I have been raised to have a positive relationship with literature, so just being around or discussing books can make me happy, though I tend to alternate between an infinite amount of them and struggle to finish them, which is the same thing I do with all media teehee. I've liked E. A. Poe basically my entire life. I also like reading plays and poetry, I'll read basically any form of writing so go ahead and send me recommendations! But keep in mind I have a lot of classics to catch up on, so I don't read much recent literature. I also will not read fanfiction unless it was written by somebody I care about. I'm open to reading VNs and have read a few of the popular ones, but I already have some on my backlog and am currently reading through Subarashiki and Slow Damage (Towa as a character rly resonates with me so its hard to hate the game despite the rough points but I wouldnt rly recommend it to anybody I dont know well...idk) -I like a lot of movies, but my main passion lies in horror. I am equally passionate about movies I hate however so watch out! I do not criticize the media I consume to bask in my hatred and be negative, I love analyzing things and what I like or dislike about them, but I understand completely if you do not like this as much as I do. I generally tend to be more critical of media that takes itself seriously or is propped up as a masterpiece or something very unique for its respective genre, when it doesn't live up to those expectations. Though I do not consider myself a snob and will often watch bad movies for fun or enjoy things I am critical of. I recently saw all of Little Nicky with my friends and it was a great experience. I think the movie is probably one of the worst I've ever seen in my entire life so do check that out. I'm way too into the SAW franchise, I also recently got into Star Wars (I also love kotor 1 and 2 and play swtor sometimes). My favorite slasher series and some of my favorite movies of all time are Child's Play I am also very passionate about John Carpenter's apocalypse trilogy - everyone knows The Thing but what many people don't know is that he has made 2 other movies which are also as you may have guessed about possible ways the world could end, I adore In The Mouth of Madness one of my favorite movies ever. I also like several czech films/films by czech directors they are very dear to me.
There is definitely a lot I forgot here, I have an interest in way too many things and am also glad to learn about ones that are new to me. So in summary I'm open to discuss basically anything, I enjoy texting new people and learning about people, I absorb it like a sponge, you want to give me your opinion on the industrial revolution? Ok! Yay ❤️ I'm a relatively open ''what you see is what you get'' kind of person, but sometimes I struggle to convey what I'm trying to say. I love my gf and friends - and the world and people in general, though I may slip up and imply otherwise if something makes me mad.
Side note: I don't rly have a DNI but if I don't like your blog I'll just block you. This is generally not personal (although it could be ig) instant block reasons range from tangible reasons I might have to dislike someone (right wing or conservative views, smug person etc) to personal distaste and petty mild annoyances (profile says your AGAB in some form for 0 reason, hard to read typing quirks/grammar, talking about your distaste for bugs under every post that so much as mentions them and so on) or simply filtering out content I don't care to see when filtering tags fails me. If you don't know why I might have blocked you, it's very likely it's just a random small reason and says nothing about you. I like most people and I enjoy keeping it that way so when I get online I try to filter out even speech patterns I dislike, because someone I would roll my eyes at on here could otherwise be my friend in a nuanced setting and I don't want to think badly of them. Also. I don't think proship and anti are coherent enough descriptors so I will say personally I think more or less anything goes except for the sexualization of characters that explicitly look like children or animals. Also, a lot of "dark topics" are just an excuse to use shock value or fetishize certain scenarios but I think that is its own problem and boils down to that piece of media sucking. That said I dont like to/want to engage with people who label themselves as proship as a general pointer. If you actually read this far or like, any of this at all thanks smile. check this out
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