#and i also don't... want to find out if a certain notorious fandom figure is still active
yogoblog · 2 years
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darthkvznblogs · 1 month
If this is the end of Rooster Teeth, can I ask what your honest opinion on the ups and downs of RWBY was?
Difficult to answer, since there were so many of both, but I'll try to keep it brief.
I don't know if this is a hot take or not (it's been ages since I delved into the fandom at all), but despite how much I do love the series as a whole, there's always been a part of the fan in me that died with Volume 3. I wholeheartedly bought into the premise of the school setting, the conflict simmering in the background and only really coming to the forefront once a season or so, the world ending conflict seemingly years and years away. When people started dying - and some of my favorite characters, at that - I disconnected from the show, and truth be told, I never 100% reconnected.
Of course, a ton of fun and interesting characters and developments hide behind that V3 "barrier", so to speak. It was definitely worth picking the show back up, even if the direction of the show just never appealed to me quite as much as it did in the beginning. While, yes, the animation suffered after the loss of Monty, they improved very quickly and re-figured out their visual identity, delivering some incredible fights and locations later on in the series.
It'd be remiss of me not to mention the show's troubled production, both on its own and as part of RT's issues at large. I'm not really qualified to comment on it much, but what I did read was pretty heartbreaking, and coupled with my disdain for certain narrative choices in V8 (talked about it before, but tl;dr I find Penny's 2nd death a baffling decision that smacks of cheap shock value), it ultimately led me to simply stop watching the show.
End of the day, I still love RWBY, warts and all. It's got a very cool premise and some of my favorite comfort characters. RWBY was one of the very first fandoms that got me to read fanfiction, and I believe was the very second one I ever wrote for (even though I wouldn't want to look back on those old fics in a million years, lol). I'm sad that RT is at the end of its rope, and I'll be sadder still if RWBY doesn't ever get a proper ending, but I've also made my peace with it. I'm a notorious cherry-picker, so I'll always have the good bits to remember.
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bornofdragonstone · 6 years
So I've never shipped Steve and Natasha before, nor have I ever really understood this ship. But you know what - I do believe that you have started to convert me. They really do have a special connection, don't they?
Omg, I’m so sorry I didn’t see this until now! But I am ALWAYS happy to have shared my love for a ship/fandom/character and the fact you sent this is really heartwarming, so thank you very much.
And I really do feel as though romanogers is quite an overlooked relationship in the mcu by several fandom members so I get why you missed their connection with it being such a large fandom.
And this is kinda like an essay on why I ship romanogers, that you totally don’t have to read, so I’m going to put it under a cut!
(This is a huge ass expatiation, so be warned)
I think the reason a lot of us ship Steve with Natasha is because Natasha has always - and continues to - struggle with seeing the light inside herself. She is the notorious Black Widow, several characters have struggled connecting with her and that has kind of made her, I feel, stick in a mindset and opinion of herself that isn’t true.
I love her bond with Tony, the banter, the playfullness. But one thing that has always stuck with me is the fact he has said more than once that she can’t be trusted and that she will always be who she is - a double agent. The very reason Bruce/Natasha was so overly rejected by the fandom was because she openly called herself a monster, opened herself up to him and seemingly all of her character went completely out of the window.
It wasn’t in character, no matter how many times people want to say ‘seeds were planted in the first avengers’ (if that’s true the same can be said for Steve/Nat as they fought together, had each-other’s backs and had a good connection that seemed to say they knew what the other was thinking - let alone Clint/Natasha which they openly promoted - like they are with Natasha/Steve for Infinity War), it isn’t Natasha’s character to put herself into a position to feel vulnerable when there’s no cause to. And to have Bruce, kind of reject her advances, but kind of give in, but not tell her she isn’t a monster, that her past doesn’t define her, really left me feeling sick in my gut.
Another thing with Natasha’s character is she is constantly looking for approval and loyalty from someone, anyone - she thought she had that with shield, she thought she had that with Fury (someone who is a father figure of sorts to her) but she later found out she wasn’t clued in on his plans in CATWS because “I didn’t know who to trust?” ouch.
I am honestly not bashing these characters, I love them, but you can not doubt that the things they say, the way they ‘handle’ forming relationships/trust with her is honestly disheartening and so sad considering her backstory.
Then you have Steve, who is in my opinion, the embodiment of everything good and noble and heroic in the MCU. I can only imagine that’s how Natasha probably viewed him. They exactly didn’t hit it off. But they had a playful relationship entering CATWS, she not only went out of her way to flirt with him, play with him and see how he would react but she also spent the better part of the movie trying to see if he had “anyone special” and went on to try and find that ‘perfect’ someone for him.
Scarlett has said Nat sees versions of herself in Steve, but she wants happiness for him (isn’t that what love is supposed to be?) something she doesn’t think she deserves (which is why I feel she thought she could settle with another ‘monster’). So Natasha has this kind of vision she wants for him, but she goes about it in a very Natasha esque way and that’s why, I feel Steve shrugged it off at first and thought she was trying to annoy him.
Then they go through quite a lot of traumatic things together - being hunted by people they thought they could trust, having buildings dropped on them and having to learn to trust each-other. Through this, Steve is kind of made to see that Natasha is deeply conflicted about her past and her place in the world, when he sees this he sees she isn’t just that flirty double-agent and that she is a woman who has gone through some deep shit that left her quite isolated and mistrusted/misconstrued by the world.
And in a moment of vulnerability, she chose to open up to him. In a second, he sees how vulnerable she is and he quotes herself to her (something that shocked and amazed her because she obviously didn’t think he picked up on those serious moments) and she is made to feel a part of something, a small piece of something - since the rug that kept her up since the red room had been pulled from underneath her.
That is the scene that made me turn my head and think ‘oh’. Because to have the human embodiment of everything that is good in the world tell you “I trust you” and “I finally get you” to the girl who feels she is the human embodiment of everything that is bad is such a big deal, especially because it is Nat.
From there on out it was a relationship I believed in, even just as friends. But then I saw the look in her eye when she said “call that nurse, Sharon.. she’s nice” and the look in Steve’s eye when he pushed her towards Bruce because he thought they “both deserve a win” and it made me convinced there’s more to what they feel for each-other even if they don’t understand/know it themselves. 
Then lets speak of how they never leave each-others side (except briefly during the mess that is Civil War but even then she ends up going against her head and follows her heart by siding with him). Tony leaves the avengers, so does Thor at the end of Age of Ultron - as does Clint. Steve also has a conversation with Tony saying he doesn’t think he will have a family and stability because that isn’t who he is anymore - he says this in the same movie Natasha says she is infertile and can’t have that kind of life either yet he still says (even as Tony and Thor and Clint leave to lead the lives they thankfully get to live) “I’m home”.
Who does he go to the scene after? Natasha. And she is already upset and in a emotional place as her best friend has left the avengers, as have her other friends and the guy she ‘adores’ (ugh, no thank-you) but Steve is still there, he continues to stay because they, somewhere along the way, became each-other’s home. The avengers was their home, but even Nat says to Steve “Stay home, please”.
These are two people who have been let down by friends, family, enemies and have lost a hell of a lot. They fight in sync, never leave the other’s side, want what’s best for the other and throw in flirting “there’s plenty of room on the jet” & “I bet you look terrible in them (bikini’s) now”. Everyone loves (the shippers who ship Steve with two certain guys - which I get) to brand Steve and Natasha as a brotp and with everything I have explained I honestly don’t get it. I don’t get why they made br*tasha a thing or why they made romanogers the embodiment of everything you would want in a partner/relationship whilst paring her with a guy who is the complete opposite (though I love Bruce individually).
I could go on all day, you’re probably like “wow girl, I was just trying to say I appreciated how you introduced me to something” but these are some feelings I have had on the pairing for a while.
I’m also bummed that Chris Evans (who ships romanogers) and Scarlett Jo said there is no time for romance in Infinity War even with all the promo content and images we are getting of them always being by each-others side after being underground together for three years (and nothing happened? I honestly don’t believe it). 
But I am honestly just happy with the pair and how great they are for each-other. Any fellow shippers should just hold onto that, no one can take their bond away. If there’s no romance, there’s always an open ending we could potentially get. And they may have no romantic scenes but they are compatible (given all I said, their differences and all), never leave each-other and could have hints to be something more or could even have a statement of them being together but no actual romantic scenes as there is gonna be 60+ story-arcs to tie together.
But I wouldn’t go anywhere or lose hope. And I would wholeheartedly still believe in the pair.
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