#and hyunjin saying how he gains strength from it and is thankful that jisung makes him laugh and.
hyunebear · 1 year
something abt hyunsung and their friendship and how strong it is it could destroy and create universes at once
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― pairing : Hyunjin x fem! reader ― content warnings : fluff, smut, wolf au, reader is a witch, soulmates, medieval settings as always, unprotected sex (wrap it up y’all), fantasy au ― word count : 3.172 ― notes : different day, different blog, but this one's still for @helav98
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris part one | part two // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho part one | part two // Felix // Jeongin
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«Come on,» you whispered to yourself, clenching your teeth as if it would have made you reach even further, «damn these silver azaleas, growing in a place like this.» you mumbled, outraged at the herb’s natural habitat as you brushed with your middle finger the wild herbs growing on the edge of a cliff.
Therefore, there you were, partially laying above the void itself, as you stretched out as far as you could, hoping the rock that you were gripping to balance yourself would not shatter in a moment like that. You kept brushing silver azaleas’ leaves few more times until you settled for using magic.
«I’ll never make it like this.» you sighed, your eyes briefly flashing golden and suddenly, a small bunch of silver azaleas was finally in your hand.
However, your happiness did not last long; as soon as you touched the herbs, the rock under your hand suddenly shattered, leaving you to precipitate into the cliff.
At least, this is what should have happened.
The feeling of  a warm hand immediately gripping your wrist with a firm hold made you look up, just to see a boy with long, black hair staring back at you with eyes full of worry. He effortlessly picked you up, and for a second you wondered how  could he be so strong without using magic.
“He must be one of the shapeshifters,” you thought. You have studied about them: people born with the ability to shift into any animal they knew, irrevocably gaining their qualities – sight, hearing and strength, even while in human form. “Or one of the wolves”, you wondered, aware that a pack of wolves recently claimed the forest as their territory. 
«Ah! Thank you!» you cheerfully and proudly showed your small bouquet to the boy, still looking at you with concern. «These herbs have the stupid habit to grow in unusual places so I always have to-»
«Always? You always risk your life like that?» the boy’s deep and dumbfounded voice cut your sentence, and you stood up, brushing away dust and small grass blades from your skirt.
«I never risk my life.» you answered immediately, your hands on your hips. «I knew how to fly up eventually.» you spun on your heels with an amused giggle, heading towards the small basket few steps away from the two of you. It was as if you could feel the gears in the handsome boy’s head starting to move, processing the fact that you were a witch, and not a commoner.
«Anyways, thank you so much,» you turned around, now facing the boy which standing up, easily towered above you.
«Hyunjin.» he said, a small and polite smile on his lips.
«Hyunjin.» you repeated before introducing yourself as well, silently admitting that he was definitely handsome up close. «Well, I have to go. I have many other herbs to gather before sunset. For example, fire flake flowers-»
«Do you want some help?» Hyunjin interrupted you, and you fell silent. Help? You never had any help during your gathering sessions, and especially, how could he be helpful?
«Yes.» you immediately whispered, a strange pull you felt in your heart quickly pushed you to ignore your thoughts. You blamed the sunlight hitting your face for the blush that erupted on your cheeks as Hyunjin’s lips parted to frame a beautiful, happy smile.
«As I was saying!» you suddenly exclaimed, knowing that Hyunjin was aware of your sudden embarrassment, judging by his amused expression, «Fire flake flowers. They’re next.»
«Lead the way, Ma’am.» Hyunjin smiled with the hint of a playful bow, before gently taking the basket from your hands. «But let me carry this.» you let him, a shy smile painting your lips and silently thanking your fate for this meeting. You spent the afternoon roaming around with Hyunjin following you obediently, the two of you talking continuously.
At the mention you were a witch, he confessed that he was a wolf. «That’s cool.» you nodded, «I never had a wolf for a friend.»
«Who said we were friends?» Hyunjin playfully ruffled your hair, with a smile on his face. You spent the remaining of the afternoon explain some properties of the herbs you were picking up to Hyunjin, and if he was uninterested with your explanations, he never showed. Instead, he kept asking you questions, until the situation inevitably ended up with Hyunjin laughing at you because you got raisin on your hair. You sighed, as you brought as much hair you could in front of your face to examinate the amount of damage; eyes briefly flashing golden, you got rid of all the raisin, and Hyunjin immediately inched closer to your face.
«That’s cool.» he said, your noses almost touching as he was busy studying your eyes, now back on their original colour. «Do they always change colour?»
«Yes,» you smiled, placing your hands on his wide shoulders before gently pushing him back, your heart racing as if you had just climbed that cliff back up using your own strength. «they always do.» You turned around too quickly to notice that Hyunjin was looking at your figure with a soft smile on his lips and a faint trace of a blush on his cheeks.
«So… Goodnight?» Hyunjin tried, smiling as he offered you the basket full of herbs once you both made it safely in front of your house, the lanterns of the village illuminating the now dark ad moonless sky.
You nodded, thanking him again. «Be careful on your way home!» you told Hyunjin’s retreating figure as you were tightly grabbing the basket’s handles.
It was dark, the streets were illuminated just enough to see where you were walking but, you saw clearly as Hyunjin turned briefly towards you, answering with a wink as his eyes flashed in two different, bright colours: blue and golden.
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Spring, sunny afternoons were your favourites; meditating with the wind gently dishevelling your hair was a feeling you loved, and so you sighed, closing your eyes, your soul at ease while you were sitting in a flower field. Tranquillity spreaded in your senses, and you honestly could have stayed there all afternoon, until the rustling leaves of the bushes on your left caught your attention. Eyes snapping open, you decided not to move your head in order not to appear too alarmed - it could have been anyone, opting to follow the unfolding situations with wary eyes.
All your resolution, however, melted into a thin nothing as soon as a large, big black wolf slowly walked out of his temporary hideout. Your head turned, and you locked gaze with his mismatched eyes.
“He has the same eyes as-”
«Hyunjin?» you quietly called out, unsure. You recalled Hyunjin’s eyes flashing with two different colours few nights earlier, but you were not sure about his wolf form because after all, you have never seen it before. The wolf gracefully lowered his head, as if he was gesturing the hint of a bow, and as soon as your eyes met his blue and gold ones, you felt once again that pull on your chest.
«I hope you weren’t try to scare me, puppy,» you smiled, before returning to your ministrations and closing your eyes once again, «it didn’t work.»
You heard the wolf whiff, perfectly aware that if he were in his human form, Hyunjin would have scoffed at you. The wolf slowly circled your apparently helpless frame, before plopping down next to you, his head gracefully resting on his paws. Hyunjin glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, and you glanced back, before erupting in soft giggles and reaching out with your hand to scratch him behind his ears.
You felt completely at ease, and you did not have to wonder about the reason why you felt the magic flowing in your soul growing powerful anytime he was close to you.
«Hyunjin,» you softly mumbled to the wolf which looked like he had fallen asleep. «Would you like to become my familiar?» Hyunjin’s bright eyes stared at you for few seconds, before he tapped on your thigh with his nose, and you immediately understood that it was his way of saying yes.
Later that afternoon, Hyunjin woke up from his nap with a flower crown made with yellow and blue flowers gracefully hanging from his black ears.
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The next time you saw Hyunjin, you were stark naked. You were quietly bathing in the river when once again; he quietly walked out from the bushes in his wolf form. Looking up at him, you admired how intimidating and graceful he looked. Water reached barely around your breasts, so you leaned your arms in front of you, resting them on the grass in order to partially shield your naked chest. Truth was, you did not mind for Hyunjin to turn back in his human form and join you.
Hyunjin made his way towards you, and unexpectedly licked your left cheek, making you turn around while laughing.
«What was that for?» you asked, touching your cheek with your still wet hand, and he answered by plopping down on the grass in front of you, his head on his paws and his big, bright mismatched eyes burning into yours.
«So, Hyunjin, I’m curious,» you tilted your head before placing it on the palm of your hand. «are you hanging out with me because you’re my familiar, or because I’m your mate?» you saw the wolf’s eyes widen for a second, and you smiled, satisfied with yourself.
“So, I was not wrong.”  you thought. You spent few days searching anywhere and everywhere in your books if the relationship with your familiar was supposed to make you feel somehow enamoured, but you only found endless chapters about how powerful you should have felt.
The thing was: you felt powerful AND enamoured, but anytime Hyunjin was in his human form, thoughts about kissing his full lips constantly intruded your mind. Knowing few basic things about wolves, you quickly catched up.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you once again, and thanks to the streaming water slowly flowing around your frame, you started to doze off, until you felt Hyunjin’s nose insistently push your head to your side. Eyes falling open, you searched for any traces of something out of the ordinary towards the direction that he had pointed to, until you heard the noise of cracking bones, followed by a long sigh.
You turned around, confusion written all over your face, the wolf nowhere to be seen. Instead, Hyunjin was standing in the water, reaching out to your nicely folded clothes in order to steal one of your thin leather strings in order to tie up his hair into a half ponytail.
«Did that hurt?» you asked, focusing on his face and trying to ignore the fact that Hyunjin was standing stark naked next to you in the water.
His arm brushed yours, and you felt a spark running through your body. «It doesn’t.» he explained with a smile, «We don’t feel anything, it’s just noisy.» You nodded, somehow glad that he would not feel any pain while switching between his human and his wolf form. Hyunjin placed his elbows on the grass behind him, relaxing in the water with his head thrown back, and you took the opportunity to steal glances to his toned body.
«Oh, by the way,» as soon as Hyunjin turned his head towards you, you adverted your gaze impossibly quick, in order not to get caught ogling at his frame, «who did you call “puppy”, back then?» his hand moved quickly, gently but firmly grabbing your forearm and pulling you towards his body. You let Hyunjin easily manoeuvre you, so that now, you were standing in front of each other, your hands on his chest and his arms loosely wrapped around your waist, as he pulled you flush against his body. You blushed at sudden proximity, Hyunjin’s soft breath fanning your cheeks, the boy staring at you with an amused expression on his face.
«You are the puppy,» you teased him, driven by a wave of confidence which made you lock your gaze with him, and he scoffed in answer, hiding a smile while turning his head. Hyunjin leaned down, and with a sudden, abrupt move, he picked you up, his hands under your thighs. Your arms flew around his neck with a shriek, your legs tightly circling his slim waist. Your noses were almost touching; Hyunjin’s eyes once again burning into yours.
«I dare you,» he whispered, inching closer and you instinctively parted your lips, «say that again.»
«I said you’re a cute, little puppy.» you mumbled back, your eyes shifting between his lips and his eyes, your left hand caressing his nape, leaving wet trails in his hair.
Hyunjin scoffed, tightening his hold on your legs and immediately bucking his knees without any notice. His lips captured yours in the brief moment you were underwater, leaving you to wonder if it really happened as soon as he lifted you back up, his smug smile meeting your outraged shocked expression.
«Now that the “puppy” thing is settled, let’s move to the next topic. Remember that-» Hyunjin face inched closer again, but suddenly froze in his movement as your eyes flashed golden. «Release me.» he sighed, rolling his eyes. «I won’t do that again.» he added in a monotonous voice, noticing that you didn’t break the spell.
With a satisfied smile, your eyes flashed once again, and as soon as he was able to move, he turned your position around, so that your back was pressed against the rocky wall of the river.
«Remember that,» Hyunjin said, gradually inching closer to your lips, «Before I was your familiar, you already were my mate.»
«Do you ever shut up?» you mumbled, before connecting your lips together while tightly holding the hair on his nape.
Hyunjin’s kisses were passionate and rough, there was something almost feral in the way his teeth kept nibbling your skin and his lips constantly searching yours, as if you were the only grip to sanity he had.  Despite being underwater, Hyunjin’s hands travelling on your body felt like his touch was burning, leaving a path that instantly missed and longed for his passionate touch.
That afternoon, Hyunjin made love to you as your back was tightly pressed against the rocky wall, and water flowed all around you. Hyunjin’s thrusts were as passionate and as rough as his kisses, the water giving you both the sensation of him sliding even deeper in you, even if he completely bottomed out every time, just to pull away to leave you clenching around the tip of his length. You found out pretty quickly that your mate was indeed a tease, alternating between fast, hard strokes and slow and deep ones, sometimes even waiting for you to plead him not to stop, even if this meant Hyunjin smirking against your skin with his teeth clenched in order not to pound inside you at the pace he wanted to. Hyunjin placed his left hand on the edge of the wall, next to your shoulder, his right hand sliding on your waist to push you even further against his body, using the water as his advantage to manoeuvre you even better.
«Let me mark you,» Hyunjin’s strained voice reached your ears, somewhere between your shared moans, «please.» his plead was accompanied by a harsh thrust hitting the perfect place inside you and you jolted forward, hugging him closer to your frame with a loud whine. Hyunjin never stopped his movements, never giving you proper time to think about it – you would have said yes regardless of the situation, but as your eyes briefly met Hyunjin’s wolf ones, you nodded immediately.
His mismatched gold and blue eyes stared at you with love and a hint of desperation, before a small and relieved smile danced on his swollen lips. Hyunjin pushed you even further against the rocks as he stilled inside you, kissing the crook of your shoulder before biting on it.
You were his mate, now. Officially, irrevocably, for the rest of your lives. You felt his emotion flood in your soul, and you knew that it was the same for him. Feeling each other’s love, arousal and happiness was what triggered your orgasms, leaving you clenching with rapid sigh around your mate’s twitching length. Hyunjin was panting heavily, his forehead on your shoulder, holding you close even if he already slipped his now soft member out of you.
«Thank you.» he mumbled, and you softly caressed his hair, wetting it once again, as you tried to catch your breath, too.
«I would have said yes, regardless.» at your answer, you felt Hyunjin place a soft kiss on the mark e left, before inching back to look at your face.
«You’re stuck with me, now.» Hyunjin softly pinched your cheeks using both his hands, taking advantage of the fact that now you were standing up once again. You stared back in his still blue and golden eyes, watching carefully as they turned back to normal.
«Witches don’t have a way to mark a familiar, but we’ll settle for this.» balancing yourself on his shoulders, you softly kissed his forehead.
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«Oi! Everyone! The watchdog came back!» you heard a boy joke, calling out for the rest of Hyunjin’s pack as soon as you entered their territory.
«Shut your mouth, Seungmin.» Hyunjin spat back immediately, and the other boy laughed loudly.
Hyunjin introduced you to his pack and their mates – which surprisingly enough were all witches, and they all kindly and cheerfully accepted you, glad that Hyunjin finally found his mate.
Changbin’s mate quickly explained you that the pack had been teasing him about being a witch’s familiar as soon as he came back home after he agreed to your proposal.
«They’d been calling him “puppy” for days now, poor one.» she added, shaking her head at the scene of the boys playfully teamed up and chasing Hyunjin, all of them in their wolf form.
«Puppy?» you repeated before giggling, and the girl smiled with a nod. «Well, but it’s true.» you added with a shrug, seeing Hyunjin freezing in his tracks to look at you, growling. You didn’t need to feel his emotion to know that in his human form, he would have said something along the lines of «Not you, too!», and the others stopped as well, some of them rolling on the floor in what resembled a laughter.
Hyunjin approached you quickly, and you giggled as you tried to hide behind Changbin’s mate. The black wolf was quick to prevent your action and pin you on the floor, preventing you from moving by placing one of his paws on the grass next to your head and the other one on your shoulder.
Hyunjin started to pepper your face with small, ticklish lips, ignoring your requests for a truce hidden between giggles.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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thanxxskz · 4 years
Hello sweetie! How are you doing? If your requests are still open could I request a stray kids reaction to their gf (or s|o if you want to keep it gn) being self conscious about being muscular or having a more athletic build from dance (like broader shoulders and bigger thighs?) Please don’t feel the need to do this if you don’t want to or if you’re unable to 🤗
I hope you have a beautiful day/night 💙
(Also I hope this made sense, I struggle to explain things sometimes 😖)
stray kids reaction to their s/o being self-conscious of their body build
hi! of course, my requests are always open. hope you like it ^^ (i didn't only use working out/dancing as topics, hope you don't mind!)
- because you worked out your legs a lot to gain strength, they just became naturally bigger
- chan was aware of this, not at first though
- he realised when you stopped wearing skirts and short dresses
- you began wearing more pants- overall, showing your legs less and less
- "babe, why did you stop wearing dresses? you look great in them"
- his question was innocent but it saddened you
- "i just don't look good in them..." you said "my thighs are so big..."
- he furrowed his brows "what? but they look great tho"
- with time, since chan helped you be happier with your body, you wore dresses again
- you were a dancer, that's how you met minho
- your body was well built from dancing, you had muscular legs
- and minho was so proud of that, because he wanted his legs to look so good
- for you? it was something awful, you were so self-conscious of it
- so when minho looked at your legs, you just put your hands on them
- "why are you covering them? you have bruises or something?"
- you chuckled "minho, they're so muscular it's disgusting"
- he lightly hit your hands "don't say that. they look great and i'm so jealous because i've dancing for years and my legs literally look like noodles"
- changbin has broad shoulders but you were broader
- you didn't wear tank tops, or tight shirts because they showed your broad shoulders
- so when changbin bought you a cute tank top because he thought it'd look good on you, you cried
- poor boy was so confused
- were you crying because it was ugly? because it wasn't your size?
- afraid to ask
- "y/n, baby, what happens?"
- you explained that you were just so self-conscious of your shoulders and the tank top showed them a lot
- "but it would look amazing on you though? your shoulders are amazing, even if they're broad, it's natural"
- helps you love yourself
- the problem were your thighs
- hyunjin loved them but you didn't
- they were so big sometimes normal pants didn't fit you and you had to buy a bigger size and you hated it
- "jinnie, do these jeans look good on me?"
- but you couldn't breathe
- "aren't they tight in your thighs?"
- there it was. your thighs, again. you started tearing up
- "i hate them, i so hate them, so much"
- hyunjin heard you and comforted you
- "sh, don't say that. your thighs are amazing, i love them, and you should too"
- you used to work out with jisung at the beginning of your relationship
- at first, your body wasn't so well built
- but now you noticed that due to working out, your arms had muscles in places you didn't know muscles could appear
- jisung didn't have those muscles and he had been working out for longer than you
- and you started to think
- "am i weird?"
- "what are you saying now?"
- "ji, my arms have so many muscles, they're awful"
- "no. they're not. they're worked out. it's natural. don't think it's weird or that you're weird"
- you teared up
- "if you think they're too muscular, don't work them for a while. it's supposed to be fun for us, i don't want you to feel sad or anything"
- you were a dancer and naturally your body is going to work out and get built
- but your body...... changed a lot in a short period of time
- you started to be sad because you noticed your shoulders got broader to the point they were felix's size
- you couldn't stop looking at his shoulders
- "baby, why are you looking at me like that?"
- "my shoulders..." you said, looking now at the mirror "a-are so b-broad" you cried
- felix face saddened, seeing you so sad was terrible for him
- he backhugged you "and?"
- "it doesn't disgust you?" he shook his head "really?"
- "baby, it's natural for that to happen. dancing, working out... makes our bodies change, you should be happy that it's changing in such a healthy way"
- he kissed your cheeks "i'll help you love them"
- he already knew you were unhappy with your thighs, as they suddenly became bigger because you worked out a lot
- he heard you talking with your friends once
- "he's gonna be so disgusted, why would anyone date someone who's biggers are twice his?"
- he was sad to hear that, because he loved you for you, without caring about your appearance
- literally didn't check your thighs till that day
- "but i don't see nothing wrong?"
- "what?" you said confused "your thighs. they look amazing, don't be self-conscious about them. i am with you for who you are as a person, not your outside appearance"
- you blushed, because you knew he was talking about that one day
- and because he wasn't one that said that stuff just because
- "i love you, thank you"
- he was once self-conscious of his teeth, so he totally understood you
- "y/n, it's normal to feel like that"
- your body was more athletic than other people's and you didn't really like it, to be honest
- "i am not telling you to not be sad or anything because that didn't work for me, but i will help you love your body as it is, because it's amazing"
- but even with that, it seemed impossible for you
- "y/n, look at my body, i worked out a lot too, we're body twinsies!!"
- you laughed, because he did the impossible to make you happy
- and it worked out
i hope you like it!! i honestly am so happy with u.u
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inadaydream99 · 5 years
hello! Can I request a Stray Kids reaction when they cheat on you? (Sorry I'm in a really angsty mood)
Hey, thank you for requesting! I love writing angst! 😊 I was inspired by friends for Fleix’s reaction, I just felt like it was appropriate 😂 sorry for this taking so long, I hope you enjoy!!
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Your feel as though your world has just fallen apart. How could this happen to you?
You hadn’t seen your boyfriend for a few days, both of you too busy with work, so you decided to surprise him with a visit. Only, when Woojin answered the door and suddenly looked uneasy, did you know something was wrong.
With a concerned look in his direction you walk into the dorms, freezing in your spot upon seeing Chan kissing another girl on the sofa. Your mouth instantly dries as you stare in shock at the scene in front of you. This can’t be real?
Before you are noticed you quickly turn away and run out of the building, tears clouding your vision as you rush down the street. To where? You’re not really sure. You are heading in the complete opposite direction of where you live.
Sitting on the closest bench, your head falls into your hands, sobbing loudly. Your body flinches suddenly, head flying up, when you feel someone gently place their hand on your shoulder. Chan.
“I’m so sorry.” Is all he can say, his face looking solemn and defeated. You scoff, how can he possibly look so sorry for himself? The audacity.
“Sorry you cheated or sorry you got caught.” You utter, your voice rough from crying so hard. Before Chan can answer you stand up and walk away, not once looking back. Though you can feel his eyes burn into you from behind, you know he doesn’t make any attempt to follow you.
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“Who is she!” You demand, rage in your voice as it echo’s throughout the room.
You are finally standing up for yourself against Woojin. You had caught him with a girl at the cafe where you were meeting with your friends. Watching as they acted like a couple, the longing glances across the table at one another making your blood boil. You managed to refrain from making a scene in public until Woojin leant across the table to place a kiss on the girls lips. You were furious.
Woojin just looks at you in shock, the fact that he would ever be caught not once crossing his mind until the very moment it happened. At his lack of words you storm out of the cafe, your strides fast in order to get away as fast a you can.
Although you felt tightness in your throat from holding back tears, you kept a steady face. You knew in that moment that you will never set eyes on Woojin again.
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“I never loved you.” You scoff as you hear his bitter words.
“So all those times you said you did you were lying then?” You glare in Minho’s direction, your icy exterior holding any emotion from being revealed.
“I though I did, until I met someone else.” Minho flatly states, his eyes giving away his true feelings. Even though he is normally quite stubborn and harsh, he still had emotions and the glossiness of his eyes revealed all. This wasn’t easy for him, but it had to be done.
When he revealed that he had been seeing someone behind your back you began to shake, your body shooting into panic mode to try to comprehend the information.
You could handle him cheating, you had your suspicions anyway judging by his recent behaviour. But saying he never loved you? That felt like daggers through your heart.
As you nod your head at his responce, you make eye contact. If this is how he truly feels then so be it. You only ever want the best for him, as for every time you told him you loved him you really did mean it.
You utter your final words before leaving for good.
“I always will.”
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The first time Changbin cheated you forgave him, not right away, but eventually you did. After all, it was just a one night stand. Or that’s what he made you believe.
All your friends told you that he would do it again, that you’d be better off without him. But you stood by your boyfriend, too blinded by love to see that your friends were right.
“You promised.” You tremble, backing away from Changbin as he reaches out to you. His eyes are soft, full of regret. Tears threatening to spill as he pleas for you to forgive him, that he never meant to cheat again.
You shake your head no as you gulp down the overwhelming sense of sadness. Never again you repeate to yourself as you finally gain enough strength to tear your eyes away from Changbin‘s and run away.
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“You’re an asshole.” You shout though your tears.
Hyunjin can’t even look at you, too ashamed of his actions to see how much hurt he caused. His heart aching at just hearing your unstable voice. The person he loves most in the world breaking down in front of him and it’s all his fault.
“I’m sorry.” Hyunjin mutters, his voice breaking as he fights his own urge to cry.
“When why did you do it? Why did you cheat?” You question as you step forward, your voice quieter as your energy becomes spent. Hyunjin glances up at you, his head still hanging low.
“Because I didn’t think.” Is all he can say.
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“Is this what you wanted?” You sarcastically laugh at Jisung. He looks so unaffected, so calm.
“Of course it’s not. I never wanted to hurt you.” He reply’s seriously, looking deeply into your eyes as he reaches out to hold your hand.
You aggressively move your hand away before he can hold it, never feeling so disgusted by someone in your life.
“Don’t you dare.” Your voice cracks as your emotions begin to get the better of you. It breaks his heart to see you looking so vulnerable. Broken.
“Don’t ever come near me again, got it?” Your red puffy eyes look back at him one last time before darting to the floor. Jisung silently nods in responce, the air thick with heartache as you turn your back on him.
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“How could you.” Its the only thing you can say, too shocked at his confession of sleeping with someone else to form any other coherent sentence.
Felix looks at you in worry, only thinking about your reaction. Of course he regrets cheating, he never thought that he would be that person. But mistakes are made and consequences have to be faced.
“I’m sorry. It was after our fight and you called to have some time apart. I was distraught, drinking away my feelings and she was there and it just happened.” Felix explains, his tone full of regret and pleaing for forgiveness. His chest hurting from seeing you in so much emotional pain.
“Please, say something.” Felix begs after you remain silent, your body frozen in place as you zone out from reality.
“You’re a completely different person to me now. I used to see you as someone who would never hurt me, but now every time I look at you all I can picture is you with someone else.” You speak, voice hoarse and filled with pain as you finally make eye contact with him.
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“I don’t need you.” Seungmin shouts in a rage as you walk away. His head falling into his hands as tears stream down his cheeks.
Why was he so stupid?
After confessing to a one night stand that happened a few months ago, he knew you were over. What hurt you the most is that he didn’t respect you enough to tell you at the time. No, you had to find out months later from a friend who overheard his confession to Hyunjin.
Confronting Seungmin the next day, your fears became reality. It was true and you could feel your heart shatter into a million peaces.
Storming out, never wanting to set sight on him again, Seungmin shouts after you in anger. The irony of his statement is that you didn’t need him. And he even knew it himself.
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“You have everyone falling at your feet, but I’m not one of them.” You spit venomously at Jeongin as he begs you not to leave him.
Did he seriously think that he could cheat on you and get away with it? You roll your eyes at the thought.
“I love you. Please. Don’t go.” Jeongin begs in distress, his hands clutching onto your arm to keep you from walking away.
“Let go.” You remain still, your voice weak as you hold back your emotions and watch Jeongin cling to you for dear life.
“You’re not the person I fell in love with.” Your final words cause Jeongin to let go of you, the room falling into silence as you huff and stand up, ready to leave for good.
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