#and honestly the more I think about it the more I feel like touya might've liked you less if he knew that right away
How Touya pictures you as a villain as Hex: Aww, I don't really know how to fight! I don't even like it, it's not my thing. I just wanna be support! It's dangerous for me to be on the field. Do you really think I could do it? Would you help train me me, Touya? 👉🏽👈🏽 Then we can be a team together! UwU
How you actually were as Siren, stalking your targets down the halls covered in blood from wheels to wrist: Daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do~ I'm half-crazy all for the love of you...~ =)
#hex!fic#this discrepancy is mostly because he only knows you as the ex-villain civilian who he literally watched have a panic attack over blood#and I address that#like he hears you SAY you were a villain once and obviously stalks your information and finds the incredibly gorey scenes you'd leave#because you were fucking crazy#but it does not compute in his head and he chalks the majority of the violence up to your sibling(s) influence#because as violent as you were the rest of your family is WORSE and that is true#which fun fact!!!!!!!!!! Is why he erases them in the fantasy!!!!!!!#You're not really Like That you're just a poor victim of circumstance and bad family influences!!!!!!!!#just like him!!!!!!!!!!!#and honestly the more I think about it the more I feel like touya might've liked you less if he knew that right away#which is SUPER funny cause I hc that if it was in any other direction#like if he met you as a villain while he was a villain#or you were a villain and he was a hero#he would be all over you#but now he has such an innocent almost victim perception of you that it would take him awhile to wrestle with the opposite being true#very meme voice: wait. you were a villain on purpose? like cause you wanted to?#between the inferiority complex and his unacknowledged misogyny I especially feel like it would bug him that you are SUCH a better villain#like efficiency wise#like you were literally RAISED in this in the ways he was supposed to be raised in heroism#like self-taught vs traditionally trained type shit#and I think it would bother the hell outta him#you don't even have a quirk but you have a bigger body count than him#what do you MEAN#I hope I get a chance to write that internal struggle it would make good relationship drama
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Contion of yand tode dam with dabi and natso in please
Shoto has been actively trying to not allow Natsuo to meet Izuku because if he's anything like Fuyumi, he'll get attached too. Hell, he already has to convince Izuku to come back to his place at least twice a week or Fuyumi will threaten to track him down on her own.
He can't be convinced that she hasn't, but that's a different fear in his mind.
But, he isn't very lucky. For Fuyumi has invited Natsuo on her own. Their new little brother, she's calling him. Nobody mentions Touya. He was their older brother. But Shoto still feels like Fuyumi is searching for him in Izuku, because he was so deadset on proving people wrong.
Natsuo's different. He's more socialized. He sees the little brother he never got in Izuku. Honestly, if Shoto wasn't so angry about them attempting to take Izuku's valued, precious time, he'd be mad that Natsuo wasn't trying to get close to him like this.
It's another family dinner. Well, fractured, obviously. Shoto's plastered to Izuku's side, sticking to him like a particularly overprotective cat. Fuyumi and Natsuo take the image in, watching with rapt attention. Pork katsudon is being served, izuku's favorite. And they're actively talking about All Might in his #1 Hater's home.
Izuku doesn't look like he minds. He's still very much coming over and eating dinner. He was alone for a long time with a father that wasn't around and a mother who had to work.
Shoto relates, and that's why he latched onto Izuku.
He might've pushed his energy onto someone else, if they only outstretched their hands, but Shoto shakes the thought out of his head. It's downright blasphemous to think so.
"First semester finals are coming up, huh?" Fuyumi asks and natsuo groans. Fuyumi (lightly) elbows him in the side, "I wasn't talking about you! I was talking to the boys."
"Oh, yeah." Izuku replies, "I've been training for the final. Rumor has it that we are fighting the Zero-Pointer robots from the entrance exam."
"The what?" Shoto asks.
"Oh yeah," Izuku remembers, "You got in on reccomendations, didn't you?"
"Endeavor's money hard at work."
"I earned my spot." Shoto replies, "Without using his... firepower."
"We're working on using it." Izuku chuckles, trying to steer away from the sore subject of their father, "But yeah, there was these big Zero Pointer robots that were basically used to seperate everyone and weed us out. Uraraka was about to get smashed by one and I was the only one who noticed, so I went up against it."
"Were you alright?" Fuyumi asks, more fear for past-Izuku than she ever did about Shoto.
"I broke a good portion of my bones!" Izuku answers a bit too happily for the Todoroki's sibling's comfort, "But I got used to it. And Recovery Girl healed me."
"Why are they letting you use a quirk that's actively harming you?" Natsuo asks, "Recovery Girl should've put a stop to this."
"She hasn't been to happy..."
"I bet!" Natsuo exclaims, "I worked under her at U.A. and she would supervise any kid who would repeatedly injure themselves with their quirk."
"I'm writing a letter to U.A. immediatly." Fuyumi says, "this is unacceptable!"
"Well if I don't use my quirk, how will I get stronger?"
"Training," Natsuo says, "without a quirk. Getting your body physically stronger so your quirk output doesn't hurt yourself in the process."
"He's getting a nursing degree" Fuyumi explains, "He's wanted to be a doctor for as long as we can all remember."
"You'd know all about doing things without a quirk, wouldn't you Natsuo?"
The room falls silent. Izuku shifts a bit away from Shoto and the room notices. His back straightens, his grip on his utensils tighten.
And then, he laughs. Forced, nervous. Izuku's nervous, afraid.
And Shoto notices.
"Are you okay, Izuku?" Fuyumi speaks first.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Izuku tries to maintain his breathing in a way that isn't noticed. But they all do. They have all been in moments like these, "I knew a kid like that before. Quirkless." He talks of this person detached, as if it isn't him, "He's doing better for himself. Conditions have gotten better. But I just, I just wasn't expecting that comment. That's all."
Nothing is said again, until Natsuo speaks, "I'm used to the comments. They all find out eventually, right? Number two heroes' kid is quirkless. I just didn't expect them to come from Sho's mouth."
"I didn't either." Izuku stands up, "I better go. I promised my mom I wouldn't stay out too late."
Fuyumi jumps up, "Let me call a cab, at least!"
Shoto doesn't speak. He just looks at Izuku.
"No thanks, Fuyumi." He says, "I'll catch the train. Same time, next week?"
Fuyumi and Natsuo both echo back sentiments of agreement. Shoto doesn't say anything and neither does Izuku. Once he's out of their house, Shoto retreats to his room, conflicted, leaving his siblings behind.
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tonya-the-chicken · 1 year
I mean though Enji could have been a little less OTT and not done everything wrong. Its just too much really. Like his predecessors being Gaara's dad or Shinji Ikari(or Zuko's dad) more or less were just fated to be villains who die or get a redemption that now feels quite deserved for Erina's dad but none of them did anything as much as Enji. At this point Endeavor has more number of villainous acts depicted than AFO and his kids together.
I feel like it's less about what he objectively did or didn't and way more about the way it is depicted, ye
Some bad fathers are written in a way that hints they are meant to be perceived as the flattest most one-sided dudes out there. And I think it's ok because sometimes you just can't dwell on the character for too long, you have to make priorities. And when you make more complex characters you have to prioritize where you spend your time too
In Horikoshi's case FOR SOME REASON the need to balance between "Enji did all those horrible things and tormented all his family members" and "Enji is capable of growth and has some genuine care for his family and is a person with his own struggles" is resolved by gently writing how his desires overshadowed any care he had and how he had bad ideas he might've not registered as *that* bad and how he didn't necessarily have intended to cause all that harm but he did anyway and he is analyzing he is growing he is finding new priorities trying to become better REMEMBER HOW HE BEAT UP SHOUTO???? LOOK AT THAT. IT IS SO CRUEL HE IS A MONSTER and the way he felt he can't stop if he went so far already and how he once took a genuine interest in his wife and he remember it for years HE IS A VIOLENT ABUSER DO YOU REMEMBER THAT???? OK???? MAYBE A RAPIST TOO and the way he tries to fix things that can be fixed and we see him worrying about Natsuo and others... And how he cried after finding out Touya is alive. Like, he is so deeply human A LITERAL MONSTER LOOK AT THIS FACE
I don't think anyone else receives this kind of treatment. Dabi almost caused Natsuo's death and openly says he wants to kill Shouto but that doesn't influence the way he is treated by the narrative. There are no constant throwbacks to him hurting someone. No trauma in our protagonist, whom he attacked and Shouto has no hard feelings, only a desire to save him. Enji is trapped in the past he can't fix but none of the literal villains terrorists mass murderers are treated this way. Sure, their storyline is different but how come the things THEY did in the past can be forgiven and forgotten but with Enji we have to constantly keep in mind all the evil he did. Like, if the manga doesn't end with him alive and moderately well while redeeming someone like Shigaraki or Dabi I'll tell you honestly I think it would be the most trash writing ever. You can put all the effort into becoming a better person and all you get is "past never dies" or you can put zero effort but have sad childhood so of course you will be saved!!! Let's forget everyone who ever suffered from your treatment. We are not mad at you
It's confusing and inconsistent. It reminds me of the way people would write something and then get mad if others don't see certain characters as bad/good enough. Like, why do you love this and not that? And so they start being aggressive at fans. How dare they liked someone I created not in the way I want it!
But then, I don't want to be too mean to Horikoshi. Maybe he is just that shit at keeping a balance. A sorta straight line between past Enji and present Enji though I feel like it would be easier if we had his motives explained in detail. Past Enji and present Enji don't feel consistent with each other enough which makes little sense when he is the one telling the story of his past. "I didn't mean to neglect you" but no sign of him thinking about not neglecting them in the past? You have the opportunity to confirm every Enji's word. Idk man
It's a lot about perception and depiction and what is important to the plotline. If you are going to drag the backstory so much and keep on returning to it, then shape it out nicely, show new details, change perspectives. We don't dwell on anyone's backstory for as long as todofam
Sometimes I just feel I like the idea he wanted to write but not what he actually wrote you know? But then, how do I know what was his idea
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