#and having the rest of the series *not* animatic would make those song sequences more special too
lakefama · 2 years
sorry if this sounds rude, but genuine question: why make Heartwork a “slide show” storyboard instead of an animatic video? not to infer the later would be “superior” or anything, i’m just curious about the productions pros and cons, if that makes sense
(love the first part, can’t wait for next thursday!)
not rude at all! and i understand that the medium may not be enjoyable for some people. i've been making a very conscious effort to make it accessible to folks that aren't very accustomed to reading storyboards but it's inevitable it won't be everyone's taste.
the preface to this answer is that i am one guy making this thing in my free time for fun so most of this answer boils down to "i only have so much time in my life" and "i find some aspects of animatics not fun" lol
art-wise, spending less time on the animation/animatic aspect of storyboarding gives me more time and capacity to flesh out the drawings closer to like a black & white comic than actual storyboards, which lets me build the world out more clearly. i'd have to sacrifice time on art to be able to have time on animatic production (i mean i guess i could theoretically try to not sacrifice time on any end but that would drastically increase the amount of work and time a chapter takes and would be unsustainable lol). my hope was also that with clearer art, the storyboard medium might be more understandable and easy to adjust to for people who don't look at storyboards often.
and production-wise, the fully honest answer is a personal preference that i don't feel like animatics are worth the amount of labor and time they take to make if they don't have audio! whenever i'm a viewer of storyboard animatics, i find myself getting impatient and antsy to silent animatics and preferring to control the pacing myself with click-thru boards. and i absolutely do not have the capacity or resources to make full animatics with audio haha :'D
an option i had been considering making for people who don't like the tapping through is that maybe down the line i could post a recorded "pitch" video of the full chapters, like a storyboard pitch you do at professional studios. i'd have to gauge how much interest there is in that kind of thing and if i even have any more than like 4 people reading my series anyway lmao
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