#and god forbid I see subtext with a wlw ship
tophsazulas · 1 month
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I also see some here <3
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remythologise · 4 years
I have hope but I think SPN is going to die the way it began: trashy and paling in the shadow of television shows that are actually brave in pushing back against convention. Other writers saw fit to write WLW and MLM that love each other explicitly, rather than an veiled, secret way.
I agree with you, and I really wish it was some other way. Having said that, FWIW Misha/Berens did take big step here in making Cas in textually queer love, and I will thank them for that - I still value it, so much. Also I know this isn’t what you’re saying at all with this ask, but I honestly think part of the reason this ship was big is because it was unintentional to begin with, and where it was intentional, written in a veiled/secret way. This is the X-Files thing right, where I’ve never shipped a het couple as much as I shipped Mulder/Scully (although I only got into the X-Files knowing that would be canon, so it’s different). It’s like, TV writers are incapable of writing sexy romances when they’re doing it intentionally. I don’t know, akin to the Hayes Code - we can see people having sex in moves now but where’s the intimacy and sexiness gone? The implicit love story of something like Dean/Cas or Kirk/Spock happening in subtext is really like, a different, beautiful thing to the kind of ships I see with intentionally written couples. And I love those (intentional) couples, don’t get me wrong. It’s just like, now they have the chance to canonise that beautiful relationship that developed organically, ACKNOWLEDGE that it developed as a love beyond authorial intent (!), acknowledge their LGBT-leaning fans were right, and they’re going to fumble it by making it one-sided and tragic, something ultimately not given a happy ending free of the narrative. 
I just... We believe in this incredible, apparently impossible world where Dean Winchester could be a middle aged man who is super macho male lead AND discover he is bisexual (so many people do). That one single writing choice could give complexity and depth to the previous 15 seasons, somewhat justify years of shitty behaviour towards the angel/man in LOVE with him, and his sometimes-offensive character traits. Just as Cas’ love confession illuminated his trajectory in a beautiful way, they could do that for Dean as well. I hate that the demographic choices and homophobia of CW SPN would prevent the character, emotional and narrative arcs of this story (specifically season 15, but also with Dean’s romantically drawn narrative around Castiel in previous seasons) from coalescing the way they should. Because as with everything on SPN - it’s SO CLOSE. Not just because of canon Destiel, but because of the meta that goes along with it - free will in and outside the narrative and what the writers’ want, love that exists beyond authorial intent, Cas knowing he’s loved, the bookending of Dean saving Cas as a triumph of their relationship and character development. Hell, even the fact that the characters should get happiness, because Chuck/the writers planned tragedy. Supernatural has always been full of tension between the potential canon presents and the mediocre execution. But NEVER has the execution been THIS CLOSE to getting it right, have we had EXPLICIT narrative threads that make that ‘getting it right’ clear, and still.... miss it. Makes me crazy. God forbid Dean Winchester be anything but straight, huh?
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