#and bonus round: Hannibal gave Will space on the cliff to make a move
onchyart · 11 months
So Will in the ladder scene puts a boundary with his body language (arches his back, so Hannibal has to stop closing in on him)
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and he checks again with putting his torso forward and Hannibal recoils back a little bit (but stays put)
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It shows that he is sensitive to Will's lead in their bodily geography. Will becomes more comfortable after the second check (maybe even aroused a bit, cause he feels in control)
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All Will's dreams that include Hannibal, have an element of putting him in place permanently and Hannibal feeling okay with it, comfortable in Will's restraint, under his control.
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Some may say that Will's s2 dreams are erotic, full of suggestive imagery.
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well, so if we go all the way with this logic
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On his knees, pinned, okay
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Meeting Will for the first time in three years, freedom of movement only in his memory palace, glass wall, practically no agency at all. Greeting Will with his back and ass first okay
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and hmmm
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hmmmmm so yeah, Hannibal's cell was a perfect seduction set up for Will Graham and Will Graham only
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