#and bc they dont know much about war in fiction or IRL they treat this as like. one extreme or the other?
lord-squiggletits · 1 month
One of my least favorite parts of how JRO wrote Optimus is that he wanted so badly to continue his dark and gritty world building making the Autobots problematic, but evidently couldn't reconcile this with Optimus being a Heroic Paragon, so instead he leaned way too hard into "oh Prowl was the one who did this and it was behind Optimus' back" which if anything I think makes Optimus look worse, not better. Because then it's like, okay I know Optimus trusted Prowl a lot as his friend but you CANNOT TELL ME that over the course of 4 million years, Optimus as the leader of the Autobot army who literally would have access to 99.9% of all the records they produce, would never notice or question where some of these odd/inconsistent details were pointing. It just seems really inconsistent with how a real military would actually function, especially regarding Optimus' character, who is incredibly thorough and responsible and wouldn't neglect to keep up with all the details of his army.
Hell, Optimus knows who the Wreckers are and had them on call for tricky operations when he needed them (Stormbringer) so he's literally not at all ignorant of/averse to the use of special wartime units composed of dubious individuals. He's the fucking commander of an entire army, of course he knows that War Is Hell (TM) and no one's hands are clean. That's not even getting into all the stuff he got up to in phase 2/3, I mean everything from the annexation of Earth to OP breaking humans out of prison against Council orders shows that Optimus is no stranger to immoral and/or unlawful means.
It also leads to a lot of annoying fanon where people write Optimus (sometimes unintentionally, sometimes not) as like some sort of ignorant fool who's unaware of the machinations of his own army or has some sort of naiveté of "b-but we can't use bad tactics against the enemy! I would never condone the use of morally gray means in war!" No, IDW Optimus knows perfectly well all of the bullshit he's enacted/condoned for the sake of trying to win the war. Some stuff is definitely out of character for him and was only machinated because of Prowl, but I think this fandom REALLY underestimates Optimus' personal agency/responsibility as the commander of a whole ass army and ESPECIALLY underestimates Optimus' capacity to condone morally gray Bullshit Of War while still being a good person individually as well as, comparatively, the lesser evil compared to Megatron/the Decepticons.
Anyways what I'm saying is JRO may be a good writer but he's really hesitant to make Optimus morally gray and does some asspulls sometimes to justify most of the bad things the Autobots did as "Optimus just didn't know," and since the majority of the IDW1 fandom only reads JRO's stuff they go running with this premise of ignorant/uninformed Optimus when there's evidence elsewhere in canon to show that Optimus is, in fact, very highly aware of the bullshit he's allowed "for the greater good" and the only stuff he was "unaware of" was the stuff he would literally never agree to the ethics of, like bombing innocent neutrals disguised as Decepticons to get them to join the Autobots.
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broopitye · 2 years
[Rant on why I love Nagisa sm]
Warning: very chaotic !!
So. Nagisa Ran. hes. so hot. I can rant while crying about this fine ahh man for hours and on. Like he was my first love in enstars(along with shino and himeru but I grew love for nagisa more if you get what I mean)
WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. every micrometre of this fine ahh speciman is screaming my type and I cant think straight like??? stop being so perfect..???
Ok so. He has long hair. I have a very huge extremely large thing for long hair. Its even white(kind gray but still) long White hair is so attractive and hot!!!!! I always had a thing for this trope, I had a fictional childgood crush on Gin from case closed when I was young and now Im also crushing on Kite from hxh, of course Nagisa was in my radar the moment I saw him and was attracted immediently. His hair is also wavy and kinda fluffy like???? Hello?????? Its so prety???????? I also really love how he looks very sharp and harsh? in appearence but his actually very kind and gentle! And that he has this royalty vibe aswell which also kinda opposes? his gentle nature!!!! I find it so attractive gosh damn
Ahem so uh His red eyes are also so seductive. Like not in like a very seggusal way if yk what I mean but yeah very really pretty and amazing!!!!!!! The shapw of his eyes too.... gosh they are so hot😭😭😭
HIS VOICE TOO!!! His voice is so hot and girl whenever I hear his super attractive deep soft and gentle voice my body automatically reacts with curling toes and twirling hair.... not to mention his change in voice when he sings!!! I dont really know how to describe this but it kinda gets sharper and a bit nore higher pitched. ITS SO HOT. LIKE. HELLO. The way he sings is also so unique and pleasing to listen to!!! If you heard him sing(especially in the beast of end, if you didnt listen to that song yet than pls listen to its so good). I love him so much wth....
So. Now his personality bit. I really dont know where to start on this,,,,,
He is so sweet and is such a gentleman!!! Like, I am a personality person, the personality of someone is what I fall for irl.(for fictional ppl, ot depends(but I do lean towards their personality more tho)) Nagisas personality is what made me love him, how he treats and talks to the producer(not going to specify as 'me' bc it sounds weird to say lmao) is so gentle and nice, he always checks in w the producer and always speak in such a gentle manner like hello...?? And bc his voice is literally so hot as mentioned before, it makes it even more attractive and got me gripping my sheets and biting my lips everytime!! Hes also very mature and calm, which falls perfect for my standards for attraction... Hes the type of guy to respect me and I also can respect him back, can think through straight and is calm with little to no tantrums and everything like that.
(spoiler warning for his backstory!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
his backstories....Gosh damn they were all so sad and depressing, my man didnt get to develop an actual personality and was isolated for so long.. And like then I grew sympathy and got attatched more to his character after it!! His character also has depth and is 2 dimensional like gosh damn.
(Btw I havent read all of his backstories yet! I heard about those war crimes he commited but enstars fandom has a lot of misinfo going on so I dont really know)
So uh yeah I probably have more to say but its 3am and I am losing conciousness rn so yeah
Also I swear I am a sane person with a life though I mightve looked too insane in this rant😰😰
Mr Ran Nagisa is my ultimate ultimate fav in enstars despite that I have like 38 other ppl I love there!!!
(So expect other rants like this in the future)
Anyways conclusion is that I love him a lot!!! Maybe a bit too much actually
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