#and Kotone despite liking her aunt she thinks that adults are weird for sleeping around for fun lol
miusato · 23 days
I probably wrote this before but it was in tags so I don't think people read it lol but anyway Kotone, Shinji and Aki are still orphans in my AU.
Kotone would go live with her aunt. I imagined that after her parents tragically dies, no one actually wants to take her in since her parents were disown from the big family prior before their death. The aunt who takes her in were the only ones who wants to take her in because she was also disown from the family due to her lifestyle and she's the only one that keeps contact with Kotone's parent when they were alive. Okayyy please don't eat me alive but lately I was tinkering with the idea that the aunt would be Elizabeth since she seems like a weirdo (affectionately) but also out of all her siblings, she's the only one that really indulges into mortal world's activity and her SL is so fun she really enjoyed doing human things and gets curious about it so like I imagine if she's actually a normal human I set her to be in this AU, she would be the kind of person that would be open to anything, kind of that cool liberal aunt you want to have. But I also see her to be indulging herself a lot to the point I see her to be hedonistic and hhh she seems to be the kind of person that would sleep around and bring random women (and sometimes men) in the house. Kotone likes her enough to tolerate that (and also because thats her house she could do whatever she wants) but I can see that she also annoyed that Elizabeth just couldn't live at least a week not bringing randos into the house and it constantly became the subject whenever she wants to vent to Shinji lol. I think the issue is that Elizabeth forgets that Kotone's still a teenager and she treats her more like a housemate than how an aunt should be.
Shinji on the other hand would live at a foster home with a few foster kids in that home. I see that the foster parent is the kind of people that basically take those kids in just for the sole purpose of profit so they only provide the bare minimum for the kids including Shinji and due to that reason, Shinji has to work part time job just so he could afford living (since they dont really fed him that well) and also saving up money for when he eventually has to move out and kicked off the program. I also starts to tinker with the idea that one of the foster kid at the home is Ken and despite how Ken doesnt seem to like him, he cares deeply for him and he constantly thinks about how he wants Ken to be with him when he has his own place and financially stable enough to support Ken.
Lastly for Aki, honestly I havent think thoroughly about it. I'm constantly going back and forth between either him also being in foster or he is adopted into an upper class family. His living condition is much better than Shinji's but he couldn't help but feeling guilty that Shinji couldn't live with him and he was still living with survivor's guilt because his sister wasn't able to live long enough to live comfortably like he is in the present times.
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