#and I’m even part of the butchlander club who does think that activity would be scary between a compound V discordant couple
deliciouskeys · 9 months
I gotta ask but how long has the butt anon been around? Like every once in a blue moon i will see this lad/lass post and wonder if they been like this since S1.
Kinda reminds me of the shitposters on some The Boys threads who spammed the thing with Maeve dirty feet... cuz i assume butt anon much like feet posters have a peculiar fetish-- yet more weird.
It only started in 2023, to my knowledge. It just feels unfair that this person remains anonymous, so I can’t reciprocate and spam their inbox with some of my stupid hyperfixations, like putting HL in an ever smaller box, letting HL go into a box and trapping him in there like you’d do to a cat then opening it and finding out the hard way that he was claustrophilic and liked being in there all along, and… idk, keeping butchlander as chibipets in a glass cage and observing their vie quotidienne. And wanting said anon to weigh in on all these important matters.
But to really replicate the effect, I’d have to write walls of text about it and imply anyone who doesn’t enjoy these niche things is just not seeing the light / fandom has overlooked the truth.
Personally was never a big fan of the diamond shit lore because it implies no one will ever enter there (which, tragic), and lands heavily on the side of bottom!billy (which isn’t my preference and I mostly only enjoy as noncon <- this is a very normal healthy sentence, don’t quibble with it). Plus, i hate to argue with this, but we have seen no evidence in the show that anything is coming out of his body at abnormal rates or abnormal compression pressures— at least not semen, nor tears. Unless anon is implying he’s been infertile because he’s been turning his sperm cells into sludge before exit. Oops I say I hate to argue but I started to anyway 😩
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