#and I avoid any erasermic with the two I don't have the proper knowledge
violetlunette · 2 years
Canon EraserMic
Okay, so it’s gonna be interesting to see how people react to this, but with this being one of the most popular ships in BNHA, I decided to go back and look at the canon relationship between these two.
No images as I’ve heard they mess with mobile users, however, if my followers prefer it, let me know, and I'll add them in future posts.
So, summary first;
Aizawa and Hizashi met in school through their mutual friend Oboro. Mic—seeing the shy boy—decided it was his job to loosen him up. They became friends and ended up in a trio. They were all close enough that the three made plans to open an agency together one day. However, that dream fell apart when Oboro died during a villain attack in his school years. Despite Aizawa pulling away from everybody, Hizashi remained at his side loyally, even when all he could do was just be there. After graduation, Aizawa threw himself into work but kept close enough contact with Mic that the two were always kept to date on each other’s status.
Eventually, they came to work at U.A. together as teachers, where Hizashi continues to support Aizawa to the present.
So, where to begin?
At first glance, these two are opposites; Mic is energetic, wild, loud, and wants to add fun to all that he does. Aizawa is a man who tends to brood, sleep when he can, and keep to himself while pretending to be rational.
Despite that, it’s easy to see that these two are friends. Aside from the fact that they’re always together—90% of Mic’s scenes are with Aizawa, or concerning Aizawa—the two share a fun banter with one another, play pranks on each other, feel at ease in the other’s presence, and usually offers support whenever the other needs it (one more than the other, but I’ll get to that). And—believe it or not—the two do have a few things in common.
Both are trolls who like to tease others, though Mic does this more and louder. They’re both protective and supportive of the ones they love (Aizawa of his students and Hizashi of Aizawa). And they like cats.
They banter a lot and even argue, but it never comes off as malicious or cruel. It's more like an old married couple. They’ve known each other for years and it shows in even their smallest interactions.
It’s difficult to explain, but there’s a reason it’s one of the most popular pairings in BNHA, to the point where it’s the main background couple in fanfics when it’s not the main couple. So does that mean their friendship is perfect? Sorry, but no.
There are a few minor flaws, but nothing worth mentioning, and one big flaw;
Mainly that there’s a huge imbalance in the emotional labor. Namely, Aizawa does none of it.
Hizashi does all the work in their relationship, emotional and physical. HE’S the one always reaching out to Aizawa and made sure to keep contact, as otherwise, Aizawa would have completely pulled away. I mean it, so far in the main series, the vigilante spin-off, and school briefs, Aizawa has only reached out to Mic once in the entire series, ONCE. And that was when he said that if “Mic’s going, he will too.” That’s honestly all I could find. And even then that could be read as him doing it more for Oboro’s sake than Mic’s. Okay, if I want to stretch it, he did have the students carry Mic out of a doorway after they obliterated him, but my point stands.
Mic on the other hand—as I said—is always reaching out to Aizawa.
He invites him to hang out, keeps him updated on his life, takes an interest in Aizawa’s, and supports him non-stop. Even in small things, like when people criticize Aizawa for expelling students, Hizashi always takes Aizawa’s side.
But the biggest thing he does is all the emotional labor. Hizashi does everything he can to take care of Aizawa’s emotional needs, whether it’s having others give him space, just being there, or even sacrificing his own needs. We see this both times with Oboro.
The first is after Oboro’s death. Hizashi is so devastated that he can’t even speak, but then laser-eyes starts talking and completely misses the fact that THEIR FRIEND DIED. Laser eyes doesn’t mean anything and in fact, means well—something Hizashi can see—but he knows that’s not what he needs right now. So, he immediately locks his feelings away and focuses on Aizawa.
Now, don’t think I’m blaming Aizawa for ANY of this, because I get it. Aizawa was traumatized after Oboro’s death. Pulling away was a defense mechanism to save himself more pain. And when Hizashi does try to reach out it’s never a good time as Aizawa has to take care of his students. (That and Aizawa just isn’t ready to confront his feeling.)
I’ll also say that it appears that Hizashi doesn’t need as much support as Aizawa as Hizashi seems perfectly fine. He’s always laughing, and smiling, and is easily able to balance three jobs. Therefore it’s reasonable to assume that Aizawa doesn’t realize Hizashi needs support at times as well. And to continue being fair, Hizashi doesn’t, not often anyway.
After Oboro died he had to force himself to keep himself together to take care of his best friend who all but fell apart. He didn’t have the luxury of falling apart or into depression, not if he wanted to keep his friend. He had to pull himself together emotionally, he had to move on and live his life without Oboro. He forced himself to heal, as I explained in depth here.
That’s probably why Mic is the most logical of the pair as he’s had to put aside his emotions for years to protect Aizawa.
A good thing though is that Hizashi’s work did pay off. Despite the snarky comments Aizawa makes, it is obvious that he has complete faith in Hizashi. We see this in how he trusted Hizashi to capture the doctor they needed to save Oboro. A smaller moment though is before that, on the way to see Kurogiri for the first time. Aizawa is emotionally wrecked and reaches out subtly for Hizashi to offer comfort.
There’s also the fact that Aizawa does genuinely feel relaxed in Hizashi’s presence. At Tartarus, Hizashi was able to calm Aizawa down, despite both being upset. There’s another scene in School Briefs where Aizawa—in his very Aizawa way—is shy and uncomfortable around All Might. (Not in a bad way, just a, “I don’t know what to do” way). The moment Hizashi shows up, however, Aizawa instantly relaxes and is put at ease. (Shame he’s already drunk by that point.)
In their school days, he seemed to admire Hizashi, who was Jack of trades. Even now, Aizawa respects Mic’s skills, though he spends most of his time reminding Hizashi to do his job right and not show favoritism. (Hypocrite.)
I will also say that his “rejection” of Hizashi is never cruel. He doesn’t like hanging in crowds like Hizashi does and doesn’t like the hangovers that come the next day, so it makes sense that he wouldn’t want to go out drinking. Because he works so much he’d rather spend his breaks sleeping. (Plus, his quirk tires his eyes out, something I sympathize with.) And I already stated why he can’t help Hizashi out emotionally.
So, while he doesn’t always show it or return the labor Hizashi puts in, it’s clear that Aizawa appreciates Hizashi and his efforts. And though he’s too much of tsundere to ever admit it, Shouta does care about Hizashi.
When thinking about the people he wants to protect, the ones Aizawa thinks of are Oboro AND Hizashi. Plus, Aizawa lets himself be dragged places by Hizashi. (The man brawls with villains larger than him daily, I think he could escape Hizashi if he wanted.) And even though Aizawa makes no secret he doesn’t want to be at gatherings, he doesn’t do anything to ruin anyone’s fun. He doesn't even try to leave, save a few feeble attempts. He’s not happy and finds hanging out a waste of time, but he participates to make Hizashi happy.
Despite the definite slant in their relationship in canon, it is blatantly clear that these two are close, even though they’re polar opposites. I wish both sides were explored more, and we got to see Aizawa return the care Hizashi gives him, but all in all, I love them. In my opinion, their friendship is one of the better parts of BNHA.
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